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07-18-2019, 02:05 PM
that thousands of Marines are on a carrier that is now in the Persian Gulf. More should be known shortly, according to FOX.

07-18-2019, 02:12 PM
that thousands of Marines are on a carrier that is now in the Persian Gulf. More should be known shortly, according to FOX.

These numbers aren't even possible. A Nimitz class carrier can carry about 5800 people most of whom are Navy Sailors who actually operate the ship, along with Naval flight crews. A Ford class carrier can accomodate about half that many people.

If you really packed those Marines in like sardines you might get 500 on either carrier class.

Totally inefficient way to get Marines around, and we have other ships much more suited to the task.

07-18-2019, 02:13 PM
These numbers aren't even possible. A Nimitz class carrier can carry about 5800 people most of whom are Navy Sailors who actually operate the ship, along with Naval flight crews. A Ford class carrier can accomodate about half that many people.

If you really packed those Marines in like sardines you might get 500 on either carrier class.

Totally inefficient way to get Marines around, and we have other ships much more suited to the task.

Just told you what I heard, feel free to call FOX.

07-18-2019, 02:18 PM
President Trump just announced that the USS Boxer destroyed an Iranian drone and encouraged all other countries to likewise protect their interests in a like manner.

That's it so far.

07-18-2019, 02:19 PM
Just told you what I heard, feel free to call FOX.

I haven't heard the report , but on reflection they were probably talking about an entire carrier group which could conceivably include several troop transport ships , but still 5,000 Marines is a lot of jarheads.

4999 more than any of them could count to be exact. :poke: Gunny

07-18-2019, 02:19 PM
TAKING ON TEHRAN US ‘to deploy 500 troops to expanding Saudi Arabian air base’ to front-up to Iran threat

https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/9530486/us-deploy-troops-saudi-arabia-iran-tensions/ (https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/9530486/us-deploy-troops-saudi-arabia-iran-tensions/)

07-18-2019, 02:22 PM
I haven't heard the report , but on reflection they were probably talking about an entire carrier group which could conceivably include several troop transport ships , but still 5,000 Marines is a lot of jarheads.

4999 more than any of them could count to be exact. :poke: @Gunny (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=30)
I don't know where you got the numbers, as I wrote what I heard, (thousands).

07-18-2019, 02:35 PM
Seems the USS Boxer had 2k Marines on it. It's some sort of assault ship, just going through the international waters. Anyways, it is an escalation. Seems the thousands, was 2k. and their 'breaking news' coming was a sort of mix up?

07-18-2019, 02:39 PM
I don't know where you got the numbers, as I wrote what I heard, (thousands).

Clearly I made them up in my head LOL I don't know why I was under the impression that your OP said 5000 Marines :laugh2:

07-18-2019, 03:21 PM
If someone can watch the President talking about this incident, I'd appreciate it. It was given as an opening remark to a ceremony where a Dutch, (Netherlands) man was giving a US flag from the D-day beach to the Smithsonian to display. The Smithsonian had it, but it was given for auction and this guy bought it and has lent it back.

What I'm asking someone who has followed Trump quite a bit, did he seem a bit distracted after giving the remarks about USS Boxer? He seemed so to me, but I'll admit to not being all that familiar with his cadence in speech. I've usually watched him at rallies and such, his 3rd person references always throw me. None of that in this, more like his really good foreign speeches, but distracted.

07-18-2019, 03:41 PM
CSM and Gunny

It seems to me with Iran admitting/boasting about taking another ship and now this drone incident, there is a problem that needs response? That is what I think, (imagine?) in Trump's demeanor.

As he said, it would be better if all involved in the Strait could step up, but most can't. It seems to me there isn't enough time to put together some sort of 'coalition' to protect/respond? Then again, wth do I know?

07-18-2019, 03:49 PM
These sons a bitches are absolutely BEGGING for a conflict. How STUPID can they be?


Iran state TV: Iranian forces seize foreign oil tanker, crew


Trump Says U.S. Ship Shot Down Iranian Drone in Strait of Hormuz
The president’s comments come after Iranian forces said they had seized a foreign tanker

https://www.wsj.com/articles/iran-seizes-foreign-tanker-it-accuses-of-smuggling-fuel-11563449352 (https://www.wsj.com/articles/iran-seizes-foreign-tanker-it-accuses-of-smuggling-fuel-11563449352)

07-18-2019, 04:05 PM
There is nothing unusual about the U.S.S. Boxer, and more Marines being there.

Every day of every year. There is a U.S. Military presence at sea in the Med, Indian Ocean, and the Persian Gulf.

The Marines are part of what is called a DEPLOYED MARDIV.....Marine Division, who routinely go on deployments around the World, as part of the Entire U.S.Navy Fleet Deployment schedules, arranged annually to both Maintain Training, and Keep a READY FORCE in place IF NEEDED.

The USS BOXER is an Amphibious Ship that transports All kinds of Amphibious Vehicles, as well as MARINES, and WE have many of them around the World.

By the way. I speak from personal experience, and you can ask Gunny for his input as well.

07-18-2019, 04:38 PM
Iran does not have anything to withstand an actual attack from a MEU. I need to find my USS Boxer coffee mug and Zippo for the duration The USS Boxer was the last ship I deployed on :)

2200 Marines. 2000 Sailors. three ships. The Boxer is an LHD (4) and we had everything and I mean everything (neither confirmed nor denied :) to start our own private little war with anyone. VBSS (visual boarding search and seizure) is a specialty practiced over and over until some dumbass Cpl breaks his ankle coming off a fastrope. He might get the rest of the day off :)

Oh. For those that don't know, the USS Boxer is a small carrier in layman's terms. We had AV8B Harriers because they could take off laterally (runway) but the deck was too short to land other than vertical. We had a squadron of Supercobras, one of which carries more payload than a WWII B-17. Tanks. Amtraks, 3 LCACs (militarized hovercraft). SEALS, RECON. Infantry Bn. Basically the works.

For a one-off strike then defend against Iran? You can go ahead and check that box now.

07-18-2019, 04:42 PM
Iran does not have anything to withstand an actual attack from a MEU. I need to find my USS Boxer coffee mug and Zippo for the duration The USS Boxer was the last ship I deployed on :)

2200 Marines. 2000 Sailors. three ships. The Boxer is an LHD (4) and we had everything and I mean everything (neither confirmed nor denied :) to start our own private little war with anyone. VBSS (visual boarding search and seizure) is a specialty practiced over and over until some dumbass Cpl breaks his ankle coming off a fastrope. He might get the rest of the day off :)

Oh. For those that don't know, the USS Boxer is a small carrier in layman's terms. We had AV8B Harriers because they could take off laterally (runway) but the deck was too short to land other than vertical. We had a squadron of Supercobras, one of which carries more payload than a WWII B-17. Tanks. Amtraks, 3 LCACs (militarized hovercraft). SEALS, RECON. Infantry Bn. Basically the works.

For a one-off strike then defend against Iran? You can go ahead and check that box now.

I don't think that ship was meant to go fight Iran, but with the drone, that is 2 incidents in 2 or 3 days. I think there's going to be a response soon. As I said above, I'm no Trump expert, but I've not seen him anything but focused in his speeches, even those I really haven't cared for. He seemed very distracted to me at today's ceremony.

07-18-2019, 04:46 PM
Iran state TV: Iranian forces seize foreign oil tanker, crew


07-18-2019, 04:50 PM
Iran state TV: Iranian forces seize foreign oil tanker, crew


Exactly, that was the 1st incident in the past few days, the Iranian drone closing on our USS Boxer today was the 2nd. Oh, the drone was destroyed when it wouldn't be deterred after warnings. That is what the announcement was today.

Can Iran keep up these acts, with just 'tough words?' (Even with the drone notwithstanding). How much 'provocation' before we are provoked? That is what I'm wondering if Trump is wondering.

07-18-2019, 04:53 PM

Above is a bit of a round up.

President Trump on drone:


07-18-2019, 05:02 PM
I don't think that ship was meant to go fight Iran, but with the drone, that is 2 incidents in 2 or 3 days. I think there's going to be a response soon. As I said above, I'm no Trump expert, but I've not seen him anything but focused in his speeches, even those I really haven't cared for. He seemed very distracted to me at today's ceremony.
They won't be sent to start a full-fledged war with Iran on their own, no. They ARE however there for this very reason. The MEU(SOC) is 3 ships of war manned by 3 ships full of highly trained and skilled warriors who would love nothing more than be given a green light to strike Iran (or Iraq at the time). It's boring as Hell out there and I can bet you the smoking lamp is NOT lit. They're cocked n locked. And I DO STILL have the t-shirts :)

Doesn't matter who is doing what. Somebody did something. The ship's on alert and the jarheads are stowing non-essential "travelin" gear.

07-18-2019, 05:05 PM
They won't be sent to start a full-fledged war with Iran on their own, no. They ARE however there for this very reason. The MEU(SOC) is 3 ships of war manned by 3 ships full of highly trained and skilled warriors who would love nothing more than be given a green light to strike Iran (or Iraq at the time). It's boring as Hell out there and I can bet you the smoking lamp is NOT lit. They're cocked n locked. And I DO STILL have the t-shirts :)

Doesn't matter who is doing what. Somebody did something. The ship's on alert and the jarheads are stowing non-essential "travelin" gear.

Thanks. I just know that I got 'a feeling' from Trump's demeanor.

07-18-2019, 05:20 PM
If there's a response coming, we are NOT going to have it broadcast over the air.

It'll just happen, and I can't help but think it'll have bipartisan approval, and our allies will know about it as well.

Course I could be wrong.

07-18-2019, 05:23 PM
These numbers aren't even possible. A Nimitz class carrier can carry about 5800 people most of whom are Navy Sailors who actually operate the ship, along with Naval flight crews. A Ford class carrier can accomodate about half that many people.

If you really packed those Marines in like sardines you might get 500 on either carrier class.

Totally inefficient way to get Marines around, and we have other ships much more suited to the task.The USS Boxer is the lead ship in a Marine Expeditionary Unit. The MEU is comprised of an LH (Boxer) an LPD (grunt boat) and an LH-something that is a grunt boat with a whole bunch of electronics. The 2,200 Marines and 2000 Sailors are disbursed among the 3 ships.

Abbey Marie
07-18-2019, 05:31 PM
The USS Boxer is the lead ship in a Marine Expeditionary Unit. The MEU is comprised of an LH (Boxer) an LPD (grunt boat) and an LH-something that is a grunt boat with a whole bunch of electronics. The 2,200 Marines and 2000 Sailors are disbursed among the 3 ships.

That sounds like a whole lot of testosterone...


My CIA teacher (30+ years, including the ME, including CIA Director of Operations), thinks the Iranian people are going to revolt in the not-too-distant future. The man knows stuff. We need to try our utmost to stay out of there and let them sort it out, IMO.

07-18-2019, 05:32 PM
Seems the USS Boxer had 2k Marines on it. It's some sort of assault ship, just going through the international waters. Anyways, it is an escalation. Seems the thousands, was 2k. and their 'breaking news' coming was a sort of mix up?"Just going through International waters". Yeah. That's what we did every deployment. :)

The USS Boxer and entourage is on a 6 month deployment to the Arabian Gulf. Fart around showing face (force projection) from San Diego to the Gulf for 2 months, get off in Kuwait and man part of the border for a month or so, then fart around showing face all the way back home.

They will pick up at least (but not limited to) a guided missile cruiser prior to entering the Strait of Hormuz.

The USS Boxer alone is a formidable weapon. It doesn't need help to shoot down a drone. Iran on the other hand would need to build a Navy to go after the Boxer. Their current inventory isn't quite up to snuff :)

07-18-2019, 05:33 PM
That sounds like a whole lot of testosterone...


My CIA teacher (30+ years, including the ME, including CIA Director of Operations), thinks the Iranian people are going to revolt in the not-too-distant future. The man knows stuff. We need to try our utmost to stay out of there and let them sort it out, IMO.

They've tried twice in the past 20 years, but got no outside support. :(

Abbey Marie
07-18-2019, 05:34 PM
They've tried twice in the past 20 years, but got no outside support. :(

We could do a lot, clandestinely...

07-18-2019, 05:35 PM
"Just going through International waters". Yeah. That's what we did every deployment. :)

The USS Boxer and entourage is on a 6 month deployment to the Arabian Gulf. Fart around showing face (force projection) from San Diego to the Gulf for 2 months, get off in Kuwait and man part of the border for a month or so, then fart around showing face all the way back home.

They will pick up at least (but not limited to) a guided missile cruiser prior to entering the Strait of Hormuz.

The USS Boxer alone is a formidable weapon. It doesn't need help to shoot down a drone. Iran on the other hand would need to build a Navy to go after the Boxer. Their current inventory isn't quite up to snuff :)

I'm sure they are not there for fun, but for show. Good bet they are not alone either. I do believe it was the USS Boxer that destroyed the drone, as they told it to scat. ;)

07-18-2019, 05:36 PM
There is nothing unusual about the U.S.S. Boxer, and more Marines being there.

Every day of every year. There is a U.S. Military presence at sea in the Med, Indian Ocean, and the Persian Gulf.

The Marines are part of what is called a DEPLOYED MARDIV.....Marine Division, who routinely go on deployments around the World, as part of the Entire U.S.Navy Fleet Deployment schedules, arranged annually to both Maintain Training, and Keep a READY FORCE in place IF NEEDED.

The USS BOXER is an Amphibious Ship that transports All kinds of Amphibious Vehicles, as well as MARINES, and WE have many of them around the World.

By the way. I speak from personal experience, and you can ask Gunny for his input as well.Good point. There's more than one :) There's a MEU in the Med. A MEU working up in Norfolk to replace the MEU currently in the Med. They can drop down into the Red pretty quick.

There's a MEU working up at Cam Pendleton to replace the one Boxer is with.

07-18-2019, 05:36 PM
The USS Boxer is the lead ship in a Marine Expeditionary Unit. The MEU is comprised of an LH (Boxer) an LPD (grunt boat) and an LH-something that is a grunt boat with a whole bunch of electronics. The 2,200 Marines and 2000 Sailors are disbursed among the 3 ships.
Is that Boxer as in Boxer Shorts? I'm just being silly... probably even sound stupid... but thanks for the info.

It appears to me that Iran WANTS a war, otherwise why would they do such STUPID things?

And that's a war they KNOW they CAN'T WIN.

07-18-2019, 05:37 PM
Iran state TV: Iranian forces seize foreign oil tanker, crew

https://www.apnews.com/2d94f2b673b74940b26db541e9eeb262Unlike Iran, we CAN take it back. Cost lives though.

07-18-2019, 05:46 PM
I'm sure they are not there for fun, but for show. Good bet they are not alone either. I do believe it was the USS Boxer that destroyed the drone, as they told it to scat. ;)The USS Boxer is not alone. At all. By any means. Big-picture-wise should all ships be assembled to face some enemy from outer space (there aren't any on Earth to require and assembled US Fleet :)), we belong to the Fleet.

There's at least one carrier group nearby and one in or around the Med.

07-18-2019, 05:48 PM
Is that Boxer as in Boxer Shorts? I'm just being silly... probably even sound stupid... but thanks for the info.

It appears to me that Iran WANTS a war, otherwise why would they do such STUPID things?

And that's a war they KNOW they CAN'T WIN.You dork :laugh: It's named after the Boxer Rebellion in China around 1900.

Iran is trying to provoke something and if I had to guess? Its trying to provoke Trump vs the House.

07-18-2019, 05:51 PM
You dork :laugh: It's named after the Boxer Rebellion in China around 1900.

Iran is trying to provoke something and if I had to guess? Its trying to provoke Trump vs the House.
I don't think Trump is going to go off on his own on this though. I think he's going to do whatever it is after he consults congress and our allies.

Don't you think?

I do... at least I hope he does.

07-18-2019, 05:54 PM
You dork :laugh: It's named after the Boxer Rebellion in China around 1900.

Iran is trying to provoke something and if I had to guess? Its trying to provoke Trump vs the House.

In the 1960's. I saw the 1st USS BOXER at pier 9, at what was called (NOB) Norfolk. NAVAL OPERATING BASE. It actually saw service in Nam, I believe, and could only transport about 500 Marines then. So, he got the laugh. But there's a lot of History out there most civilians will never know.


07-18-2019, 05:56 PM
In the 1960's. I saw the 1st USS BOXER at pier 9, at what was called (NOB) Norfolk. NAVAL OPERATING BASE. It actually saw service in Nam, I believe, and could only transport about 500 Marines then. So, he got the laugh. But there's a lot of History out there most civilians will never know.
I was just being stupid... a little attempt at humor from one veteran to another.

But I know this is serious business what's happening now, and as a veteran I'm very engaged.

I shouldn't poke too much fun at the Navy though since my father is(was) a WWII Navy vet.

I like your avatar icansayit

07-18-2019, 05:58 PM
It seems they didn't 'shoot the drone' they shut it down electronically. Seems they have a 'drone eliminator' sort of sounds like an emp for drones. :cool:

07-18-2019, 06:07 PM
It seems they didn't 'shoot the drone' they shut it down electronically. Seems they have a 'drone eliminator' sort of sounds like an emp for drones. :cool:
Do you have a link to that, Kathy?

That's major interesting if that's what they did, and I'd love to read about it. I tried to google it just now and can't find anything...

07-18-2019, 06:13 PM
Do you have a link to that, Kathy?

That's major interesting if that's what they did, and I'd love to read about it. I tried to google it just now and can't find anything...

Heard it on Special Report.

07-18-2019, 06:17 PM
Found it:



It was the U.S. Marines aboard the USS Boxer that downed the suspected Iranian drone," U.S. officials told CNN. "The Marines were operating the counter-drone jamming equipment that was used. There are about 2,000 Marines on the Boxer from the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit."


07-18-2019, 06:30 PM
Found it:

Aaaahh.. OK.. I see this is what "Ryan Browne" is claiming.

Who is he?

07-18-2019, 06:32 PM
OK... he's a CNN reporter?


07-18-2019, 06:33 PM
In the 1960's. I saw the 1st USS BOXER at pier 9, at what was called (NOB) Norfolk. NAVAL OPERATING BASE. It actually saw service in Nam, I believe, and could only transport about 500 Marines then. So, he got the laugh. But there's a lot of History out there most civilians will never know.

http://www.ussboxer.com/Images_LPH4/SGully0001.jpgI was on the USS Boxer LHD-4. Only the USS Essex was newer at the time. I was on the USS Peleilu LHA which was one of the oldest in the LH class. Talk about shock. I felt like I was in a mansion on the Boxer :laugh:

07-18-2019, 06:35 PM
Found it:

https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/us-downs-iranian-drone-for-threatening-navy-shipInfo is incorrect. There are around 2000 Marines in a MEU. About 1200 are on the Boxer. The others are split between the grunt boats.

07-18-2019, 06:36 PM
In the 1960's. I saw the 1st USS BOXER at pier 9, at what was called (NOB) Norfolk. NAVAL OPERATING BASE. It actually saw service in Nam, I believe, and could only transport about 500 Marines then. So, he got the laugh. But there's a lot of History out there most civilians will never know.

Is that all of the personal on deck, or how many other people essential to the ships operation couldn't be in that pic?

07-18-2019, 06:37 PM
Aaaahh.. OK.. I see this is what "Ryan Browne" is claiming.

Who is he?

I'm so sorry for the source, maybe this will meet your high vet standards? Probably not:


07-18-2019, 06:43 PM
I'm so sorry for the source, maybe this will meet your high vet standards? Probably not:

Kathy, I honestly didn't mean to disparage your source. I thank you for finding a link, for finding anything... thank you.

I'm not intending to "pick a fight" with anyone here.

07-18-2019, 06:51 PM
Is that all of the personal on deck, or how many other people essential to the ships operation couldn't be in that pic?:smoke:

Don't they stand formation in the USAF anymore :slap:? THAT is everybody who couldn't get out of manning the rails. Half the ship's company had a sudden need to go to engineering :whistling2:

That's Sailors only. No jarheads nor jarhead equipment. Probably in port.

I don't know what the compliment is for that particular ship. I was a toddler or so back then. They flew different planes, had different vehicles and weapons so I can't really say what should be there. All of those differences I just listed, not to mention ship design and/or method of propulsion is going to change the numbers.

07-18-2019, 06:52 PM
Just in case:




07-18-2019, 07:01 PM

Don't they stand formation in the USAF anymore :slap:? THAT is everybody who couldn't get out of manning the rails. Half the ship's company had a sudden need to go to engineering :whistling2:

That's Sailors only. No jarheads nor jarhead equipment. Probably in port.

I don't know what the compliment is for that particular ship. I was a toddler or so back then. They flew different planes, had different vehicles and weapons so I can't really say what should be there. All of those differences I just listed, not to mention ship design and/or method of propulsion is going to change the numbers.
Don't know much about the Navy. Got no idea how many of the ships personal are all standing on the deck like that in those pics. I always did wonder though.

Thanks for the heads up, Gunny.

But yeah we had to stand formation every Friday in the Air Force for inspection. Couldn't have anyone out of 3510. Hair too long, mustache past the corners of your mouth, which I was usually guilty of, but my boots were always shined nice, my uniform was clean and my patches were all in place and didn't have any threads hanging long enough to hang myself. I took pride in my uniform. I didn't belong there if I didn't.

07-18-2019, 07:14 PM
Don't know much about the Navy. Got no idea how many of the ships personal are all standing on the deck like that in those pics. I always did wonder though.

Thanks for the heads up, Gunny.

But yeah we had to stand formation every Friday in the Air Force for inspection. Couldn't have anyone out of 3510. Hair too long, mustache past the corners of your mouth, which I was usually guilty of, but my boots were always shined nice, my uniform was clean and my patches were all in place and didn't have any threads hanging long enough to hang myself. I took pride in my uniform. I didn't belong there if I didn't.When we would man the rails it was usually going in and out of Pearl. You render Honors to the USS Arizona.

It would be squid-jarhead all the way around the deck. I seriously don't know how the Navy actually handles it with its personnel. With us the actual rule was "all hands". A rule we routinely found ways to get around :). I guess if not enough Marines showed up once something might've been said :laugh: It was just one of those the more rank you had the better your reason/excuse. As a Sgt & below you were toast.

That ship in the pic even has 3"(I think?) guns. We didn't have any of those :)

The USS Boxer in Kathianne's second link is the ship I was on. The one behind it looks like the USS Harpers Ferry. There's an LPD around somewhere. That of course could be a file photo. I don't remember being around the other ships once we entered the Gulf. We split up but stayed close.

Hey, these assholes where warned. Out there? The Captain of the ship is God and you don't get within 1000 yards of God's ride or he WILL shoot your shit down. And he doesn't need anyone's permission.

07-18-2019, 07:19 PM


Marines on board took down the drone using electronic jamming equipment, U.S. officials told Fox News later Thursday.

The light marine air defense integrated system aboard the USS Kearsarge this past January. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Tawanya Norwood/Released)

The device, known as the Light Marine Air Defense Integrated System, deployed for the first time in January aboard the USS Kearsarge, the same class of warship as the USS Boxer.


07-18-2019, 07:25 PM
https://www.foxnews.com/world/trump-us-warship-iranian-drone-strait-hormuzI've never see that. What y'all should be worried about is there are Marines operating sophisticated technology ....:whistling2:

07-18-2019, 08:01 PM
When we would man the rails it was usually going in and out of Pearl. You render Honors to the USS Arizona.
Now THAT is COOL. I'm all about shit like that. Pay RESPECT where RESPECT is DUE.

It would be squid-jarhead all the way around the deck. I seriously don't know how the Navy actually handles it with its personnel. With us the actual rule was "all hands". A rule we routinely found ways to get around :). I guess if not enough Marines showed up once something might've been said :laugh: It was just one of those the more rank you had the better your reason/excuse. As a Sgt & below you were toast.
Yeah I was an E-5 with a line number for E-6 when I got out. Never sewed on E-6 though, and that was the hardest stripe to make in the AF. I never got to enjoy the benefits of being "top four," like going to the top four club on base... ;) But I definitely know all about "RHIP"... RANK HAS IT'S PRIVELEDGES.

07-18-2019, 08:03 PM
That is wild shit right there. I never knew we had that.

THANK YOU... you always were good at digging up info on the internet.

07-18-2019, 08:15 PM
All of the people who manned the rails....or in the case of a carrier, the flight deck...were off duty people. Ships have assigned people who mann the watch around the entire ship as scheduled. Like DUTY SECTIONS. That way, not everybody is confined to stay onboard when in port, or when they arrive in a liberty port.

On carriers. Usually the AIR WING members, and Off watch ship's personel mann the rails as a traditional Navy honor.

Today's aircraft carriers have up to 5 or 6 thousand men, and women, plus the 1000 or so AIR WING people who do nothing but take care of the aircraft.
For Amphibious ships like the Boxer. The Marines also mann the rails....SAILOR, MARINE, SAILOR, MARINE..etc.

07-18-2019, 08:30 PM
All of the people who manned the rails....or in the case of a carrier, the flight deck...were off duty people. Ships have assigned people who mann the watch around the entire ship as scheduled. Like DUTY SECTIONS. That way, not everybody is confined to stay onboard when in port, or when they arrive in a liberty port.

On carriers. Usually the AIR WING members, and Off watch ship's personel mann the rails as a traditional Navy honor.

Today's aircraft carriers have up to 5 or 6 thousand men, and women, plus the 1000 or so AIR WING people who do nothing but take care of the aircraft.
For Amphibious ships like the Boxer. The Marines also mann the rails....SAILOR, MARINE, SAILOR, MARINE..etc.
I'll tell ya, the Navy would have been my last choice of branch to enlist in, but had I enlisted in the Navy, I'd have wanted to be a submariner.

I mean, there's no real safer place on the planet to be than in a sub. Even if thermonuclear war broke out, you'd survive the attack. Probably die later but, you'd at least get to see what happened.

07-18-2019, 08:56 PM
I'll tell ya, the Navy would have been my last choice of branch to enlist in, but had I enlisted in the Navy, I'd have wanted to be a submariner.

I mean, there's no real safer place on the planet to be than in a sub. Even if thermonuclear war broke out, you'd survive the attack. Probably die later but, you'd at least get to see what happened.

If I had to do it all again. I would have joined the AIR FORCE. To this day, I love aviation, planes, and aerial views from planes.

Even as a Sailor for all my years. I FEAR water, more than I fear Fire. Water has power most people never realize, or understand, until they are caught in a current, rip tide, or rip currents at the beach.

As for SUBS. No way...just becoming eligible for Sub duty is as arduous as becoming a SEAL. Too much water between me, and land.:laugh:

07-18-2019, 09:13 PM
If I had to do it all again. I would have joined the AIR FORCE. To this day, I love aviation, planes, and aerial views from planes.

Even as a Sailor for all my years. I FEAR water, more than I fear Fire. Water has power most people never realize, or understand, until they are caught in a current, rip tide, or rip currents at the beach.

As for SUBS. No way...just becoming eligible for Sub duty is as arduous as becoming a SEAL. Too much water between me, and land.:laugh:
Yeah my father was in the Navy, my brother was in the Army, my brother in law was in the Marines, so naturally I wanted to join the Air Force... :saluting2:

I'm really kind of a tech freak. I love gadgets and all kinds of high tech stuff, so all kidding aside, the AF was my best bet. I enlisted under an open enlistment, but when I tested I got high scores so they gave me "picks." I picked Avionics, then Instruments, in that order, and I got both. Actually I was guaranteed Avionics. Hell they were MORE than happy to find someone they could put in that job because you HAD to score high to get it. I even got an enlistment bonus because Integrated Avionics Instruments/Flight Controls was critically undermanned. If I had it to do all over again though, I'd go for MISSILES. Just for the high tech of the job, the challenge. But even my Avionics job had it's draw backs. I could ONLY GO where there was F-16's. Out of all the bases the AF has, where I could go was limited.

I think the same thing about subs though. They have nuclear reactors now and they can stay under water indefinitely. I think it would have been an awesome job to maintain that reactor. That's probably the job I'd have wanted. To learn about nuclear fussion and such. I should have been a physicist... :cool:

07-18-2019, 09:21 PM
If I had to do it all again. I would have joined the AIR FORCE. To this day, I love aviation, planes, and aerial views from planes.

Even as a Sailor for all my years. I FEAR water, more than I fear Fire. Water has power most people never realize, or understand, until they are caught in a current, rip tide, or rip currents at the beach.

As for SUBS. No way...just becoming eligible for Sub duty is as arduous as becoming a SEAL. Too much water between me, and land.:laugh:I swim like a fish. Even now working around injuries and age. Why?

Water was the biggest thing I feared as a young 'un.

Ditto on the sub duty. ME in a tin can under water for months at a time? That's not a happening event :)

07-18-2019, 09:49 PM
I swim like a fish. Even now working around injuries and age. Why?

Water was the biggest thing I feared as a young 'un.

Ditto on the sub duty. ME in a tin can under water for months at a time? That's not a happening event :)
I know it's a special bunch that are submariners, but it has it's perks too...

Submarine Duty Incentive Pay


I just think it would have been a real adventure. Something very few people on the planet ever got to do. Heck do it for awhile and if you really didn't like it, get off the boat. I think I'd have liked it though. How cool would it be go to the north pole and surface? How many people get to do that? I can only imagine how awesome the camaraderie is among the sub crew.

07-18-2019, 09:52 PM
I know it's a special bunch that are submariners, but it has it's perks too...

Submarine Duty Incentive Pay


I just think it would have been a real adventure. Something very few people on the planet ever got to do. Heck do it for awhile and if you really didn't like it, get off the boat. I think I'd have liked it though.
Ever go on the submarine at the Museum of Science & Industry? WWII era, German if memory serves. I have claustrophobia, freaked out as a kid, didn't do better when I brought my own kids years later. I know they wouldn't let me take my grandkids on that. We'll have to stick to the coal mine and miniature house! LOL!

07-18-2019, 10:36 PM
Ever go on the submarine at the Museum of Science & Industry? WWII era, German if memory serves. I have claustrophobia, freaked out as a kid, didn't do better when I brought my own kids years later. I know they wouldn't let me take my grandkids on that. We'll have to stick to the coal mine and miniature house! LOL!
No I never did. Is that the one in Chicago?

I'd like to though, and Chicago is only a few hours away. I'm kinda claustrophobic too, but it's weird, it depends on the situation. Sometimes I like cubby hole kinda places. I'm strange... :rolleyes:

07-18-2019, 11:08 PM
No I never did. Is that the one in Chicago?

I'd like to though, and Chicago is only a few hours away. I'm kinda claustrophobic too, but it's weird, it depends on the situation. Sometimes I like cubby hole kinda places. I'm strange... :rolleyes:

Yep. Get to LSD and go south to 55th st. It's big, can't miss it. Down the street on Ellis is one of the best bookstores ever at U of Chicago. ;) Also I think on Ellis is the Oriental Museum which is awesome cool! (Also on U of C campus). Really walking distance from the Museum.

07-18-2019, 11:35 PM
Yep. Get to LSD and go south to 55th st. It's big, can't miss it. Down the street on Ellis is one of the best bookstores ever at U of Chicago. ;) Also I think on Ellis is the Oriental Museum which is awesome cool! (Also on U of C campus). Really walking distance from the Museum.
Is that near the Navy Great Lakes Naval Station? That's where my Dad took his basic training. I might have to take a road trip over to the windy city to see that though, regardless of how distasteful the thought of Chicago traffic is. I'm always up for an adventure and love road trip daycations.

I hear parking in Chicago is a nightmare... :unsure:

07-18-2019, 11:39 PM
Is that near the Navy Great Lakes Naval Station? That's where my Dad took his basic training. I might have to take a road trip over to the windy city to see that though, regardless of how distasteful the thought of Chicago traffic is. I'm always up for an adventure and love road trip daycations.

I hear parking in Chicago is a nightmare... :unsure:

Great Lakes is way North, by Waukegan.

From WI take 294 towards IL! LOL! 294(toll in IL) to I90 (Eisenhower X-Way non-toll). Take Eisenhower to Lake Shore Drive-South (LSD). Get off at 55th Street exit, (about 5 miles), there will be signs for both U of C and Museum. I think parking at museum is free, street parking is near impossible.

07-18-2019, 11:41 PM
Is that near the Navy Great Lakes Naval Station? That's where my Dad took his basic training. I might have to take a road trip over to the windy city to see that though, regardless of how distasteful the thought of Chicago traffic is. I'm always up for an adventure and love road trip daycations.

I hear parking in Chicago is a nightmare... :unsure:

I missed the parking remark-though I addressed in my previous post. If there's any charge for parking at the museum, it's minimal. They might charge to avoid college parking, I just don't remember. Street parking there is really tough, because of university and hi-rises.

07-18-2019, 11:43 PM
Check out the link, I was right about it being captured German:


07-18-2019, 11:44 PM
Always fun, even if you can't borrow a kid:


07-18-2019, 11:46 PM
Not your everyday dollhouse:


07-19-2019, 12:16 AM
Great Lakes is way North, by Waukegan.

From WI take 294 towards IL! LOL! 294(toll in IL) to I90 (Eisenhower X-Way non-toll). Take Eisenhower to Lake Shore Drive-South (LSD). Get off at 55th Street exit, (about 5 miles), there will be signs for both U of C and Museum. I think parking at museum is free, street parking is near impossible.

I missed the parking remark-though I addressed in my previous post. If there's any charge for parking at the museum, it's minimal. They might charge to avoid college parking, I just don't remember. Street parking there is really tough, because of university and hi-rises.

Check out the link, I was right about it being captured German:


Always fun, even if you can't borrow a kid:


Not your everyday dollhouse:

WOW... thanks Kath... you're just a PLETHORA of good info... :thumb:

07-19-2019, 12:33 AM
WOW... thanks Kath... you're just a PLETHORA of good info... :thumb:

You're welcome. I checked out parking, it's like $20 which isn't awful, but I had a membership when I was 'home.' So, I didn't pay. I'd go ahead and pay, then make sure you get marked or ticket so you can come and go into the museum. The fee is for full day and you'd pay way more in the loop. When you get in the museum see what is on IMAX and decide if you want to see it. It's extra. Find out there, what to do to leave and reenter the museum.

You won't be able to see all in one day, so pace yourself. I'd go early, leave museum and find a sandwich in Hyde Park. Visit Oriental Institute. https://oi.uchicago.edu/ Then come back and enjoy the afternoon to close. Food at the museum is pricey and not very good-word to the wise. ;)

One of the best and least known museums in the city. Check out the bookstore, truly awesome and they used to have good priced used.

If you want to eat dinner in the city, let me know. I'll give you some suggestions.

07-19-2019, 12:54 AM
You're welcome. I checked out parking, it's like $20 which isn't awful, but I had a membership when I was 'home.' So, I didn't pay. I'd go ahead and pay, then make sure you get marked or ticket so you can come and go into the museum. The fee is for full day and you'd pay way more in the loop. When you get in the museum see what is on IMAX and decide if you want to see it. It's extra. Find out there, what to do to leave and reenter the museum.

You won't be able to see all in one day, so pace yourself. I'd go early, leave museum and find a sandwich in Hyde Park. Visit Oriental Institute. https://oi.uchicago.edu/ Then come back and enjoy the afternoon to close. Food at the museum is pricey and not very good-word to the wise. ;)

One of the best and least known museums in the city. Check out the bookstore, truly awesome and they used to have good priced used.

If you want to eat dinner in the city, let me know. I'll give you some suggestions.
That's quite a thorough itinerary. I'll have to copy and paste all that into a file to save it... :beer:

I know my younger sister and her significant other would probably love to go and see all that too, and I will suggest it to them. I'd go just to see that sub.

But ya know, we took a trip from McFarland HS long ago to that Chicago museum... I know we did... I vaguely remember it, it was a long time ago. I'm sure they've upgraded much and it would be a completely new experience to see it again. Like the first time I saw the House On The Rock here by Spring Green. I hadn't seen that in decades and we went again just a couple years ago and it was totally different in that everything they had added.

07-19-2019, 01:05 AM
That's quite a thorough itinerary. I'll have to copy and paste all that into a file to save... :beer:

I know my younger sister and her significant other would probably love go and see all that too, and I will suggest it to them. I'd go just to see that sub.

But ya know, we took a trip from McFarland HS long ago to that Chicago museum... I know we did... I vaguely remember it, it was a long time ago. I'm sure they've upgraded much and it would be a completely new experience to see it again. Like the first time I saw the House On The Rock here by Spring Green. I hadn't seen that in decades and we went again just a couple year ago and it was totally different in that everything that they had added.

I would be surprised if you HADN'T been there, there's usually as many licenses from WI as from IL. It's 'THE' museum to go to, if you can only go to one. Kids love it, so it's great for a first visit. My folks took us at least every other year until maybe 4th grade. It's good for adults, but even better with kids.

I really like the Oriental, it's a lot of jewelry, art, and old stuff. ;) (Trust me, it's way worth it and unless there's been some big change, you may or may not leave a donation), not common in Chicago.

If I had to pick one museum to go to, I'd pick the Field Museum. Alas, no submarine or coal mine. :( But they've got Egyptian mummies, dinosaurs, and Bushman, the gorilla!) Lots and lots of gold, jewelry, etc.

If you go to the Field Museum, it's a super quick walk, same driveway, to the Aquarium. Down about 1 mile, which you can walk along the lake-then back to Michigan Ave, is the Art Institute. Again, like MSI and Field, cannot see in 1 day. The Chicago Museum, which has maps of architectural walks, is across the street from AI. Awesomeness, surrounded by some of the best eating outside of neighborhoods in the city.

Yeah, a nerd in a family of nerds. LOL!

Kind of weird to think about, but for one of our anniversaries we stayed at the Drake for 4 nights, all museum days and theater nights. Was one of the good times.

07-19-2019, 03:41 AM
I would be surprised if you HADN'T been there, there's usually as many licenses from WI as from IL. It's 'THE' museum to go to, if you can only go to one. Kids love it, so it's great for a first visit. My folks took us at least every other year until maybe 4th grade. It's good for adults, but even better with kids.

I really like the Oriental, it's a lot of jewelry, art, and old stuff. ;) (Trust me, it's way worth it and unless there's been some big change, you may or may not leave a donation), not common in Chicago.

If I had to pick one museum to go to, I'd pick the Field Museum. Alas, no submarine or coal mine. :( But they've got Egyptian mummies, dinosaurs, and Bushman, the gorilla!) Lots and lots of gold, jewelry, etc.

If you go to the Field Museum, it's a super quick walk, same driveway, to the Aquarium. Down about 1 mile, which you can walk along the lake-then back to Michigan Ave, is the Art Institute. Again, like MSI and Field, cannot see in 1 day. The Chicago Museum, which has maps of architectural walks, is across the street from AI. Awesomeness, surrounded by some of the best eating outside of neighborhoods in the city.

Yeah, a nerd in a family of nerds. LOL!

Kind of weird to think about, but for one of our anniversaries we stayed at the Drake for 4 nights, all museum days and theater nights. Was one of the good times.
Dang, Kath, that all sounds wonderful..!! I do remember now a field trip we took when I was at McFarland HS. We did go to "a" museum in Chicago. I could not tell you which one it was. Sounds like there's many, I didn't know, but I remember looking into a machine that showed you your eye, and you could adjust the brightness of the light and you'd see your pupil shrink and enlarge, it was fascinating. I'd LOVE to see any Egyptian antiquities... I tell ya... I could have been an archaeologist. I think that stuff is just beyond interesting. You've got me all interested now. I don't want to go alone so I'll be mentioning this to my younger sister. Or better yet, my older sister is coming over from Montana next year to go to her 50th HS reunion. Maybe we could all day trip over when she's here. In any case... THANK YOU for all the info... I love it.

There's also a Titanic museum down in Branson, MO. They actually have a partial replica of the ship, and many artifacts from the actual ship itself, some plucked from the depths by the sunken ship. They say it's haunted too. That I will go see sometime.

07-19-2019, 03:49 AM
Dang, Kath, that all sounds wonderful..!! I do remember now a field trip we took when I was at McFarland HS. We did go to "a" museum in Chicago. I could not tell you which one it was. Sounds like there's many, I didn't know, but I remember looking into a machine that showed you your eye, and you could adjust the brightness of the light and you'd see your pupil shrink and enlarge, it was fascinating. I'd LOVE to see any Egyptian antiquities... I tell ya... I could have been an archaeologist. I think that stuff is just beyond interesting. You've got me all interested now. I don't want to go alone so I'll be mentioning this to my younger sister. Or better yet, my older sister is coming over from Montana next year to go to her 50th HS reunion. Maybe we could all day trip over when she's here. In any case... THANK YOU for all the info... I love it.

There's also a Titanic museum down in Branson, MO. They actually have a partial replica of the ship, and many artifacts from the actual ship itself, some plucked from the depths by the sunken ship. They say it's haunted too. That I will go see sometime.
MSI! You'll enjoy it! Branson is worth it, museum or not! That sounds cool.

07-19-2019, 04:02 AM
MSI! You'll enjoy it! Branson is worth it, museum or not! That sounds cool.

Season 14, Episode 6 - Ghost Adventures

The Titanic Museum

Zak and the crew investigate the massive Titanic Museum in Branson, Missouri. Employees believe the spirits of the 1,496 people who lost their lives on April 14, 1912, have found their way to the museum dedicated to their memory.


07-19-2019, 06:01 AM
CSM and Gunny

It seems to me with Iran admitting/boasting about taking another ship and now this drone incident, there is a problem that needs response? That is what I think, (imagine?) in Trump's demeanor.

As he said, it would be better if all involved in the Strait could step up, but most can't. It seems to me there isn't enough time to put together some sort of 'coalition' to protect/respond? Then again, wth do I know?

All I can say is things have been cooking for a while now. Remember when the VP was recalled and cancelled a scheduled trip? I think it could have started then. I am betting the sanctions on Iran are becoming a problem for the Iranians and they are trying to distract the local peons and stirring up the West at the same time. That sort of brinksmanship is a dangerous game though. You can bet that all options are on the table and none of them would be good for Iran....

07-19-2019, 06:24 AM
All I can say is things have been cooking for a while now. Remember when the VP was recalled and cancelled a scheduled trip? I think it could have started then. I am betting the sanctions on Iran are becoming a problem for the Iranians and they are trying to distract the local peons and stirring up the West at the same time. That sort of brinksmanship is a dangerous game though. You can bet that all options are on the table and none of them would be good for Iran....
Thank you.

07-19-2019, 06:32 AM
I just found the link to complete announcement and flag ceremony. I'm interested if anyone thinks the President seems a bit distracted:


07-19-2019, 07:59 AM
There is about zero chance that the Boxer was over there preparing for a land attack in Iran. Trump won't go that route even if things get really hairy, why would he need to, we have carriers and submarines in the area that are easily capable of taking out Iran's major military installations without putting a single American boot on Iranian soil, and if we do have to go that route, that's what Trump will do, he's not interested in invading and conquering Iran.

Well, unless he just tells John Bolton "Do what you want" in which case, all bets are off.

07-19-2019, 08:02 AM
There is about zero chance that the Boxer was over there preparing for a land attack in Iran. Trump won't go that route even if things get really hairy, why would he need to, we have carriers and submarines in the area that are easily capable of taking out Iran's major military installations without putting a single American boot on Iranian soil, and if we do have to go that route, that's what Trump will do, he's not interested in invading and conquering Iran.

Well, unless he just tells John Bolton "Do what you want" in which case, all bets are off.

Who said differently?

07-19-2019, 08:12 AM
Who said differently?

On this board? No one that I'm aware of.

Quite a few pundits are of course convinced that Trump is going to invade Iran as a distraction from Mueller telling Congress the real truth next week LOL

07-19-2019, 08:20 AM
why not release now then, dumbasses? Iran needs time to edit shit before thy release it. :rolleyes:

Iran's Guards say they will release images to disprove U.S. claim that drone shot down


Iran says U.S. may have shot down its own drone by mistake


Tehran dismisses US claim of destroying Iranian drone


07-19-2019, 10:11 AM
There is about zero chance that the Boxer was over there preparing for a land attack in Iran. Trump won't go that route even if things get really hairy, why would he need to, we have carriers and submarines in the area that are easily capable of taking out Iran's major military installations without putting a single American boot on Iranian soil, and if we do have to go that route, that's what Trump will do, he's not interested in invading and conquering Iran.

Well, unless he just tells John Bolton "Do what you want" in which case, all bets are off.They aren't going to invade Iran with a MEU. Worst case scenario and push comes to shove, the Marines will seize and establish an advance Naval base and hold it until the Army and Navy move in. They have the numbers to occupy. The Corps does not.

It's great. We get to tool around f*cking sh*t up then hand the mess over to the Army :)

This was technically a one-off incident in which the Captain decided his ship was in imminent danger and he acted to defend it. It is the Captain's decision, he doesn't need permission and it requires basically a mutiny to override his orders. Technically, the seat polishers in DC can override his orders but that ain't happening in real time.

07-19-2019, 10:23 AM
They aren't going to invade Iran with a MEU. Worst case scenario and push comes to shove, the Marines will seize and establish an advance Naval base and hold it until the Army and Navy move in. They have the numbers to occupy. The Corps does not.

It's great. We get to tool around f*cking sh*t up then hand the mess over to the Army :)

This was technically a one-off incident in which the Captain decided his ship was in imminent danger and he acted to defend it. It is the Captain's decision, he doesn't need permission and it requires basically a mutiny to override his orders. Technically, the seat polishers in DC can override his orders but that ain't happening in real time.

The right to self defense is never denied.... supposedly. If the captain of that vessel had allowed an attack and sailors/Marines were injured or killed because of his inaction, he would be relieved of command and court martialed.... no question in my mind about that.

07-19-2019, 10:34 AM
They aren't going to invade Iran with a MEU. Worst case scenario and push comes to shove, the Marines will seize and establish an advance Naval base and hold it until the Army and Navy move in. They have the numbers to occupy. The Corps does not.

It's great. We get to tool around f*cking sh*t up then hand the mess over to the Army :)

This was technically a one-off incident in which the Captain decided his ship was in imminent danger and he acted to defend it. It is the Captain's decision, he doesn't need permission and it requires basically a mutiny to override his orders. Technically, the seat polishers in DC can override his orders but that ain't happening in real time.

I beg to differ.

If that pile of shit Obama or one of the Democrats currently running for the office were in charge the Captain of the ship most definitely would have had to get permission to take that drone out.

Which is, of course, completely contrary to US Naval tradition where the Captain is the ultimate authority and final say on anything regarding His ship or boat.

I think orders have probably went fleet wide "no more fucking around, if your ship is threatened , neutralize said threat" in the wake of Russian flybyes and shit that the Navy just had to tolerate under Obama.

07-19-2019, 10:35 AM
The right to self defense is never denied.... supposedly. If the captain of that vessel had allowed an attack and sailors/Marines were injured or killed because of his inaction, he would be relieved of command and court martialed.... no question in my mind about that.

I in no way believe that our Naval Captains had the right to defend their vessels autonomously under Obama.

That sniveling coward

07-19-2019, 10:42 AM
The right to self defense is never denied.... supposedly. If the captain of that vessel had allowed an attack and sailors/Marines were injured or killed because of his inaction, he would be relieved of command and court martialed.... no question in my mind about that.Agreed. I would actually hate to be in that position in today's political climate. You're going to get second-guessed/attacked by the left if one thing doesn't suit their empty little heads.

In this case, no lives on either side were lost. Just the way the left thinks wars should be fought :rolleyes:

My consideration is based on the absoluteness of the Captain's orders on a ship. On the ground it didn't seem to matter as much. You're part of an army. By the time you do something it's been hashed and re-hashed to point of death. On a Naval vessel under way, you're isolated, in the open and the Captain's got half a second to act.

Remember a couple years back when that one officer let the Iranians take his vessel? That is NOT what I expected of a Naval officer. I never did see or hear a reason good enough for me for him to surrender his boat. That's worse than blasphemy :laugh:

07-19-2019, 10:47 AM
Agreed. I would actually hate to be in that position in today's political climate. You're going to get second-guessed/attacked by the left if one thing doesn't suit their empty little heads.

In this case, no lives on either side were lost. Just the way the left thinks wars should be fought :rolleyes:

My consideration is based on the absoluteness of the Captain's orders on a ship. On the ground it didn't seem to matter as much. You're part of an army. By the time you do something it's been hashed and re-hashed to point of death. On a Naval vessel under way, you're isolated, in the open and the Captain's got half a second to act.

Remember a couple years back when that one officer let the Iranians take his vessel? That is NOT what I expected of a Naval officer. I never did see or hear a reason good enough for me for him to surrender his boat. That's worse than blasphemy :laugh:

Whatever happened to that guy , I mean surely at a minimum he lost the right to command another vessel.

That was the first time it was supremely clear that Obama had no interest in reigning Iran in. A country boards and takes one of our military vessels, we must sink 10 of theirs.

07-19-2019, 10:57 AM
Whatever happened to that guy , I mean surely at a minimum he lost the right to command another vessel.

That was the first time it was supremely clear that Obama had no interest in reigning Iran in. A country boards and takes one of our military vessels, we must sink 10 of theirs.
Your question IS your answer. "Whatever happened to that guy?" Just disappeared :) He probably can't get a job driving paddle boats on the San Antonio River :laugh:

07-19-2019, 11:07 AM
Your question IS your answer. "Whatever happened to that guy?" Just disappeared :) He probably can't get a job driving paddle boats on the San Antonio River :laugh:

Good point.

I remember I had a stopover on the USS Nassau back in Desert Storm and there was an incident. I happened to be on the bridge and even though there was a 2 star Admiral aboard and on the bridge when the incident happened to actual Captain of the vessel attempted to defer to the Admiral and was mildly rebuked "Your ship Captain, I'm just along for the ride" And the Captain did what he had to do to protect his ship.

It was a relatively minor incident, a fishing boat simply got too close to the ship which had temporarily detached from its group and was thus all alone for about 50 miles for reasons which I was never privy to.

The fishing boat was chased off in short order with no incident of consequence .

07-19-2019, 12:37 PM
I thought they were gonna give us proof?

Now at least I know where Baghdad Bob lives these days! Lol


Iran says U.S. may have shot down its own drone by mistake

Iran denied Friday it lost a drone in the Strait of Hormuz after the United States said it had "destroyed" an Iranian drone that was threatening a U.S. ship.

"We have not lost any drone in the Strait of Hormuz nor anywhere else. I am worried that USS Boxer has shot down their own UAS (Unmanned Aerial System) by mistake!," Iran's Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi said on Twitter.

Iran's semi-official Tasnim news agency quoted military spokesman Gen. Abolfazl Shekari as saying that "all Iranian drones that are in the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz, including the one which the U.S. president mentioned, after carrying out scheduled identification and control missions, have returned to their bases."

The Strait of Hormuz is a strategic waterway for the seaborne transportation of about a fifth of the world's global crude oil exports.

Rest - https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2019/07/19/iran-disputes-trump-claim-u-s-navy-destroyed-its-drone/1775051001/

07-19-2019, 12:43 PM
Another on the weapon used to shoot down our own drones... :laugh: Would be cool if it hit Iranian manned jets as well, maybe scramble their heads like cooked eggs at the same time. 2 for 1 special - take out their aircraft and Guard members or whomever at the same time.

Cook their electronics and signals, then send in a coalition to take back their nukes another 50 years or so. This is one bad-ass vehicle I would love to have!


New Marine Corps weapon that just destroyed an Iranian drone revealed


A new anti-drone system that fires from hardy 4x4 vehicles has been revealed after taking down an Iranian drone.

The Marine Corps' Light Marine Air Defense Integrated System, or LMADIS for short, jammed and brought down the unmanned aircraft.

The American authorities claim the drone flew within 1,000 yards of a US navy warship on the Strait of Hormuz.

LMADIS used a radar and cameras to scan the sky in a bid to detect drones and then distinguish between friendly and hostile systems.

Once a threat is located radio frequencies jam the drone.

The new tech was brought to Middle East by the California-based 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit.

Rest - https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/new-marine-corps-weapon-just-18349728

07-19-2019, 12:46 PM
I thought they were gonna give us proof?

Now at least I know where Baghdad Bob lives these days! Lol


Iran says U.S. may have shot down its own drone by mistake

Iran denied Friday it lost a drone in the Strait of Hormuz after the United States said it had "destroyed" an Iranian drone that was threatening a U.S. ship.

"We have not lost any drone in the Strait of Hormuz nor anywhere else. I am worried that USS Boxer has shot down their own UAS (Unmanned Aerial System) by mistake!," Iran's Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi said on Twitter.

Iran's semi-official Tasnim news agency quoted military spokesman Gen. Abolfazl Shekari as saying that "all Iranian drones that are in the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz, including the one which the U.S. president mentioned, after carrying out scheduled identification and control missions, have returned to their bases."

The Strait of Hormuz is a strategic waterway for the seaborne transportation of about a fifth of the world's global crude oil exports.

Rest - https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2019/07/19/iran-disputes-trump-claim-u-s-navy-destroyed-its-drone/1775051001/

While it is certainly possible that we could accidentally shoot down one of our own drones. It is unlikely. For one thing, all our equipment have identifiers on them that send out signals that let our other equipment know that they are friendly. Since many of our weapons systems are fully automated , they need a way to distinguish between a friendly drone and a foe drone, for example.

And further, it is even more unlikely that the US would not realize it was a US drone after bringing it down and would announce to the world that they had shot down Iranian drone if in fact they had shot down a US drone (I realize this drone wasn't shot down , just the verbiage I chose to use)

07-19-2019, 12:53 PM
While it is certainly possible that we could accidentally shoot down one of our own drones. It is unlikely. For one thing, all our equipment have identifiers on them that send out signals that let our other equipment know that they are friendly. Since many of our weapons systems are fully automated , they need a way to distinguish between a friendly drone and a foe drone, for example.

And further, it is even more unlikely that the US would not realize it was a US drone after bringing it down and would announce to the world that they had shot down Iranian drone if in fact they had shot down a US drone (I realize this drone wasn't shot down , just the verbiage I chose to use)

The designs are different too, and the various signals coming from our drones should prevent it from doing anything but to filthy Iranians. :)

07-19-2019, 05:45 PM
Gunny? csm? hpd? definitely icansayit

What do u guys think? Any possibility of such a scenario?


In a War, Iran Could Go After a U.S. Navy Aircraft Carrier and Win

Security, Middle East

Here's how.
In a War, Iran Could Go After a U.S. Navy Aircraft Carrier and Win

Iran would likely want to pull an American carrier battle group as close to the Iran coastline as possible. This would allow the country to disperse its fleet of ballistic missiles across a wider area and farther inland, giving them a better chance of escaping detection before launch.

Recent events, particularly the downing of a U.S. Navy MQ-4 Triton by Iranian military forces, again raise the possibility of war between the United States and Iran. The on again, off again standoff between Washington and Tehran, now in its fourth decade is periodically instigated by both sides, and each time Iran grows stronger. If Iran decides to stage an attack against a larger target, such as an American destroyer or even aircraft carrier, how might it use its missile force to do so?

Iran has invested considerable resources in its ballistic missile forces over the past forty years, for the same reason China and North Korea did: military aviation is an expensive proposition, and developing and maintaining an air force to rival the United States is very expensive indeed. Ballistic missiles offer a relatively inexpensive way to launch conventional, chemical, biological, and even nuclear payloads long distances. As an added bonus intercepting such missiles is complex and itself an expensive undertaking. All three countries developed large ballistic missile arsenals of varying sophistication, occasionally trading in illicit information among themselves and others.


07-19-2019, 06:05 PM
On this board? No one that I'm aware of.

Quite a few pundits are of course convinced that Trump is going to invade Iran as a distraction from Mueller telling Congress the real truth next week LOLThat's nuts. Even for conspiracy theorists. I can't even imagine what a leftwingnut conspiracy theorist sounds like, but that one is out there :laugh:

07-19-2019, 06:20 PM
Gunny? csm? hpd? definitely @icansayit (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=3857)

What do u guys think? Any possibility of such a scenario?


In a War, Iran Could Go After a U.S. Navy Aircraft Carrier and Win

Security, Middle East

Here's how.
In a War, Iran Could Go After a U.S. Navy Aircraft Carrier and Win

Iran would likely want to pull an American carrier battle group as close to the Iran coastline as possible. This would allow the country to disperse its fleet of ballistic missiles across a wider area and farther inland, giving them a better chance of escaping detection before launch.

Recent events, particularly the downing of a U.S. Navy MQ-4 Triton by Iranian military forces, again raise the possibility of war between the United States and Iran. The on again, off again standoff between Washington and Tehran, now in its fourth decade is periodically instigated by both sides, and each time Iran grows stronger. If Iran decides to stage an attack against a larger target, such as an American destroyer or even aircraft carrier, how might it use its missile force to do so?

Iran has invested considerable resources in its ballistic missile forces over the past forty years, for the same reason China and North Korea did: military aviation is an expensive proposition, and developing and maintaining an air force to rival the United States is very expensive indeed. Ballistic missiles offer a relatively inexpensive way to launch conventional, chemical, biological, and even nuclear payloads long distances. As an added bonus intercepting such missiles is complex and itself an expensive undertaking. All three countries developed large ballistic missile arsenals of varying sophistication, occasionally trading in illicit information among themselves and others.

https://news.yahoo.com/war-iran-could-u-navy-121200538.htmlI imagine anything is possible if the sun's shining the right way and wind blowing in the right direction.

I see Mr Optimism the author ratcheted down to a "destroyer or carrier" towards the end of his speculating. Without having to write a book, I don't believe Iran has the technology to do anything more than piss us off. Let's say Iran hits the lotto and sinks a US carrier. The guy says "and win". Win what?

What about the other 10 carriers and support vessels? The USAF, USA, USMC and USCG?

In other words, the author fails to identify "war". Total war? Tit-for-tat shot trade in the Gulf?

I got a prediction. The day after an Iranian missile actually hit a US carrier Iran would have no more missiles, launch sites, nor anything even remotely suspected of having anything to do with Iranian missiles. Anywhere. That doesn't take a war. Just an ass kicking of of the first order.

07-19-2019, 06:26 PM
They gotta take out all their nuke capabilities, all of them. They'll probably go after Israel afterwards if they can.

07-19-2019, 06:35 PM
They gotta take out all their nuke capabilities, all of them. They'll probably go after Israel afterwards if they can.

Do you all think the US is going to act militarily?

07-19-2019, 06:54 PM
Do you all think the US is going to act militarily?

Hell, I know what you know! I'm just thinking out loud, if I were to tell them what to do, that's what I would do, but that's why I learned how to work on computers/networking... I'm no military guy, and that's what ya get from my hardware minded brain. :)

But I think their crap needs to be stopped anyway, end their nuclear ambitions, but any war kinda a tough sell. Thats why I would say in and out hitting all that crap and call it a day.

07-19-2019, 07:01 PM
Do you all think the US is going to act militarily?Iran is acting militarily. The UK has acted militarily. And we have acted militarily.

Iran is illegally seizing vessels by physical, military force. There is one way to stop that for sure. More force.

What will Trump do? Your guess is as good as mine. Rest assured that we possess the capability to strike Iran and devastate the place without putting a single boot on the ground.

I would say they are still in a position to talk. The problem is, Iran is the aggressor and seems more than willing to push the issue.

07-19-2019, 07:06 PM
Gunny? csm? hpd? definitely icansayit

What do u guys think? Any possibility of such a scenario?


In a War, Iran Could Go After a U.S. Navy Aircraft Carrier and Win

Security, Middle East

Here's how.
In a War, Iran Could Go After a U.S. Navy Aircraft Carrier and Win

Iran would likely want to pull an American carrier battle group as close to the Iran coastline as possible. This would allow the country to disperse its fleet of ballistic missiles across a wider area and farther inland, giving them a better chance of escaping detection before launch.

Recent events, particularly the downing of a U.S. Navy MQ-4 Triton by Iranian military forces, again raise the possibility of war between the United States and Iran. The on again, off again standoff between Washington and Tehran, now in its fourth decade is periodically instigated by both sides, and each time Iran grows stronger. If Iran decides to stage an attack against a larger target, such as an American destroyer or even aircraft carrier, how might it use its missile force to do so?

Iran has invested considerable resources in its ballistic missile forces over the past forty years, for the same reason China and North Korea did: military aviation is an expensive proposition, and developing and maintaining an air force to rival the United States is very expensive indeed. Ballistic missiles offer a relatively inexpensive way to launch conventional, chemical, biological, and even nuclear payloads long distances. As an added bonus intercepting such missiles is complex and itself an expensive undertaking. All three countries developed large ballistic missile arsenals of varying sophistication, occasionally trading in illicit information among themselves and others.


They would not stand a chance with a Carrier Battle Group, with subs and additional assets close. USAF Strike bombers. Close by B-52's, B-1's and B-2's.
Then the A-10 swooping to destroy the Persian Elite!

07-19-2019, 07:08 PM
Iran is acting militarily. The UK has acted militarily. And we have acted militarily.

Iran is illegally seizing vessels by physical, military force. There is one way to stop that for sure. More force.

What will Trump do? Your guess is as good as mine. Rest assured that we possess the capability to strike Iran and devastate the place without putting a single boot on the ground.

I would say they are still in a position to talk. The problem is, Iran is the aggressor and seems more than willing to push the issue.

Just heard that Rand Paul is on his way to Iran. Sounds like a plan. Is Jimmy Carter available?

07-19-2019, 07:23 PM
Just heard that Rand Paul is on his way to Iran. Sounds like a plan. Is Jimmy Carter available?I heard that earlier. I thought it was a joke :laugh:

I'm sorry. I'm just laughing. Who but Trump would send Rand Paul to Iran to broker some sort of cease-fire or whatever the Hell they're going to talk about?:laugh2:

07-19-2019, 07:25 PM
On this board? No one that I'm aware of.

Quite a few pundits are of course convinced that Trump is going to invade Iran as a distraction from Mueller telling Congress the real truth next week LOL

That notion is absurd!

What "Real Truth"? More emotional reactions? More butt-hurt idiots that cannot shut the fuck up and learn>?
They should be emergency strapped into their high chairs and let them pound their spoons on the tray.
Makes for a lot of amusement!

07-19-2019, 07:32 PM
I heard that earlier. I thought it was a joke :laugh:

I'm sorry. I'm just laughing. Who but Trump would send Rand Paul to Iran to broker some sort of cease-fire or whatever the Hell they're going to talk about?:laugh2:

Maybe Dennis Rodman?

Ok, just kidding about Carter and Rodman, but Rand Paul is serious. https://www.politico.com/story/2019/07/19/rand-paul-iran-trump-1423779



07-19-2019, 07:43 PM
Any attempt, by anybody, to attack any of our Navy ships in the Persian Gulf would mean headlines that read:

IRANIAN ships, planes, and other vessels can be seen by tourists from GLASS BOTTOM BOATS in the Persian Gulf. The remnants of all of the leaking oil, and floating bodies will soon be cleared as the SEA SNAKES and SHARKS feast on for weeks.

P.S. I have been there, and seen them myself.


07-19-2019, 07:52 PM
Maybe Dennis Rodman?

Ok, just kidding about Carter and Rodman, but Rand Paul is serious. https://www.politico.com/story/2019/07/19/rand-paul-iran-trump-1423779


https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/iran-is-now-counting-on-rand-paul-and-his-allies-to-salvage-obamas-disastrous-nuclear-dealI am not sure what is your concern?

07-19-2019, 07:53 PM
I am not sure what is your concern?
I don't have any. No oil tankers. I know the military isn't going to want me. ;)

07-19-2019, 08:04 PM
I don't have any. No oil tankers. I know the military isn't going to want me. ;)I don't know what Trump is the thinking unless he's purposefully sending the biggest opponent on problems with Iran in the GOP. If it all goes to sh*t, you can't fault him his choice of emissaries. It will probably go to sh*t because I think Trump wants it to. If it doesn't, and Iran caves which is about what it would take, bonus for Trump.

To answer an earlier question: IMO, the only way Iran would have even a chance against the US is to suck us into a land war. We are superior in every way except numbers on the ground and they DO count.

I've long been a fan of a crippling strike with the message do it again and we'll do it again, but unless we intend to capture every inch of ground and occupy by force, I'm firmly against boots on the ground. The Iranians were offsetting Saddam's superior technology by throwing sheer numbers at him and fought the war to a standstill. That would be as good as a win for Iran to pull off on the US.

07-19-2019, 08:04 PM
As Gunny said yesterday, before the two tankers were taken today, the US has been building up troops in Saudi Arabia for awhile now, if needed in the ME, (cough). Reason for USS Boxer and others.

Now FOX is "breaking news" that the DOD has admitted that they have been building up troops, especially marines.

07-19-2019, 08:06 PM
I don't know what Trump is the thinking unless he's purposefully sending the biggest opponent on problems with Iran in the GOP. If it all goes to sh*t, you can't fault him his choice of emissaries. It will probably go to sh*t because I think Trump wants it to. If it doesn't, and Iran caves which is about what it would take, bonus for Trump.

To answer an earlier question: IMO, the only way Iran would have even a chance against the US is to suck us into a land war. We are superior in every way except numbers on the ground and they DO count.

I've long been a fan of a crippling strike with the message do it again and we'll do it again, but unless we intend to capture every inch of ground and occupy by force, I'm firmly against boots on the ground. The Iranians were offsetting Saddam's superior technology by throwing sheer numbers at him and fought the war to a standstill. That would be as good as a win for Iran to pull off on the US.

I don't think there's any question that the US military can neutralize any threat to US interests and those assets of our allies, should we choose to do so. I know I do not have to be convinced of such.

I am always against 'boots on the ground' unless the US is willing to WIN whatever they enter. I wish politicians would be as serious with our military as they are with their political enemies.

07-19-2019, 08:20 PM
They cannot combat us by sea or air. Once that is done our ground forces will overwhelm them,
but they will be decimated long before that.

07-19-2019, 08:32 PM
They cannot combat us by sea or air. Once that is done our ground forces will overwhelm them,
but they will be decimated long before that.We do not have the ground force to overwhelm them. Again, sheer numbers and the size of Iran is in their favor, not ours. I could care less about taking the place because we could never hold it. Screw nation-building. Blow the crap out of them and leave. Let THEM rebuild their own damned selves.

07-19-2019, 08:41 PM
I imagine anything is possible if the sun's shining the right way and wind blowing in the right direction.

I see Mr Optimism the author ratcheted down to a "destroyer or carrier" towards the end of his speculating. Without having to write a book, I don't believe Iran has the technology to do anything more than piss us off. Let's say Iran hits the lotto and sinks a US carrier. The guy says "and win". Win what?

What about the other 10 carriers and support vessels? The USAF, USA, USMC and USCG?

In other words, the author fails to identify "war". Total war? Tit-for-tat shot trade in the Gulf?

I got a prediction. The day after an Iranian missile actually hit a US carrier Iran would have no more missiles, launch sites, nor anything even remotely suspected of having anything to do with Iranian missiles. Anywhere. That doesn't take a war. Just an ass kicking of of the first order.

Yep. I can kill you too, if:

1. You give me a gun
2. You give me ammo for a gun
3. You stay still
4. You stay still and give me unlimited chances to hit you
5. All of the above til I finally end you-it may be a few hits to non-vitals, so it may take awhile. Sorry.

07-19-2019, 11:01 PM
Donald Trump remembers the tactics of Teddy Roosevelt, and the words he famously once said.

If anyone wants to know what President Trump is doing, or thinking. Think about those words:


Diplomacy, and not being afraid to show our enemies...we are not OBAMA, or CLINTON....is paying off. IMO.

The president doesn't want war, any more than any of us do, or those in the Military.

The Marines going to Saudi Arabia as a buildup...IMO...are another SHOW OF FORCE the president isn't afraid to show Iran....THE BIG STICK.

07-20-2019, 08:22 AM
They would not stand a chance with a Carrier Battle Group, with subs and additional assets close. USAF Strike bombers. Close by B-52's, B-1's and B-2's.
Then the A-10 swooping to destroy the Persian Elite!

Sorry, my friend!! Should have placed you first initially, knowing you obviously know the seas as good as anyone!!