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View Full Version : Boris Johnson Has Officially Won Over Jeremy Hunt For Prime Minister

07-23-2019, 06:12 AM
Will take over tomorrow, with May resigning. He's actually kind of funny.


07-23-2019, 06:23 AM
Wow, I'm such a dummy, thought it wasn't all until tomorrow. I missed it! Lol

Congrats to Johnson! Congrats to the UK and congrats Drummond, as I know you wanted this!

07-23-2019, 08:16 AM
An intro for us former colonists:


Next UK Prime Minister. Yep, It’s Boris
JAZZ SHAWPosted at 8:01 am on July 23, 2019

Today the race to replace British Prime Minister Theresa May officially came to an end when the Tories selected former London Mayor Boris Johnson as head of the Conservative Party. Tomorrow he will formerly be sworn in as Prime Minister. In the end, the vote wasn’t even close, with Johnson receiving roughly double the number of votes garnered by his primary rival, Jeremy Hunt. Given Johnson’s “colorful” personality (to put it mildly), the Brits are preparing for what will likely be a lively and interesting couple of years as they continue to wrestle with the Brexit issue. (Associated Press)

SEE ALSO: DoJ to Mueller: You’re correct about being limited to the report

Johnson, who sometimes has an ambiguous relationship with facts, campaigned with characteristic bluster, vowing to revive the country’s “mojo” and making one main promise: Britain will leave the EU on Oct. 31, “come what may.”

He may find that promise hard to keep. The new leader heads a government with no parliamentary majority in a deeply divided country that is facing off with a mistrustful EU.

The prime minister is due to take office Wednesday in a smoothly choreographed political handover. May will travel to Buckingham Palace and ask Queen Elizabeth II to invite her Conservative successor to form a government. Johnson — or, less likely, Hunt — will speak to the nation in front of his new home at 10 Downing St. that afternoon.

Boris had campaigned on a promise to succeed where Theresa May failed, specifically getting the EU to reopen negotiations and get a better deal for them on Brexit. How he plans to do that remains a mystery, as the EU Parliament has repeatedly shot down every one of May’s offers and said that they have no plans of renegotiating at this late date. Failing to secure such a concession, the Brits will march into a No Deal Brexit on Halloween.

Johnson’s reputation for being an unusual politician is well deserved. He’s widely known for his sometimes inartful (or simply crass) jokes and he’s a walking quote machine, making his ascension great news for bloggers. Here are two of my favorites, both from a time well before he was seriously in the running for the top office.

“My chances of being PM are about as good as the chances of finding Elvis on Mars, or my being reincarnated as an olive.

“My friends, as I have discovered myself, there are no disasters, only opportunities. And, indeed, opportunities for fresh disasters.”

His speech after winning the race today was along similar lines. He was generous in his praise for both Theresa May and Jeremy Hunt and self-denigrating when referring to his victory. He noted the fact that there are people, “some who may be in this room,” who likely feel that his selection was something of a disaster, giving a comedic nod to the possibility that they might be right. I watched the entire speech and I have to admit I enjoyed it quite a bit.

If you’d like to get a feel for how the British press feels about Boris Johnson, I would point you to the latest episode of the BBC’s Friday Night Comedy series Dead Ringers. (Or really any episode from this season.) The show features voice actors impersonating all of the country’s political and social leaders and their treatment of Johnson is generally brutal. They portray the incoming PM as a schizophrenic with multiple personality disorder. There’s “the good Boris” and “the bad Boris.” The Good Boris pretends to be friendly and normal so he can win the election, but the bad Boris always bursts through, harrumphing and unleashing a string of derogatory remarks and offensive jokes.

In any event, congrats to Boris Johnson and best of luck to our friends in Great Britain. You’ve no doubt got a rocky road in front of you, but you’ll get it all sorted sooner or later.

07-23-2019, 08:36 AM
Well we’ve successfully got ourselves into the position of having womanising comedian as our executive leader, it’s probably no more than we deserve, sadly.

Abbey Marie
07-23-2019, 08:45 AM
Well we’ve successfully got ourselves into the position of having womanising comedian as our executive leader, it’s probably no more than we deserve, sadly.

Could be worse. Could be a Liberal.

07-23-2019, 08:55 AM
Could be worse. Could be a Liberal.

07-23-2019, 09:09 AM
Well we’ve successfully got ourselves into the position of having womanising comedian as our executive leader, it’s probably no more than we deserve, sadly.:laugh2::laugh2:

Heh heh. Well, Noir, you were guaranteed to hate this development, weren't you ? :laugh:

Kath's observation (and as we Brits well know already) is true. Boris is funny ! At times, he's downright hilarious. In the months to come, Americans will have more of an exposure to Boris's comedic style. I'm sure they'll enjoy it.

Behind all of Boris's buffoonery, there's a very keen mind. He's way more intelligent and capable than his image will at first suggest. If anyone can get us out of the dysfunctional mess we're currently in, he will !!

But he's an enormously difficult task ahead of him, so difficult that to fail at it would be an easy thing to do. He has people in his own Party who are so opposed to his 'Brexit by Halloween, come-what-may' approach that they're already resigning, like lemmings on speed. And that's just the start. Theresa May found her difficulties so bad that she couldn't function as a credible PM because of them. Boris will see such pressures, if anything, intensify.

But as I say, if anyone can win through, it's Boris. To Noir's annoyance, I'll cheer him on.

Thanks to all who congratulate me for this success ! Yes, it puts me in a buoyant mood ... I feel a certain euphoria right now ! But ... we've very tough times ahead, and of course, Noir's people will delight in helping to make them difficult.

That's the Left for you.

Of course.

Oh, and remember: Boris was born in New York. He could claim American citizenship, if he ever wanted to.

07-23-2019, 09:12 AM

Heh heh. Well, Noir, you were guaranteed to hate this development, weren't you ? :laugh:

Kath's observation (and as we Brits well know already) is true. Boris is funny ! At times, he's downright hilarious. In the months to come, Americans will have more of an exposure to Boris's comedic style. I'm sure they'll enjoy it.

Behind all of Boris's buffoonery, there's a very keen mind. He's way more intelligent and capable than his image will at first suggest. If anyone can get us out of the dysfunctional mess we're currently in, he will !!

But he's an enormously difficult task ahead of him, so difficult that to fail at it would be an easy thing to do. He has people in his own Party who are so opposed to his 'Brexit by Halloween, come-what-may' approach that they're already resigning, like lemmings on speed. And that's just the start. Theresa May found her difficulties so bad that she couldn't function as a credible PM because of them. Boris will see such pressures, if anything, intensify.

But as I say, if anyone can win through, it's Boris. To Noir's annoyance, I'll cheer him on.

Thanks to all who congratulate me for this success ! Yes, it puts me in a buoyant mood ... I feel a certain euphoria right now ! But ... we've very tough times ahead, and of course, Noir's people will delight in helping to make them difficult.

That's the Left for you.

Of course.

Oh, and remember: Boris was born in New York. He could claim American citizenship, if he ever wanted to.

I look forward to watching him in the future. Glad you're having a good day.

Abbey Marie
07-23-2019, 09:12 AM

Heh heh. Well, Noir, you were guaranteed to hate this development, weren't you ? :laugh:

Kath's observation (and as we Brits well know already) is true. Boris is funny ! At times, he's downright hilarious. In the months to come, Americans will have more of an exposure to Boris's comedic style. I'm sure they'll enjoy it.

Behind all of Boris's buffoonery, there's a very keen mind. He's way more intelligent and capable than his image will at first suggest. If anyone can get us out of the dysfunctional mess we're currently in, he will !!

But he's an enormously difficult task ahead of him, so difficult that to fail at it would be an easy thing to do. He has people in his own Party who are so opposed to his 'Brexit by Halloween, come-what-may' approach that they're already resigning, like lemmings on speed. And that's just the start. Theresa May found her difficulties so bad that she couldn't function as a credible PM because of them. Boris will see such pressures, if anything, intensify.

But as I say, if anyone can win through, it's Boris. To Noir's annoyance, I'll cheer him on.

Thanks to all who congratulate me for this success ! Yes, it puts me in a buoyant mood ... I feel a certain euphoria right now ! But ... we've very tough times ahead, and of course, Noir's people will delight in helping to make them difficult.

That's the Left for you.

Of course.

Oh, and remember: Boris was born in New York. He could claim American citizenship, if he ever wanted to.

That sounds familiar to us here. Except the sense of humor, perhaps.

07-23-2019, 09:21 AM
Wow, I'm such a dummy, thought it wasn't all until tomorrow. I missed it! Lol

Congrats to Johnson! Congrats to the UK and congrats Drummond, as I know you wanted this!

In a sense, it is tomorrow.

Boris won his election today, but he doesn't officially take over until tomorrow. Theresa May is still our PM, and she'll be our PM until later tomorrow (certain duties still to undertake: Prime Minister's Questions, in the Commons, her last accounting-session to Parliament, and her final chance to batter Jeremy Corbyn with a dose of Conservative superiority, in her exchanges with him; her formal resignation to the Queen, and her official recommendation delivered to the Queen specifying her recommended successor).

And, thanks for those congratulations !!

07-23-2019, 09:45 AM
So... I apologize for my ignorance of Brit terminology, but is Boris the one we here in America would consider the "conservative," as in conservative by our definition?

07-23-2019, 09:47 AM
So... I apologize for my ignorance of Brit terminology, but is Boris the one we here in America would consider the "conservative," as in conservative by our definition?

As conservatives as Brits get nowadays. ;)

07-23-2019, 10:49 AM
I look forward to watching him in the future. Glad you're having a good day.

Thank you !! :cool::salute:

07-23-2019, 11:14 AM
So... I apologize for my ignorance of Brit terminology, but is Boris the one we here in America would consider the "conservative," as in conservative by our definition?

I don't think our Conservatives are 100% 'conservative' by your definition .. any of them. Comparatively speaking, Boris is MORE Conservative than most. However, so successful has the Left been in terraforming attitudes in our society, that no Conservative politician could ever succeed as one, these days, without bending to the reality of that.

A case in point, involving Boris: a previous job of his was to be London Mayor. Well .. he needed to be voted in to that position. With the realities true of London, one of them being its comparatively large contingent of Muslims living there ... if he was to be voted in, he had to court popularity from Muslims to be sure of getting all the votes he needed.

Be clear on this. Any London Mayoral hopeful has NO CHOICE but to do that.

Boris's realism, therefore, saw him make the appropriate overtures in our media to help facilitate his victories there. See ...


Boris Johnson was today forced to defend his stance on Islam, insisting he believed it was a "religion of peace".

.. But in a televised debate today, Mr Johnson said the problem was extremists taking the words of the Koran out of context.

He said: "The problem is people who wrench out of context quotes from the holy book of Islam, the Koran, and use it to inspire evil in men's hearts.

"That is a fact that few serious people would deny and we need to tackle the extremists."

He didn't have a choice in saying that. He wanted to be elected. He needed the votes. So, he sought them out. With all the realism that political diplomacy demanded, for success.

Boris ALSO said THIS, though:


UK newspaper the Guardian has unearthed deeply Islamophobic comments made in recent years by Boris Johnson.

Conservative member of parliament Johnson is the frontrunner to replace Theresa May as Britain’s Prime Minister.

While Islamophobia and anti-immigrant flavored claims are anything but alien to Johnson’s decidedly rightwing rhetoric, the latest comments delve much more profoundly into what Britain’s to-be-PM thinks of the wider Muslim world.

Johnson claims countries where Islam is the main religion have historically espoused “a fatal religious conservatism” that leaves little or no room for the kind of progress and prosperity witnessed in the West.

The Guardian’s report found that the British politician claimed that Islam is the main explanatory factor of the Muslim’ world inferiority when compared to Roman—by extension Western—achievements. The comments were found in an essay included in “The Dream of Rome,” a book Johnson wrote in 2006 as he praised Roman history and civilization.

Islam inherently inhibits the path to the type of accomplishments that have made the West proud, one can read in the infamous essay. Johnson’s central point is that Islam is the single reason, and the most compelling case for why, in his opinion, the West has outpaced the Muslim world in many areas.

‘And then came the Muslims’

Or, as Johnson went on to postulate in an essay called “And then Came the Muslims,” which was added to the 2007 edition of his book, “There must be something about Islam that indeed helps to explain why there was no rise of the bourgeoisie, no liberal capitalism and therefore no spread of democracy in the Muslim world.”

Boris does believe that Islam is backward, and an impediment to the societies where it exists.

Such is our society, such are the 'PC' pressures, that he took a risk with his career in even saying that much against it !!

You have to understand. Go far in expressing yourself as anti-Muslim in our society, and you risk killing any political career you might hope to work for. The Left's attacks would be remorseless. The Muslims ... well, you'd be lucky if not voting for you was ALL they did.

Then, there would be the police to possibly contend with ...