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View Full Version : Democrats Just Won't Give up Their Impeachment Bone

07-26-2019, 09:14 AM
This bone is THEIRS. They earned it. They 'worked' for it & they were entitled to it. Both the presidency & getting rid of Trump, no matter the order. So they set out on the largest and worst scandal that the United States has ever faced before. I truly believe they thought they could do something PRIOR to the election and folks would just walk away or disappear out of fear or loss. But instead, Trump dug in and called them out and proclaimed innocence from day one - even while the democrats and the DOJ and the FBI and even older CIA members, various organizations & an endless list of democrats - all involved behind the scenes in trying to get rid of Trump and put Hillary in office. After all, her "life's work" earned her that position.

But it all started to fall apart with the more wins Trump rang up and then culminated with him winning the general election and Hillary was officially out.

But NO, that made them bite down harder on the proverbial bone. They could still get rid of the "illegitimate president" that colluded with Russia. 2 years of investigations and ZERO proof, just crap from a collection of democrat attorneys, and now we find out with a lead attorney who can't tell left from right, and knew very little about his own report. It became increasing obvious as this hearing went on, that it was a useless attempt by the left, and to simply tell their own bogus BS story as the mental guy shook his head yes.

So that ended that. It's obvious not only is it over, and some on the OTHER side need to go to jail - but the repeated attempts are helping Trump win a 2nd term - and everyone knows it, but some delusional and naive supporters in dreamland.

So the dems once again bite down on a bone with no meat on it. Just biting down and biting down and crying and biting down some more. But unable to chew on anything, as it doesn't exist in the bone they chose, or should I say on the bone they created.


Democrats Just Won't Give up Their Impeachment Bone

Many war-torn Democrats and their media cohorts are in mourning over special counsel Robert Mueller's stunningly bad performance before Congress, and it is a wonderful thing to behold.

Take, for example, MSNBC host Joe Scarborough, who, upon watching Republicans take Mueller apart in cross-examination, asked God for forgiveness for ever having been a Republican.

So Joe, do you mean to say you are ashamed for having associated with Republicans because they asked tough questions of the man who diverted the nation's attention for two years with a partisan hoax of gargantuan proportions? You are more comfortable lying in bed with mean-spirited Democrats, progressives, liberals and leftists who delight every day in savaging President Trump and his supporters. We understand that you are sorry you were ever a Republican, and we're sorry, too, but could you please come up with a better reason -- one that might convince more than a sliver of credulous people?

MSNBC proudly tweeted a video clip of Mourning Joe ranting against Democrats for failing to fight back against President Trump. The written portion of the tweet reads, "If you want to stop Donald Trump, it is time to ... roll up your sleeves and go after him and do whatever it takes to win. If you don't do that, you'll have (him) for four more years."

Well, Joe, you outdid yourself on this. With such trenchant analysis, one wonders whether MSNBC is lamenting that it ever hired you. Well, not really. You fit in perfectly there, as evidenced by the nodding heads of your co-host and guests as you were spewing forth your inanity.

In the video clip, GI Joe boasts that if he had been one of the other 16 GOP presidential candidates who Trump insulted during the primary campaign, Trump would never have been elected because he would have made it his singular mission to destroy Trump. Quite the tough guy.

Sorry, Joe, but you think you can sit there perched in your host seat and convince us that you could have done what no other Trump opponent could do? Granted, some of them lacked energy, but others brought their A-game and fought Trump toe-to-toe and still came up short. This is not to discredit Trump's opponents, but it is to say that Smoking Joe is inhaling if he thinks he -- an obviously inauthentic Republican from the jump -- could have been more successful.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/democrats-just-wont-give-up-their-impeachment-bone/

07-26-2019, 10:03 AM
I obviously don't know this 'expert'. But if she truly is one, and has done this long enough...


Body Language Expert Says Mueller Was Defiant and Deceptive As His Russia Hoax Sham Was Exposed

The body language expert reviewed Robert Mueller’s responses and actions during his recent hearing before Congress. Based on this review, Mueller was deceptive and very defiant.

The body language ghost on YouTube relaesed a number of videos where she reviews the actions and responses on Robert Mueller in front of Congress attempting to defend his corrupt and criminal Russia Collusion coup. The results are as expected.

In her review of Mueller in response to the grilling from Republican Jim Jordan, Mueller comes of defiant and misleading –


In a second video, where Mueller is grilled by Representatives Gaetz, Gohmert and McClintock, Mueller is just plain old deceptive. The former FBI Director lied numerous times in front of Congress –

It is absolutely frightening knowing that Robert Mueller was a member of the DOJ and FBI for decades. It’s worse knowing that he was FBI Director and the Head of Special Counsel set up in a coup to remove President Trump from office. Mueller is a crook!


07-26-2019, 10:18 AM
I obviously don't know this 'expert'. But if she truly is one, and has done this long enough...


Body Language Expert Says Mueller Was Defiant and Deceptive As His Russia Hoax Sham Was Exposed

The body language expert reviewed Robert Mueller’s responses and actions during his recent hearing before Congress. Based on this review, Mueller was deceptive and very defiant.

The body language ghost on YouTube relaesed a number of videos where she reviews the actions and responses on Robert Mueller in front of Congress attempting to defend his corrupt and criminal Russia Collusion coup. The results are as expected.

In her review of Mueller in response to the grilling from Republican Jim Jordan, Mueller comes of defiant and misleading –


In a second video, where Mueller is grilled by Representatives Gaetz, Gohmert and McClintock, Mueller is just plain old deceptive. The former FBI Director lied numerous times in front of Congress –

It is absolutely frightening knowing that Robert Mueller was a member of the DOJ and FBI for decades. It’s worse knowing that he was FBI Director and the Head of Special Counsel set up in a coup to remove President Trump from office. Mueller is a crook!


I disagree with the body language expert. I think Mueller was a confused old man who had little to no knowledge of the investigation. I think the Democrats destroyed his reputation for their own purposes and he hasn't been cognizant enough in the last few years to recognize it or stop it. I think Bill Barr is his true friend and saw what was happening and tried to protect Mueller as best he could by ordering him not to answer many of the questions that he knew Republicans were going to ask (while also protecting ongoing investigations)

07-26-2019, 12:59 PM
I disagree with the body language expert. I think Mueller was a confused old man who had little to no knowledge of the investigation. I think the Democrats destroyed his reputation for their own purposes and he hasn't been cognizant enough in the last few years to recognize it or stop it. I think Bill Barr is his true friend and saw what was happening and tried to protect Mueller as best he could by ordering him not to answer many of the questions that he knew Republicans were going to ask (while also protecting ongoing investigations)Plausible.

07-26-2019, 01:44 PM
I disagree with the body language expert. I think Mueller was a confused old man who had little to no knowledge of the investigation. I think the Democrats destroyed his reputation for their own purposes and he hasn't been cognizant enough in the last few years to recognize it or stop it. I think Bill Barr is his true friend and saw what was happening and tried to protect Mueller as best he could by ordering him not to answer many of the questions that he knew Republicans were going to ask (while also protecting ongoing investigations)

I think Mueller was in on this mess dating back to the time he was FBI Director under Obama and ignored multiple red flags from the FBI's own mole inside the Uranium One deal and gave the go ahead for the deal. As we all recall, the Clinton Foundation received $140 mill in donations and Bill got some high dollar speaking fees in Russia and a sit down with Putin as well. What was Mueller's payoff for ignoring all evidence to reject the deal? Did Hilldog promise to protect him from all future blow back as her FBI Director or Attorney General? When this all blew up did he scramble to cooperate with her, the Obama machine and the rest of the Democrat Party to put Trump on trial to distract the public's attention from his own treasonous acts and run out the clock with a never ending "investigation"? Far from destroying his reputation, the Dems have been beefing up Mueller's reputation ever since their boy, Rosenstein, appointed him. It has only been since his face plant testimony that they have started to trash him. Barr made it quite clear that Mueller was the one that requested the letter informing the Congressional Committees about limitations on his testimony.

07-26-2019, 01:47 PM
Vincent "Vinnie the Chin" Giancanna played crazy to the government for decades while he ran one of the NY mob's 5 Families. Just sayin' ...:)

07-26-2019, 02:10 PM
Vincent "Vinnie the Chin" Giancanna played crazy to the government for decades while he ran one of the NY mob's 5 Families. Just sayin' ...:)

Other than relying on the tender mercies of his old friend Bill Barr, this appears to be Mueller's only play left.

07-26-2019, 02:23 PM
Other than relying on the tender mercies of his old friend Bill Barr, this appears to be Mueller's only play left.Don't anyone get me wrong. I don't feel sorry for Mueller. In his place I would have told whoever it was that appointed him to go pound sand and find some other career suicide volunteer rather than participate in such a farce.

Unless Mueller manufactured a smoking gun this was not going to end well for him, one way or the other. He did not perform well/give the Dems what they wanted so under the bus he goes. Seems the rest of the Dems might notice that trend. Like Biden and Hitlery. Just a guess that they're next or close to it.

I never wanted Mueller anyway. I want the people behind the Russian collusion investigation and I want it ALL, to include any discovered Dem/leftwingnut wrongdoing along the way.

I'm smart enough to know that isn't going to happen. Our laws no longer apply to the left if they don't like them.