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View Full Version : Tom Homan sounds off after being attacked by Dems at border hearing

07-16-2019, 01:34 PM

I can't find the actual clip I saw of AOC BEING DUMB @STAAB where Homan has to point out to her something as simple as entering the US illegally is illegal. Now, you can call that not dumb, but if *I* was going to take on the establishment and the law, I think I'd bring a better game than not knowing WTF I was talking about or being tripped up on a "Doh".

I completely agree she and her little posse are progressive, anti-American, leftwingnut troublemakers. But they're puppets for someone who DOES have an agenda and a brain.

I'll also aggress kathianne's comment that reality is going to catch up with them. Not so's anyone would notice. Jimmy Carter was only one person in the beginning. Now look at the left. They have made their slippery slope from the 70s today's reality because everyone keeps denying the slippery slope. They're even outdoing the Doves from the 70s. I considered them misguided. I consider this crew evil and they aren't about to stop.

Reality is, there are 4 of them. Now. And they're getting all the media coverage and people believe that crap.

Disclaimer: I am not being nasty. On my second pot :cof: :)

07-16-2019, 01:42 PM

I can't find the actual clip I saw of AOC BEING DUMB @STAAB where Homan has to point out to her something as simple as entering the US illegally is illegal. Now, you can call that not dumb, but if *I* was going to take on the establishment and the law, I think I'd bring a better game than not knowing WTF I was talking about or being tripped up on a "Doh".

I completely agree she and her little posse are progressive, anti-American, leftwingnut troublemakers. But they're puppets for someone who DOES have an agenda and a brain.

I'll also aggress kathianne's comment that reality is going to catch up with them. Not so's anyone would notice. Jimmy Carter was only one person in the beginning. Now look at the left. They have made their slippery slope from the 70s today's reality because everyone keeps denying the slippery slope. They're even outdoing the Doves from the 70s. I considered them misguided. I consider this crew evil and they aren't about to stop.

Reality is, there are 4 of them. Now. And they're getting all the media coverage and people believe that crap.

Disclaimer: I am not being nasty. On my second pot :cof: :)

I watched this live , and it was disgusting . That **** literally accused this guy of not caring about dead children. And of course the fucking media thought what she did was excellent.

Too bad the Republicans in Congress are worthless shit bags who won't just stand up as a group and say "this is enough, the Democrats have been acting like little children for 3 plus years now and we're done dealing with it" and then start treating them exactly like you would treat a child.

Isn't it odd that Republicans can always find time to cricize Trump when he does or says something offensive or stupid, but very few of them will speak up against Democrats it's almost like they are in it together.................

07-16-2019, 01:44 PM
I watched this live , and it was disgusting . That **** literally accused this guy of not caring about dead children. And of course the fucking media thought what she did was excellent.

Too bad the Republicans in Congress are worthless shit bags who won't just stand up as a group and say "this is enough, the Democrats have been acting like little children for 3 plus years now and we're done dealing with it" and then start treating them exactly like you would treat a child.

Isn't it odd that Republicans can always find time to cricize Trump when he does or says something offensive or stupid, but very few of them will speak up against Democrats it's almost like they are in it together.................

I saw him at the Congressional hearing too, didn't blame him a bit. This is from FOX, likely yesterday-saw him on 3 times I think.

07-16-2019, 01:52 PM
I saw him at the Congressional hearing too, didn't blame him a bit. This is from FOX, likely yesterday-saw him on 3 times I think.The first one I saw was not this video, nor was it Fox. The one I saw had the exchange between Homan and AOC. When you click refresh page on youtube half your crap goes away :) I was originally looking for that one.

Unlike AOC, I am not even at novice-level social media :)

07-16-2019, 01:56 PM
The first one I saw was not this video, nor was it Fox. The one I saw had the exchange between Homan and AOC. When you click refresh page on youtube half your crap goes away :) I was originally looking for that one.

Unlike AOC, I am not even at novice-level social media :)

At the meeting, some was with AOC her lying all over the place. He really lost it with some guy, who did accuse him of basically being glad kids were dying and not caring.

07-16-2019, 02:04 PM
At the meeting, some was with AOC her lying all over the place. He really lost it with some guy, who did accuse him of basically being glad kids were dying and not caring.

To this day I am not aware of one single Republican member of Congress who has publicly said "you know what, we're sick of the lies, no one was told to drink out of a toilet, AOC is flat wrong on that point" and then pointed out that industrial bathrooms have toilets with sinks above them.

Another thing I wonder why no Republican has had the balls to say is "Why the hell are Democrats bitching about people who have broken the law being separated from their families, but only if those people happen to be illegal immigrants, I sure the hell haven't seen a single fucking Democrat bemoaning the fact that Paul Manafort has been separated from his family for over a year already"

Of course we will never hear anything like that because Republicans in Congress are just as disgusting and pathetic as Democrats in Congress. They despise Trump as much as the Dems do , not because of his rhetoric, or his policies, but because he represents the will of the people saying "we're tired of these politicians as usual" and if were being honest that's why Nancy Pelosi is after AOC because she represents the same damn thing , only from the extreme left.

07-16-2019, 02:15 PM
To this day I am not aware of one single Republican member of Congress who has publicly said "you know what, we're sick of the lies, no one was told to drink out of a toilet, AOC is flat wrong on that point" and then pointed out that industrial bathrooms have toilets with sinks above them.

Another thing I wonder why no Republican has had the balls to say is "Why the hell are Democrats bitching about people who have broken the law being separated from their families, but only if those people happen to be illegal immigrants, I sure the hell haven't seen a single fucking Democrat bemoaning the fact that Paul Manafort has been separated from his family for over a year already"

Of course we will never hear anything like that because Republicans in Congress are just as disgusting and pathetic as Democrats in Congress. They despise Trump as much as the Dems do , not because of his rhetoric, or his policies, but because he represents the will of the people saying "we're tired of these politicians as usual" and if were being honest that's why Nancy Pelosi is after AOC because she represents the same damn thing , only from the extreme left.

I don't know who you think brought forth those pictures of the stainless toilet/sink/fountain? It was Republicans.

Trump is not a victim of the Right, far from it.

07-16-2019, 02:29 PM
I don't know who you think brought forth those pictures of the stainless toilet/sink/fountain? It was Republicans.

Trump is not a victim of the Right, far from it.

I didn't say from the right, I said from Republican member of Congress, many of whom are most definately more concerned with "getting" Trump than anything else.

07-16-2019, 02:34 PM
I didn't say from the right, I said from Republican member of Congress, many of whom are most definately more concerned with "getting" Trump than anything else.
You’re paying way too much attention to Trump’s twittering that he’s a victim. Pretty sure it was a congressman who got the pic from someone at camp.

07-16-2019, 02:42 PM
You’re paying way too much attention to Trump’s twittering that he’s a victim. Pretty sure it was a congressman who got the pic from someone at camp.

No I haven't . I pay attention to what the scum in Washington themselves do and say. There are plenty of Republicans who hate Trump.

07-16-2019, 04:02 PM
One of the things AOC says is that she represents all those mistreated, dying people at the Border.

Since when? When did a Congresswoman of the US House of Representatives in the US Government representing her District in her US state become responsible for non-US peoples?

07-16-2019, 04:06 PM
No I haven't . I pay attention to what the scum in Washington themselves do and say. There are plenty of Republicans who hate Trump.

Actually there may be plenty that 'hate him' but they vote just the way he wants. That they don't salute I guess is cause for primarying them. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

07-17-2019, 09:46 AM
Actually there may be plenty that 'hate him' but they vote just the way he wants. That they don't salute I guess is cause for primarying them. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Exactly. Those 4 Republicans last night who voted in favor of the resoluton condemning Trump , I would see to it that they got ZERO support from the RNC in their next election bid, no money, no endorsements, nothing. In fact I would primary their asses. Not because I don't think Trump's tweets are disgusting and stupid but because I am SICK of Republicans tying one of their own god damned arms behind their backs before fighting Democrats.

Right now the Democrats are SO dangerous to this country's future that I really wouldn't care if Trump beat up AOC on the House floor , he's getting my vote in 2020. That speaks of the danger of this party that I believe is actually a criminal enterprise masquerading as a political party rather than saying I support Trump no matter what he does.

07-17-2019, 10:01 AM
Exactly. Those 4 Republicans last night who voted in favor of the resoluton condemning Trump , I would see to it that they got ZERO support from the RNC in their next election bid, no money, no endorsements, nothing. In fact I would primary their asses. Not because I don't think Trump's tweets are disgusting and stupid but because I am SICK of Republicans tying one of their own god damned arms behind their backs before fighting Democrats.

Right now the Democrats are SO dangerous to this country's future that I really wouldn't care if Trump beat up AOC on the House floor , he's getting my vote in 2020. That speaks of the danger of this party that I believe is actually a criminal enterprise masquerading as a political party rather than saying I support Trump no matter what he does.

enuf said.

07-17-2019, 10:56 AM
enuf said.

Do you think if the situation were reversed that four Democrats would have voted yes on the resolution against a Democrat President? Of course they would not have. They know better.