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View Full Version : Trump disavows ‘send her back’ cry, Omar stands defiant

07-19-2019, 06:51 AM
funny, the left yammers on over everything he does, and do so when he disavows as well. I guess they think they are harming him, or somehow changing minds of those who support him. 'tards.

He disavowed, did right thing, but I assure you it hasnt affected his support, nor will people turn against him because the idiots on the msm tell us that he turned his back on us! lol Don't think so. I can form my own opinions. :)

And as I said, read around, and the news is already staying with his "racist" comments from the other day, to now saying he got the chants going. :)



07-19-2019, 08:15 AM
Trump waited 13 seconds for that chant to die down before speaking again, PROVING that he's a racist.

On the real though, I wish he had said something then too, but this continued demanding that Trump be perfect in all his responses to shit like this while totally ignoring all the hateful garbage being done and said by Democrats is just completely ridiculous.

07-19-2019, 08:51 AM
Trump waited 13 seconds for that chant to die down before speaking again, PROVING that he's a racist.

On the real though, I wish he had said something then too, but this continued demanding that Trump be perfect in all his responses to shit like this while totally ignoring all the hateful garbage being done and said by Democrats is just completely ridiculous.

Not saying anything at the time was clearly a mistake, and it’s good to see him recognise that. However, why on earth he chose to lie about what happened by saying he tried to speak quickly over the chant I have no idea.
I would also be interested to know how those who were happy with the chant feel about trump rejecting it.

07-19-2019, 09:04 AM
Trump waited 13 seconds for that chant to die down before speaking again, PROVING that he's a racist.

On the real though, I wish he had said something then too, but this continued demanding that Trump be perfect in all his responses to shit like this while totally ignoring all the hateful garbage being done and said by Democrats is just completely ridiculous.

Well, thats been like that forever. they condemn the right - and no matter the wrongdoing on the left, they ignore it. Dems, supporters & surely the MSM avoids almost all left wrongdoing. Hillary never did anything, believe it or not. And shes a legend to all of them, being the criminal she is. :rolleyes:

I think the socialist crap kills them. the talk about us supporters kills them. the never-ending racist crap is killing them. the accusations, without prrof will kill them. Where is Schiff and the PROOF AND EVIDENCE he saw himself? being liars will kill them. killing our borders and blaming Trump will kill them. IMO, so far what they do - is not their jobs, but are living to obstruct "everything" as they said they would. thats gonna kill them. too many dems so far, harming them. promoting their worst candidates, aint helping. then you have the freshmen in congress, pulling puppet strings as if they are in charge - and nitwits listen, and the media fawns over 24x7x365.

Only way Trump can lose would be his own doing. And hes trying at times. but lots good things hes accomplished, and America likes folks who do well by our economy. And the left avoiding border stuff - only makes me want him there easily for another 4, finish hjis job, and hope the nitwits do enough to help give the right more power and ability in that 4 to finish.

And just maybe we may even see yet another on the right going into the SC!! Dont count out the possibility!

07-19-2019, 09:09 AM
Not saying anything at the time was clearly a mistake, and it’s good to see him recognise that. However, why on earth he chose to lie about what happened by saying he tried to speak quickly over the chant I have no idea.
I would also be interested to know how those who were happy with the chant feel about trump rejecting it.

It was 13 seconds Noir, and as someone who has spoken publicly on several occasions I can tell you that sometimes when things like this happen it's better to just remain quiet and let the hoopla die down rather than try to speak over the interruptions.

That being said, I can't find any comments from you on the topic of any of the squad refusing to condemn the recent ANTIFA attack in Washington when they were directly asked if they would. Of course the very same can be said about every single liberal. Why is Trump railed for not immediately disavowing WORDS but the squad is ignored when they refuse to disavow ACTIONS , even weeks after the actions took place.

I have zero doubt in my mind Noir that if some idiotic conservative had attacked let's say a Planned Parenthood facility and tried to blow the place up and some reporter had repeatedly asked Trump if he disavowed the actions and he just kept on walking pretending like he never even heard the question that you would be screaming bloody murder on this message board. NONE. And we all know how CNN and MSNB and the NYT and so on and so forth would be reacting.

07-19-2019, 09:19 AM
It was 13 seconds Noir, and as someone who has spoken publicly on several occasions I can tell you that sometimes when things like this happen it's better to just remain quiet and let the hoopla die down rather than try to speak over the interruptions.

That being said, I can't find any comments from you on the topic of any of the squad refusing to condemn the recent ANTIFA attack in Washington when they were directly asked if they would. Of course the very same can be said about every single liberal. Why is Trump railed for not immediately disavowing WORDS but the squad is ignored when they refuse to disavow ACTIONS , even weeks after the actions took place.

I have zero doubt in my mind Noir that if some idiotic conservative had attacked let's say a Planned Parenthood facility and tried to blow the place up and some reporter had repeatedly asked Trump if he disavowed the actions and he just kept on walking pretending like he never even heard the question that you would be screaming bloody murder on this message board. NONE. And we all know how CNN and MSNB and the NYT and so on and so forth would be reacting.

EVERY ONE of them refuse to condemn antifa or worse!

Trump's supporters will not budge because of this in any way. willing to bet that next set of polls after some events show just that, and maybe even an increase.

folks went Trump in 2016 as an alternative to Shrillary. And 2020 may bring similar, thx to the twitnit socialists and ppl not wanting any of their candidates.

07-19-2019, 09:23 AM
EVERY ONE of them refuse to condemn antifa or worse!

Trump's supporters will not budge because of this in any way. willing to bet that next set of polls after some events show just that, and maybe even an increase.

folks went Trump in 2016 as an alternative to Shrillary. And 2020 may bring similar, thx to the twitnit socialists and ppl not wanting any of their candidates.

Yep, these morons don't even recognize that they have created Trump and the atmosphere that totally ignores his sometimes bad behaviors . They are FAR worse than Trump has ever been. And they aren't even held accountable . For fuck sakes Trump's own Justice Department declines to press charges when people on "their side" have broken the law let alone what opponents of Trump do in reaction to them.

I am not in the least bit surprised that Noir hasn't came back and said "you're right, these women should have condemned attacks on government facilities"

07-19-2019, 09:27 AM
Yep, these morons don't even recognize that they have created Trump and the atmosphere that totally ignores his sometimes bad behaviors . They are FAR worse than Trump has ever been. And they aren't even held accountable . For fuck sakes Trump's own Justice Department declines to press charges when people on "their side" have broken the law let alone what opponents of Trump do in reaction to them.

yup, well said. Accountability and "personal responsibility" are things the left thinks is alien, never heard of before, and that its the government who bears the responsibility for their woes and debts and problems, and of course their birth control aka abortions. oh, and their debt too!

07-19-2019, 09:36 AM
Come on Noir , surely you have the personal integrity to come in and say "you're right, these four women who are constantly railing about how dangerous Trump's words are should condemn groups that are actually commuting acts of violence"

If you don't yet posses that level of integrity, I pray that you soon grow up..

07-19-2019, 09:42 AM
It was 13 seconds Noir, and as someone who has spoken publicly on several occasions I can tell you that sometimes when things like this happen it's better to just remain quiet and let the hoopla die down rather than try to speak over the interruptions.

and that would be grand - if it wasn’t for the fact that he was not telling people that he stood silent to let the moment he did not agree with pass, instead, for some reason, he lied and said he tried to talk over it quickly.

07-19-2019, 09:44 AM
Come on @Noir (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=517) , surely you have the personal integrity to come in and say "you're right, these four women who are constantly railing about how dangerous Trump's words are should condemn groups that are actually commuting acts of violence"

If you don't yet posses that level of integrity, I pray that you soon grow up..

I know little to nothing about these women other than what’s been posted on this forum (no exactly a clean lens to look through) but they should 100% be condemning what is happening for example in Portland.

07-19-2019, 09:47 AM

07-19-2019, 09:55 AM
I know little to nothing about these women other than what’s been posted on this forum (no exactly a clean lens to look through) but they should 100% be condemning what is happening for example in Portland.

That is why so many people simply ignore the news and don't give a shit what Trump says Noir. All four of these women were asked to condemn the ANTIFA member who firebombed an ICE building in Washington last weekend, all four declined to do so, they just pretended like the guy asking the question wasn't even there. Was that reported on CNN,MSNBC? Did you know that? Do you doubt that you would know within 2 hours if Trump was asked to disavow violence from a conservative and just ignored the question (which we all know he would not do btw?) Of course you would know about it, and no one would have to browbeat you into saying that he should have condemned it either.

Surely you see the problem with the difference in treatment here now multiply that times every fucking issue and you quickly figure out why Trump and his supporters are so frustrated that chant shit like "send her back" even though that is entirely inappropriate to say. This god damned Ilmar Omar or whatever her name is an ungrateful American hating terrorist supporting piece of shit and to top it off there is now more evidence that she violated immigration law than there ever was that Trump colluded with Russia and yeah maybe this bitch does need to be stripped of her citizenship and returned to Somalia which by the way is perfectly within US law to do so.


07-19-2019, 10:16 AM
and that would be grand - if it wasn’t for the fact that he was not telling people that he stood silent to let the moment he did not agree with pass, instead, for some reason, he lied and said he tried to talk over it quickly.When the crowd strikes up a chant at ANY event or rally what does the speaker usually do? Oh yeah. He/she waits for the crowd to die down before attempting to speak.

Your obvious bias and willful blindness are showing.

07-19-2019, 10:22 AM
When the crowd strikes up a chant at ANY event or rally what does the speaker usually do? Oh yeah. He/she waits for the crowd to die down before attempting to speak.

Your obvious bias and willful blindness are showing.

You Trumpanzees just don't understand. Trump is SO dangerous to our country that we must condemn him much more harshly for waiting for a crowd to die down before continuing his speech than we treat the squad for actively refusing to say "yes ANTIFA attacking federal building is bad"

07-19-2019, 10:47 AM
Par for the course for the lefties. :rolleyes:


07-19-2019, 10:48 AM
You Trumpanzees just don't understand. Trump is SO dangerous to our country that we must condemn him much more harshly for waiting for a crowd to die down before continuing his speech than we treat the squad for actively refusing to say "yes ANTIFA attacking federal building is bad"Don't call ME a Trumpanzee. I've taken it up the bobo on this board for disagreeing with him too much to rate such lofty praise :laugh:

My entire take on the topic might be different if not for the Dems/left/MSM and its treatment of him. I want him to succeed and the country needs him to succeed because the alternative is death of a nation as we know and understand it.

I just can't resist taking shots at MR Impartial and Objective when his own post buries any such notion.

07-19-2019, 10:48 AM
Par for the course for the lefties. :rolleyes:


Condemning your voter base is bad politics Jim.

07-19-2019, 10:49 AM
they are liars. but defend palestine and condemn Israel.... they are anti-American, a fact IMO

07-19-2019, 10:53 AM
they are liars. but defend palestine and condemn Israel.... they are anti-American, a fact IMOI have no problem saying "Send them back". Send Omar back to Somalia. She got out of that shithole because of us and is here because of us, but we suck. Fuck her and not with my ****.

She's an escaped refugee as far as the Somali's are concerned and they will summarily execute her ass. Boggles the mind that she wants to recreate here what she spent years trying to escape from there. I'd be more than happy to drop her off at the first Somali warlord's door I came across.

07-19-2019, 10:54 AM
Don't call ME a Trumpanzee. I've taken it up the bobo on this board for disagreeing with him too much to rate such lofty praise :laugh:

My entire take on the topic might be different if not for the Dems/left/MSM and its treatment of him. I want him to succeed and the country needs him to succeed because the alternative is death of a nation as we know and understand it.

I was being sarcastic jarhead.

And I said the exact same thing in this thread and elsewhere. So many of us think Trump is a rude , narcissistic jerk, but we just don't even cae any more because A) he's doing things that help us and B) The treatment he has received since taking office is disgusting

How in the holy fuck am I supposed to be outraged that Trump said "go back to where you came from if you hate America" when the women he said it about won't even say "hey ANTIFA shouldn't be violently attacking people they don't like?"

I like to play the "If I were President" game , so if I were President I would order my Attorney General to dig into ANTIFA and make a RICO case against not only them, but also against the DNC and members of .

Trump isn't treating ANTIFA as seriously as he needs to be.

07-19-2019, 10:57 AM
Condemning your voter base is bad politics Jim.

I KNOW who they support. :rolleyes:

i'll side with a "racist" 999 weeks out of 1000, as i may miss one on vacation. And the racist crap was bs from day one. they started with immigrants at first, when it was always ILLEGAL immigrants. they and the media lie through their teeth.

i also didnt fall for it on day one, nor do I now, because he took a few seconds to cut into OTHERS chants. :rolleyes:

if Trump wins another 4 years, their will likely be suicides! but thinning the herd of bad brain cells makes the herd stronger!! And those 4 years will be SO much better! :laugh:


07-19-2019, 10:59 AM
When the crowd strikes up a chant at ANY event or rally what does the speaker usually do? Oh yeah. He/she waits for the crowd to die down before attempting to speak.

Your obvious bias and willful blindness are showing.

Fine but *why*did he lie about that afterwards?

07-19-2019, 11:04 AM
Fine but *why*did he lie about that afterwards?What did he lie about? He disavowed being part or party to the chants. I didn't see him chanting. You? Didn't see him do much of anything but wait his turn to speak. That's a crime now too if you're a Trump? Or can all of us on the right share in the guilt?

You're just looking to point a finger at Trump. That simple. If he'd told the crowd to STFU you and CNN would be avowing as how Trump turned on his own base of racists:rolleyes:

You should at least try and pretend to be objective if you're going to claim such.

07-19-2019, 11:13 AM
Fine but *why*did he lie about that afterwards?

Noir, it was 13 fucking seconds. It is your OPINION that lied, not a fact.

Have you ever watched any of his rallies before. Say his campaign rallies from 2016? When the crowd broke into "lock her up" chants he would stop and give the crowd a good 30 seconds to continue their chants before attempting to speak again. Now I'm just a stupid hick with a PhD from the University of Arkansas I know, but where I'm from 30 seconds is longer than 13 seconds so saying "I sped up and attempted to get back to speaking faster" isn't a lie when you compare it that way.

07-19-2019, 11:17 AM
What did he lie about? He disavowed being part or party to the chants. I didn't see him chanting. You? Didn't see him do much of anything but wait his turn to speak. That's a crime now too if you're a Trump? Or can all of us on the right share in the guilt?

You're just looking to point a finger at Trump. That simple. If he'd told the crowd to STFU you and CNN would be avowing as how Trump turned on his own base of racists:rolleyes:

You should at least try and pretend to be objective if you're going to claim such.

Reporter: “When your supporters last night where chanting “send her back” Why didn’t you stop them? Why didn’t you ask them to stop saying that?”
Trump: “Well number 1 I think I did. I think I started speaking very quickly...I will say this I did start speaking very quickly...”

According to Trumps statement he did try and stop the chant, and he did so by speaking very quickly.
According to anyone with eyes and ears he stood by silently until the chant died down itself.

07-19-2019, 11:25 AM
Reporter: “When your supporters last night where chanting “send her back” Why didn’t you stop them? Why didn’t you ask them to stop saying that?”
Trump: “Well number 1 I think I did. I think I started speaking very quickly...I will say this I did start speaking very quickly...”

According to Trumps statement he did try and stop the chant, and he did so by speaking very quickly.
According to anyone with eyes and ears he stood by silently until the chant died down itself.

13 seconds Noir, 13 god damned seconds. Now "I started speaking quickly " is subjective. Quickly isn't a measure of time. So it is YOU who is being dishonest when you say the President lied when he said started speaking quickly. The truth is there is no way of measuring quickly.

I already illustrated this for you Noir. In the past when the crowd's at his rallies would start cheering he'd wait 30 seconds at least before speaking again, but this time he only waited 13 seconds meaning compared to other times the crowd started chanting something he did speak quickly.

Come on kid, this isn't the hill to die on here, you got bad information just say and move on with our respect for admitting it.

07-19-2019, 11:49 AM
Don't call ME a Trumpanzee.

Call me Mr. MonkeyTrumpChimpApe fan!

And its all good to just call him a monkey anyway, as the left likes to do that too. Plus, he'll be even more racist if he looks like a monkey - or orange orangutan too! Count me in, I'll happily be a racist chimp supporting Orangutan Man. :)

btw,I love all primates anyway, maybe thats proof that Trump and I are related racists? Remember when they also did it with Obama too? Me neither. :)

"Trumpanzee's 2020 - another 4 lame duck years" - that's my slogan for the last 4 years. Gonna be labeled racist no matter what, might as well give them real ammo this time instead of the blanks they have been shooting. :coffee:

07-19-2019, 12:02 PM
issue of antifa violence & racism, and how its one sided for dems

I changed your entire quote on purpose. :) Not to alter really, but to answer your concerns. :thumb:

I'm not getting involved with you guys....

but wanted to use the same content to point out how its always been with the left. The media - couldn't care less about such things. 13 seconds is HELL - and that content from citizens - that is SO much more important than democrats ignoring the truth, answering difficult questions while on the news - as they dont ask them. When the right does - they outright ignore as you see. The truth about any violence matters not to them. The truth about the violent folks supporting the left, they likely applaud at when not elsewhere, and then ignore it in public or the news...

again - the democrats and their racist crap, and their talk about violence..... means nothing to them. Nothing at all. I'm waiting on answers to questions I asked Spillmind & Bamthin many moons ago. Addressing problems is one sided, and only the right can possibly do such things. Omar and AoL know this and lie and smile and ignore and lie and smile some more.

07-19-2019, 12:10 PM
13 seconds Noir, 13 god damned seconds. Now "I started speaking quickly " is subjective. Quickly isn't a measure of time. So it is YOU who is being dishonest when you say the President lied when he said started speaking quickly. The truth is there is no way of measuring quickly.

I already illustrated this for you Noir. In the past when the crowd's at his rallies would start cheering he'd wait 30 seconds at least before speaking again, but this time he only waited 13 seconds meaning compared to other times the crowd started chanting something he did speak quickly.

Come on kid, this isn't the hill to die on here, you got bad information just say and move on with our respect for admitting it.

if Hillary waited 13 seconds before breaking so many laws, I wonder if she would have then been prosecuted for her crimes? Or, I wonder, if Trump started speaking to the crowd after, say 9 seconds, would he still be the racist who made the chants? Maybe 8?

When AoHell and Omar completely ignore media questions, if they had asked her 14 seconds earlier, some time to ponder over the violence, would they have answered, i wonder? Or, if given 26 seconds to answer, and they talk smack about Israel instead, would that make them or their stances racist and/or supporting of violence?

I'd LOVE to interview them myself!!! Put me on air and let America hear the questions. They can ignore me, thats cool, but the questions will be heard more so at least. 2 of those complete retards refuse to answer me on Twitter already, oddly. :dunno:

07-19-2019, 12:25 PM
Call me Mr. MonkeyTrumpChimpApe fan!

And its all good to just call him a monkey anyway, as the left likes to do that too. Plus, he'll be even more racist if he looks like a monkey - or orange orangutan too! Count me in, I'll happily be a racist chimp supporting Orangutan Man. :)

btw,I love all primates anyway, maybe thats proof that Trump and I are related racists? Remember when they also did it with Obama too? Me neither. :)

"Trumpanzee's 2020 - another 4 lame duck years" - that's my slogan for the last 4 years. Gonna be labeled racist no matter what, might as well give them real ammo this time instead of the blanks they have been shooting. :coffee:

Wonder which of the 20 will call anyone who doesn't agree with them a deplorable this time around

07-19-2019, 12:27 PM
they are liars. but defend palestine and condemn Israel.... they are anti-American, a fact IMO:clap::clap:

... and THAT, is the POINT.

I believe that all this talk of 'racism' has been as prominently pitched for, and by, the media precisely so that it detracts from the central point. Trump is against all of these individuals, NOT because of their race, but because of their dedicatedly determined efforts to offer an anti-American voice and 'viewpoint'.

There will be those on the Left (i.e, all of them ??) who'll want one side of the so-called 'coin' ignored, but the other fully and misleadingly spotlighted. Anything, but anything, to score a point, however shabby.

It is reasonable for an American patriot to want an America-hater to leave the country they hate. Reasonable, and logical.

07-19-2019, 12:29 PM
if Hillary waited 13 seconds before breaking so many laws, I wonder if she would have then been prosecuted for her crimes? Or, I wonder, if Trump started speaking to the crowd after, say 9 seconds, would he still be the racist who made the chants? Maybe 8?

When AoHell and Omar completely ignore media questions, if they had asked her 14 seconds earlier, some time to ponder over the violence, would they have answered, i wonder? Or, if given 26 seconds to answer, and they talk smack about Israel instead, would that make them or their stances racist and/or supporting of violence?

I'd LOVE to interview them myself!!! Put me on air and let America hear the questions. They can ignore me, thats cool, but the questions will be heard more so at least. 2 of those complete retards refuse to answer me on Twitter already, oddly. :dunno:

STTAB is all over each of them almost daily. I try to get to each of their FBs along with that of Bernie Sanders every day to ask them at least one question.

NONE of them have ever responded.

07-19-2019, 12:30 PM

... and THAT, is the POINT.

I believe that all this talk of 'racism' has been as prominently pitched for, and by, the media precisely so that it detracts from the central point. Trump is against all of these individuals, NOT because of their race, but because of their dedicatedly determined efforts to offer an anti-American voice and 'viewpoint'.

There will be those on the Left (i.e, all of them ??) who'll want one side of the so-called 'coin' ignored, but the other fully and misleadingly spotlighted. Anything, but anything, to score a point, however shabby.

It is reasonable for an American patriot to want an America-hater to leave the country they hate. Reasonable, and logical.

As I said the other day, none of these assholes actually believes that Donald Trump is a racist. But truth is irrelevant to them. AOC even said so herself, she believes that lying is perfectly okay because she's morally right.

07-19-2019, 12:32 PM
Wonder which of the 20 will call anyone who doesn't agree with them a deplorable this time around

Too busy calling us racists for now, but we're ALL deplorable nazi fascists for a bit too.

And when Trump wins 2020, I'm gonna be a proud nazi! Hell, many told me that years ago before all of this anyway, same with Kath, NT, Gunny, Darin.... only Abbey made... nevermind, she's a racist nazi too!! ( j/k) :coffee:

07-19-2019, 01:44 PM
I know little to nothing about these women other than what’s been posted on this forum (no exactly a clean lens to look through) but they should 100% be condemning what is happening for example in Portland.

Now that is just weak. While I am not a Trump fan, I take the time to know what he's doing, for better or worse. These 4, none are from my area, so I cannot vote for or against any of them. However, they have thrust themselves onto the national stage. For me, it wasn't with Trump, rather with Pelosi. Just a bit more than a week ago. It was enough that I took some time to find some background info on voting and stands. Not good for anyone that actually pays attention to issues and philosophies.

Not a fan of Pelosi, but she's been a very good Leader and while she always spins all to her side, she is trusted by the opposition when dealing with needed rules. Which is where things went a bit haywire the other day-but she's had a very tough week.

It's not fair or even worth discussion when one will only consider their own side, without any understanding of the other. That is what you are doing.

07-19-2019, 01:51 PM
Now that is just weak. While I am not a Trump fan, I take the time to know what he's doing, for better or worse. These 4, none are from my area, so I cannot vote for or against any of them. However, they have thrust themselves onto the national stage. For me, it wasn't with Trump, rather with Pelosi. Just a bit more than a week ago. It was enough that I took some time to find some background info on voting and stands. Not good for anyone that actually pays attention to issues and philosophies.

Not a fan of Pelosi, but she's been a very good Leader and while she always spins all to her side, she is trusted by the opposition when dealing with needed rules. Which is where things went a bit haywire the other day-but she's had a very tough week.

It's not fair or even worth discussion when one will only consider their own side, without any understanding of the other. That is what you are doing.

Nancy WAS a good leader, she's let the nuts take over the Democratic Party. This didn't begin with the squad, they have just fully taken over from Nancy.

And what I mean is Nancy used to be somewhat reasonable, she'd work with Republicans at least some . In the last year though, the VERY few times she has worked with the Republicans has been a complete shock, as no one expected her to be able to do so. And things just keep getting worse.

07-19-2019, 01:58 PM
Nancy WAS a good leader, she's let the nuts take over the Democratic Party. This didn't begin with the squad, they have just fully taken over from Nancy.

And what I mean is Nancy used to be somewhat reasonable, she'd work with Republicans at least some . In the last year though, the VERY few times she has worked with the Republicans has been a complete shock, as no one expected her to be able to do so. And things just keep getting worse.

Democrats have always been far more splintered, their leaders always working on herding cats.

My reasoning is that Democrats really have not had any guiding principles-just labels. Republicans are going to be facing the same 'after Trump,' but not yet. I think Pelosi is trying to figure how far she can go to 'punish' these feral cats.

07-19-2019, 02:04 PM
Democrats have always been far more splintered, their leaders always working on herding cats.

My reasoning is that Democrats really have not had any guiding principles-just labels. Republicans are going to be facing the same 'after Trump,' but not yet. I think Pelosi is trying to figure how far she can go to 'punish' these feral cats.

Strange, I've always felt the opposite. It's always seemed to me like until recently Nancy Pelosi's greatest strength was she controlled the direction of the Democrats in the House, if one of them believed something, they all believed it (well we should say claimed to believe it, because the ONLY thing Democrats in DC believe in is seizing power at all costs) and that is has always been the Republicans who have a lot of in fighting because they actually do just disagree on policies. I mean when Paul Ryan was SoH for example, they lost the House simply because they weren't smart enough to disagree in private, and present a united front in public and get shit done.

It still seems like it is MOSTLY that way with the Dems. I mean are you really believing, for example, that every single Democratic member of Congress believed it might be true that Trump colluded with Russians to steal an election? Come on.. Yet, I can't recall even one of them publicly saying "I doubt this is true" Sure were plenty of Republicans who were cowardly enough to say "hey this might be true, we better investigate for 8 years to be sure" though weren't there?

07-19-2019, 04:07 PM
Reporter: “When your supporters last night where chanting “send her back” Why didn’t you stop them? Why didn’t you ask them to stop saying that?”
Trump: “Well number 1 I think I did. I think I started speaking very quickly...I will say this I did start speaking very quickly...”

According to Trumps statement he did try and stop the chant, and he did so by speaking very quickly.
According to anyone with eyes and ears he stood by silently until the chant died down itself.THAT is your "lie"? Are you kidding? You aren't even going to pretend to have an argument?

down to brass tacks and the TRUTH is Trump didn't speak soon enough to suit your or the rest of the leftwingnuts so it's a "lie". :rolleyes::rolleyes: and :rolleyes:.

Did his speaking not stop the crowd from chanting? Ooops ... doh ... So, in effect, he stopped the crowd from chanting. "Why yes, Gunny, as a matter of fact ...." :rolleyes:

Anything else?

07-19-2019, 04:11 PM
THAT is your "lie"? Are you kidding? You aren't even going to pretend to have an argument?

down to brass tacks and the TRUTH is Trump didn't speak soon enough to suit your or the rest of the leftwingnuts so it's a "lie". :rolleyes::rolleyes: and :rolleyes:.

Did his speaking not stop the crowd from chanting? Ooops ... doh ... So, in effect, he stopped the crowd from chanting. "Why yes, Gunny, as a matter of fact ...." :rolleyes:

Anything else?

No, he waited for the chant to stop and then started speaking.

07-19-2019, 04:20 PM
Strange, I've always felt the opposite. It's always seemed to me like until recently Nancy Pelosi's greatest strength was she controlled the direction of the Democrats in the House, if one of them believed something, they all believed it (well we should say claimed to believe it, because the ONLY thing Democrats in DC believe in is seizing power at all costs) and that is has always been the Republicans who have a lot of in fighting because they actually do just disagree on policies. I mean when Paul Ryan was SoH for example, they lost the House simply because they weren't smart enough to disagree in private, and present a united front in public and get shit done.

It still seems like it is MOSTLY that way with the Dems. I mean are you really believing, for example, that every single Democratic member of Congress believed it might be true that Trump colluded with Russians to steal an election? Come on.. Yet, I can't recall even one of them publicly saying "I doubt this is true" Sure were plenty of Republicans who were cowardly enough to say "hey this might be true, we better investigate for 8 years to be sure" though weren't there?

Democrats have always been split about what is the most important ill to focus on. Republicans had certain principles they looked at issues through said prism. The one thing that the Democrats did that Republicans didn't, was focus on the long term goal of winning. Republicans tended to have to be pushed to give up something to get something. The Dems wanted to win.

These 4 seem to be focused on the belief that the 'young and dumb' will follow like sheep and somehow overtake all the other groups that vote. Well Trump already had splintered some of those older Democrats with the last election. Now the economy is mostly humming and Trump has mostly kept his promises and even some more. Now you've got the socialists/communists/anarchy promoters seemingly calling the leadership of the Democrats racist and proving they are ineffectual. Trump isn't.

This is not looking pretty for the Democrats in 2020, unless something changes quickly.

I'm not saying everything is roses for the Republicans, it really isn't close to what it was in 2015, it IS Trump's version of the Republican party, which is very disciplined-cross the powers that be, you're gone. What it will be in 2024 is when that bridge will be crossed.

07-19-2019, 04:42 PM
No, he waited for the chant to stop and then started speaking.Perception?

Doesn't matter if he waited for them to stop, which, as I pointed out earlier is customary, or cut them off. They stopped. Trump publicly disavowed any ties to that portion of the event.

Looks like end of a non-story to me.

Unless your imagination counts :rolleyes:

07-19-2019, 04:51 PM
Today he sort of walked the disavowal back or not? yeah, I know, 'the Guardian...'


...Trump slammed Omar while applauding the “incredible” crowd that broke out in a chant of “send her back.” The president told reporters during an Oval Office event that he was “unhappy” with the congresswoman’s past comments and that he thought the attendees of his North Carolina were “incredible patriots.” (Here is the full video again.).....

07-19-2019, 04:54 PM

Doesn't matter if he waited for them to stop, which, as I pointed out earlier is customary, or cut them off. They stopped. Trump publicly disavowed any ties to that portion of the event.

Looks like end of a non-story to me.

Unless your imagination counts :rolleyes:

Remember his first time in congress, and he honored a military Mom, and she got a standing O for like 5 minutes? He'd be the new KKK leader!

Just another failed attempt by the left....

I am glad that these few women are getting the attention they wanted, showing Trump was racist towards them. Add to my other 200 threads on them. Well, that and Omar's 2 hubbies. :) When the news covers this, they should play all the videos of them ignoring the questions. Their collective condemnation of Israel, and maybe support for anything anti-America. All of their BS from day one that they all tried to ignore, shove it down American's throats so they are well informed for 2020. Force CNN and MSNBC to cry and tell the story.

his new nickname: Robert Byrd

07-19-2019, 05:01 PM
Today he sort of walked the disavowal back or not? yeah, I know, 'the Guardian...'


Supported everyone and anything - 'cept for the chants. LOL He ain't no dummy! But what I was thinking, he may be thinking - let them have yet another thing to go nuts about until the election. And maybe some more Russian news.

its really all they have been doing, and I'm confident that Americans don't want their socialist crap, new green deal, freebies for everyone & non-stop complaints and lies and ignoring whomever voted for them.

07-19-2019, 05:14 PM
Today he sort of walked the disavowal back or not? yeah, I know, 'the Guardian...'

https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/live/2019/jul/19/trump-ilhan-omar-news-today-live-latest-send-her-back-racist-attack-updates-Here's the problem: By leftwingnut/MSM and PC NEOCON/RINO standards, I am a racist. And I know I'm not and have a hard time getting to the level of racism they are.

So when I hear "racism" aimed at Trump, I default to "not". Regardless anything anyone thinks about Trump or not, he's not a racist. Nor does he act like one, nor encourage anyone to think he is.

At that "send her back" is not a racist comment. It's not a sexist comment. It's not an anti-ugly comment. It's telling someone to go home if they don't like it here. Kids used to do that with the crybabies in my neighborhood(s) too.

So all of this crap to me is just more Trump vs the World drama. Some of it is hilarious. Only the dark undertones of foreboding (I know you like THAT :)) knowing how devious the Dems are gives one cause to take any of it seriously. I still think Trump is a boorish prig. He has taken little notice of my opinion :)

07-19-2019, 05:54 PM
Her same crap back home. Avoid any tough questions & I'm gonna be a nightmare to Trump! She's a dem, so it'll be hidden. :rolleyes:

Always lies, and no eyes - because they simply don't care about such trivial things on that side.

Rep. Ilhan Omar Stonewalling Hometown Paper on Marriage Controversy, Editor Says


What happens next?
Rep. Ilhan Omar Stonewalling Hometown Paper on Marriage Controversy, Editor Says

Democratic Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar has allegedly been uncooperative with her hometown paper’s efforts to get to the bottom of accusations that she committed marriage fraud, the paper’s political editor said.

Omar’s brief congressional career has been dogged by accusations — which she has denied — that she married a male relative, possibly her brother. Omar and her current husband, Ahmed Hirsi, filed joint tax returns while Omar was married to another man, Ahmed Elmi, Minnesota campaign finance officials said.

Omar and her family have made it difficult for journalists to find out the truth about her marriage, Minnesota Star-Tribune editor Kevin Diaz told PolitiFact in an interview Thursday.

“Our public records searches determined that in at least one period after she married Elmi, all three (Omar, Elmi and Hirsi) used the same address in Minnesota. It raises questions about the nature of the relationship if she is living with both the person she’s married to and her eventual husband,” Diaz said.

“What’s really made it hard is that she’s been unwilling to address any of these questions. That has fueled the controversy. We quoted her at length to say that these were mere accusations, that they were unfair, and that she shouldn’t have to address them. Be that as may, there was an undisputed instance of her filing her taxes improperly. And if you’re in Congress, you should explain that to your constituents,” he continued.

Rest - https://news.yahoo.com/rep-ilhan-omar-stonewalling-hometown-125600938.html

07-19-2019, 08:34 PM
Her same crap back home. Avoid any tough questions & I'm gonna be a nightmare to Trump! She's a dem, so it'll be hidden. :rolleyes:

Always lies, and no eyes - because they simply don't care about such trivial things on that side.

Rep. Ilhan Omar Stonewalling Hometown Paper on Marriage Controversy, Editor Says


What happens next?
Rep. Ilhan Omar Stonewalling Hometown Paper on Marriage Controversy, Editor Says

Democratic Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar has allegedly been uncooperative with her hometown paper’s efforts to get to the bottom of accusations that she committed marriage fraud, the paper’s political editor said.

Omar’s brief congressional career has been dogged by accusations — which she has denied — that she married a male relative, possibly her brother. Omar and her current husband, Ahmed Hirsi, filed joint tax returns while Omar was married to another man, Ahmed Elmi, Minnesota campaign finance officials said.

Omar and her family have made it difficult for journalists to find out the truth about her marriage, Minnesota Star-Tribune editor Kevin Diaz told PolitiFact in an interview Thursday.

“Our public records searches determined that in at least one period after she married Elmi, all three (Omar, Elmi and Hirsi) used the same address in Minnesota. It raises questions about the nature of the relationship if she is living with both the person she’s married to and her eventual husband,” Diaz said.

“What’s really made it hard is that she’s been unwilling to address any of these questions. That has fueled the controversy. We quoted her at length to say that these were mere accusations, that they were unfair, and that she shouldn’t have to address them. Be that as may, there was an undisputed instance of her filing her taxes improperly. And if you’re in Congress, you should explain that to your constituents,” he continued.

Rest - https://news.yahoo.com/rep-ilhan-omar-stonewalling-hometown-125600938.htmlIf this was Joe Blow up the road he'd already be in jail and charged.