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07-22-2019, 08:47 AM
Well not holding my breath, but a report due out in September. Nonetheless, causing a stir:


Oh My: IG Report To Allege Comey Lied To Trump — And Spied On Him
ED MORRISSEYPosted at 8:41 am on July 22, 2019

If RealClearInvestigations’ sources (https://www.realclearinvestigations.com/articles/2019/07/22/comey_under_scrutiny_for_own_inquiry_and_misleadin g_trump_119584.html) accurately describe Inspector General Michael Horowitz’ upcoming report, it’s no wonder Donald Trump fired James Comey. According to two sources reportedly briefed on the upcoming Horowitz report, the former FBI director repeatedly lied about not targeting Trump in his probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election. Comey also had what amounted to a spy in the White House, raising the specter of J. Edgar Hoover all over again:

Sources tell RealClearInvestigations that Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz will soon file a report with evidence indicating that Comey was misleading the president. Even as he repeatedly assured Trump that he was not a target, the former director was secretly trying to build a conspiracy case against the president, while at times acting as an investigative agent.

Two U.S. officials briefed on the inspector general’s investigation of possible FBI misconduct said Comey was essentially “running a covert operation against” the president, starting with a private “defensive briefing” he gave Trump just weeks before his inauguration. They said Horowitz has examined high-level FBI text messages and other communications indicating Comey was actually conducting a “counterintelligence assessment” of Trump during that January 2017 meeting in New York.

In addition to adding notes of his meetings and phone calls with Trump to the official FBI case file, Comey had an agent inside the White House who reported back to FBI headquarters about Trump and his aides, according to other officials familiar with the matter.

RCI’s Paul Sperry goes into considerably more detail, so be sure to read all of his report. How much of this actually ends up in Horowitz’ finished version is anyone’s guess. Usually, these reports get passed around to various impacted department heads for feedback and revisions. Sperry notes that the report isn’t expected out until September, which means edits and revisions might still take place. And, curiously, Sperry doesn’t offer much of anything at all on what is supposed to be central to Horowitz’ investigation — the use of the Steele dossier to get a FISA surveillance warrant on Carter Page. Either that part might be a dud, or perhaps Horowitz is playing that one a little closer to the vest.


07-22-2019, 08:58 AM
Well not holding my breath, but a report due out in September. Nonetheless, causing a stir:


Doesn't matter, nothing will be done, the Justice Department will decline to prosecute. Guaranteed.

We already know for fact that either Comey or McCabe lied to Congress when they gave completey contradictory testimony well over a year ago. Anyone been arrested there yet?

What about the CEOs of Apple, Facebook, and Google? All 3 absolutely lied to Congress last summer. This isn't even a question. It's a simple fact, they all lied. Nothing done.

Law and order President my ass.