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07-23-2019, 07:15 PM
DeBlasio. "Something like this could lead to charges..."


07-23-2019, 08:10 PM
Ya know... they've been showing this stuff on the news. It's happening in more places than one.

And I will admit, as I have in the past, I'm no real fan of the cops. I've been given a bum rap and treated like crap by them in the past, so I hold a grudge, but this stuff going on now, it is beyond disgusting. I don't care if I'm not the biggest fan of the cops, I would never condone doing something like this. These people need to be identified, run down, arrested, locked up and charged with Aggravated ASSAULT and/or Interfering with Police, whatever, just hit them with the book, because if NOTHING is done, this will continue, and it will get WORSE.

07-23-2019, 08:27 PM
​Been watching this....Absolutely disgusting!!....(Im a BIG FAN OF THE COPS)..**most are good...just like regular folks in general....Watching this made me sick and angry and its not only in New York....most Dem controlled cities are this way....



07-23-2019, 08:46 PM
SBA calls says the police commissioner is basically working with DeBlasio and needs to go:

https://twitter.com/SBANYPD/status/1153442666815901696?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1153442666815901696&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theroot.com%2Fajax%2Fins et%2Fiframe%3Fid%3Dtwitter-1153442666815901696%26autosize%3D1

https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1090277177499807745/j7ooHzvm_normal.jpg (https://twitter.com/SBANYPD)SBA


President of the SBA enraged at patrol officers being doused with water while taking police action – O’Neill MUST Step Down! Video #1: https://twitter.com/i/status/1153354905761079297 … (https://t.co/K4RYMfNVru)
& Video #2: https://twitter.com/i/status/1153357145389326336 … (https://t.co/EfN4VSckwH).
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EAHZ_SiWkAEeBdG?format=jpg&name=360x360 (https://twitter.com/SBANYPD/status/1153442666815901696/photo/1)https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EAHZ_SiXYAAaG0L?format=jpg&name=360x360 (https://twitter.com/SBANYPD/status/1153442666815901696/photo/1)

NYC Scanner@NYScanner

DISRESPECT: This is what #NYPD Officers are faced with today. Petrified to take action. #BlueLivesMatter @NYCMayor @BilldeBlasio @NYPDnews @NYPD73Pct



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07-23-2019, 08:57 PM
If I were those young cops, I'd just quit. No one deserves that and they can make more on another force and be a hell of a lot safer too.


When cops get disrespected without consequence, a city falls apart
By Bob McManus July 23, 2019

Over the weekend, young toughs with buckets full of water randomly soaked cops in Harlem and Brownsville just for the hell of it. At one point, an officer got conked on the head by an empty plastic bucket — to the vast amusement of jeering onlookers.

It was apparently an internet challenge sort of thing — and a horrifying sight, at least to those who understand the implications of unchallenged anarchic public behavior.

But it should have surprised no one.

The NYPD, under orders from City Hall, has been standing down for years now — watching fare-beaters beating fares, pot-dealers dealing pot and addicts and insane people defecating in the streets, all without consequence.

And the street people have been watching the cops watching them, but without objection, and all of a sudden the penny drops — Pax Guiliana is over, and now the bad guys believe they can get away with anything.

If the bucket-brigade action is fair testimony, they can.

The irony is that Mayor Running-for-President set out to rid the city of broken-windows policing — the well-tested notion that little crimes left unaddressed beget bigger crimes — and he succeeded. Now the subways stink of urine and it has all come roaring back.

When an in-your-face town like New York suddenly realizes that City Hall tolerates minor crime — as a matter of social equity, no less — it gets more of it, fast. Presently, citizens are pouring water on cops. One shudders to think what comes next.

Tuesday the usual suspects were on about how wonderfully restrained the officers were in response — as if, given present circumstances, they had any choice.

But make no mistake: The cops were victims of a crime — assault on a police officer — and the bucket-to-the-head could have been charged as a Class D felony.


07-23-2019, 09:09 PM
If I were those young cops, I'd just quit.
Well that's twice now in recent days we've had exactly the same thought. After I watched those videos, the second time they showed it I thought, I'd IMMEDIATELY make a B line to the cop shop, walk in and throw down my badge and weapon and say... I QUIT.

07-23-2019, 09:11 PM
Well that's twice now in recent days we've had exactly the same thought. After I watched those videos, the second time they showed it I thought, I'd walk into the station, throw down my badge and weapon and say... I QUIT.

I'm very practical, I'd apply for another position in suburbs-they all need police and would love to have an NYPD trained officer. Most pay more and it's way less dangerous. The citizens respect the police.

I just remember who ran towards the fires on 9/11.

07-23-2019, 09:22 PM
I'm very practical, I'd apply for another position in suburbs-they all need police and would love to have an NYPD trained officer. Most pay more and it's way less dangerous. The citizens respect the police.

I just remember who ran towards the fires on 9/11.
I'll tell ya though, Kath... being a cop around here isn't really a total cake walk though either. We have our share of morons, stupid damn hicks, and when they drink it gets weird. Cops have to put up with a lot of that around here. Course if you threw a bucket of water on a cop and then threw the bucket at him and it hit him in the head here, you WOULD be going to JAIL, and you might even "fall down and get a black eye" on the way to the jail because you resisted arrest.

I don't HATE cops, but I surely don't LIKE them either, but I'll be the first one to admit they have a tough job. I wouldn't do it, but I treat them with due respect, so long as they treat me the same way.

07-23-2019, 10:25 PM
I'll tell ya though, Kath... being a cop around here isn't really a total cake walk though either. We have our share of morons, stupid damn hicks, and when they drink it gets weird. Cops have to put up with a lot of that around here. Course if you threw a bucket of water on a cop and then threw the bucket at him and it hit him in the head here, you WOULD be going to JAIL, and you might even "fall down and get a black eye" on the way to the jail because you resisted arrest.

I don't HATE cops, but I surely don't LIKE them either, but I'll be the first one to admit they have a tough job. I wouldn't do it, but I treat them with due respect, so long as they treat me the same way.

I love cops! LOL! My uncle and my brother were both cops. The uncle was a out of WWII CPD, ended up being a lieutenant. My brother was a criminal justice major, with Northwestern MS. He was deputy chief in Elmhurst, (you'll pass it when you switch from 294 to I190 to go to the museum. ;)

I know how much work and crap is involved in policing. Truth is, the good ones chose the job 'to serve.' Seriously, like teaching, my parents really screwed us up-we both chose careers that mean you really are supposed to be good to others.

07-23-2019, 10:47 PM
I get along with most LE people. It is simple, show them respect and that will be returned.

I am LE trained. I have met a few bad apples along the way but that is less than 1% of
men and women in uniform. Show them respect and dignity and you will get the same
in return. Show contempt, aggressiveness, challenge, and stand by for a 'Life Lesson'.

07-23-2019, 11:11 PM
I get along with most LE people. It is simple, show them respect and that will be returned.

I am LE trained. I have met a few bad apples along the way but that is less than 1% of
men and women in uniform. Show them respect and dignity and you will get the same
in return. Show contempt, aggressiveness, challenge, and stand by for a 'Life Lesson'.

Indeed. Not too smart to throw anything at or upon someone with a gun and badge.

07-24-2019, 08:07 AM
broken windows theory

This week they are throwing water on cops and nothing happens, next week it will be throwing punches at cops.

This is getting out of hand , and it starts right at the fucking top. When you have US Senators openly violating the law and "the law and order President" doesn't do a god damned thing, and you have members of the House calling law enforcement NAZIs, of course those behaviors are going to trickle down.

07-24-2019, 09:05 PM
I get along with most LE people. It is simple, show them respect and that will be returned.

I am LE trained. I have met a few bad apples along the way but that is less than 1% of
men and women in uniform. Show them respect and dignity and you will get the same
in return. Show contempt, aggressiveness, challenge, and stand by for a 'Life Lesson'.

​Well stated Elessar....

Abbey Marie
07-25-2019, 12:19 PM
Giuliani would straighten the city out. Again.

07-25-2019, 12:24 PM
Giuliani would straighten the city out. Again.

I still think we need a purge. Some people really are too pathetic and stupid to allow them to continue existing.

07-25-2019, 12:26 PM
I'm not under NYC jurisdiction, thankfully, but our news is pretty much only NYC news when you get a paper or turn on the news.

With that, I can assure you - this issue is ALL of Deblasio's doing, he's horrible and seemingly anti-police based on his actions. Been fighting with them for years now, and lack of support - and this is what the result is. :rolleyes:

07-25-2019, 12:47 PM
I'm not under NYC jurisdiction, thankfully, but our news is pretty much only NYC news when you get a paper or turn on the news.

With that, I can assure you - this issue is ALL of Deblasio's doing, he's horrible and seemingly anti-police based on his actions. Been fighting with them for years now, and lack of support - and this is what the result is. :rolleyes:

A moron like Bill DeBlaio doesn't just become mayor though. Thousands, tens of thousands of voters have to elect his dumb ass. THOSE people are the problem.

Abbey Marie
07-25-2019, 12:55 PM
A moron like Bill DeBlaio doesn't just become mayor though. Thousands, tens of thousands of voters have to elect his dumb ass. THOSE people are the problem.

And a good number of them also voted for AOC. Some people seem like they have the common sense of a gnat.