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07-18-2019, 06:18 AM
And I wish she would go to Somalia.


Trump Rally Chants ‘Send Her Back’ After President Slams Ilhan Omar


Attendees of President Donald Trump’s rally in Greenville, North Carolina, chanted “send her back” after the president slammed Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-MN) repeated criticism of the United States on Wednesday evening.

“Omar has a history of launching vicious screeds,” the president said to chants of “send her back.”

Prior to the chants, President Trump listed off various critical statements that Omar previously said about the country, including her trivialization of the September 11th, 2001, terrorist attacks.

“She smeared U.S. service members involved in Black Hawk Down. In other words, she slandered the brave Americans who were trying to keep peace in Solomila,” President Trump said.

“Omar minimized the September 11th attacks on our homeland, saying “some people did something,” the president recalled.

“I don’t think,” he determined.

President Trump then ripped into Omar for her lenient stance on attempted ISIS recruits and mocking the threat of Al-Qaeda.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/07/17/watch-trump-rally-chants-send-her-back-after-president-slams-ilhan-omar/

07-18-2019, 06:26 AM
I was going to say that the democrats and others and the media would blame trump for the chant even though he said nothing other than condemning her for the truth but they beat me to it. :rolleyes:

By the end of tomorrow they will start claiming that it was his direct comments.

Can't wait until next week, when the squad starts with how the president directly threatened Omar. You'll see. And she IS an anti semite and anti-American, IMO.


Social Media Outrage Erupts as Trump Rally Chants ‘Send Her Back’ at Ilhan Omar

Social media erupted with criticism on Wednesday evening after some in the crowd at a campaign rally for Donald Trump in Greenville, North Carolina, chanted “Send her back!” after the president criticized Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN).

The chant was short-lived, and began as President Trump began criticizing Omar for her history of antisemitic comments. Trump did not appear to anticipate the chant, or to encourage it, and did not react to it in real time.

Reaction to the chant sent “#TrumpRally” to the top of Twitter trends in the United States. Democrats were aghast:





Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/07/17/media-outrage-erupts-as-trump-rally-chants-send-her-back-at-ilhan-omar/

07-18-2019, 08:19 AM
This little America hating muslim skank, Omar... married her BROTHER, and has some SERIOUS tax and campaign finance problems, but you don't hear anything about it. Why?

I think she should be sent back, and I'm serious. I think she's broken enough of our laws and shown enough contempt for America that she should have her citizenship revoked and sent back to the Somalian shit hole she came from.

07-18-2019, 11:17 AM
This is how America feels... and president Trump knows it and taps into it. That seems to be what pundits, analysts and other talking heads just don't get, but I attribute that to the apparent bubble they ALL reside in. When you never talk to normal Americans in small town, rural, fly over country, then you really DON'T KNOW. But somehow, Trump does, and I think it's just his outstanding instincts. So when the crowd chants, "SEND HER BACK," Trump knows damn well it's a winner to suggest it, and when I hear others say idiotic things like, "oh that was really just a bad choice of words," pfft... no, it wasn't, it was BRILLIANT, and you don't know what the hell you're talking about...

Trump blasts 4 congresswomen; crowd roars, ‘Send her back!’


07-18-2019, 11:22 AM
It's disgusting that people were chanting that and that Trump encourages it. That kind of talk is going to lead to violence.

But the bullshit crying from the media when they totally ignore all the dishonest disgusting things Democrats do and say is beyond terrible. Ilmar Omar couldn't even say "yes I condemn the recent attack on the ICE facility in Washington" when asked directly. She just pretended like the guy didn't even say anything. Can you or anyone else here imagine if a Republican did similar in regards to a conservative terror group doing something similar? The media would be apoplectic.

07-18-2019, 11:27 AM
It's disgusting that people were chanting that and that Trump encourages it. That kind of talk is going to lead to violence.

But the bullshit crying from the media when they totally ignore all the dishonest disgusting things Democrats do and say is beyond terrible. Ilmar Omar couldn't even say "yes I condemn the recent attack on the ICE facility in Washington" when asked directly. She just pretended like the guy didn't even say anything. Can you or anyone else here imagine if a Republican did similar in regards to a conservative terror group doing something similar? The media would be apoplectic.

and her antisemitism, which to this day the media has minimized.


07-18-2019, 11:58 AM
President Trump just disavowed the chants from last night in NC. He got the jump on the squad not disavowing either antifa or the flag brohaha in CO.

07-18-2019, 11:59 AM
President Trump just disavowed the chants from last night in NC. He got the jump on the squad not disavowing either antifa or the flag brohaha in CO.

Well, except that other than a few minor outlets, no one is even asking them to disavow.

07-18-2019, 12:01 PM
Well, except that other than a few minor outlets, no one is even asking them to disavow.

Actually the reporters did yesterday of 3 of the 4 yesterday in the House.

07-18-2019, 12:10 PM
Actually the reporters did yesterday of 3 of the 4 yesterday in the House.

Were they reporters from CNN, NBC, ABC, the New York Times, or anyone of that caliber? If they were I'm shocked.

07-18-2019, 12:12 PM
Were they reporters from CNN, NBC, ABC, the New York Times, or anyone of that caliber? If they were I'm shocked.

They were in a hallway, couldn't see who was asking what.

07-18-2019, 12:15 PM
They were in a hallway, couldn't see who was asking what.

Yes I saw those clips and there was no chiron on the screen or any network stamp or anything, which makes me believe they were smaller news outlets . I don't picture Don Lemon interviewing one of those four and asking them to condemn ANTIFA violence, for example.

07-18-2019, 12:18 PM
Yes I saw those clips and there was no chiron on the screen or any network stamp or anything, which makes me believe they were smaller news outlets . I don't picture Don Lemon interviewing one of those four and asking them to condemn ANTIFA violence, for example.

Blah. Trump favors FOX and OAN, though he does get tingles when NYT writes anything even close to non-derogatory.

Seriously, when one is seeing the questions on TV, it doesn't matter which outlet is asking.

07-18-2019, 12:26 PM
Blah. Trump favors FOX and OAN, though he does get tingles when NYT writes anything even close to non-derogatory.

Seriously, when one is seeing the questions on TV, it doesn't matter which outlet is asking.

I disagree. These larger news outlets no longer simply report the news, they make the news. They decide what Americans are going to know . Did ANY of the big networks other than Fox broadcast those questions? If not then mostly only Fox viewers even saw those women ducking the question and so they don't even bother contrasting . And on the flip side, did any network other than Fox report that Trump denounced the "send her back" chants"

I'm really starting to come to the opinion all of these news outlets need to be cracked down on. There is ZERO question that CNN, for example, has some culpability in the violence we have seen by the left over the last few years. They have created a toxic environment which allowed these people an excuse to be violent, and they cheer them on.

07-18-2019, 12:30 PM
I disagree. These larger news outlets no longer simply report the news, they make the news. They decide what Americans are going to know . Did ANY of the big networks other than Fox broadcast those questions? If not then mostly only Fox viewers even saw those women ducking the question and so they don't even bother contrasting . And on the flip side, did any network other than Fox report that Trump denounced the "send her back" chants"

I'm really starting to come to the opinion all of these news outlets need to be cracked down on. There is ZERO question that CNN, for example, has some culpability in the violence we have seen by the left over the last few years. They have created a toxic environment which allowed these people an excuse to be violent, and they cheer them on.

I can agree with that to a point. Like I've said so many, many times, the MSM does carry nearly all stories that so many swear they are ignoring. Truth is they don't carry them with the bells and whistles they want. Indeed, they downplay and do not repeat.

That has always been the lot of non-Democrat President. Yes, they dislike President Trump more, understandable. ;)

07-18-2019, 12:39 PM
I can agree with that to a point. Like I've said so many, many times, the MSM does carry nearly all stories that so many swear they are ignoring. Truth is they don't carry them with the bells and whistles they want. Indeed, they downplay and do not repeat.

That has always been the lot of non-Democrat President. Yes, they dislike President Trump more, understandable. ;)

I never have believed that they dislike Trump. They don't. If Trump were a Democrat espousing their views but the same exact behaviors as he now is, they would love him. We actually have a controlled experiment which proves I'm right. The squad, and especially AOC are a direct mirror of Trump's worse impulses and traits They are truly awful people, but they hold the right political opinions so they get a pass..

What the DC insiders and the media hate is who Trump represents. You can hate Trump for his behaviors, but you can not deny that he is truly concerned about the welfare of the little guy. Washington DC and those in power hate that. Every day Americans waking up en masse and saying "WTF, why have we been tolerating this?" is there worse nightmare.

Do you REALLY think any of them believe Trump colluded with Russia? Or that he's a racist, or a sexist, or a bigot of any sort? Do you REALLY believe that any of these reporters believe that Trump telling some guy 15 years ago that because he is rich he can grab woen by the pussy and they don't mind means he's a rapist? For that matter, do you believe that one single person involved in the Kavanaugh accusations believed ANY OF IT?

The answer to ALL of those questions is obviously no. Again we saw that this week, AOC absolutely positively accused Nancy Pelosi of racism. She of course denies that, but any thinking person knows that is exactly what she did. Do you think AOC actually believes Pelosi ir a a racist? Of course she doesn't, but that doesn't matter, what matters is did it work?

I REALLY wish Trump could have just kept his mouth shut after stating that Pelosi isn't a racist.

07-18-2019, 12:42 PM
I never have believed that they dislike Trump. They don't. If Trump were a Democrat espousing their views but the same exact behaviors as he now is, they would love him. We actually have a controlled experiment which proves I'm right. The squad, and especially AOC are a direct mirror of Trump's worse impulses and traits They are truly awful people, but they hold the right political opinions so they get a pass..

What the DC insiders and the media hate is who Trump represents. You can hate Trump for his behaviors, but you can not deny that he is truly concerned about the welfare of the little guy. Washington DC and those in power hate that. Every day Americans waking up en masse and saying "WTF, why have we been tolerating this?" is there worse nightmare.

Do you REALLY think any of them believe Trump colluded with Russia? Or that he's a racist, or a sexist, or a bigot of any sort? Do you REALLY believe that any of these reporters believe that Trump telling some guy 15 years ago that because he is rich he can grab woen by the pussy and they don't mind means he's a rapist? For that matter, do you believe that one single person involved in the Kavanaugh accusations believed ANY OF IT?

The answer to ALL of those questions is obviously no. Again we saw that this week, AOC absolutely positively accused Nancy Pelosi of racism. She of course denies that, but any thinking person knows that is exactly what she did. Do you think AOC actually believes Pelosi ir a a racist? Of course she doesn't, but that doesn't matter, what matters is did it work?

I REALLY wish Trump could have just kept his mouth shut after stating that Pelosi isn't a racist.

Well I may be wrong, but it seems you just answered your own semi-query to me about the media covering democrats.

07-18-2019, 12:44 PM
Well I may be wrong, but it seems you just answered your own semi-query to me about the media covering democrats.

That question was, of course, rhetorical, but you totally ignored all my other questions in the very post that you quoted.

07-18-2019, 12:46 PM
That question was, of course, rhetorical, but you totally ignored all my other questions in the very post that you quoted.

Then I am missing your point, for the answer that they are against any Republican seemed to answer all your observations/questions.

07-18-2019, 12:52 PM
Then I am missing your point, for the answer that they are against any Republican seemed to answer all your observations/questions.

I don't care that they are against them. I care that they are dishonest about it, and unfortunately the vast majority of Americans are stupid and by into their dishonesty.

For example, IRS statistics prove BEYOND question that 80% of US households are paying a lower percentage in terms of federal income tax than they were prior the the last round of Trump led tax cuts. This number is a hard fact. It can't be disputed.

But the MSM has spent so much time convincing Americans that they are paying MORE in taxes after the tax cut that fully 50% of people surveyed said their taxes went up and not down since the tax cuts took effect.

Now , you would think that people would be smart enough to say "wait a minute I actually have more money in my pocket each week and at the end of the year when I file my taxes the numbers prove I'm paying a lower percentage" but the media has actually convinced these people to ignore the facts that they can see right in their own damn bank accounts each week.

Now let me ask you this Kath, we just spent $40M on an investigation into Russia using FB to spread fake news to influence our elections, fundamentally what is the difference if it is Russia spreading fake news to influence our election or if it is Time Warner spreading fake news to influence our elections?

And of course CNN is just one example.

07-18-2019, 01:03 PM
I don't care that they are against them. I care that they are dishonest about it, and unfortunately the vast majority of Americans are stupid and by into their dishonesty.

For example, IRS statistics prove BEYOND question that 80% of US households are paying a lower percentage in terms of federal income tax than they were prior the the last round of Trump led tax cuts. This number is a hard fact. It can't be disputed.

But the MSM has spent so much time convincing Americans that they are paying MORE in taxes after the tax cut that fully 50% of people surveyed said their taxes went up and not down since the tax cuts took effect.

Now , you would think that people would be smart enough to say "wait a minute I actually have more money in my pocket each week and at the end of the year when I file my taxes the numbers prove I'm paying a lower percentage" but the media has actually convinced these people to ignore the facts that they can see right in their own damn bank accounts each week.

Now let me ask you this Kath, we just spent $40M on an investigation into Russia using FB to spread fake news to influence our elections, fundamentally what is the difference if it is Russia spreading fake news to influence our election or if it is Time Warner spreading fake news to influence our elections?

And of course CNN is just one example.

Ok, assuming everything you say is true, what exactly are you looking for?

07-18-2019, 01:08 PM
Ok, assuming everything you say is true, what exactly are you looking for?

Assuming? It is true. I can provide links if we need to.

As for what I'm looking , well ultimately what I would want is a more educated voting population, and yes that mean I don't believe voting should be universal. If you are so stupid that you can't even look at your own fucking bank statement each month and compare it to the prior year and say "yeah they are lying, I paid less in taxes last year" I most certainly do not want you voting on anything that may affect my family.

Dumb fucks like well any member of the Congressional Black Caucus don't just magically appear in Congress, other dumb fucks elected them, and keep reelecting them. THAT is where we need to make changes.

07-18-2019, 01:11 PM
Assuming? It is true. I can provide links if we need to.

As for what I'm looking , well ultimately what I would want is a more educated voting population, and yes that mean I don't believe voting should be universal. If you are so stupid that you can't even look at your own fucking bank statement each month and compare it to the prior year and say "yeah they are lying, I paid less in taxes last year" I most certainly do not want you voting on anything that may affect my family.

Dumb fucks like well any member of the Congressional Black Caucus don't just magically appear in Congress, other dumb fucks elected them, and keep reelecting them. THAT is where we need to make changes.

Again, not sure what you are looking for as an answer on a messageboard? Perhaps you should look at doing podcasts or something?

07-18-2019, 01:15 PM
I think Trump would be 0% responsible if folks got violent in some manner. im surprised folks havent over the left's behavior and support, who they support, other anti-American actions/words..... but many only bring up any concern about actions/reactions - when it's Trump. And as noted already, he disavowed anyway. but short of promoting violence, mentioning violence... he didnt even make the comments/chants let alone promote violence.

the dems have spoken out about Trump supporters directly, calling us racists, deplorables, violent, bible hugging, crazy gun owners... but barely ever a peep/concern from folks about potential violence towards any of us based on them presenting such as a fact.

my opinion only :)

07-18-2019, 01:27 PM
I think Trump would be 0% responsible if folks got violent in some manner. im surprised folks havent over the left's behavior and support, who they support, other anti-American actions/words..... but many only bring up any concern about actions/reactions - when it's Trump. And as noted already, he disavowed anyway. but short of promoting violence, mentioning violence... he didnt even make the comments/chants let alone promote violence.

the dems have spoken out about Trump supporters directly, calling us racists, deplorables, violent, bible hugging, crazy gun owners... but barely ever a peep/concern from folks about potential violence towards any of us based on them presenting such as a fact.

my opinion only :)
Your opinion is based on fact, Jim. The left has been and IS violent, look at ANTIFA. But their propaganda wing COMPLETELY IGNORES IT, and that's a fact. They drum up ridiculous accusations of right wing violence when it's virtually nonexistent, but all the violence that DOES happen from radical leftists they ignore like the plague. I don't see how anyone can honestly deny that.

I've got plenty of examples of it right here...


... and there's plenty more where that came from.

07-18-2019, 02:05 PM
Again, not sure what you are looking for as an answer on a messageboard? Perhaps you should look at doing podcasts or something?

I stick to the local level of trying to make changes. That's my entire reasoning for staying on the school board. It's a totally thankless volunteer position, but if I can just help provide an environment that produces a more thoughtful electorate I'm okay with it.

07-18-2019, 02:07 PM
I stick to the local level of trying to make changes. That's my entire reasoning for staying on the school board. It's a totally thankless volunteer position, but if I can just help provide an environment that produces a more thoughtful electorate I'm okay with it.

That makes total sense to me, I'm of the same mindset as far as local. However, I don't ask people to give me global or national issues that I can't expect them to answer.

07-18-2019, 02:15 PM
That makes total sense to me, I'm of the same mindset as far as local. However, I don't ask people to give me global or national issues that I can't expect them to answer.

It's a national issue that needs to be solved locally, at each level. I mean I can contribute to making the kids as smart as hell in my local school district, that doesn't get Maxine Waters out of office.

And besides, were just discussing on a message board anyway. isn't that what the board is for? Though today it feels like it's just you and me discussing LOL

07-18-2019, 02:16 PM
It's a national issue that needs to be solved locally, at each level. I mean I can contribute to making the kids as smart as hell in my local school district, that doesn't get Maxine Waters out of office.

And besides, were just discussing on a message board anyway. isn't that what the board is for? Though today it feels like it's just you and me discussing LOL

I can't vote for or against Maxine, but if you can, you should.

07-18-2019, 02:31 PM
I can't vote for or against Maxine, but if you can, you should.

That's what I'm saying, I'm in Arkansas no matter what I do locally that moron's position is secure because she sees to it that the people in her district remain stupid and uneducated.

That's the truth Kath, it's both parties , but the Dems are worse, they want a stupid easily controlled voter base. Smart blacks don't come screaming "that's racist" every time a black man who punched a cop ends up getting shot to death for example.

Smart minorities see right through the charade that the Dems give a shit about them. Smart people don't scream "the right wants to destroy the environment" as Democrats allow 60,000 homeless people to shit in the river in downtown Los Angelas every day. Smart people look around and say "look this is the 72nd Republican candidate for President in a row that you have accused of being a racist and a rapist, I mean they can't ALL be racists and rapist"

Smart people look around and say "hey wait a minute 12 million illegals in this country taking jobs does exactly what you think it would it, it lowers the value of labor"

Smart people look at all 22 people who are currently running for the DNC nomination to run for President and say "Hey wait a minute, in a combined 9,000 years of public service none of you have actually done one god damned thing that has actually helped me or anyone I know"

Smart people look at the topic of abortion and say "hey wait a minute , if you're 2 months pregnant and I kill your baby, you want me arrested for murder. You can ONLY murder a human, so therefor you have already acknowledged that a 2 month old fetus is a human, so how can you then turn around and say that it is not a human so a woman can kill it if she wants? At the very fucking least you should admit that it is killing a human and then argue your position from that point"

Smart people don't argue that Islam and Christianity are equal in terms of how dangerous they are today because a thousand fucking years ago Christians murdered people.

Smart people don't argue that the NFL , an organization that has without question created more black wealth than any organization in the history of the world is racist because the people who own the fucking teams that employ these back players call themselves team owners

My God I could go on and on and on.

07-18-2019, 02:39 PM
That's what I'm saying, I'm in Arkansas no matter what I do locally that moron's position is secure because she sees to it that the people in her district remain stupid and uneducated.

That's the truth Kath, it's both parties , but the Dems are worse, they want a stupid easily controlled voter base. Smart blacks don't come screaming "that's racist" every time a black man who punched a cop ends up getting shot to death for example.

Smart minorities see right through the charade that the Dems give a shit about them. Smart people don't scream "the right wants to destroy the environment" as Democrats allow 60,000 homeless people to shit in the river in downtown Los Angelas every day. Smart people look around and say "look this is the 72nd Republican candidate for President in a row that you have accused of being a racist and a rapist, I mean they can't ALL be racists and rapist"

Smart people look around and say "hey wait a minute 12 million illegals in this country taking jobs does exactly what you think it would it, it lowers the value of labor"

Smart people look at all 22 people who are currently running for the DNC nomination to run for President and say "Hey wait a minute, in a combined 9,000 years of public service none of you have actually done one god damned thing that has actually helped me or anyone I know"

Smart people look at the topic of abortion and say "hey wait a minute , if you're 2 months pregnant and I kill your baby, you want me arrested for murder. You can ONLY murder a human, so therefor you have already acknowledged that a 2 month old fetus is a human, so how can you then turn around and say that it is not a human so a woman can kill it if she wants? At the very fucking least you should admit that it is killing a human and then argue your position from that point"

Smart people don't argue that Islam and Christianity are equal in terms of how dangerous they are today because a thousand fucking years ago Christians murdered people.

Smart people don't argue that the NFL , an organization that has without question created more black wealth than any organization in the history of the world is racist because the people who own the fucking teams that employ these back players call themselves team owners

My God I could go on and on and on.

It doesn't seem we disagree on where we put importance regarding issues. Just what characteristics we find important in leaders.

Sort of just an aside, cause I don't like dealing with multiple issues at once, I saw someone last night talking about abortion. The liberals are beginning to lose the younger voters on that topic. Because. Science. Sonograms and such. Part of the problem Planned Parenthood is running into, expanding onto 'trans.' and again. Science. ;)

07-18-2019, 02:43 PM
It doesn't seem we disagree on where we put importance regarding issues. Just what characteristics we find important in leaders.

Sort of just an aside, cause I don't like dealing with multiple issues at once, I saw someone last night talking about abortion. The liberals are beginning to lose the younger voters on that topic. Because. Science. Sonograms and such. Part of the problem Planned Parenthood is running into, expanding onto 'trans.' and again. Science. ;)

I also generally don't like to discuss multiple topics at once, that's why you'll rarely see me chop a quote up and address different points .

I believe you are right about abortion re: the weirdo trans stuff especially.. Actually we could go further and as I said a few months ago on here, the Dems are losing young women who are starting to realize that allowing mentally ill cross dressing men to beat the shit out of them in sports and then shower with them after isn't exactly fair to them.

07-18-2019, 02:46 PM
I also generally don't like to discuss multiple topics at once, that's why you'll rarely see me chop a quote up and address different points .

I believe you are right about abortion re: the weirdo trans stuff especially.. Actually we could go further and as I said a few months ago on here, the Dems are losing young women who are starting to realize that allowing mentally ill cross dressing men to beat the shit out of them in sports and then shower with them after isn't exactly fair to them.

I've no problem breaking one topic and answering in multiple points. Just don't like multiple topics. i.e., everything or even a 'few' problems with liberals or democrat party.

07-18-2019, 02:50 PM
Your opinion is based on fact, Jim. The left has been and IS violent, look at ANTIFA. But their propaganda wing COMPLETELY IGNORES IT, and that's a fact. They drum up ridiculous accusations of right wing violence when it's virtually nonexistent, but all the violence that DOES happen from radical leftists they ignore like the plague. I don't see how anyone can honestly deny that.

I've got plenty of examples of it right here...


... and there's plenty more where that came from.

The Media ..submissive ..anti-Trumpers and Democrats (Liberals) are desperate ...they have noting to offer the country except attack Trump...every couple of days something new comes up to point their wimpy fingers at Trump....They have nothing except muslim roaches in congress and hate America submissive leftist.....with an open border mind-set....America is not the way `they` want it....On the side-lines we have the drooling (dumb-shit) anti-Trumpers....with the fingers stuck up their ass...wishing the Democrats can over-throw the greatest POTUS Ever "EVA"....

Americans will win the house and senate ...and we will have Trump 2020........:salute:

Deport the anti-American muslim skank....who has no business in "American" politics....tired of looking at the ungrateful bitch....

07-18-2019, 02:51 PM
It doesn't seem we disagree on where we put importance regarding issues. Just what characteristics we find important in leaders.

Sort of just an aside, cause I don't like dealing with multiple issues at once, I saw someone last night talking about abortion. The liberals are beginning to lose the younger voters on that topic. Because. Science. Sonograms and such. Part of the problem Planned Parenthood is running into, expanding onto 'trans.' and again. Science. ;)

I don't think we disagree on characteristics we'd ike to see in our leaders either. I think the ONLY area we disagree on is in what we are willing to overlook in a politician in order to get the job done.

Ideally I'd like Trump to knock it off with the Tweets I have said that over and over . He would be an infinitely better President without the twwet IMO, however, even WITH the tweets he is FAR better for our country than any of the Democrats and let's be honest we can talk about third party votes, we can even vote third party, but when it boils down to it the choice of who actually will become President is 100% binary, there is ZERO chance of anyone outside of two main parties winning election..

07-18-2019, 02:53 PM
I don't think we disagree on characteristics we'd ike to see in our leaders either. I think the ONLY area we disagree on is in what we are willing to overlook in a politician in order to get the job done.

Ideally I'd like Trump to knock it off with the Tweets I have said that over and over . He would be an infinitely better President without the twwet IMO, however, even WITH the tweets he is FAR better for our country than any of the Democrats and let's be honest we can talk about third party votes, we can even vote third party, but when it boils down to it the choice of who actually will become President is 100% binary, there is ZERO chance of anyone outside of two main parties winning election..

Which is why their details don't bother me too much. I won't vote for what I know is a person of bad judgement or bad character. The least I can settle for is someone who tries to appear civil.

07-18-2019, 03:02 PM
Yeah... we SHOULD send this America hating muslim rat turd back, and had I been at Trump's rally last night, I'd have been enthusiastically chanting SEND HER BACK too...


America hating filth like her shouldn't be here in the first place, let alone elected to our house of congress. That is just absolutely unacceptable in my opinion. It makes me ill.

07-18-2019, 03:04 PM
Yeah... we SHOULD send this America hating muslim rat turd back, and had I been at Trump's rally last night, I'd have been enthusiastically chanting SEND HER BACK too...


No one here is surprised to hear that you would support deporting a naturalized US citizen because she has opinions you don't like.

07-18-2019, 03:33 PM
No one here is surprised to hear that you would support deporting a naturalized US citizen because she has opinions you don't like.


im not doing it again, and we have discussed this, as have hpd and I. Why reply when I told u he had u on ignore? Why stir things up when not needed?

pls, just stop. i cant handle 99 different sides with my dang arm the way it is, and i feel like ppl find it funny, or take advantage.

/thread closed