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View Full Version : America Ready To Move On After Democrat ‘Witch Hunt’ Finds Nothing

07-29-2019, 09:53 PM
OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 10:19 AM PT — Monday, July 29, 2019Following the conclusion of the Robert Mueller investigation, Americans say they’re ready for Congress to finally focus on working with the president to solve the nation’s problems.
One America’s Pearson Sharp has more.


Not a lot to add to this one :)

07-29-2019, 10:37 PM

Not a lot to add to this one :)

Nice find that sums it up completely.:clap:

07-30-2019, 09:20 AM
Amazing, OAN production still looks like a high school project made in their parents basement.

07-30-2019, 09:27 AM
Amazing, OAN production still looks like a high school project made in their parents basement.

All ya got huh? LOL

Yup, production stinks - but the facts are good! And they deliver more facts on their website in a single day than CNN, NBC, MSNBC, ABC & every single one of the leftie websites - did in over 2 years!!!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-30-2019, 10:49 AM
Amazing, OAN production still looks like a high school project made in their parents basement.

Your usual weak blather shows you got nothing..
Now that the democrat scam, their treason has been exposed, they gonna yell, scream like crying babies and double down on their stupidity
-- kinda like you do. :deadhorse:
Keep on bleating like the blind lost sheep that you lib/dems are..-Tyr

07-30-2019, 11:08 AM
All ya got huh? LOL

Yup, production stinks - but the facts are good! And they deliver more facts on their website in a single day than CNN, NBC, MSNBC, ABC & every single one of the leftie websites - did in over 2 years!!!

Yes the alternative facts are good

07-30-2019, 11:18 AM
Yes the alternative facts are good

Pete, real quetion

Are you not the slightest bit concerned that for two years Adam Schiff and James Clapper and so on and so forth have been running around telling anyone who would listen that they have seen conclusive proof that the President of the United States is a traitor and now that the report has been made public and there isn't even a smidgen of evidence that this is true, let alone any proof they have just completely pretended like they never said it and moved onto obstruction ?

Take Donald Trump out of the equation and consider if Trey Gowdey as the Chair of the House Judicial Committee had for 2 years said he had seen conclusive evidence that Obama had committed treason , and that while it was classified so he couldn't show anyone, it would come to light in a justice department report. But then the report was made public and it said "Obama didn't commit treason"

07-30-2019, 11:28 AM
Yes the alternative facts are good

More like many proven facts about many many democrats involved in all kinds of wrongdoing, but especially those involved in the Russis setup fake BS. Congress investigated and found nothing. Mueller and a team investigated and found nothing.

Fusion GPS events laid out and proven. Mueller had NO IDEA who they were. Nor Glen Simpson.
Hillary and her Sos pay for play, laid squarely out there with facts, just needs to be investigated and charged.
Hillary and her never properly investigated email server, folks covering for her and still missing crap, and some slowly coming out in time.
Then from Fisa warrants, to the DOJ/FBI/CIA central characters and many many democrats. Hopefully Barr will bring charges against the entire lot of them.

Yes, those alternative facts. Those alternative to lies that eventually came out, anonymous sources & leaks by folks like Comey and who else know.

Folks said awhile back that this will come back and haunt them when eventually it reverses itself - and it's doing just that now. I said good days were ahead, and that just continues and this makes it so so much better. :) :)

Glad to see you found a few minutes of your precious time in between clients. Thx!!

07-30-2019, 11:38 AM
Joseph Mifsud

https://www.realclearinvestigations.com/articles/2019/07/30/why_the_mystery_of_joseph_mifsud_is_the_mystery_of _russiagate_119761.html



07-30-2019, 12:41 PM
At this point, the Democratic Party needs to be declared a criminal organization and wiped from the face of the Earth. They lie, steal, cheat, kill. Whatever they have to do to gain power and then thus money.

The mob didn't die, it simply transformed into the Democratic Party.

07-30-2019, 01:28 PM
Hopefully Barr will bring charges against the entire lot of them.

Looking forward to it. You've already had 2 years.

07-30-2019, 01:29 PM
At this point, the Democratic Party needs to be declared a criminal organization and wiped from the face of the Earth. They lie, steal, cheat, kill. Whatever they have to do to gain power and then thus money.

The mob didn't die, it simply transformed into the Democratic Party.

Cool story bro.

07-30-2019, 01:29 PM
Joseph Mifsud

https://www.realclearinvestigations.com/articles/2019/07/30/why_the_mystery_of_joseph_mifsud_is_the_mystery_of _russiagate_119761.html



Papadopoulos's lies *kept the FBI from arresting Mifsud*—per *the FBI*

07-30-2019, 01:30 PM
Are you not the slightest bit concerned that for two years Adam Schiff and James Clapper and so on and so forth have been running around telling anyone who would listen that they have seen conclusive proof that the President of the United States is a traitor and now that the report has been made public and there isn't even a smidgen of evidence that this is true, let alone any proof they have just completely pretended like they never said it and moved onto obstruction ?

Guess you haven't read the report. Like most people.

07-30-2019, 01:41 PM
Papadopoulos's lies *kept the FBI from arresting Mifsud*—per *the FBI*

Perhaps you missed it, but the FBI hasn't looked unbiased in this at all. Anything but.

This is not coming from a pro-Trump person, again, anything but.

07-30-2019, 02:07 PM
Amazing, OAN production still looks like a high school project made in their parents basement.Kind of how it is when the entire left and Democratic Party shut you out. Other side of the coin, despite the left/Democratic party shutting OAN out, they're still in business, and their 8 stories a day are more truthful than the 800 a day from the MSM.

So go suck an egg. BTW, how's that butt feeling from last week's double-header loss? Was hoping y'all were going for the trifecta but alas, can't have everything :)

07-30-2019, 02:14 PM
Guess you haven't read the report. Like most people.

I've read the ENTIRE report, and agree with Mueller's obvious conclusion. Trump did not collude nor conspire with the Russians.

Can't Democrat just be honest for a change?

07-30-2019, 02:18 PM
I've read the ENTIRE report, and agree with Mueller's obvious conclusion. Trump did not collude nor conspire with the Russians.

Can't Democrat just be honest for a change?

That is a question ... :smoke:

07-30-2019, 02:28 PM
That is a question ... :smoke:

It's just mind boggling to me that seemingly smart people like Petey allow themselves to become liars to defend outright scum like Adam Schiff and well every single Democratic member of Congress.

Okay for sure Trump has his share of supporters like HPD who don't give a shit what he says or does, they will defend it. But they are the exception rather than the norm.

I can count on one hand the number of Democrats who I have personally talked to who have been like "yeah you know what, it's quite clear that Adam Schiff has been lying to the American people for two years now, and he's never seen any sort of evidence which shows that Trump did anything illegal"

Hell the one nationally renowned Democrat who has from the start said "this is a bullshit investigation which violates the rights of Trump and those around him" and of course we're taking about Alan Dershowitz was practicaly named a public enemy for not falling in line. It's not a coincidence that he was accused of rape shortly after calling the Russian collusion investigation out as the the illegal investigation that it was.

Nope, other Democrats couldn't even say "hey we still respect Alan, he's obviously a brilliant legal scholar, we just disagree with him. Not Democrats, instead they had to have him accused of rape in an effort to destroy him.

I'm at the point where I believe rounding these people up and shooting them is all that will save this country

07-30-2019, 03:15 PM
I've read the ENTIRE report, and agree with Mueller's obvious conclusion. Trump did not collude nor conspire with the Russians.

Can't Democrat just be honest for a change?

What you just said and what is in the report are very different. You must know that. The exact wording is "not sufficient evidence" for criminal charges. He may not go to jail, but there is plenty of evidence in the report to conclude I don't want him as my president.

07-30-2019, 03:20 PM
Hell the one nationally renowned Democrat who has from the start said "this is a bullshit investigation which violates the rights of Trump and those around him" and of course we're taking about Alan Dershowitz was practicaly named a public enemy for not falling in line. It's not a coincidence that he was accused of rape shortly after calling the Russian collusion investigation out as the the illegal investigation that it was.

Nope, other Democrats couldn't even say "hey we still respect Alan, he's obviously a brilliant legal scholar, we just disagree with him. Not Democrats, instead they had to have him accused of rape in an effort to destroy him.

I'm at the point where I believe rounding these people up and shooting them is all that will save this country

By all means claim that pedophile Alan Dershowitz as your own. STTAB you're such a hperbolic moron. I mean really. You talk so big and smart and then you go and melt into genocide talk again. I mean really, I almost respected you for a second and then you go all mass murder and shit. Science should study your brain. Yeah the democrats are the problem... but somehow you think genocide is ok.... Have you been hanging out with all your white supremacist mass shooting friends again? Was the garlic fest shooter a good friend of yours?

07-30-2019, 03:32 PM
What you just said and what is in the report are very different. You must know that. The exact wording is "not sufficient evidence" for criminal charges. He may not go to jail, but there is plenty of evidence in the report to conclude I don't want him as my president.

That's because you are either dishonest or stupid Pete.

I could open an investigation into whether you like to rape little boys or not, and collect evidence. That evidence doesn't mean shit.

For fuck sakes you fucking moron if you actually had read the report you would know that Mueller and his team couldn't even prove that the fucking Russians did anything illegal. NOTHING

Seriously, you can't show one single fact that shows that Russia did ANYTHING illegal, let alone that Trump conspired with them .

Pete, you are a prime example of why I think conservatives are wrong on the topic of abortion. Well, actually I agree with them, sorta. I don't believe abortion should be a choice, I believe liberals should be forced to abort because you are simply too stupid and or dishonest to be allowed to procreate.

Voters like you are exactly how a dumb motherfucker who contacts a person who he thinks is a Ukranian government official to get dirt on a political opponent all while screaming that that person broke the law by trying to get dirt on a political opponent from a Russian government official get elected to office.

This is my last response to you Pete, because you are a complete pile of shit and unworthy of further response. I have tried my utmost to assume that you are at heart an honest and smart person who has simply let their hatred of Trump get the best of them, but the reality is that is not who you are. You are a waste of every resource you consume and the faster you and those like you leave this Earth the better.

Why you even bother posting on this board is anyone's guess. NO ONE here respects you, because you don't even respect yourself enough to be an honest perosn.

Have a nice life Petey.

07-30-2019, 03:35 PM
What you just said and what is in the report are very different. You must know that. The exact wording is "not sufficient evidence" for criminal charges. He may not go to jail, but there is plenty of evidence in the report to conclude I don't want him as my president.

And we have concluded that not a single democrat is wanted as our president, based on their own words and agendas. I, and many others, but not all, determined that a dead monkey prior to rigormortis was a better option than Hillary, the best the democrats could puke up, the anointed one who cheated & the one with wrongdoings listed against her 3 miles long.

I know, you said in the past - if there was a problem with any of them to "get my boy" to investigate them

Well, that's gonna happen now.

And HOPEFULLY the democrats RUN with the impeachment option, so it guarantees 4 more years of Trump and Trump as a lame duck president. :) :)

07-30-2019, 03:37 PM
That's because you are either dishonest or stupid Pete.

I go with DISHONEST. I know he's a smart guy.

But he 100% ignores any wrongdoing by the left, any accusations with factual evidence against & those being investigated... all means nothing, all to be ignored.

And I don't get it, as we have threads about bad eggs in both parties all the time. Makes ya wonder. :dunno:

07-30-2019, 03:38 PM
That's because you are either dishonest or stupid Pete.

I could open an investigation into whether you like to rape little boys or not, and collect evidence. That evidence doesn't mean shit.

For fuck sakes you fucking moron if you actually had read the report you would know that Mueller and his team couldn't even prove that the fucking Russians did anything illegal. NOTHING

Seriously, you can't show one single fact that shows that Russia did ANYTHING illegal, let alone that Trump conspired with them .

Pete, you are a prime example of why I think conservatives are wrong on the topic of abortion. Well, actually I agree with them, sorta. I don't believe abortion should be a choice, I believe liberals should be forced to abort because you are simply too stupid and or dishonest to be allowed to procreate.

Voters like you are exactly how a dumb motherfucker who contacts a person who he thinks is a Ukranian government official to get dirt on a political opponent all while screaming that that person broke the law by trying to get dirt on a political opponent from a Russian government official get elected to office.

This is my last response to you Pete, because you are a complete pile of shit and unworthy of further response. I have tried my utmost to assume that you are at heart an honest and smart person who has simply let their hatred of Trump get the best of them, but the reality is that is not who you are. You are a waste of every resource you consume and the faster you and those like you leave this Earth the better.

Why you even bother posting on this board is anyone's guess. NO ONE here respects you, because you don't even respect yourself enough to be an honest perosn.

Have a nice life Petey.

You didn't read the report. I get that.

lol, the last thing I want is the respect from a bunch of loser hillbilly fascist fucks who have nothing better to do with their lives than snowflake cry in an irrelevant tough guy internet hole all circle jerking each others conspiracy theories in their shit stained underwear, doing exactly nothing with their lives. Now please, let me get back to my two jobs, two dogs and large house. It's a nice day, so, you're right, I'm out.

07-30-2019, 03:43 PM
You didn't read the report. I get that.

lol, the last thing I want is the respect from a bunch of loser hillbilly fascist fucks who have nothing better to do with their lives than snowflake cry in an irrelevant tough guy internet hole all circle jerking each others conspiracy theories in their shit stained underwear, doing exactly nothing with their lives. Now please, let me get back to my two jobs, two dogs and large house. It's a nice day, so, you're right, I'm out.

I read nearly every last page. I also listened intently to congress when Mueller was brought in, as they demanded and told us that we needed to hear the TRUTH about everything. Mueller failed, didn't even know MAJOR things. All that the left has to run with is a loaded question about whether or not charges can be brought after his presidency. But ZILCH for proof, no charges to start with a single thing & congress and their investigations found zilch. But happy hunting to them I say!

And the respect I give you for your brain, and past ability to post like a human being? Makes me want to change a tad in respect to you, and what little I offer still for absolutely nothing in return.

You should really quote people directly and make arguments for your comments and to whom, and why.

07-30-2019, 04:00 PM
What you just said and what is in the report are very different. You must know that. The exact wording is "not sufficient evidence" for criminal charges. He may not go to jail, but there is plenty of evidence in the report to conclude I don't want him as my president.

Sure. His name is Trump and he's a Republican. 'Bout as deep as you get.

07-30-2019, 04:30 PM
Sure. His name is Trump and he's a Republican. 'Bout as deep as you get.

The funny part, the realistic part of the "...I don't want him as my president...." was from day -365 days and counting to election day, and just slowly grew worse and worse after Trump was elected. But nothing that was investigated or stated by a single person in the world changed that. They felt that way strongly from the get go, and NOTHING that came out in ANY investigation would have mattered. Already a few idiots with the "He must have something on Putin" crap. Simply can't handle being wrong.

07-30-2019, 04:52 PM
The funny part, the realistic part of the "...I don't want him as my president...." was from day -365 days and counting to election day, and just slowly grew worse and worse after Trump was elected. But nothing that was investigated or stated by a single person in the world changed that. They felt that way strongly from the get go, and NOTHING that came out in ANY investigation would have mattered. Already a few idiots with the "He must have something on Putin" crap. Simply can't handle being wrong.

I remember lots of people saying, "Obama is NOT my president." Pretty sure I said at the time, 'what goes around, comes around.' Same with tossing out treason and impeachable-tends to come up when 'your guy' is in office. With that said, the Dems and this impeachment business really should look at what the polling and Clinton case say.

One other thing, wouldn't it be interesting if Clinton is dragged into the Epstein problem? Then there will be all sorts of reasons to say, "See, character does matter." Or not. :coffee:

07-30-2019, 05:15 PM
I remember lots of people saying, "Obama is NOT my president." Pretty sure I said at the time, 'what goes around, comes around.' Same with tossing out treason and impeachable-tends to come up when 'your guy' is in office. With that said, the Dems and this impeachment business really should look at what the polling and Clinton case say.

One other thing, wouldn't it be interesting if Clinton is dragged into the Epstein problem? Then there will be all sorts of reasons to say, "See, character does matter." Or not. :coffee:I just thought it. I don't recall ever saying it. I didn't even bother with thinking about impeachment. I still think Obama was impeachable. No one was going to do it so why stress about it?

07-31-2019, 09:27 AM
I remember lots of people saying, "Obama is NOT my president." Pretty sure I said at the time, 'what goes around, comes around.' Same with tossing out treason and impeachable-tends to come up when 'your guy' is in office. With that said, the Dems and this impeachment business really should look at what the polling and Clinton case say.

One other thing, wouldn't it be interesting if Clinton is dragged into the Epstein problem? Then there will be all sorts of reasons to say, "See, character does matter." Or not. :coffee:

Those people were stupid, the President is your President even if you didn't vote for him. I personally have laughed at the "Obama isn't an American citizen" for example a million times on this board.

My simple question is why is it so easy to find a conservative who says "man the hard right can be crazy some times with their stupid talk about Obama and such" but a liberal who will say similar about the far left is rarer than hen's teeth. For God sakes, you can BARELY get a dumb motherfucker such as Pete to say "yes it's wrong when ANTIFA hits people in the head with bicycle chains"

Point is, conservatives have marginalized the crazies on the right, liberals have placed their crazies in charge and it's totally unfair to try to play the "well what about __________" game. It reminds me of how every time a Muslim terrorist attacks and complaints are brought up someone on left invariably brings up "oh yeah well you have to remember that in 1604 Christians were killing people too, so they are just as bad"

07-31-2019, 09:46 AM
Those people were stupid, the President is your President even if you didn't vote for him. I personally have laughed at the "Obama isn't an American citizen" for example a million times on this board.

My simple question is why is it so easy to find a conservative who says "man the hard right can be crazy some times with their stupid talk about Obama and such" but a liberal who will say similar about the far left is rarer than hen's teeth. For God sakes, you can BARELY get a dumb motherfucker such as Pete to say "yes it's wrong when ANTIFA hits people in the head with bicycle chains"

Point is, conservatives have marginalized the crazies on the right, liberals have placed their crazies in charge and it's totally unfair to try to play the "well what about __________" game. It reminds me of how every time a Muslim terrorist attacks and complaints are brought up someone on left invariably brings up "oh yeah well you have to remember that in 1604 Christians were killing people too, so they are just as bad"

This is simple. We disagree. Wrong is wrong, to me. That too is simple.

07-31-2019, 10:34 AM
This is simple. We disagree. Wrong is wrong, to me. That too is simple.

We don't disagree, wrong is wrong.

07-31-2019, 11:00 AM
I remember lots of people saying, "Obama is NOT my president." Pretty sure I said at the time, 'what goes around, comes around.' Same with tossing out treason and impeachable-tends to come up when 'your guy' is in office. With that said, the Dems and this impeachment business really should look at what the polling and Clinton case say.

One other thing, wouldn't it be interesting if Clinton is dragged into the Epstein problem? Then there will be all sorts of reasons to say, "See, character does matter." Or not. :coffee:

I think the difference is - we saw a small handful here do that, and some far righties do so - but I didn't see many major politicians take that stance, nor a ton of any of the media.

What pissed me off the most was some politicians saying as much, and then acting as much. And then the majority of their party acted as such.

07-31-2019, 11:10 AM
Those people were stupid, the President is your President even if you didn't vote for him. I personally have laughed at the "Obama isn't an American citizen" for example a million times on this board.

I stood up for him from day one, but then of course started reacting case by case on his own actions and words. But I understood he was my president so long as I was a citizen in the USA.

My simple question is why is it so easy to find a conservative who says "man the hard right can be crazy some times with their stupid talk about Obama and such" but a liberal who will say similar about the far left is rarer than hen's teeth. For God sakes, you can BARELY get a dumb motherfucker such as Pete to say "yes it's wrong when ANTIFA hits people in the head with bicycle chains"

Without a doubt, there were quite a decent amount on the far right that were against Obama from day one, and said he wasn't their prez from day one.

Why the left can never ever condemn anything from the left, no matter what it is or how bad it is, is mind numbing. Doesn't matter if it's someone running for president, or if it's hundreds of complete idiots that get violent with anyone who disagrees with them.

Point is, conservatives have marginalized the crazies on the right, liberals have placed their crazies in charge and it's totally unfair to try to play the "well what about __________" game. It reminds me of how every time a Muslim terrorist attacks and complaints are brought up someone on left invariably brings up "oh yeah well you have to remember that in 1604 Christians were killing people too, so they are just as bad"

It happens.

It was "Bush" for awhile, it was "Obama" for awhile from the right, sometimes myself as a reminder.

The difference being them completely dominating the subject. They never discuss or acknowledge any wrongdoing. And IF and SHOULD THEY respond - they will solely deflect in this manner.

And yeah, the Cruasades is overused by current day radical muslims and Christian haters.

07-31-2019, 11:22 AM
I think the difference is - we saw a small handful here do that, and some far righties do so - but I didn't see many major politicians take that stance, nor a ton of any of the media.

What pissed me off the most was some politicians saying as much, and then acting as much. And then the majority of their party acted as such.

Outside of the 'squad' I've not seen the 'not my president' come from political leaders. In the past few weeks, got lots of people, of both parties concern about racism. (PS I'm not with that, I think it's long time coming that this favoritism stuff needs to be spoken about in the open.) It should be respectful of all, but we've seen plenty of hostility all around.

BTW, Hannity: he did the 'not my president thing.'


07-31-2019, 11:25 AM
Outside of the 'squad' I've not seen the 'not my president' come from political leaders. In the past few weeks, got lots of people, of both parties concern about racism. (PS I'm not with that, I think it's long time coming that this favoritism stuff needs to be spoken about in the open.) It should be respectful of all, but we've seen plenty of hostility all around.

BTW, Hannity: he did the 'not my president thing.'


Oh yeah, no doubt, I acknowledge some of the farther right media, online as well, did similar.

07-31-2019, 11:36 AM
Outside of the 'squad' I've not seen the 'not my president' come from political leaders. In the past few weeks, got lots of people, of both parties concern about racism. (PS I'm not with that, I think it's long time coming that this favoritism stuff needs to be spoken about in the open.) It should be respectful of all, but we've seen plenty of hostility all around.

BTW, Hannity: he did the 'not my president thing.'


Hannity is what I'd call a far right jerk.

Now, see if you can find a liberal who posts on this board who will call let's say Joe Scarborough a jerk.

Have you seen any liberal ANYWHERE in the last few days say "no wait a minute all you people claiming that Trump the racist was calling black people in Baltimore vermin, that isn't what he was saying at all. He was talking about the city being over run with ACTUAL vermin, rats and such?" No you haven't , and you won't.

That's the difference. Any group made of humans is going to contain some extremist idiots. That's just life. But the extremist idiots have completely taken over the DNC and if there are any sane liberals left out there they are quickly learning to keep their mouth shut.

07-31-2019, 11:44 AM
Hannity is what I'd call a far right jerk.

Now, see if you can find a liberal who posts on this board who will call let's say Joe Scarborough a jerk.

Have you seen any liberal ANYWHERE in the last few days say "no wait a minute all you people claiming that Trump the racist was calling black people in Baltimore vermin, that isn't what he was saying at all. He was talking about the city being over run with ACTUAL vermin, rats and such?" No you haven't , and you won't.

That's the difference. Any group made of humans is going to contain some extremist idiots. That's just life. But the extremist idiots have completely taken over the DNC and if there are any sane liberals left out there they are quickly learning to keep their mouth shut.

I'd say that your assessment of Hannity is correct, though the President truly loves him. Maybe as much as Tucker?

07-31-2019, 11:49 AM
I'd say that your assessment of Hannity is correct, though the President truly loves him. Maybe as much as Tucker?

Do you watch Tucker ? I think he has entirely too many buffoons on as guests and lets them babble way too much, but he is most definitely not a Trump apologist.

With Hannity, it's a fact Bush could do no wrong, Obama could do no right and Trump can do no wrong. But I'll say thi about Hannity, hes been spot on about this Russia bullshit from the start.