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07-16-2019, 06:04 PM
Does appear to be the base for bringing forward impeachment charges.

I'll ask all of you Trump supporters, is that what President wanted when he chose this road via Twitter?



The four Republicans who voted in favor of the resolution, which "strongly condemns President Donald Trump’s racist comments that have legitimized and increased fear and hatred of new Americans and people of color," were Reps. Will Hurd of Texas, Fred Upton of Michigan, Susan Brooks of Indiana and Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania. Rep. Justin Amash, who announced his departure from the Republican Party earlier this month, also voted in favor of the resolution.


07-16-2019, 06:37 PM
Does appear to be the base for bringing forward impeachment charges.

I'll ask all of you Trump supporters, is that what President wanted when he chose this road via Twitter?


To me, it is a bunch of Horse***! The crybaby Dems have been shouting for impeachment even before
his inauguration.

Sure he rankles feathers, and talks back to detractors - which is something the left is not used to.
To me? Too damn bad! There is another Sheriff in town but this one rarely backs down unless
given ample reason to do so.

07-16-2019, 06:43 PM
To me, it is a bunch of Horse***! The crybaby Dems have been shouting for impeachment even before
his inauguration.

Sure he rankles feathers, and talks back to detractors - which is something the left is not used to.
To me? Too damn bad! There is another Sheriff in town but this one rarely backs down unless
given ample reason to do so.

You're selling the sheriff short, he never backs down. Never. Right or wrong, doesn't matter. He has no room to criticize bad language, not with what he's said and written. He does have the right to emphasize the differences between how this went down, very nasty and I would say unjustified. Compare it to Omar's antisemitic attacks and getting a 'general statement' of not saying antisemitic things by members of Congress. Hers was blatant, his was implied at best.

It doesn't matter if you think it's nonsense-even if most people do, (which they don't). This is where decorum really serves a purpose. As you say, he doesn't give a rat's ass, neither do those who find absolutely no fault with anything he does.

He knows and you know and the whole freakin' Congress knows that the Dems have been yelling for impeachment since he was elected, not waiting for inauguration.

It's not right, nor fair, but not a surprise.

07-16-2019, 07:07 PM
The Dems instantly declared a resolution was needed because the President told the truth, and it was NOT racist.

Meanwhile, starting in January of this year. OMAR did exactly the same thing with all of her Anti-Jew/Anti-Semetic BS on the floor of the house of Representatives....and Dems would not mention her name as they pretended to create a resolution.

The Hypocrisy is....using the President, His name, His office, The Oval Office, Resident of the White House..by the very same Hypocrite Dems...and they are upset, and Defending OMAR...who just happens to be the one who could EASILY call all of them RACISTS....if they disagree with her????

07-16-2019, 07:11 PM
The Dems instantly declared a resolution was needed because the President told the truth, and it was NOT racist.

Meanwhile, starting in January of this year. OMAR did exactly the same thing with all of her Anti-Jew/Anti-Semetic BS on the floor of the house of Representatives....and Dems would not mention her name as they pretended to create a resolution.

The Hypocrisy is....using the President, His name, His office, The Oval Office, Resident of the White House..by the very same Hypocrite Dems...and they are upset, and Defending OMAR...who just happens to be the one who could EASILY call all of them RACISTS....if they disagree with her????

Fine, so you think the President did the right thing with his tweet? He knew what would happen and it makes good sense to you and him?

That's what I'm trying to understand. Those that wholly support him, think he made the right move?

07-16-2019, 07:53 PM
Could have a vote in House by end of the week. Green's 3rd try, but 1st since Dems have control of House. It's obvious that Pelosi is losing control, but where will this all go? There's so much anger now building on the left, as evidenced by Antifa violence against ICE resulting in one dead. Then there are threats and doxing going on more and more often.


07-16-2019, 08:30 PM
Fine, so you think the President did the right thing with his tweet? He knew what would happen and it makes good sense to you and him?

That's what I'm trying to understand. Those that wholly support him, think he made the right move?

Trump's tweets were unconventional and ill-advised, I would say, but when looked at in context they do not sound racist to me.

What he tweeted, word for word, was:
"So interesting to see 'Progressive' Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run.
Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!"

To me, his tweet is talking about Dem Congresswomen (clearly AOC, Omar, Tlaib, and the other one) that are making a lot of claims that they know exactly how the US should handle all its affairs, and he's saying that if they think they're so smart then why don't they go back and fix their home countries. He then says they should come back The fact that AOC, Tlaib and the other one were born in the US makes Trump sound foolish, but not racist. Omar is from Somalia, and Tlabi, by the way, if of Palestinian heritage and has made a big deal of being so. So Trump's tweet has some meaning that is not racist.

If you listen to CNN, they will make it sound like Trump tweeted that they should "go back where they came from", a comment that does sound racist, but it is not what he said. CNN also is physically incapable of mentioning 'Trumps tweets' without inserting the word "racist" in between. CNN is just plain yellow journalism, although I'm not sure about the "journalism" part.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-16-2019, 09:07 PM
Trump's tweets were unconventional and ill-advised, I would say, but when looked at in context they do not sound racist to me.

What he tweeted, word for word, was:
"So interesting to see 'Progressive' Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run.
Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!"

To me, his tweet is talking about Dem Congresswomen (clearly AOC, Omar, Tlaib, and the other one) that are making a lot of claims that they know exactly how the US should handle all its affairs, and he's saying that if they think they're so smart then why don't they go back and fix their home countries. He then says they should come back The fact that AOC, Tlaib and the other one were born in the US makes Trump sound foolish, but not racist. Omar is from Somalia, and Tlabi, by the way, if of Palestinian heritage and has made a big deal of being so. So Trump's tweet has some meaning that is not racist.

If you listen to CNN, they will make it sound like Trump tweeted that they should "go back where they came from", a comment that does sound racist, but it is not what he said. CNN also is physically incapable of mentioning 'Trumps tweets' without inserting the word "racist" in between. CNN is just plain yellow journalism, although I'm not sure about the "journalism" part.

Trump' s remark was ill advised but in the context in which it was given it was the truth and had meaning..
Nothing racist about it-but it can be so easily seen that now presenting truth-in any form- is going to be twisted and condemned as vile and racist/homophobic/sexist, etc--- by the damn treasonous leftist dem party and its faithful traitors!
I hate and despise them all, and hope they one day get what they so truly deserve!
And get it without even an ounce of mercy given unto them !!!
To me, their treason nullifies both their citizenship and any respect or mercy be given the ffkking maggots..--Tyr

07-16-2019, 09:23 PM
Trump's tweets were unconventional and ill-advised, I would say, but when looked at in context they do not sound racist to me.

What he tweeted, word for word, was:
"So interesting to see 'Progressive' Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run.
Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!"

To me, his tweet is talking about Dem Congresswomen (clearly AOC, Omar, Tlaib, and the other one) that are making a lot of claims that they know exactly how the US should handle all its affairs, and he's saying that if they think they're so smart then why don't they go back and fix their home countries. He then says they should come back The fact that AOC, Tlaib and the other one were born in the US makes Trump sound foolish, but not racist. Omar is from Somalia, and Tlabi, by the way, if of Palestinian heritage and has made a big deal of being so. So Trump's tweet has some meaning that is not racist.

If you listen to CNN, they will make it sound like Trump tweeted that they should "go back where they came from", a comment that does sound racist, but it is not what he said. CNN also is physically incapable of mentioning 'Trumps tweets' without inserting the word "racist" in between. CNN is just plain yellow journalism, although I'm not sure about the "journalism" part.

I already said that I agree with you, not racist. Ill advised is my take, just wasn't sure that the supporters would agree.

07-16-2019, 09:27 PM
I already said that I agree with you, not racist. Ill advised is my take, just wasn't sure that the supporters would agree.

BTW, I didn't use CNN, though NBC isn't any better. Bottom line, I think all know that the media is not favorable to Trump and will not give him any benefit of the doubt.

I've said, as you all know, that Trump is not my guy, but I try to be fair. In this case, the 'condemnation' which can easily be put into articles of impeachment, is manifestly unfair considering how the House handled Omar's many antisemitic remarks.

07-17-2019, 04:52 AM
1. Yes, the President should act more presidential at times

2. But, the Congress should have the fortitude to condemn anti-Semitic and anti-American remarks from the four stooges (Omar, Talib, AOC, and what's her name). Those remarks serve only two purposes, and both to the benefit to the person who made the remarks... 1) It gets their names in the headlines, 2) It advances their careers in the eyes of their base... AOC especially...

I don't trust any of them but, AOC, especially. She is an overly ambitious, two faced, self serving hypocrite. Whether she actually believes what she says is irrelevant... she is in love with her own notoriety and will do or say anything to get into the spot light. I doubt she has any compassion for anyone except AOC.

07-17-2019, 08:03 AM
Does appear to be the base for bringing forward impeachment charges.

I'll ask all of you Trump supporters, is that what President wanted when he chose this road via Twitter?


It's more partisan nonsense. This is provable by the fact that those same Democrats refused to condemn Omar for her comments about Israel , which were much more blatantly racist than Trump's very stupid tweets.

That being said, how do you figure last night's vote was the basis for bringing impeachment charges.

07-17-2019, 08:09 AM
It's more partisan nonsense. This is provable by the fact that those same Democrats refused to condemn Omar for her comments about Israel , which were much more blatantly racist than Trump's very stupid tweets.

That being said, how do you figure last night's vote was the basis for bringing impeachment charges.

As many have said, there are those who've been clamoring for 'impeachment' since Hillary lost. While they squealed for just that, they've been relegated to the background, with admonishments that there was nothing that could rise to the level of bringing charges.

Now they've manufactured 'racism' condemnation in order to see if that can pass the 'high crimes and misdemeanors'. Only the House can determine that, the leadership doesn't want it, but day-by-day it's becoming obvious they aren't in control.

07-17-2019, 08:43 AM
Talib can call our president a "mother fucker."
Omar can call 9/11 "some people did something."
AOC can propose the biggest farce in the history of the planet, and be praised.
And the other black thing can say that our president doesn't have the "grace" the office deserves, yet her constituent calling our president a "mother fucker" is fine.

So when the president suggests something that millions upon millions of Americans have been saying for decades, all of a sudden he's a RACIST.

The hypocrisy and double standard of the filthy democrat trash is absolutely mind numbing. They're acting like a pack of immature little vindictive grade school children who are NOT used to someone standing up to them. In the past, as soon as the left started trashing a conservative, they folded like a house of cards, tucked tail and ran. Then here comes Trump and he breaks ALL the rules. He doesn't cower, he doesn't run, he doesn't fold, in fact HE FIGHTS BACK, and they are NOT used to that. He is NOT supposed to do that. They have thrown everything at him including the kitchen sink and the man is STILL STANDING, and they just CAN'T STAND IT. The democrats have gone utterly INSANE over it. They are out of their minds unhinged, and now, "THE SQUAD," this RADICAL bunch of FRESHMAN congress women are RUNNING the democrat party. Pelosi has NO IDEA how to control these new radicals, but even her senile state, she's smart enough to know that these 4 America hating screw offs are going to ensure President Trump a second term.

The democrats have a huge problem right now. There's a massive war going on within the party and they're doing their best to keep it quiet. But there's a big war between the old school blue dog dems and the new radical green deal, America hating "squad" dems, and it's just starting to heat up. It's not going away. The democrats CREATED "the squad," and now they reap their rewards.

07-17-2019, 09:23 AM
He will not be removed from office, but regardless of how his supporters feel regarding his not using 'race' in his tweets, most people think at best this fight added to the country's problems. They find the whole mess, 'un-American.' Now it's about to get worse, with 'impeachment' being thrown into everyday discussion. I see no way that this will be good for the country and it was not necessary to pick this fight. One undeniable truth, it certainly is shaking things up.


07-17-2019, 09:27 AM
He will not be removed from office, but regardless of how his supporters feel regarding his not using 'race' in his tweets, most people think at best this fight added to the country's problems. They find the whole mess, 'un-American.' Now it's about to get worse, with 'impeachment' being thrown into everyday discussion. I see no way that this will be good for the country and it was not necessary to pick this fight. One undeniable truth, it certainly is shaking things up.


Update: I wonder if that’s what Pelosi has in mind:

https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1108426393287868423/CyLn5GVQ_normal.png (https://twitter.com/NBCNews)
NBC News


Rep. Al Green says the US House will vote between 4:30-5 p.m. ET today on his articles of impeachment for President Trump; it remains unclear if Democratic leadership will move to vote to table the resolution, vote to send to cmte. or vote to proceed with the resolution.

110 (https://twitter.com/intent/like?tweet_id=1151493383464071168)
7:06 AM - Jul 17, 2019 (https://twitter.com/NBCNews/status/1151493383464071168)
Twitter Ads info and privacy (https://support.twitter.com/articles/20175256)

99 people are talking about this


As noted above, they have to do something within two days, so all of the options are available.

07-17-2019, 09:30 AM
and the squad continues with Pelosi in any case:

https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2019/07/16/dem_rep_tlaib_to_pelosi_acknowledge_the_fact_that_ we_are_women_of_color.html

They are 'victims' and on the front... :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

07-17-2019, 09:30 AM
Update: I wonder if that’s what Pelosi has in mind:

https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1108426393287868423/CyLn5GVQ_normal.png (https://twitter.com/NBCNews)
NBC News


Rep. Al Green says the US House will vote between 4:30-5 p.m. ET today on his articles of impeachment for President Trump; it remains unclear if Democratic leadership will move to vote to table the resolution, vote to send to cmte. or vote to proceed with the resolution.

110 (https://twitter.com/intent/like?tweet_id=1151493383464071168)
7:06 AM - Jul 17, 2019 (https://twitter.com/NBCNews/status/1151493383464071168)
Twitter Ads info and privacy (https://support.twitter.com/articles/20175256)

99 people are talking about this


As noted above, they have to do something within two days, so all of the options are available.

Isn't this like the 3rd or 4th time this moron has introduced articles of impeachment? Who keeps reelecting these useless twats?

07-17-2019, 10:15 AM
Update: I wonder if that’s what Pelosi has in mind:

https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1108426393287868423/CyLn5GVQ_normal.png (https://twitter.com/NBCNews)
NBC News
Rep. Al Green says the US House will vote between 4:30-5 p.m. ET today on his articles of impeachment for President Trump; it remains unclear if Democratic leadership will move to vote to table the resolution, vote to send to cmte. or vote to proceed with the resolution.

110 (https://twitter.com/intent/like?tweet_id=1151493383464071168)
7:06 AM - Jul 17, 2019 (https://twitter.com/NBCNews/status/1151493383464071168).

and another update:

Update: Politics makes strange bedfellows. According to Politico (https://www.politico.com/story/2019/07/17/house-to-vote-on-whether-to-consider-articles-of-impeachment-for-trump-1417991), House Republicans might side with Green — on the procedural motions, anyway:

House leaders are likely to sideline Green’s measure with their own procedural vote: either moving to table his articles and delay them or to bottle them up in the Judiciary Committee. Green has said he’ll oppose either move, but a majority of Democrats are expected to side with leadership.

Republicans are likely to join Democrats in moving to derail the measure, but Democrats are warily watching to see if Republicans consider any procedural trickery and join Green in opposing a delay and forcing the House to take an up-or-down vote on the articles of impeachment.

The shorter version of this is: Will Republicans pounce? And it’s not at all clear that sending the bill to Judiciary would “bottle up” anything. Nadler’s been agitating for impeachment too, although he’s been loyal to Pelosi in public. But this has all the earmarks of a very fun afternoon, so stay tuned.

Meanwhile, Pelosi’s about as excited at this prospect as you’d imagine.

https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1036076785312718849/DqKNeMaJ_normal.jpg (https://twitter.com/mkraju)
Manu Raju
· 21m


Al Green on why today for his push on an articles of impeachment: "As a result of what we did yesterday, the president suffers no harm, he doesn't have to pay any fine, he's not going to lose his job. But today, we have the opportunity to punish."

https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D_r2kgKXUAAm3Jf?format=jpg&name=small (https://twitter.com/mkraju/status/1151503769575669760)

https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1036076785312718849/DqKNeMaJ_normal.jpg (https://twitter.com/mkraju)
Manu Raju

Pelosi to reporters on whether she supports Green resolution: “No. Does that come as a surprise to you?” per @morgan_rimmer (https://twitter.com/morgan_rimmer)

7:52 AM - Jul 17, 2019 (https://twitter.com/mkraju/status/1151505061396320257)

07-17-2019, 11:26 AM
and another update:

If Republican were smart, and they aren't, they would stand aside and do nothing to prevent this vote from happening.

Abbey Marie
07-17-2019, 01:19 PM
Impeaching a President for a tweet. You seriously can’t make this stuff up.

07-17-2019, 01:23 PM
Impeaching a President for a tweet. You seriously can’t make this stuff up.

Condemning him when they do and say worse almost daily. Can't make that up either.

Democrats are without question the most dishonest piles of shit to ever walk the Earth. I can't even remember the last time a DC Democrat said something and I believed they were telling the truth at face value.

07-17-2019, 01:27 PM
and a president who communicates his frustrations, his wishes, his anger at others via tweets?

He chose to run and govern as unconventional and he certainly is. Thus so follows what follows.

I think this whole mess was unnecessary, but it was the path chosen. Now where it goes?

If I believe some of my friends, Trump will come out fine, he's controlling all the pieces.

07-17-2019, 01:30 PM
Now, who's the bigot? Plenty of blame:




07-17-2019, 02:02 PM
and a president who communicates his frustrations, his wishes, his anger at others via tweets?

He chose to run and govern as unconventional and he certainly is. Thus so follows what follows.

I think this whole mess was unnecessary, but it was the path chosen. Now where it goes?

If I believe some of my friends, Trump will come out fine, he's controlling all the pieces.

Again though, and this relates to your later post in this thread as well. Plenty of people on the right are placing blame on Trump , I'm talking about voters, pundits on TV, and other elected Republicans. Who other than conservatives do you see saying ANYTHING about the "squad's" part in any of this? That is , of late, the entire problem this is not an issue of Trump is a mean bully picking on people who have done no wrong.

And as I said the other day, if I were Trump I'd be plenty pissed about the way I have been treated since winning the 2016 election. The man doesn't get one single day off from the relentless and totally uncalled for attacks. Not one. Even when he does something good, you KNOW the Dems are going to find fault. Even when the Dems caused the god damned problem to begin with and Trump is simply trying to fix things there is the media riling up their base with lies . To be honest with you, I'd have reacted with far worse than a few nasty tweet. Here's a few steps I would have taken if I were Trump to combat this bullshit.

1. CNN and a few other media outlets would be perona non grata to my administration. For sure they would not be barred from the White House, but they would sit there never getting called on for a question, no interviews, no off the record remarks, nothing. They would completely be wasting their time and money sending a reporter to any STTAB Administration press conferences

2. I would have made my tax returns public my first day in office, I would have also ordered the IRS to audit the last 10 years of not only my returns but the returns of every member of Congress

3. I would have flooded so called sanctuary cities with federal agents and arrested every illegal alien I came across, along with everyne who was employing them or renting to them or whatever. Even if they weren't guilty of any crimes beyond coming into the country illegally to begin with I would push for the deportation. This would have started on day 2 of my Administration

4. I would have declared a national emergency and sent the Army Corp of Engineers in to build a fucking wall where it makes sense a long our southern border. I would have further federalized the National Guard in CA, NM, AZ, and TX and put them along the border with orders to turn people around at the border, not detain them and bring them to some center, but to simply turn them around. If say the Governor of CA would have tried to countermand that order I would have had the FBI arrest him for treason.

4a I would have ignored any federal court that tried to rulle that the President of the US couldn't do what the law clearly allows him to do.

5. I would have ordered my attorney general to reopen the Hillary Clinton investigation, double jeapordy wouldn't have been an issue because that only applies to actually being tried for a crime. She was never even arrested.

6. I would have declared ANTIFA a domestic terror group and arrested and charged anyone who was part of ANTIFA or offered them any sort of support. Being an enemy of the US, they and their supporters would be subject to treason charges , and I'd order the Justice Department to seek the death penalty for such.

Well, that's just a start .

I'm beginning to wonder if Trump is really in this to make America better again, or if he's just stroking his massive ego. I hate to say that but it's true, the fucking Democrats and all their scum supporters need to be put down and put down hard. It doesn't seem like Trump is the man for that job.

07-17-2019, 02:36 PM
I doubt I'll be voting for you, either. ;)

I find the 4 worse than what Trump wrote, already stated thus.

Does make one wonder, with all his emphasis on illegal immigration and such, WHY is ICE running behind the Obama, Bush, and Clinton numbers in sending those convicted back? Why announce the 'raids' are going to happen, if your goal is to be effective?

07-17-2019, 02:56 PM
I doubt I'll be voting for you, either. ;)

I find the 4 worse than what Trump wrote, already stated thus.

Does make one wonder, with all his emphasis on illegal immigration and such, WHY is ICE running behind the Obama, Bush, and Clinton numbers in sending those convicted back? Why announce the 'raids' are going to happen, if your goal is to be effective?

LOL this is why the teachers who dont have the students as their number one priority hate me , but parents love me. If you don't meet your obligations, I'm a dick. If you do what you're supposed to I'll back you 100%. Congress sucks, simple as that.

And I know you find the 4 to be worse than Trump and that you agree that the media is completely biased. You should also know that I have already given my opinion that Trump announced these raids to appease his base and that I don't think he's at all serious about deportations except as a political talking point and the fact that he's actually deported less people than Obama did at this same point in his first term proves that.

07-17-2019, 03:24 PM
LOL this is why the teachers who dont have the students as their number one priority hate me , but parents love me. If you don't meet your obligations, I'm a dick. If you do what you're supposed to I'll back you 100%. Congress sucks, simple as that.

And I know you find the 4 to be worse than Trump and that you agree that the media is completely biased. You should also know that I have already given my opinion that Trump announced these raids to appease his base and that I don't think he's at all serious about deportations except as a political talking point and the fact that he's actually deported less people than Obama did at this same point in his first term proves that.

I'm trying to figure out whether or not you're identifying me with the bad teachers or the parents? (I'm assuming you are talking about all excellent parents and you can read into the hearts of all teachers?)

Yeah, a bit skeptical on that one. ;)

So basically, Trump is as much blustering ego as any other pol, including the idiots in Congress, at least regarding deportation in your opinion?

07-17-2019, 05:40 PM
What I think is "Nothing". I've watched Trump for close to 3 years box himself into corners with me thinking each time "he's bought it this time" only for him to come waltzing out smelling like a rose. It does not make logical sense to me though the aforementioned seems to be his MO, that's about as far outguessing him goes.

The issue is moot. I'm with STAAB on the 2020 vote. It isn't who I'm voting for that matters. It's who I am voting against. If Trump is once again the Republican candidate, he's got my vote.

07-17-2019, 06:57 PM
BTW, I didn't use CNN, though NBC isn't any better. Bottom line, I think all know that the media is not favorable to Trump and will not give him any benefit of the doubt.

I've said, as you all know, that Trump is not my guy, but I try to be fair. In this case, the 'condemnation' which can easily be put into articles of impeachment, is manifestly unfair considering how the House handled Omar's many antisemitic remarks.

I can't not use CNN as an example of irresponsible, slanted, yellow journalism. My workplace occasionally has a tv screen running during the day on CNN, and yesterday they left up a caption "Trump's Racist Tweets" pretty much constantly. Racist not even in quote marks - as if the word 'racist' was a fact, not the slanted opinion of CNN that it really is. At the same time, CNN talks about Jussie Smollett saying he "allegedly" staged his own mugging. They are such a crock.

I would be much happier with a child of mine if they cleaned public lavatories for a living than if they were the lead anchor for CNN. At least there is some dignity and integrity in doing an honest days work in the public lavatories. There is none at CNN.

07-17-2019, 07:04 PM
He will not be removed from office, but regardless of how his supporters feel regarding his not using 'race' in his tweets, most people think at best this fight added to the country's problems. They find the whole mess, 'un-American.' Now it's about to get worse, with 'impeachment' being thrown into everyday discussion. I see no way that this will be good for the country and it was not necessary to pick this fight. One undeniable truth, it certainly is shaking things up.

The Dems seem to think that a President can be impeached for any reason at all, or no reason. I understand them despising Trump, but their foolish use of the impeachment process just makes them look like childish idiots.

How about this - let's introduce a resolution in Congress right now to "impeach the next Democrat President of the United States the day after their inauguration, whoever and whenever that may be". The resolution would be equally valid with the stoopid impeachment proceedings that the Dems are doing right now. Whoever that is has committed just as many impeachable offenses as Trump.

07-17-2019, 07:07 PM
Isn't this like the 3rd or 4th time this moron has introduced articles of impeachment? Who keeps reelecting these useless twats?

Amen. All a moron needs to do to get into Congress is just live in a district that is 51% (or more) moron voters. America has plenty of districts like that.

07-17-2019, 07:13 PM
1. CNN and a few other media outlets would be perona non grata to my administration. For sure they would not be barred from the White House, but they would sit there never getting called on for a question, no interviews, no off the record remarks, nothing. They would completely be wasting their time and money sending a reporter to any STTAB Administration press conferences

2. I would have made my tax returns public my first day in office, I would have also ordered the IRS to audit the last 10 years of not only my returns but the returns of every member of Congress

5. I would have ordered my attorney general to reopen the Hillary Clinton investigation, double jeapordy wouldn't have been an issue because that only applies to actually being tried for a crime. She was never even arrested.

6. I would have declared ANTIFA a domestic terror group and arrested and charged anyone who was part of ANTIFA or offered them any sort of support. Being an enemy of the US, they and their supporters would be subject to treason charges , and I'd order the Justice Department to seek the death penalty for such.

I like these ideas

07-17-2019, 07:23 PM
Take a step back when you hear the President say anything that riles up the Democrats, and Trump haters, and THINK...."He's the first president who has the courage, and convictions to SAY....WHAT MOST OF US WISH WE COULD SAY!"

That is why he is so popular. Okay. So, some of us would never talk like he does. But then. How many times have we all (privately thought to ourselves....."Wish I had said that. It's exactly what I was thinking!"

This is why the Dems hate him so much. He's not afraid to say WHAT HE THINKS, AND BELIEVES.

Then, they say it is Un-Presidential. So, would you rather have another OBAMA, APOLOGY, APPEASER in the White House?

Abbey Marie
07-17-2019, 11:15 PM
Again though, and this relates to your later post in this thread as well. Plenty of people on the right are placing blame on Trump , I'm talking about voters, pundits on TV, and other elected Republicans. Who other than conservatives do you see saying ANYTHING about the "squad's" part in any of this? That is , of late, the entire problem this is not an issue of Trump is a mean bully picking on people who have done no wrong.

And as I said the other day, if I were Trump I'd be plenty pissed about the way I have been treated since winning the 2016 election. The man doesn't get one single day off from the relentless and totally uncalled for attacks. Not one. Even when he does something good, you KNOW the Dems are going to find fault. Even when the Dems caused the god damned problem to begin with and Trump is simply trying to fix things there is the media riling up their base with lies . To be honest with you, I'd have reacted with far worse than a few nasty tweet. Here's a few steps I would have taken if I were Trump to combat this bullshit.

1. CNN and a few other media outlets would be perona non grata to my administration. For sure they would not be barred from the White House, but they would sit there never getting called on for a question, no interviews, no off the record remarks, nothing. They would completely be wasting their time and money sending a reporter to any STTAB Administration press conferences

2. I would have made my tax returns public my first day in office, I would have also ordered the IRS to audit the last 10 years of not only my returns but the returns of every member of Congress

3. I would have flooded so called sanctuary cities with federal agents and arrested every illegal alien I came across, along with everyne who was employing them or renting to them or whatever. Even if they weren't guilty of any crimes beyond coming into the country illegally to begin with I would push for the deportation. This would have started on day 2 of my Administration

4. I would have declared a national emergency and sent the Army Corp of Engineers in to build a fucking wall where it makes sense a long our southern border. I would have further federalized the National Guard in CA, NM, AZ, and TX and put them along the border with orders to turn people around at the border, not detain them and bring them to some center, but to simply turn them around. If say the Governor of CA would have tried to countermand that order I would have had the FBI arrest him for treason.

4a I would have ignored any federal court that tried to rulle that the President of the US couldn't do what the law clearly allows him to do.

5. I would have ordered my attorney general to reopen the Hillary Clinton investigation, double jeapordy wouldn't have been an issue because that only applies to actually being tried for a crime. She was never even arrested.

6. I would have declared ANTIFA a domestic terror group and arrested and charged anyone who was part of ANTIFA or offered them any sort of support. Being an enemy of the US, they and their supporters would be subject to treason charges , and I'd order the Justice Department to seek the death penalty for such.

Well, that's just a start .


It’s a damn good start.

07-18-2019, 08:19 AM
I'm trying to figure out whether or not you're identifying me with the bad teachers or the parents? (I'm assuming you are talking about all excellent parents and you can read into the hearts of all teachers?)

Yeah, a bit skeptical on that one. ;)

So basically, Trump is as much blustering ego as any other pol, including the idiots in Congress, at least regarding deportation in your opinion?

Kath , we've discussed matters related to you being a teacher long enough for you to know that I think you sound like one of the teachers I'm happy to have, so my comments don't apply to you. In fact I rather think you would appreciate me as a school member at the school you teach at, because EVERY decision I make as a school board member is based on what's best for the children in my school. And when I say EVERY decision, I mean EVERY decision. I really don't care if Administrators, teachers, parents, or even the state gets mad at me. I am responsible for doing what is best for the students even if that ultimately leads to me not being reelected to the school board, and that is precisely the attitude I have, and I don't apologize for that to anyone.

Last year I won reelection my third 5 year term. On balance I think most people around here appreciate a person who is willing to risk their position to do what they feel is right.

I honestly thought Trump might be a kindred spirit in that regard, but there are so many areas in which he has caved for political reasons that I don't believe that way any more.

I'm still voting for him in 2020 though, because the alternative is chaos.