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View Full Version : UPS pissing me off

07-20-2019, 02:14 PM
I bought an expensive item online, and I paid extra for overnight delivery, and it was shipped in that manner.

It was loaded on the truck and out for delivery yesterday at 5:29am.

At 10:14pm, after waiting all damn day, I get a text update as I always do every step of way, 17 hours later mind you, telling me "Due to operating conditions, your package may be delayed. / Delivery will be rescheduled." - I was pissed.

So anyway, at least back out for delivery again today at 6:23am, but nothing yet. I call them to ask, to ensure, that I would at least get it today - and any way possible to confirm? of course not.

And I went to the location in the past to pickup things I missed, for example. But if they ain't returning it until after 10...?

And the wait continues. :(

07-20-2019, 02:32 PM
Oh hell, now they just told me it's not going out until Monday! wtfffff? It shows today on the website though....1st I confirmed as I knew that they do still deliver on Saturday. But she said that's if you pay for the weekend delivery! Huh, its still with them on this Saturday because of them! No help though.

So I asked if I could then for sure just go pick it up since its been there since late last night... "no, because its "out for delivery""? huh its loaded on truck, out for delivery - sitting inside UPS Bronx - and therefore I can't get it. :rolleyes::laugh:

I wouldn't bet on anything lately, I'm on a little downturn in the luck department!

07-20-2019, 03:19 PM
Oh hell, now they just told me it's not going out until Monday! wtfffff? It shows today on the website though....1st I confirmed as I knew that they do still deliver on Saturday. But she said that's if you pay for the weekend delivery! Huh, its still with them on this Saturday because of them! No help though.

So I asked if I could then for sure just go pick it up since its been there since late last night... "no, because its "out for delivery""? huh its loaded on truck, out for delivery - sitting inside UPS Bronx - and therefore I can't get it. :rolleyes::laugh:

I wouldn't bet on anything lately, I'm on a little downturn in the luck department!

If it's Amazon, you may get it free or with substantial gift card.

07-20-2019, 03:26 PM
If it's Amazon, you may get it free or with substantial gift card.

How do you do so for things already shipped? Complain somehow somewhere? Wasn't really their fault, but still.

07-20-2019, 03:31 PM
How do you do so for things already shipped? Complain somehow somewhere? Wasn't really their fault, but still.

First call Amazon, complaining about UPS messages yesterday and today, sounding strained after already paying extra on top of Prime, because you NEEDED it yesterday. Let them know you may well cancel Prime, you are THAT mad!

I've always had them be very responsive and tell them you EXPECT delivery today. When you get it, check and make sure ok. Then call them, saying 'thanks for making sure, but you expect refund for next day shipping and some adjustment.' then shut up and see what they say.

07-20-2019, 03:33 PM
Sweet, will try!

07-20-2019, 05:46 PM
I wouldn't bet on anything lately, I'm on a little downturn in the luck department!

"Today, I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of this earth." - Lou Gehrig

Also myself!! And not just because I would like to eat dinner tonight! Or because the woman read my post.... :laugh:

But with all things considered... with all the negative things that happened, and being temporarily handicapped... There's no one better, nor would I want anyone else but my awesome wife of 25 years!!! Am very lucky to have her here by my side and able to help me, who was pretty much helping me every step of the way. Not to mention, she puts up with me and my attitude. :angel:

07-20-2019, 07:23 PM
Didn't I tell you in the other thread about you posting that pic with the MAGA hat and pissing people off?

Now your shit's gone :slap:

07-20-2019, 08:40 PM
I have been having running problems with Amazon since November. Their
latest was telling me to use a different E-mail address! Told them to pound sand.

When I am done with outdoor work while there is time, I will speak directly to
a supervisor.

A good alternative is Target. Not a single problem with them.

07-21-2019, 08:47 AM
Around here UPS is the good one. They run like clock work. They're all dressed in a nice uniform and driving new trucks and usually show up at close to the same time every time. Can't recall them screwing up any delivery here like what you're experiencing, @jimnyc (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=1).

FedEx is the major screw up around here. They drive dirty, shitty looking little vans and trucks and the drivers all wear just whatever plain clothes, and the boxes they drop off look like they've been thrown in and out whatever they were ever in for their 3 times around the globe trip.

But Kathy is spot on with her advice. Even if the item isn't sold by Amazon, if it's "filled and shipped" by an Amazon "fulfillment center," then they're usually really good about helping. I've gotten gift certificates and even items fully refunded. Recently I bought a new Ashley carriage bed and it was shipped in two different orders and 3 different packages. The side rails showed up missing a bunch of nuts and bolts. Called Amazon and they just shipped out the entire thing again free of charge, and no need to return anything. All I needed was the missing nuts and bolts but now I a full set of new spare side rails.

07-21-2019, 09:39 AM
I've usually had nothing but great luck with Amazon especially the prime service but in this particular issue the problem started the moment that they handed it off UPS, as THEY ALWAYS SUCK IMO. If I have an option I always choose the United States Postal Service and if I am going to pay extra for rush service I will always use FedEx.

07-21-2019, 09:53 AM
I've usually had nothing but great luck with Amazon especially the prime service but in this particular issue the problem started the moment that they handed it off UPS, as THEY ALWAYS SUCK IMO. If I have an option I always choose the United States Postal Service and if I am going to pay extra for rush service I will always use FedEx.
Were you able to get anything done yesterday? I realized afterwards the 3 hour time difference.

07-21-2019, 10:08 AM
I've usually had nothing but great luck with Amazon especially the prime service but in this particular issue the problem started the moment that they handed it off UPS, as THEY ALWAYS SUCK IMO. If I have an option I always choose the United States Postal Service and if I am going to pay extra for rush service I will always use FedEx.
Odd how the shipping companies can differ so much in different locales. I guess it's due to whatever management they have at that facility.

07-21-2019, 10:52 AM
Were you able to get anything done yesterday? I realized afterwards the 3 hour time difference.

Nothing at all. :(

As far as Amazon counts, we are all under Diana's account, so I think she's doing so Mon from work.

07-21-2019, 01:22 PM
Odd how the shipping companies can differ so much in different locales. I guess it's due to whatever management they have at that facility.

And it ALL gets on the same planes and trucks. I use the USPS most times. 1-2 day shipping is a gimmick to begin with. It's the opposite here. UPS trucks usally sound like they're not hitting on all cylinders and dirty as Hell. FedEx is usually clean and has drivers that take pride in their uniforms. Not that *I* would be a pr*ck about THAT :laugh: Amazon's usually okay too.

The mailman is a retired Marine :). He'll bring my shit to the door :)

07-22-2019, 01:29 PM
I've never seen a guy so mad about his sex doll being back ordered. I told you not to order the one that looked like Gunny that it would be in high demand and probably be back ordered.


Abbey Marie
07-22-2019, 03:28 PM
I've never seen a guy so mad about his sex doll being back ordered. I told you not to order the one that looked like Gunny that it would be in high demand and probably be back ordered.



Have you seen seen a pic of Gunny? He’s pretty easy on the eyes.
But maybe not for Jim.

07-23-2019, 11:31 AM
So now I'm truly ticked off. Still no package -s. I ordered 2 products online from Costco - paid for "UPS Next Day Air Saver" and of course you can imagine it wasn't cheap. And I'm still expecting a "prime" delivery package, supposed to arrive on Friday.

So the Amazon package from Friday, of course goes back in at 10+pm at night. They didn't even attempt Sat or Sun. You would THINK that they would load the truck appropriately, so that delayed deliveries go off first. Instead, I use the "follow my delivery" option, the guys is all over town for 12 hours, but ALL in my same town - and magically never gets to Friday's left over package to me? It should have been first ya bastards! I call them, and they say now it gets unloaded, then reloaded on whatever truck for day of delivery - and while he agreed with me, obviously they have no rhyme or reason as to how loaded. Truck was near the train station, then a block from me, and then back to the beginning area, then in the apartment complex across the road from me... :rolleyes:

So then my 2 packages from Costco, with the next day air...

Genius! Apparently it was the same truck when you followed it. :( You would THINK that the next day packages would be delivered as priority - but the guy I spoke with even said that just means they get delivered to the closest warehouse and out for delivery to me the next day. But nothing about the order of delivery, even though those packages, people paid more for the service.

So last night, as I said, we had a lot of rain. But geez, it was rain!! So even though they made it to 10pm on Friday, last night was canceled early due to the rain - which is listed as - "Delay in delivery due to weather or natural disaster"

Know how many times this damn package went in and out and in and out of trucks, one truck to another, back out, back to warehouse, off, on again.... And yes, it's got glass in it sort of...

How would you like it, if you paid extra to have a package delivered to you, for something that was important, at least to you??

Shipped with UPS
Tracking ID: 1Z85***63391
Tuesday, July 23
9:23 AM - Out for delivery, Bronx, NY US
5:05 AM - Out for delivery, Bronx, NY US
4:18 AM - Package arrived at a carrier facility Bronx, NY US
4:18 AM - Out for delivery, Bronx, NY US
Monday, July 22
10:12 PM - A carrier delay has occurred Bronx, NY US
10:12 PM - Delay in delivery due to weather or natural disaster (BS on the time, as they sent out an email at 8:07pm) Bronx, NY US
8:52 AM - Out for delivery, Bronx, NY US
6:00 AM - Out for delivery, Bronx, NY US
Friday, July 19
10:35 PM - Package arrived at a carrier facility Bronx, NY US
10:14 PM - A carrier delay has occurred Bronx, NY US
5:29 AM - Out for delivery, Bronx, NY US
4:43 AM Out for delivery, Bronx, NY US
4:40 AM - Package arrived at a carrier facility Bronx, NY US
3:17 AM - Package has left the carrier facility Secaucus, NJ US
Thursday, July 18
9:37 PM - Package arrived at a carrier facility Secaucus, NJ US
Package has shipped

07-23-2019, 01:00 PM
Around here you rarely get packages on the day that Fedx or UPS initially say you will. Almost always get a text "we're so very sorry but your package has been delayed , it should arrive on ____________" which I mean okay as long as it shows up on that second expected delivery date. And yeah I'd be pissed if I paid extra to have something guarantee delivered and it didn't show up on time.