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View Full Version : ‘The President Won This One’ — ‘Squad’ Hurting the Party

07-18-2019, 06:05 AM
Democrats Admit to CNN’s Tapper: ‘The President Won This One’ — ‘Squad’ Hurting the Party

“The president won this one,” said an unnamed Democrat politician of President Donald Trump’s “showdown” with the Democrat “Squad” of Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), and Rashia Tlaib (D-MI), according to claims made by CNN’s Jake Tapper on Wednesday.

Trump’s implicit criticisms of Omar — describing the Somali immigrant-turned-politician as an America-hating antisemite — triggered a broad partisan Democrat coalescence around her and other “Justice Democrats” in the aforementioned squad. High unfavorability ratings among Ocasio-Cortez, Omar, Pressley, and Tlaib amounted to a political win for Trump, according to Tapper’s claims.

Trump also highlighted Ocasio-Cortez’s support for blocking a now-defunct Amazon proposal to build headquarters in New York City, NY.

Tapper took to Twitter to make his claims about discussions with four Democrat politicians he says spoke with him on condition of anonymity:


Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/07/17/democrats-admit-to-cnns-tapper-the-president-won-this-one-squad-hurting-the-party/

07-18-2019, 07:47 AM
Ya know, I heard Rush Limbaugh say that's what President Trump was doing days ago. It was a brilliant move on Trump's part. He forced the democrats to OWN these four ultra radical little pieces of America hating trash, and I don't believe Trump had any adviser advise him to do it, I think he's just that smart. I'm convinced people sell Trump short. I think he's a lot smarter and cunning than many give him credit for. I think he has great instincts for politics. You don't become a billionaire on your own if you're a dumbass either. He's got brains, and he's got guts, and we couldn't have a better person for the job in the white house at this point in time. We need a brawler, because the democrats have gone full blown radical. They pulled out all the stops and even tried to set him up to take him out. Had we elected any lesser president, we'd be screwed and the democrats would have already won. I thank God daily we have PRESIDENT Trump.

07-18-2019, 10:17 AM
Trump didn't plan this out. He got mad at something he saw on TV and tweeted out an angry response. The rest is just spin "oh yeah this was his plan all along" LOL