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View Full Version : Trey Gowdy on Mueller hearings: I would've beaten the hell out of that exoneration

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-25-2019, 04:33 PM

Trey Gowdy on Mueller hearings: I would've beaten the hell out of that exoneration

Trey Gowdy on Mueller hearings: I would've beaten the hell out of that exoneration
FOX News Videos 6 hours ago

Former Congressman Trey Gowdy says there is no prosecutor in the country that has ever set out to exonerate someone else.

Trey Gowdy Video at link......

Gowdy nails the dems~~~ !!!! --Tyr

07-25-2019, 05:01 PM
Yep... what we have going here by the democrats is a brand new legal system where you have to be EXONERATED. There is no more PRESUMPTION of INNOCENCE, where a prosecutor has to PROVE you're GUILTY of a KNOWN CRIME. Oh no... they can FABRICATE a crime, of which there is no proof of to begin with, but if you can't prove you didn't do what NEVER HAPPENED, then you're GUILTY because you can't EXONERATE yourself. That makes ANYONE and EVERYONE GUILTY by DEFAULT.

I've never seen such BULL SHIT in my life. Good Lord I hope these sons a bitches hang from the highest tree. Maybe if we brought back public hangin's corrupt democrat shysters would think twice before they tried pulling their crap.

07-25-2019, 07:05 PM
Gowdy is like a wolverine at times.

He is straight across the board for honesty and accuracy. Support and
defend our laws, period.

He would make a good Supreme Court Justice or DOJ Secretary.