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View Full Version : My public apology

07-18-2019, 06:44 AM
I wanted to apologize to everyone for my attitude and negative replies at times since I have broken my arm as there is no need to take it out on others. I also wanted to make a public apology to Noir as I believe it was perhaps him that I got negative with more than others during this time. I have sort of worked on out in private and will be taking the advice that I myself gives to others at times. But since this is a small community I thought it was necessary to make the apology towards everyone since I'm sure everyone noticed it at times. I am aware as I am hitting the send button at times that what I am doing is based on my anger but sometimes I hit that dang button anyway. And yes at least for my part the public apology is in fact necessary. I know when I sometimes post outside of facts/opinions, and its not really necessary, but sometimes I just plain 'ol fail. No valid excuse, just fail at times.