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07-29-2019, 12:54 PM
Has got to go. Reflecting the 'always a victim of the West':


Turkish students given text books justifying 9/11 attacks, slamming ‘weak’ EU — mirroring Erdogan views

Critics of the text book say school children in Turkey are being force-fed the rhetoric spread by Erdogan
The book also takes aim at the Pope and the European Union for denying Turkey’s membership of the bloc

LONDON: A modern history text book for Turkish public school students appears to justify the Sept. 11 attacks in the US by Al-Qaeda and labels the European Union a “Christian club”, according to a report in Nordic Monitor.

The article from NM, a group that covers religious, ideological and ethnic extremist movements and radical groups, also shows that the text-book — which mirrors speeches by Turkey’s president Recept Tayyip Erdogan — contains text criticizing the NATO alliance.

The book, used by twelfth-grade students in public schools in Turkey, says among its pages: “The US, which has more say with the self-confidence it gained in the aftermath of the Cold War but complies less with international agreements, has started to see itself as one above equals in international relations.

“From that point forward, deciding which countries would be punished and what systems would be changed relied on definitions and references made by the US. These practices by the US are one of the reasons behind the Al-Qaeda terrorist organization’s attack on 9/11.”

According to the text book, the US became “the main source of problems in the world with what it did in the aftermath of September 11,” and is seeking to secure the “absolute dominance” of the international system.

The book also takes aim at the Pope and the European Union for denying Turkey’s membership of the bloc — slamming the “denial of membership to Turkey, a predominantly Muslim nation, while accepting (other) democratically and economically weak states,” which it said raised questions about the identity of the EU.

Within the same section, the book features a photo of EU leaders and the Pope in 2017 as they gathered in Rome to mark the 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome, with a caption from British-Polish historian Norman Davies: “I am talking about the common tradition of Christianity, which has made Europe what it is.”

Erdogan referenced the photo during his 2017 presidential referendum rallies and said it proved western Europe was “hostile to Islam.”


07-29-2019, 01:04 PM
Has got to go. Reflecting the 'always a victim of the West':


Imagine that, can't trust a Turk. I'd tell NATO , it's Turkey or us. Actually I'd just leave NATO, and the UN while we're at it.

07-29-2019, 01:52 PM
Somebody say "Turks"?:rolleyes:

The only thing anywhere "new" here is Erdogan insinuating religion into the government. Attaturk put the Nation before the religion. The rest? If the Turks didn't have one thing to blame on us they'd come up with another. All the while I'm sitting IN Turkey on a Cold War USAF installation on the Black Sea so my dad and others could ensure Turkey's security from the Soviets. They will take that fact with a straight face and still tell you that you are f-d.

What did Erdogan do when Trump didn't acquiesce immediately to his demands? Named the street in front of the US Embassy in Ankara after the "successful operation" Turkey waged against a bunch of kurd peasants with small arms. Completely valid to stomp a weaker foe to Turks and celebrate over it.

The West either doesn't or doesn't want to get that these people recognize only force. Same as Russia and Iran. If you kick someone's ass they think you're cool. If you don't, you suck. That is their mindset.

The stuff they are being taught in school is hardly novel. The US's pompous self-image doesn't really extend much beyond our borders.

07-29-2019, 03:20 PM
Somebody say "Turks"?:rolleyes:

The only thing anywhere "new" here is Erdogan insinuating religion into the government. Attaturk put the Nation before the religion. The rest? If the Turks didn't have one thing to blame on us they'd come up with another. All the while I'm sitting IN Turkey on a Cold War USAF installation on the Black Sea so my dad and others could ensure Turkey's security from the Soviets. They will take that fact with a straight face and still tell you that you are f-d.

What did Erdogan do when Trump didn't acquiesce immediately to his demands? Named the street in front of the US Embassy in Ankara after the "successful operation" Turkey waged against a bunch of kurd peasants with small arms. Completely valid to stomp a weaker foe to Turks and celebrate over it.

The West either doesn't or doesn't want to get that these people recognize only force. Same as Russia and Iran. If you kick someone's ass they think you're cool. If you don't, you suck. That is their mindset.

The stuff they are being taught in school is hardly novel. The US's pompous self-image doesn't really extend much beyond our borders.

I've been to a LOT of countries and honestly Turkey is the only one where I didn't ever think I met one single Turk that I could trust. I've been to Syria for God sakes. Egypt. Okay I'm not entirely convinced there are Frenchmen we can trust any more,, but at the timme that I was there. Germany, Japan, Italy.

And it's not just the US, fundamentally Turks are dishonest, duplicitous, shit bags. They make our Democrats in Congress look honest and trustworthy.

Any deal a Turk makes with you isn't worth the air he or she breathed while making said deal.

I hate Turks is what I'm getting at.

And don't even get me started on their body odor. Actually it's related, because you can literally smell the untrustworthiness on them.

07-29-2019, 04:18 PM
I've been to a LOT of countries and honestly Turkey is the only one where I didn't ever think I met one single Turk that I could trust. I've been to Syria for God sakes. Egypt. Okay I'm not entirely convinced there are Frenchmen we can trust any more,, but at the timme that I was there. Germany, Japan, Italy.

And it's not just the US, fundamentally Turks are dishonest, duplicitous, shit bags. They make our Democrats in Congress look honest and trustworthy.

Any deal a Turk makes with you isn't worth the air he or she breathed while making said deal.

I hate Turks is what I'm getting at.

And don't even get me started on their body odor. Actually it's related, because you can literally smell the untrustworthiness on them.Turkey's entire existence resides on being two-faced. Way back when they'd be kissing Persia's ass and smiling in Athens' face at the same time they were no different.

That USAF installation we were on in Turkey? Former Nazi Germany airstrip. But Turkey was "neutral":rolleyes:.

They kissed our asses readily enough to keep the USSR at bay, all the while cursing us under their breath. There is no such thing as a "deal" with Turkey that Turkey doesn't think benefits it 100%. And they will switch sides in a minute, depending on which way the wind blows. Turks don't respect us. If clubbed them into line they would respect us.

Cold War's over and technology has passed Turkey's strategic benefit by. Turkey is a NATO state in name only. Kick their asses out and let Erdogan run to Putin and see how that works for him. Putin isn't going to do anything that doesn't benefit him 100%, and sucking Turkey in would be a nice prize for him. All the while that fool Erdogan thinking he's driving the train.

Turkey's the land bridge between Asia and Europe? Most of that "bridge" is in Asia/the ME. Not Europe.

Abbey Marie
07-30-2019, 09:02 AM
I’ve long thought that Arab men suffer from short-man syndrome. Now I’m thinking that countries can have it too. That entire textbook passage reeks of it. Gunny and STTAB might agree with the “reeks” part, lol.

07-30-2019, 02:55 PM
I’ve long thought that Arab men suffer from short-man syndrome. Now I’m thinking that countries can have it too. That entire textbook passage reeks of it. Gunny and STTAB might agree with the “reeks” part, lol.

Turks aren't Arabs. Arabs are - for the most - trust worthy insofar as if they give you their word, they mean it. Even to the point that they will risk their lives to protect an enemy they have sworn to protect.

A fucking Turk's word means NOTHING, not to him, not to you, not to anyone. a Turk would sell his own mother for the right price.

I speak in general terms of course there ARE Arab Turks but they make up less than 3% of the population of Turkey and they don't trust Turks either.

NO ONE does.

07-30-2019, 03:11 PM
Just because:


Erdogan: ‘Whoever Is On the Side of Israel…We Are Against Them’

The Turkish president’s declaration to supporters is just the latest diatribe against the Jewish State.

By United With Israel Staff

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says Ankara will oppose anyone who supports the Israeli government.

“Whoever is on the side of Israel, let everyone know that we are against them,” said Erdogan while addressing senior provincial officials from the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) in the Turkish capital, according to the Iran-based Press TV.

“We do not approve of silence on the state terror that Israel blatantly carries out in Palestine,” the Turkish president stated.

Israel and Turkey were once close allies, but under Erdogan, the Ankara government has become a vocal critic of Israeli policies dealing with Palestinians, sparking frequent verbal feuds with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, with the prevailing common wisdom, at least in Israel, that the president views his diatribes as helping his cause among Islamic elements at home within his political party.

Sometimes, he even employs anti-Semitic rhetoric. In December, he charged that “Jews in Israel” beat innocent defenseless Palestinians.

Netanyahu has labeled Erdogan an “anti-Semitic dictator.”

“Hey Netanyahu, behave yourself…You are a tyrant who massacred seven-year-old Palestinian children,” Erdogan told a rally in Ankara in March.

“We have not oppressed any of the Jews in this country. We have not done anything…to any synagogues here. Don’t provoke us,” he said, implying that Turkish Jews could be in danger.


Actually Jews shouldn't be feeling safe there:


07-30-2019, 05:19 PM
Just because:


Actually Jews shouldn't be feeling safe there:

https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/jews-are-unsafe-in-turkey-and-should-leave-nowErdogan needs to be careful. Seriously. He thinks he's big boy on the block because he has a large, conventional army. Large conventional armies are the one thing we don't screw up militarily.

I really don't get why he thinks he needs to rattle his saber. He really doesn't (need to). It's not like anyone is messing with him. Yet he feels the need to insinuate himself into crap that is none of his business.

07-30-2019, 06:41 PM
Erdogan needs to be careful. Seriously. He thinks he's big boy on the block because he has a large, conventional army. Large conventional armies are the one thing we don't screw up militarily.

I really don't get why he thinks he needs to rattle his saber. He really doesn't (need to). It's not like anyone is messing with him. Yet he feels the need to insinuate himself into crap that is none of his business.

I'm going with Abbey's theory of small man. ;)

07-30-2019, 06:43 PM
I'm going with Abbey's theory of small man. ;)Well, yeah ... he's a Turk. :)

Abbey Marie
07-30-2019, 08:46 PM
Turks aren't Arabs. Arabs are - for the most - trust worthy insofar as if they give you their word, they mean it. Even to the point that they will risk their lives to protect an enemy they have sworn to protect.

A fucking Turk's word means NOTHING, not to him, not to you, not to anyone. a Turk would sell his own mother for the right price.

I speak in general terms of course there ARE Arab Turks but they make up less than 3% of the population of Turkey and they don't trust Turks either.

NO ONE does.

Yeah, I didn’t say Turks were Arabs. Though I did think a lot of them were Muslim. That was just my example of a group that have short, insecure “men”.

07-31-2019, 11:21 AM
Yeah, I didn’t say Turks were Arabs. Though I did think a lot of them were Muslim. That was just my example of a group that have short, insecure “men”.Turks are a mix of Asian, Persian, European and Arab. The majority are Muslim. In other words Turks are mutts :)

07-31-2019, 11:40 AM
Yeah, I didn’t say Turks were Arabs. Though I did think a lot of them were Muslim. That was just my example of a group that have short, insecure “men”.

I was just pointing out a fact lol I would trust a Muslim over a fucking Turk any day.

And I don't exactly trust Muslims.

07-31-2019, 02:54 PM
I was just pointing out a fact lol I would trust a Muslim over a fucking Turk any day.

And I don't exactly trust Muslims.Heard THAT.

11-12-2019, 01:34 PM
Not our ally:


11-12-2019, 01:52 PM
I agree, Turkey is not a friend or an ally.

11-12-2019, 02:28 PM
I'd trust Joe Biden around my preteen daughter before I'd trust a Turk about well anything.

Not Bill Clinton though, I wouldn't go THAT far.

Abbey Marie
11-12-2019, 05:16 PM
I'd trust Joe Biden around my preteen daughter before I'd trust a Turk about well anything.

Not Bill Clinton though, I wouldn't go THAT far.
