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View Full Version : Democrat Violence, Bad and Getting WORSE...

07-18-2019, 11:58 AM
... but virtually entirely IGNORED by the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING. The democrats VILE, CAUSTIC, NAME CALLING and their comments condoning VIOLENCE has gotten utterly OUT OF CONTROL, from Kathy Griffith holding up a BLOODY SEVERED HEAD of our PRESIDENT, to a democrat muslim congress woman calling our president a MOTHER FUCKER and a RACIST. So for anyone to claim an utterly frivolous, non threatening chant of "send her back" is "disgusting," then you're a fool that is completely ignoring the big picture.

Let's take a look at the democrats, and not forgetting they already SHOT a republican at a ball game, so this isn't, "will this lead to violence," we're PAST THAT, we ALREADY have PLENTY of LEFTIST VIOLENCE, and it's getting worse...

20 Liberal Calls For Violence Against Conservatives in Quotes


Revolution and Worse to Come - When legal bloodhounds and baying critics fail to take out Trump, what’s next? The Resistance wants Trump’s head — on the chopping block.


Democrats Are More ‘NAZI’ Today Than Actual NAZIS As Vicious Democrat Violence CONSTANTLY Physically Attacks Free Speech


Democrats Cause Violence - The Democrats turned to violence because they are out of ideas. Democrats are outraged that their religion of big-government failed.


07-18-2019, 12:19 PM
The fact of the matter is Obama should have nipped in this bud when Trump supporters were being attacked during the 2016 campaign. That's when the violence started and Obama's crooked ass Administration did nothing. And not one person ever asked that nigger to condemn the violence..

Yes I know I just offended Kath, sorry but that's exactly what Obama is a trash nigger.