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07-25-2019, 09:03 PM

Arizona Democrat Works To Hasten Removal Of Migrants Without Valid Claim For Asylum
Filed under: General — Dana @ 1:58 pm

Immigration advocates are strongly opposing this effort by Sen. Krysten Sinema (D-Ariz), as expected:

Sen. Kyrsten Sinema is pushing for the implementation of a pilot program along the U.S.-Mexico border that aims to more quickly screen and remove migrant families without valid legal claims for asylum in the United States.

Sinema, D-Ariz., joined a bipartisan group with eight other senators who sent a letter Wednesday to acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan describing their proposed program, dubbed “Operation Safe Return.”

How the program would work:

The program would allow the Department of Homeland Security to deport certain migrants within 15 days, according to the letter, and would help alleviate overcrowding at border facilities, Sinema said.

“This pilot program would apply to families who aren’t claiming ‘credible fear,’ which of course is the first threshold in seeking asylum,” Sinema told The Arizona Republic. “If someone says ‘I left my country because I can’t make a living,’ (or) ‘it’s hard to take care of my family’ — that’s what we call an economic migrant.”

Sinema, who is one of the creators of the program, explained how the program came about:

Sinema said she came up with the idea for the pilot program in response to a meeting with White House and Trump administration officials who she said were focused on changing asylum laws and challenging court rulings like the Flores Settlement Agreement, dictating how the government treats certain migrants.

“I just felt those weren’t the right answers,” Sinema added. “We wanted to solve the problem. We wanted to protect the asylum process for valid applicants … and we want to respect the Flores decision.”

And speaking of Arizona Democrats bucking their Party on immigration, U.S. Senate candidate Mark Kelly flashed his own independent streak when he voiced opposition to making Tuscon a sanctuary city:

Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate Mark Kelly blasted an initiative to make Tucson a “sanctuary city,” saying that he will not vote for the measure.

“(I’m) strongly against this, I’m not going to vote for it,” Kelly said Tuesday, “I think it’s a mistake.”

In November, voters will decide whether Tucson declares itself Arizona’s first “sanctuary city,” which limits local law enforcement’s cooperation with federal immigration agents.

Kelly… said cities and states should follow federal laws.

“This is contrary to that so I’m not in favor of that. I think it’s also detrimental to the City of Tucson in that it could impact some federal funding it receives,” he said.

Ironically, this stand puts him on the same page as his Republican opponent, Sen. Martha McSally.

But Kelly didn’t just buck Democrats on sanctuary city policies: He also said “no” to extending health care to illegal immigrants, a position all of the Democratic presidential candidates support:

‘We’re having a hard time providing good healthcare for all Americans,” Kelly said, “providing free healthcare coverage for folks who are here illegally, I’m just against that.”

Moreover, the Democratic candidate also said he was not in favor of decriminalizing illegal border crossings:

Kelly disagreed with the more progressive candidates in the presidential field who want to decriminalize unauthorized border crossings.

“I am not in favor of decriminalizing that it makes border security more difficult,” he said.

I’m liking these Arizona Democrats.

07-25-2019, 09:15 PM
In November, voters will decide whether Tucson declares itself Arizona’s first “sanctuary city,” which limits local law enforcement’s cooperation with federal immigration agents.


Now there are rules to being an illegal city? Is there a law I haven't seen that says local law enforcement officials aren't allowed to enforce the law? I know SF has one but I'd have the Mayor and DA in that city charged for issuing orders contradictory to Federal law.

I'm for any plan that is going to work. If this one works, the Fed will adopt it and screw it up and weigh it to the ground with red tape.

07-25-2019, 09:35 PM

Now there are rules to being an illegal city? Is there a law I haven't seen that says local law enforcement officials aren't allowed to enforce the law? I know SF has one but I'd have the Mayor and DA in that city charged for issuing orders contradictory to Federal law.

I'm for any plan that is going to work. If this one works, the Fed will adopt it and screw it up and weigh it to the ground with red tape.

I'd be surprised if Tucson voters would vote for sanctuary status. Then again, my record on today's politics is very dicey in my own head. Nothing is what I thought it was.

07-25-2019, 10:14 PM
Well, if the sponsors are in favor of keeping legal, Federal Law, in action -
go for it!

Abbey Marie
07-26-2019, 05:26 AM
I guess living where illegal immigration is rampant and in your face can change a person. Kudos to these two Dems, though, for having the backbone to buck their crazy party line.

07-26-2019, 02:48 PM
I guess living where illegal immigration is rampant and in your face can change a person. Kudos to these two Dems, though, for having the backbone to buck their crazy party line.Here's what I find about living where illegal immigration is "rampant". It hasn't "changed" me. It's part of my culture and who I am because it's been a problem longer than I have been alive.

On the other hand, has illegal immigration changed to where it is a threat to our society whereas it was previously mostly an annoyance? Yes. Has that changed how it should be handled? Yes.

And no offense, Yankees, but what I appreciate most about this idea, regardless political identity? People who actually live here and can walk outside every day and see it and what it has done to our society and social infrastructure are the ones who came up with a plan. And unlike Dems, I am more than willing to listen to a Dem with a good idea because I like good ideas rather than clinging to failed ones just because of which side of the aisle it came from.

I REALLY don't like that that most of the politicos leading the charges for their respective sides don't live around here and I don't care who thinks or says what ... reading shit in a book is NOT the same as waking up to it every day.

07-26-2019, 03:04 PM
It's also a bit different being that in many areas around here, Hispanics are close to majority and most are legal and been here for longer than 'Americans.'

07-26-2019, 03:14 PM

The problem with proposals like this is ultimately they do NOTHING. I mean seriously, the people who run the drug cartels (which absolutely are behind the sheer number of people crossing our border illegally) aren't stupid. They use our laws against us, they are smarter than Congress (no real accomplshment)

"Si, now remember little Jorge when you get picked up by ICE tell them you are scared for your life if you get sent back to Ecuador"

I personally don't beieve that members of Congress are SO stupid that they don't realize this. I mean they are dumb, but not so dumb as to not realize what these folks are doing.

This is just another "look, we're trying to help" while not actually doing a fucking thing.

07-26-2019, 03:32 PM
It's also a bit different being that in many areas around here, Hispanics are close to majority and most are legal and been here for longer than 'Americans.'Same here. It doesn't phase me. I went to school with Mexican kids and I didn't even know they weren't just like everyone else until THEY decided they weren't. THEY started this crap. Not me. That rant aside :laugh: ...

The Mexican-Americans - Tejanos - around here don't like illegals anymore than anyone else does. An under-reported fact by the MSM. The only Mexicans I ever have issue with either just don't like me (can't imagine why :)), or they are the racists; but, neither is the majority of the ones I know. And I know more Mexicans and blacks than I do white people. We ARE officially the minority in SA.

07-26-2019, 03:35 PM
The problem with proposals like this is ultimately they do NOTHING. I mean seriously, the people who run the drug cartels (which absolutely are behind the sheer number of people crossing our border illegally) aren't stupid. They use our laws against us, they are smarter than Congress (no real accomplshment)

"Si, now remember little Jorge when you get picked up by ICE tell them you are scared for your life if you get sent back to Ecuador"

I personally don't beieve that members of Congress are SO stupid that they don't realize this. I mean they are dumb, but not so dumb as to not realize what these folks are doing.

This is just another "look, we're trying to help" while not actually doing a fucking thing.I believe most of them are that stupid. Intelligence being required to be a Congress critter has been proven daily to be one of those "I fondly remember when ..." moments.

07-26-2019, 03:35 PM
Same here. It doesn't phase me. I went to school with Mexican kids and I didn't even know they weren't just like everyone else until THEY decided they weren't. THEY started this crap. Not me. That rant aside :laugh: ...

The Mexican-Americans - Tejanos - around here don't like illegals anymore than anyone else does. An under-reported fact by the MSM. The only Mexicans I ever have issue with either just don't like me (can't imagine why :)), or they are the racists; but, neither is the majority of the ones I know. And I know more Mexicans and blacks than I do white people. We ARE officially the minority in SA.

Pretty much the same as far as not liking illegals. That is why I was a bit surprised by the post regarding Tucson and sanctuary, a place that has had problems with cartel kidnappings.

07-26-2019, 03:48 PM
Pretty much the same as far as not liking illegals. That is why I was a bit surprised by the post regarding Tucson and sanctuary, a place that has had problems with cartel kidnappings.

Ah. Because there is that level of mindset among a certain sector of Hispanic that is just stuck on liberal. I found also in a lot of the cases where Mexican-Americans support illegals they usually have relatives still on the other side and want them here. And regardless what anyone thinks or what names they want to call others, most Mexicans from over there that want to come here have no skills to offer at the border. That's just a fact. The ones that have skills and jobs like it where they are.

The illegals I have mostly run into work either ag or construction. The latter do the jobs that require unskilled labor. Skilled labor is mostly Mexican-Americans and whites.

I would venture a guess that it's the city itself and not because it's Tucson. The city hides bodies. It's the same here. There are just enough lefty/Dem Mexican Americans that like their pay and safe neighborhoods and earned their crap the hard way and aren't into handouts for peons (Hispanics are very class-bias) to keep them out here. Add whites. We have a large military presence here.

I think blacks here are just glad no one pays attention to them much :)

07-26-2019, 04:14 PM
Ah. Because there is that level of mindset among a certain sector of Hispanic that is just stuck on liberal. I found also in a lot of the cases where Mexican-Americans support illegals they usually have relatives still on the other side and want them here. And regardless what anyone thinks or what names they want to call others, most Mexicans from over there that want to come here have no skills to offer at the border. That's just a fact. The ones that have skills and jobs like it where they are.

The illegals I have mostly run into work either ag or construction. The latter do the jobs that require unskilled labor. Skilled labor is mostly Mexican-Americans and whites.

I would venture a guess that it's the city itself and not because it's Tucson. The city hides bodies. It's the same here. There are just enough lefty/Dem Mexican Americans that like their pay and safe neighborhoods and earned their crap the hard way and aren't into handouts for peons (Hispanics are very class-bias) to keep them out here. Add whites. We have a large military presence here.

I think blacks here are just glad no one pays attention to them much :)

Maybe. It looks more like they did an initiative to get it on the ballot. We'll see how the voting goes.

Abbey Marie
07-26-2019, 04:21 PM
Here's what I find about living where illegal immigration is "rampant". It hasn't "changed" me. It's part of my culture and who I am because it's been a problem longer than I have been alive.

On the other hand, has illegal immigration changed to where it is a threat to our society whereas it was previously mostly an annoyance? Yes. Has that changed how it should be handled? Yes.

And no offense, Yankees, but what I appreciate most about this idea, regardless political identity? People who actually live here and can walk outside every day and see it and what it has done to our society and social infrastructure are the ones who came up with a plan. And unlike Dems, I am more than willing to listen to a Dem with a good idea because I like good ideas rather than clinging to failed ones just because of which side of the aisle it came from.

I REALLY don't like that that most of the politicos leading the charges for their respective sides don't live around here and I don't care who thinks or says what ... reading shit in a book is NOT the same as waking up to it every day.

Well, you certainly aren’t the type of person I had in mind when I said what I said. Other than that, it sounds like you agree with me, so I’m not sure what you are saying to me.

07-26-2019, 04:24 PM
Maybe. It looks more like they did an initiative to get it on the ballot. We'll see how the voting goes.At this point, "initiative" is going against the status quo. Seems all we're used to anymore is name-calling and accusations. The actual problem doesn't ever seem to be the issue addressed. The word "racist" is thrown out first sentence and it's over.

A moderate, bi-partisan effort that addresses the problem is different. Which is a sad thing to say in and of itself.

07-26-2019, 04:35 PM
At this point, "initiative" is going against the status quo. Seems all we're used to anymore is name-calling and accusations. The actual problem doesn't ever seem to be the issue addressed. The word "racist" is thrown out first sentence and it's over.

A moderate, bi-partisan effort that addresses the problem is different. Which is a sad thing to say in and of itself.

Search Results

Web Result with Site Links

The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona


Undergraduate enrollment (https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1KGNW_enUS840US840&q=university+of+arizona+undergraduate+enrollment&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAOPgE-LQz9U3MC-rTNPSLC7IycwrSS2y0i9OzsjPz9EvzUtJLUovSkwpTSxJVUjNK 8rPyclNzStZxKpXmpdZllpUnFlSqZCfppBYlFmVn5eogEsDADE zBrRoAAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi4s7LrxNPjAhXKuZ4KHUxTD-wQ6BMoADAbegQIDBAS): 33,402 (2016–17)

07-26-2019, 06:25 PM
Search Results

Web Result with Site Links

The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona


Undergraduate enrollment (https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1KGNW_enUS840US840&q=university+of+arizona+undergraduate+enrollment&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAOPgE-LQz9U3MC-rTNPSLC7IycwrSS2y0i9OzsjPz9EvzUtJLUovSkwpTSxJVUjNK 8rPyclNzStZxKpXmpdZllpUnFlSqZCfppBYlFmVn5eogEsDADE zBrRoAAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi4s7LrxNPjAhXKuZ4KHUxTD-wQ6BMoADAbegQIDBAS): 33,402 (2016–17)?

07-26-2019, 06:28 PM
University town, easy to pick up signatures for initiatives.

07-26-2019, 07:29 PM
University town, easy to pick up signatures for initiatives.OK, well, my crystal ball doesn't reach near as far as Casa Grande :)

07-26-2019, 07:48 PM
OK, well, my crystal ball doesn't reach near as far as Casa Grande :)
Tucson Gunny, Tucson! :laugh2:

07-26-2019, 09:13 PM
Here's what I find about living where illegal immigration is "rampant". It hasn't "changed" me. It's part of my culture and who I am because it's been a problem longer than I have been alive.

On the other hand, has illegal immigration changed to where it is a threat to our society whereas it was previously mostly an annoyance? Yes. Has that changed how it should be handled? Yes.

And no offense, Yankees, but what I appreciate most about this idea, regardless political identity? People who actually live here and can walk outside every day and see it and what it has done to our society and social infrastructure are the ones who came up with a plan. And unlike Dems, I am more than willing to listen to a Dem with a good idea because I like good ideas rather than clinging to failed ones just because of which side of the aisle it came from.

I REALLY don't like that that most of the politicos leading the charges for their respective sides don't live around here and I don't care who thinks or says what ... reading shit in a book is NOT the same as waking up to it every day.

That is just rife with common sense. Kudos!

07-28-2019, 03:03 AM
I will personally fight tooth and nail against this initiative.

07-28-2019, 03:16 AM
Tucson mayor candidates oppose sanctuary city initiative

4:26 p.m. MST July 26, 2019

TUCSON — The three Democratic candidates for mayor said they do not support a ballot initiative that would make Tucson the state's first "sanctuary city."

The candidates discussed the issue during their first debate.

The initiative aims to add protections for people living in the U.S. illegally, including preventing Tucson police from asking about immigration status and prohibiting certain cooperation between city and federal agencies.

Former state Sen. Steve Farley, City Council member Regina Romero and real estate developer Randi Dorman cited concerns about the proposal headed to the November ballot.


07-28-2019, 04:29 AM
Tucson mayor candidates oppose sanctuary city initiative

4:26 p.m. MST July 26, 2019

TUCSON — The three Democratic candidates for mayor said they do not support a ballot initiative that would make Tucson the state's first "sanctuary city."

The candidates discussed the issue during their first debate.

The initiative aims to add protections for people living in the U.S. illegally, including preventing Tucson police from asking about immigration status and prohibiting certain cooperation between city and federal agencies.

Former state Sen. Steve Farley, City Council member Regina Romero and real estate developer Randi Dorman cited concerns about the proposal headed to the November ballot.


Glad you are here, you surely know better than I. It just didn't sound right from what I've read about with Tucson. Then the university came to mind and the ability to push initiatives and referendums here.

07-28-2019, 06:30 PM
Glad you are here, you surely know better than I. It just didn't sound right from what I've read about with Tucson. Then the university came to mind and the ability to push initiatives and referendums here.

Republicans are suing to have initiative overturned. Hopefully it will never get to the ballot. State is threatening to withhold monies as well.

07-29-2019, 07:47 AM
Gunny, you fucking racist, you can't openly point out that people who have any skills aren't sneaking across the border, they are getting sponsored for work visas and coming in the right way.

Seriously, when was the last time you saw "Doctor arrested for crossing the southern border illegal?" The answer is never, it doesn't happen. It's always "future fruit picker/maid" hell most carpenter type jobs around here even are now legal Hispanics whereas just 5 years ago quite a few of them were not legal.