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07-30-2019, 02:25 PM
and could get worse.

I was going to write a post on this last week, but feared that I'd be heckled on my speculation because. Trump. Looks like now House members are talking about the problem:


07-30-2019, 02:35 PM
and could get worse.

I was going to write a post on this last week, but feared that I'd be heckled on my speculation because. Trump. Looks like now House members are talking about the problem:


Trump didn't do 'nuffin

07-31-2019, 10:36 AM
and another?


07-31-2019, 11:07 AM
I have to say I have always resented Republicans who just drop out when they're needed the most. Couldn't possible have a plan that took elections and strength/weakness into account. Just, I'm done. The usual exceptions to the rule apply so need to point out "Barney's dying mom". Sorry, Pete.

Some Republicans don't like the House when Dems run it? Don't lose it then.

Be nice if the RNC would actually have a plan. They never do so the Dems probably wouldn't be able to handle that any better than Trump's election.

07-31-2019, 11:14 AM
I have to say I have always resented Republicans who just drop out when they're needed the most. Couldn't possible have a plan that took elections and strength/weakness into account. Just, I'm done. The usual exceptions to the rule apply so need to point out "Barney's dying mom". Sorry, Pete.

Some Republicans don't like the House when Dems run it? Don't lose it then.

Be nice if the RNC would actually have a plan. They never do so the Dems probably wouldn't be able to handle that any better than Trump's election.

It started with the midterms, nothing has changed and many don't want to deal with the way things are now.

07-31-2019, 11:17 AM
It started with the midterms, nothing has changed and many don't want to deal with the way things are now.Republicans need a good dose of reality. Yeah the left is all f-d up and laughing at them is fun but let's not forget the elephant in the room: The Republican party is hardly united in a cause. It can easily be beaten by a team with a plan. Counting on the left to stay f-d up is NOT a plan, IMO.

07-31-2019, 11:25 AM
Republicans need a good dose of reality. Yeah the left is all f-d up and laughing at them is fun but let's not forget the elephant in the room: The Republican party is hardly united in a cause. It can easily be beaten by a team with a plan. Counting on the left to stay f-d up is NOT a plan, IMO.

Not everyone wants to be on that team, Gunny. They don't see it as you do. They may like some of what has happened, like what's NOT to like with the courts or the economy? There's so much though going on that can't be discussed. Thus those that want to, they withdraw. Winning isn't worth it.

07-31-2019, 11:52 AM
Not everyone wants to be on that team, Gunny. They don't see it as you do. They may like some of what has happened, like what's NOT to like with the courts or the economy? There's so much though going on that can't be discussed. Thus those that want to, they withdraw. Winning isn't worth it.

Then they need to stay their asses out of Washington . Not being on the same team men losing to the god damned Democrats every time, because for the most part they are on the same team ALWAYS

07-31-2019, 11:56 AM
Then they need to stay their asses out of Washington . Not being on the same team men losing to the god damned Democrats every time, because for the most part they are on the same team ALWAYS

It's why many are leaving, in addition to those that left before midterms and seats went to the Dems. Thus the title of the thread.

07-31-2019, 12:05 PM
It's why many are leaving, in addition to those that left before midterms and seats went to the Dems. Thus the title of the thread.

Proving how stupid they are. I mean seriously how long do you have to get your asses kicked by Democrats who always have a united front because you can't find a united front yourself before you say "hmm maybe we need to do something different?"

I would almost 100% guarantee you that Republicans could have done two things differently and kept the House in 2018.

1. Tell the Dems to shove it with their "Russian collusion" bullshit and publicly backed the President simply firing Rod Rosenstein if he didn't end the Special Council nonsense


2. Funded the fucking wall

But Republicans are so stupid that they couldn't even manage to get their shit together to do those 2 things. They DESERVED to lose the House.

07-31-2019, 12:07 PM
Proving how stupid they are. I mean seriously how long do you have to get your asses kicked by Democrats who always have a united front because you can't find a united front yourself before you say "hmm maybe we need to do something different?"

I would almost 100% guarantee you that Republicans could have done two things differently and kept the House in 2018.

1. Tell the Dems to shove it with their "Russian collusion" bullshit and publicly backed the President simply firing Rod Rosenstein if he didn't end the Special Council nonsense


2. Funded the fucking wall

But Republicans are so stupid that they couldn't even manage to get their shit together to do those 2 things. They DESERVED to lose the House.

It's that whole 'right and wrong' thing. Some do and some don't.

07-31-2019, 12:12 PM
It's that whole 'right and wrong' thing. Some do and some don't.

That's a load of nonsense, you can't do ANY right if you aren't in charge.

And no one in Washington DC , including House Republicans EVER believed Trump conspired with Russia to steal an election, hell even that dumb shit Adam Schiff knew that was a lie all along.

07-31-2019, 12:16 PM
That's a load of nonsense, you can't do ANY right if you aren't in charge.

And no one in Washington DC , including House Republicans EVER believed Trump conspired with Russia to steal an election, hell even that dumb shit Adam Schiff knew that was a lie all along.

Like I said previously, some have decided that 'winning' isn't worth it. Wouldn't it be interesting if Clinton were dragged into the Epstein mess and charges proven? How many that pushed for his impeachment would like to say, "We told you, character counted!" Yeah. :coffee:

07-31-2019, 12:30 PM
It's why many are leaving, in addition to those that left before midterms and seats went to the Dems. Thus the title of the thread.

Still no reason for many of them to go public with comments, or do anything else that may harm the party of which they are a participating member.

They are supposed to be there to represent their constituents. Most haven't a clue how they feel, IMO. They are supposed to be their to help their constituents, and the nation as a whole. They don't always get what they want, whether that be for their state or for the country. Harming the party in any way isn't the way to go, IMO. What they should do, if at all possible, is announce their retirement at the appropriate time, and leave office in the same manner. This will allow for a replacement. Disagreeing and then bailing or talking smack is harming the party, IMO. They should retire or move appropriately, whether that be to being a democrat or an independent. It's far from unprecedented.

To be clear, I am speaking of republicans voted into office, not the media, nor any online pundits and certainly no members here. Big difference between the 2!

07-31-2019, 12:35 PM
Still no reason for many of them to go public with comments, or do anything else that may harm the party of which they are a participating member.

They are supposed to be there to represent their constituents. Most haven't a clue how they feel, IMO. They are supposed to be their to help their constituents, and the nation as a whole. They don't always get what they want, whether that be for their state or for the country. Harming the party in any way isn't the way to go, IMO. What they should do, if at all possible, is announce their retirement at the appropriate time, and leave office in the same manner. This will allow for a replacement. Disagreeing and then bailing or talking smack is harming the party, IMO. They should retire or move appropriately, whether that be to being a democrat or an independent. It's far from unprecedented.

To be clear, I am speaking of republicans voted into office, not the media, nor any online pundits and certainly no members here. Big difference between the 2!

Most aren't saying anything, read the article. Sort of like Russian rulers having a heart attack or something.

07-31-2019, 12:41 PM
Most aren't saying anything, read the article. Sort of like Russian rulers having a heart attack or something.

I didn't mean to imply they all do, if that's what ya got out of it - but I think any leaving that helps the other side in an election is harmful.

07-31-2019, 12:57 PM
I didn't mean to imply they all do, if that's what ya got out of it - but I think any leaving that helps the other side in an election is harmful.

It's the whole thing we were discussing with Noir about Americans and their jobs. When you aren't wanted or feel the conditions aren't right any longer, don't whine, go. That is what many are doing.

Face it, there is a demand to stay and STFU! If you don't like what is up 100% of the time, dissent is not ok and there are legions to make it clear. Why would anyone that can find a different position stay in those circumstances? Most wouldn't announce until after the holidays in January. They are giving the party plenty of notice and did Paul Ryan and many others before the mid-terms.

Look here, for example. STTAB basically says, "Get the F out if you don't like it!" Then it's, "They should stay for the party."

07-31-2019, 01:09 PM
It's the whole thing we were discussing with Noir about Americans and their jobs. When you aren't wanted or feel the conditions aren't right any longer, don't whine, go. That is what many are doing.

Face it, there is a demand to stay and STFU! If you don't like what is up 100% of the time, dissent is not ok and there are legions to make it clear. Why would anyone that can find a different position stay in those circumstances? Most wouldn't announce until after the holidays in January. They are giving the party plenty of notice and did Paul Ryan and many others before the mid-terms.

Look here, for example. STTAB basically says, "Get the F out if you don't like it!" Then it's, "They should stay for the party."

If compared outside of politics, I would compare it to a pro sports team, IMO. While they are greedy like politicians, they also should be supporting their team first, make decisions that don't harm the team, and retiring mid-season happens, but frowned upon.

My take is similar to Sttab's, but more like just resign/retire when the time comes and switch parties or go home to the private sector. That's in a perfect world from loyal party members. That rarely happens, but not unheard of as I mentioned. But I still think that's what the right thing to do is. It doesn't make them a bad person, just a member that wants to leave. While I think the timing is what's best, this is still something that would be best all the way around, and I even believe for that member as well.

07-31-2019, 02:00 PM
If compared outside of politics, I would compare it to a pro sports team, IMO. While they are greedy like politicians, they also should be supporting their team first, make decisions that don't harm the team, and retiring mid-season happens, but frowned upon.

My take is similar to Sttab's, but more like just resign/retire when the time comes and switch parties or go home to the private sector. That's in a perfect world from loyal party members. That rarely happens, but not unheard of as I mentioned. But I still think that's what the right thing to do is. It doesn't make them a bad person, just a member that wants to leave. While I think the timing is what's best, this is still something that would be best all the way around, and I even believe for that member as well.

They are not just leaving, their terms will be up. They are choosing to get out at the time to go.

Nearly all serving in Congress have made and will make more $$ after 'serving.' While too many go the lobbying route, not all do.

07-31-2019, 02:27 PM
Most aren't saying anything, read the article. Sort of like Russian rulers having a heart attack or something.

That isn't true at all Kath. Look at how many of them beat feat as fast as they can to get on record calling Trump naughty every time he sends out a fucking Tweet.

Look at assholes like John McCain who literally voted against the same exact word for fucking word bill that he had voted for the previous year. Not just voting against it, but doing the whole melodramatic thumbs down bullshit. Not because he thought about it and decided that the bill suddenly wasn't good for America, nope simply because he was a bitter old asshole who hated Trump.

More to the point of what I posted earlier, look at all the pussy House Republicans who REFUSED to publicly say "this notion that Trump colluded with the Russians is bullshit" or how about this, in the last week how many of these weak assed loser Republicans in the House have came forward and said the obvious "hey Democrats, stop lying about what Trump said, he didn't call any people vermin, he was talking about AcTUAL vermin, you know rats and such..........?" The answer is like 2 out of what 150?

You don't actually believe House Republicans give a shit about right and wrong , do you? I mean they aren't out and out pieces of shit criminals like the Democrats, but they most certainly don't a flying fuck about right and wrong.

07-31-2019, 02:53 PM
Not everyone wants to be on that team, Gunny. They don't see it as you do. They may like some of what has happened, like what's NOT to like with the courts or the economy? There's so much though going on that can't be discussed. Thus those that want to, they withdraw. Winning isn't worth it.As many times as we've had this discussion and you're STILL wrong. :). Your way, everybody loses. You are entitled to your opinion and have the Right to vote as you want but as the Outlay Josey Wales says: "Don't piss down my back and tell me it's rainin'".

I love ideology. Except when it's interfering with reality. These clowns have what they want and now that the road isn't as smooth as a baby's bottom, they're taking their 12 year retirement that's more than any of us will see in 50, and going home. As opposed to their oath of office, they don't want to listen to constituents whine.

Want to throw away your vote? Go for it. While you have one. We'll be having elections like Russia in the other thread (if we're lucky to have it even that good) if the Dems take control of the government. Especially now that they are out for payback blood. Look what they are doing to the House. It's a joke.

Your Right to not like how it is will last until your non-or-off-color vote loses it for you. So complain all you want about the Republicans. I really can't stand them. But they are not trying to take away any of my Constitutional Rights but the Dems are.

If Gumby runs for President against the Dems (of course with Pokey as running mate), he's got my vote.

Those such as you who bitch about Trump and vote 3rd party aren't proving anything except that you put yourself, your idealism and your likes/dislikes ahead of what is best for the nation GIVEN THE CHOICES WE HAVE. I'd be all for doing it your way f it didn't look suspiciously like shooting at the man in the mirror.

07-31-2019, 02:58 PM
That's a load of nonsense, you can't do ANY right if you aren't in charge.

And no one in Washington DC , including House Republicans EVER believed Trump conspired with Russia to steal an election, hell even that dumb shit Adam Schiff knew that was a lie all along.

DING! DING! F-ING_DING! Give the man a cigar. Been telling that to deaf ears for decades. THAT is absolutely correct. It starts there.

07-31-2019, 03:07 PM
That isn't true at all Kath. Look at how many of them beat feat as fast as they can to get on record calling Trump naughty every time he sends out a fucking Tweet.

Look at assholes like John McCain who literally voted against the same exact word for fucking word bill that he had voted for the previous year. Not just voting against it, but doing the whole melodramatic thumbs down bullshit. Not because he thought about it and decided that the bill suddenly wasn't good for America, nope simply because he was a bitter old asshole who hated Trump.

More to the point of what I posted earlier, look at all the pussy House Republicans who REFUSED to publicly say "this notion that Trump colluded with the Russians is bullshit" or how about this, in the last week how many of these weak assed loser Republicans in the House have came forward and said the obvious "hey Democrats, stop lying about what Trump said, he didn't call any people vermin, he was talking about AcTUAL vermin, you know rats and such..........?" The answer is like 2 out of what 150?

You don't actually believe House Republicans give a shit about right and wrong , do you? I mean they aren't out and out pieces of shit criminals like the Democrats, but they most certainly don't a flying fuck about right and wrong.Like that dickhead Will Hurd. The only reason that RINO traitor has a seat in Congress in a Dem district is his promise to vote to impeach Trump. He's a traitor and next time I have the opportunity to attend any of his rallies I just might. Just to ensure he knows what I think of him. Oh yeah. I already sent THAT e-mail. :)

07-31-2019, 03:18 PM
Like that dickhead Will Hurd. The only reason that RINO traitor has a seat in Congress in a Dem district is his promise to vote to impeach Trump. He's a traitor and next time I have the opportunity to attend any of his rallies I just might. Just to ensure he knows what I think of him. Oh yeah. I already sent THAT e-mail. :)

The one I'm the most pissed about is Trey Gowdey, he cut bait and ran like a little bitch when the RNC actually needed him the most.

Fucking US Congressman may be the one group that I trust less than Turks.

07-31-2019, 03:19 PM
That isn't true at all Kath. Look at how many of them beat feat as fast as they can to get on record calling Trump naughty every time he sends out a fucking Tweet.

Look at assholes like John McCain who literally voted against the same exact word for fucking word bill that he had voted for the previous year. Not just voting against it, but doing the whole melodramatic thumbs down bullshit. Not because he thought about it and decided that the bill suddenly wasn't good for America, nope simply because he was a bitter old asshole who hated Trump. Which is where if one would not say yes, "Trump is great," one was vilified. While McCain was not on board, Ryan really carried the water to get things through, just as McConnell is. Frist? His voting record for pro-Trump was 92%, he just wouldn't say Trump is great! He no lie! Dems suck! Should die!

More to the point of what I posted earlier, look at all the pussy House Republicans who REFUSED to publicly say "this notion that Trump colluded with the Russians is bullshit" or how about this, in the last week how many of these weak assed loser Republicans in the House have came forward and said the obvious "hey Democrats, stop lying about what Trump said, he didn't call any people vermin, he was talking about AcTUAL vermin, you know rats and such..........?" The answer is like 2 out of what 150? because of a word, I'm not reading this section. Once I hit the word, found where to stop.

You don't actually believe House Republicans give a shit about right and wrong , do you? I mean they aren't out and out pieces of shit criminals like the Democrats, but they most certainly don't a flying fuck about right and wrong. Some do, those leaving are going back and President Trump won't have to worry about any of them any longer.

07-31-2019, 03:22 PM
Which is where if one would not say yes, "Trump is great," one was vilified. While McCain was not on board, Ryan really carried the water to get things through, just as McConnell is. Frist? His voting record for pro-Trump was 92%, he just wouldn't say Trump is great! He no lie! Dems suck! Should die! because of a word, I'm not reading this section. Once I hit the word, found where to stop. Some do, those leaving are going back and President Trump won't have to worry about any of them any longer.

My use of the word pussy was very apropos in that section. I didn't use it gratuitous or in an referee to female genitalia.

I used it in the vernacular meaning HUGE coward, so big of a coward that the word coward simply doesn't cover it. Anyway, it's like 257 degrees here, I'm gonna jump in the pool. Yall have a great night.

07-31-2019, 03:27 PM
As many times as we've had this discussion and you're STILL wrong. :). Your way, everybody loses. You are entitled to your opinion and have the Right to vote as you want but as the Outlay Josey Wales says: "Don't piss down my back and tell me it's rainin'". I'm not telling you a thing, other than what I think. Not telling you whom to vote for either. Actually if Marianne gets the nod, I might be able to vote for her! LOL!

I love ideology. Except when it's interfering with reality. These clowns have what they want and now that the road isn't as smooth as a baby's bottom, they're taking their 12 year retirement that's more than any of us will see in 50, and going home. As opposed to their oath of office, they don't want to listen to constituents whine. They are not doing 1 thing against their oaths of office. Really. Back to 'treason' if one doesn't support a president?

Want to throw away your vote? Go for it. While you have one. We'll be having elections like Russia in the other thread (if we're lucky to have it even that good) if the Dems take control of the government. Especially now that they are out for payback blood. Look what they are doing to the House. It's a joke.

Your Right to not like how it is will last until your non-or-off-color vote loses it for you. So complain all you want about the Republicans. I really can't stand them. But they are not trying to take away any of my Constitutional Rights but the Dems are. accept all those treasonous ones, not voting, Trump?

If Gumby runs for President against the Dems (of course with Pokey as running mate), he's got my vote.

Those such as you who bitch about Trump and vote 3rd party aren't proving anything except that you put yourself, your idealism and your likes/dislikes ahead of what is best for the nation GIVEN THE CHOICES WE HAVE. I'd be all for doing it your way f it didn't look suspiciously like shooting at the man in the mirror. We disagree on character, that is the big issue-for me. Not for many, as the numbers say. Even with that, the 'bitching' as you said, hasn't really been. Pointing out the differences, because I see them, isn't bitching. Unless of course you really are all tingly about the new spending? The new extension for nuclear exceptions for Iran?

I see what he's doing right. I see some of what he's doing wrong. Character does matter.

And look at you all, basically saying that people that have served their terms are f'ers for not keeping their f'ing mouths and minds shut and doing what President Trump wants. If they want to leave and give over a year's notice, not good enough. THEN tell me that Russia is going to tell me what to do?

07-31-2019, 06:13 PM
The one I'm the most pissed about is Trey Gowdey, he cut bait and ran like a little bitch when the RNC actually needed him the most.

Fucking US Congressman may be the one group that I trust less than Turks.I hold it less against him for retiring for personal reasons than I do those who left to spite Trump. I guess they thought they were making a point sitting at home out of the news and without a vote :rolleyes:

07-31-2019, 06:15 PM
I hold it less against him for retiring for personal reasons than I do those who left to spite Trump. I guess they thought they were making a point sitting at home out of the news and without a vote :rolleyes:

None of those I wrote about blamed the President, they all said it was for their families-time or $$. We all make our choices.

07-31-2019, 06:33 PM
The one I'm the most pissed about is Trey Gowdey, he cut bait and ran like a little bitch when the RNC actually needed him the most.

Fucking US Congressman may be the one group that I trust less than Turks.

Gowdy knows most people want TERM LIMITS for Congress. So, after serving FOUR terms. He kept his promise, and decided enough, was enough.
Either we want term limits for ALL, or we don't want them. Right?

07-31-2019, 06:55 PM
I'm not telling you a thing, other than what I think. Not telling you whom to vote for either. Actually if Marianne gets the nod, I might be able to vote for her! LOL! They are not doing 1 thing against their oaths of office. Really. Back to 'treason' if one doesn't support a president? accept all those treasonous ones, not voting, Trump? We disagree on character, that is the big issue-for me. Not for many, as the numbers say. Even with that, the 'bitching' as you said, hasn't really been. Pointing out the differences, because I see them, isn't bitching. Unless of course you really are all tingly about the new spending? The new extension for nuclear exceptions for Iran?

I see what he's doing right. I see some of what he's doing wrong. Character does matter.

And look at you all, basically saying that people that have served their terms are f'ers for not keeping their f'ing mouths and minds shut and doing what President Trump wants. If they want to leave and give over a year's notice, not good enough. THEN tell me that Russia is going to tell me what to do?Matter of use of the vernacular: bitching. Not personal :)

We may disagree on character but that is not the big thing we disagree on. Winning/keeping the Dems out is. Trump IS a character :). I STILL, regardless what you have come up with because I'm not on his ass 24-7, do not like him as a person. THAT is a personal opinion of him and people like him. I don't know that it has any bearing on his actual "character" as a person. He seems to be for the most part trying to do the right thing which is more than his predecessor, Hitlery would have, or any Dem is going to. And in the real world of winning and losing, it's him or them. While I may take issue with some of his crap, I have a BIG issue with just about any and everything the Dems want and they have ZERO character as far as I'm concerned.

I'm not going to sit on the sidelines and refuse to play, or play catch with myself so long as there is something not lose. I've watched people die for the freedoms and Rights the Dems would take away. I'm not going to watch them do it.

07-31-2019, 07:32 PM
Matter of use of the vernacular: bitching. Not personal :)

We may disagree on character but that is not the big thing we disagree on. Winning/keeping the Dems out is. Trump IS a character :). I STILL, regardless what you have come up with because I'm not on his ass 24-7, do not like him as a person. THAT is a personal opinion of him and people like him. I don't know that it has any bearing on his actual "character" as a person. He seems to be for the most part trying to do the right thing which is more than his predecessor, Hitlery would have, or any Dem is going to. And in the real world of winning and losing, it's him or them. While I may take issue with some of his crap, I have a BIG issue with just about any and everything the Dems want and they have ZERO character as far as I'm concerned.

I'm not going to sit on the sidelines and refuse to play, or play catch with myself so long as there is something not lose. I've watched people die for the freedoms and Rights the Dems would take away. I'm not going to watch them do it.

We see things differently regarding what we are voting for, which is both of our rights. I respect your choice, though I disagree.

So far, I doubt we'll have another president than the one we have in 2020, so keep calm.

07-31-2019, 07:33 PM
We see things differently regarding what we are voting for, which is both of our rights. I respect your choice, though I disagree.

So far, I doubt we'll have another president than the one we have in 2020, so keep calm.

If I wasn't here, it would appear that the President and the administration really are just short of heavenly hosts. Well, other than a few of those really bad tweets he used to make.

07-31-2019, 09:10 PM
We see things differently regarding what we are voting for, which is both of our rights. I respect your choice, though I disagree.

So far, I doubt we'll have another president than the one we have in 2020, so keep calm.I'm quite calm. I've known you were wrong for years and I still like you :)

07-31-2019, 09:12 PM
I'm quite calm. I've known you were wrong for years and I still like you :)

Ah, and here you were thinking I thought you were right. ;)

08-01-2019, 07:30 AM
As many times as we've had this discussion and you're STILL wrong. :). Your way, everybody loses. You are entitled to your opinion and have the Right to vote as you want but as the Outlay Josey Wales says: "Don't piss down my back and tell me it's rainin'".
That was "Fletcher" who said that, but yes, in the movie, The Outlaw Josey Wales.

I don't think as many republicans have the same zeal for power that democrats have. Democrats are taught from the first day they start public school to be activists, to protest, to get in people's faces, the whole nine yards. In contrast, you hardly EVER see a bunch of conservatives protesting anything. They'd just as soon live and let live. If they see or hear something about democrats they don't like, they'd prefer to just ignore it. But when a democrat sees or hears something about conservatives they don't like, they need to change it, stop it, shut it down and shut it up. Big difference, but you can't butt your nose in and tell other people how to live their lives unless you have the POWER to do so, and democrats absolutely WORSHIP that power. They will do ANYTHING to get it, and ANYTHING to KEEP it. Republicans, not so much.

But I have a solution to all of this, two words... TERM LIMITS. Two terms, just like the president, then thank you for serving your country in public office, but go home, you're done.

Abbey Marie
08-01-2019, 07:55 AM
If I wasn't here, it would appear that the President and the administration really are just short of heavenly hosts. Well, other than a few of those really bad tweets he used to make.

This is not true, not for me, nor Jim, nor Gunny, nor STAAB, nor I’d guess for just about any of us. No one thinks Trump is an angel or a saint. In fact, no one in politics even comes close. And no one who eventually sits in the Oval Office will be, either. Given that reality, what we do want is for our imperfect, ego-driven leader du jour to do what’s best for our country. That doesn’t mean that we like everything about him. Or that we personally lack “integrity”, which happens to be something I’ve long been saying we’ve lost as a society. And that has virtually nothing to do with our politicians. It’s far more pervasive than that. (i think it’s a result of turning away from God, but that’s another thread).

As for the Republican Congress critters going against Trump, yes, they can do so. But they should keep in mind that many if not most people who voted for them are probably Republicans and probably also voted for Trump. And they seem to forget they are there to represent their constituents. Not to go off the reservation and thereby very possibly hurt the party their supporters presumably believe in. You just don’t see Dems do this. Most recent example may be Pelosi meeting with The Squad. Despite their behavior, whatever criticism she may have expressed in that meeting, I did not hear about it.

08-01-2019, 08:10 AM
This is not true, not for me, nor Jim, nor Gunny, nor STAAB, nor I’d guess for just about any of us. No one thinks Trump is an angel or a saint. In fact, no one in politics even comes close. And no one who eventually sits in the Oval Office will be, either. Given that reality, what we do want is for our imperfect, ego-driven leader du jour to do what’s best for our country. That doesn’t mean that we like everything about him. Or that we personally lack “integrity”, which happens to be something I’ve long been saying we’ve lost as a society. And that has virtually nothing to do with our politicians. It’s far more pervasive than that. (i think it’s a result of turning away from God, but that’s another thread).

As for the Republican Congress critters going against Trump, yes, they can do so. But they should keep in mind that many if not most people who voted for them are probably Republicans and probably also voted for Trump. And they seem to forget they are there to represent their constituents. Not to go off the reservation and thereby very possibly hurt the party their supporters presumably believe in. You just don’t see Dems do this. Most recent example may be Pelosi meeting with The Squad. Despite their behavior, whatever criticism she may have expressed in that meeting, I did not hear about it.

Much of what you've written is true, some is not. In actuality, there is almost 0 criticism of Trump's occasional problems, those that do bother to address in any manner tend to go to, 'He has to hit back, it's who he is' or 'just doing what the dems have always done,' or 'he didn't do what your eyes are saying.' 'Yeah, he tweets badly, but ignore those.'

It's true that the country is less religious, we agree that is not good. I can only rely on my own beliefs of what is moral and not, what is acceptable and not-for myself. My own decisions are not determined by liberals or conservatives own choices about their moral judgments.

Actually, the Republican congressional critters may only speak out in any negative way by being vilified by tweets and his base making attacks on any platform available. Then shocked, just shocked when these people choose to walk away to private employment, often to be replaced by dems or even R's that are not as loyal in their voting actions. As long as they wear a red cap, all is well. It's not performance that counts, something that folks used to pay attention to, but homage to the leader.

08-01-2019, 08:38 AM
As long as they wear a red cap, all is well. It's not performance that counts, something that folks used to pay attention to, but homage to the leader.
Speaking only for myself, the red cap has absolutely nothing to do with anything other than it's a campaign prop. I also like how it triggers snowflakes.

But to me, it's ALL about performance, and when it comes to that, I don't think there's been another president in my life time that has done a better job with greater opposition than President Trump. He deserve much credit and respect for that in my opinion, and giving him a pass for his tweeting comes with that. But let's also not forget, his tweeting is a major way for him to do an end run around the democrat propaganda wing, and they hate that, and I love anything they hate.

Other than him being a little bit crude at times and being a brawler, which we did/do need when it comes to dealing with democrats, I really don't see what democrats think is so bad about the man. They just believe... ORANGE MAN BAD. It's really kinda pathetic. They've been TOLD to hate him, and when democrats get their marching orders, they don't question them, they just follow them.

08-02-2019, 02:34 AM
and another. Only Black Republican in the House:


08-02-2019, 08:25 AM
Much of what you've written is true, some is not. In actuality, there is almost 0 criticism of Trump's occasional problems, those that do bother to address in any manner tend to go to, 'He has to hit back, it's who he is' or 'just doing what the dems have always done,' or 'he didn't do what your eyes are saying.' 'Yeah, he tweets badly, but ignore those.'

It's true that the country is less religious, we agree that is not good. I can only rely on my own beliefs of what is moral and not, what is acceptable and not-for myself. My own decisions are not determined by liberals or conservatives own choices about their moral judgments.

Actually, the Republican congressional critters may only speak out in any negative way by being vilified by tweets and his base making attacks on any platform available. Then shocked, just shocked when these people choose to walk away to private employment, often to be replaced by dems or even R's that are not as loyal in their voting actions. As long as they wear a red cap, all is well. It's not performance that counts, something that folks used to pay attention to, but homage to the leader.

Are we living in the same universe?

Trump most assuredly tweets out a lot of stupid, offensive stuff. but so does Ilmar Omar, and AOC, for example..

Now ever time Trump makes a stupid Tweet, what's the first thing that happens? The media runs to their nearest Republican Congress critter "What do you think of the highly offensive, racist tweet Trump made?" First that automatically puts the Republican in a trap, do they dare point out that calling rats vermin isn't anything similar to the NAZIS calling Jews vermin and risk being called a racist? Second those media people KNOW that by and large Republicans simply aren't smart enough to say "no comment" almost 3 years later and these morons take the bait every fucing time.

Compare that to Omar, again for example. She's tweeted out some truly racist shit since being elected. Can you recall ANYONE in the media haranguing a Democratic member of Congress "Do you have any comment on Omar's racist hateful Tweet?" Of course not, and on the very rare occasoin when a conservative media outlet does bring it up, no comment from ANY Democrat.

Now , ask yourself. Do you REALLY believe that when that dumb ass tweets out about how awful Israel is that there aren't Democrats who seethe? I don't believe that, I believe there are some Democrats in Congress who would like to tel that dumb bitch to shut her fucking mouth. Maybe they even have in private, but you would NEVER see that done in public. Democrats do not rebuke each other in public (well at least not until the squad and Nancy got into their little feud)

Liken it to being in a marriage. EVERY married couple is going to face disagreement and have arguments to some degree. But the fact is those couples who keep those arguments PRIVATE are stronger couples both in image and in reality.

Democrats in Congress are smarter than Republicans in Congress, at least in terms of this issue.

08-02-2019, 08:31 AM
Are we living in the same universe?

Trump most assuredly tweets out a lot of stupid, offensive stuff. but so does Ilmar Omar, and AOC, for example..

Now ever time Trump makes a stupid Tweet, what's the first thing that happens? The media runs to their nearest Republican Congress critter "What do you think of the highly offensive, racist tweet Trump made?" First that automatically puts the Republican in a trap, do they dare point out that calling rats vermin isn't anything similar to the NAZIS calling Jews vermin and risk being called a racist? Second those media people KNOW that by and large Republicans simply aren't smart enough to say "no comment" almost 3 years later and these morons take the bait every fucing time.

Compare that to Omar, again for example. She's tweeted out some truly racist shit since being elected. Can you recall ANYONE in the media haranguing a Democratic member of Congress "Do you have any comment on Omar's racist hateful Tweet?" Of course not, and on the very rare occasion when a conservative media outlet does bring it up, no comment from ANY Democrat.

Now , ask yourself. Do you REALLY believe that when that dumb ass tweets out about how awful Israel is that there aren't Democrats who seethe? I don't believe that, I believe there are some Democrats in Congress who would like to tel that dumb bitch to shut her fucking mouth. Maybe they even have in private, but you would NEVER see that done in public. Democrats do not rebuke each other in public (well at least not until the squad and Nancy got into their little feud)

Liken it to being in a marriage. EVERY married couple is going to face disagreement and have arguments to some degree. But the fact is those couples who keep those arguments PRIVATE are stronger couples both in image and in reality.

Democrats in Congress are smarter than Republicans in Congress, at least in terms of this issue.

I'm not married to a political party-even when I thought there was one I could agree with on most issues. As for the marriage analogy, I agree. In order to keep it together, there can be some serious things to be quiet about and try to work out-if both are trying. OTOH, at least within my parameters, when violence or cheating comes up, it's time to get away. Violence is an immediate threat; cheating can get there-check out that 'missing mom of 5' where the husband and girlfriend are being held.

08-02-2019, 08:39 AM
I'm not married to a political party-even when I thought there was one I could agree with on most issues. As for the marriage analogy, I agree. In order to keep it together, there can be some serious things to be quiet about and try to work out-if both are trying. OTOH, at least within my parameters, when violence or cheating comes up, it's time to get away. Violence is an immediate threat; cheating can get there-check out that 'missing mom of 5' where the husband and girlfriend are being held.

No, you're not married to a political system lol but in many ways the relationship between a President and a same party member of Congress is like a marriage. Maybe an arranged marriage, but a marriage nonetheless

The point is absolutely zero good comes from a Republican coming out and saying "yeah that Trump and his tweets, he's a bad racist man" or whatever. So why do it? Just say "no comment" and move on.

Going back to the Baltimore tweets, EVERY SINGLE Republican in Congress that was asked about his Tweets should have defended Trump on the issue of being accused of calling people in Baltimore of being vermin. It is QUITE clear that that was not what said, and in fact he was talking about ACTUAL vermin, but I cant think of a single Republican who brought that up, even Lindsey Graham who has been pretty much in Trump's corner since McCain (spit on his name) died didn't go there.

08-02-2019, 08:49 AM
No, you're not married to a political system lol but in many ways the relationship between a President and a same party member of Congress is like a marriage. Maybe an arranged marriage, but a marriage nonetheless

The point is absolutely zero good comes from a Republican coming out and saying "yeah that Trump and his tweets, he's a bad racist man" or whatever. So why do it? Just say "no comment" and move on.

Going back to the Baltimore tweets, EVERY SINGLE Republican in Congress that was asked about his Tweets should have defended Trump on the issue of being accused of calling people in Baltimore of being vermin. It is QUITE clear that that was not what said, and in fact he was talking about ACTUAL vermin, but I cant think of a single Republican who brought that up, even Lindsey Graham who has been pretty much in Trump's corner since McCain (spit on his name) died didn't go there.

Heil. And that's not about Trump, that's about what you've been writing in what you seem to believe to be convincing in order to gain some support.

What's funny? I actually was feeling more favorable towards him, considering how many things have been done that I can see working for the country. In the past weeks, seeing what has been the reaction to even expressing concern about a few things, (and that wasn't even dealing with any racist stuff), some have stopped discussing anything; others have started with concern being 'nuts' or 'traitor.'

Now it's 'even responding negatively about his tweeting is disloyal.

Not the way to convince anyone with concerns.

Abbey Marie
08-02-2019, 08:56 AM
No, you're not married to a political system lol but in many ways the relationship between a President and a same party member of Congress is like a marriage. Maybe an arranged marriage, but a marriage nonetheless

The point is absolutely zero good comes from a Republican coming out and saying "yeah that Trump and his tweets, he's a bad racist man" or whatever. So why do it? Just say "no comment" and move on.

Going back to the Baltimore tweets, EVERY SINGLE Republican in Congress that was asked about his Tweets should have defended Trump on the issue of being accused of calling people in Baltimore of being vermin. It is QUITE clear that that was not what said, and in fact he was talking about ACTUAL vermin, but I cant think of a single Republican who brought that up, even Lindsey Graham who has been pretty much in Trump's corner since McCain (spit on his name) died didn't go there.

It’s like a schoolyard. Trump is getting attacked daily by bullies (the media), and Republicans in Congress are the weak friends afraid to side with him for fear the bullies will make them the next victim.

You are right. If they’d find the fortitude to support their President, the Dems would lose some of their power. But if they can’t go that far, at least shut up.

08-02-2019, 08:59 AM
It’s like a schoolyard. Trump is getting attacked daily by bullies (the media), and Republicans in Congress are the weak friends afraid to side with him for fear the bullies will make them the next victim.

You are right. If they’d find the fortitude to support their President, the Dems would lose some of their power. But if they can’t go that far, at least shut up.

You know I respect you and you always try to be fair. You have read what these people are saying and not? With few exceptions, they are not saying anything against the party or its leader. In fact, most have said they will continue to support Republicans.

08-02-2019, 09:00 AM
Heil. And that's not about Trump, that's about what you've been writing in what you seem to believe to be convincing in order to gain some support.

What's funny? I actually was feeling more favorable towards him, considering how many things have been done that I can see working for the country. In the past weeks, seeing what has been the reaction to even expressing concern about a few things, (and that wasn't even dealing with any racist stuff), some have stopped discussing anything; others have started with concern being 'nuts' or 'traitor.'

Now it's 'even responding negatively about his tweeting is disloyal.

Not the way to convince anyone with concerns.

It's not a matter of loyalty Kath.

It's a matter of public perception. The Dems are VERY good at portraying a public perception of unity. The Republicans suck at it.

08-02-2019, 09:07 AM
It's not a matter of loyalty Kath.

It's a matter of public perception. The Dems are VERY good at portraying a public perception of unity. The Republicans suck at it.

Oh you underestimate how good the Republicans are at it. Yeah, I was surprised too.

I really had moved to here (https://www.nationalreview.com/2019/07/sometimes-donald-trump-now-more-than-ever/), but not feeling it so much of late. What's really weird, with perhaps the exception of some tweets and the rapper, his speeches, pressers, and rallies had nearly sold me.

08-02-2019, 09:19 AM
Oh you underestimate how good the Republicans are at it. Yeah, I was surprised too.

I really had moved to here (https://www.nationalreview.com/2019/07/sometimes-donald-trump-now-more-than-ever/), but not feeling it so much of late. What's really weird, with perhaps the exception of some tweets and the rapper, his speeches, pressers, and rallies had nearly sold me.

I hate his tweets too, always have. And I think he is the world's worst about turning a win into a loss.

BUT you have to balance the good with the bad.

No one is perfect (though I'm pretty close :) ) I'd rather have a guy who is dong good but makes a a lot of stupid tweets than someone who has been in DC for 20 years always saying the right things but can't show a single example of where they have ever actually helped anyone.

Trump is helping our country and the people in this country in incalculable ways even as he's a total douche on Twitter.

08-02-2019, 09:26 AM
I hate his tweets too, always have. And I think he is the world's worst about turning a win into a loss.

BUT you have to balance the good with the bad.

No one is perfect (though I'm pretty close :) ) I'd rather have a guy who is dong good but makes a a lot of stupid tweets than someone who has been in DC for 20 years always saying the right things but can't show a single example of where they have ever actually helped anyone.

Trump is helping our country and the people in this country in incalculable ways even as he's a total douche on Twitter.

Ah, but to say anything that's not a hosanna, even about the tweets, is playing into the democrats hands! :rolleyes:

Actually, it's not the President that turns me off so much, it's what has happened to too many that want a civil war, whether they admit it or not. They're taking 'blood sport' literally. There's nothing beyond the pale now, it's all about 'winning.'

08-02-2019, 09:38 AM
Ah, but to say anything that's not a hosanna, even about the tweets, is playing into the democrats hands! :rolleyes:

Actually, it's not the President that turns me off so much, it's what has happened to too many that want a civil war, whether they admit it or not. They're taking 'blood sport' literally. There's nothing beyond the pale now, it's all about 'winning.'

It has to be Kath, otherwise we risk losing EVERYTHING. If Trump doesnt get reelected that for sure means one of the 20 Democrats will be in the White House , and if that happens it's the end of our country as we know it. Did you watch that debate the other night? Those morons totally shit on Obama for being too moderate, when the reality is he was anything but........

Trump being reelected is a must win situation for this country at this point. I wish that were not the case, because I truly believe that we have to have two strong parties (at least) to keep any one party from having too much control, but the Democrats have went full retard, and are dangerous to our country at this point.

You're correct, there are no limits to what we must do to keep them out of power. Well, within the bounds of the law anyway. I don't support illegal activities.

08-02-2019, 09:43 AM
I hate his tweets too, always have. And I think he is the world's worst about turning a win into a loss.

BUT you have to balance the good with the bad.

No one is perfect (though I'm pretty close :) ) I'd rather have a guy who is dong good but makes a a lot of stupid tweets than someone who has been in DC for 20 years always saying the right things but can't show a single example of where they have ever actually helped anyone.

Trump is helping our country and the people in this country in incalculable ways even as he's a total douche on Twitter.

Ah, but to say anything that's not a hosanna, even about the tweets, is playing into the democrats hands! :rolleyes:

Actually, it's not the President that turns me off so much, it's what has happened to too many that want a civil war, whether they admit it or not. They're taking 'blood sport' literally. There's nothing beyond the pale now, it's all about 'winning.'

It has to be Kath, otherwise we risk losing EVERYTHING. If Trump doesnt get reelected that for sure means one of the 20 Democrats will be in the White House , and if that happens it's the end of our country as we know it. Did you watch that debate the other night? Those morons totally shit on Obama for being too moderate, when the reality is he was anything but........

Trump being reelected is a must win situation for this country at this point. I wish that were not the case, because I truly believe that we have to have two strong parties (at least) to keep any one party from having too much control, but the Democrats have went full retard, and are dangerous to our country at this point.

You're correct, there are no limits to what we must do to keep them out of power. Well, within the bounds of the law anyway. I don't support illegal activities.

Hmmm, what was that you said about hypocrisy? Seems like that just put the gaffe of Julian Castro to shame.

08-02-2019, 09:48 AM
Hmmm, what was that you said about hypocrisy? Seems like that just put the gaffe of Julian Castro to shame.

What are you talking about? How is what I just wrote hypocritical?

I hate his Tweets, but we can NOT let a Democrat win the White House in 2020 is not hypocrisy.

08-02-2019, 09:57 AM
What are you talking about? How is what I just wrote hypocritical?

I hate his Tweets, but we can NOT let a Democrat win the White House in 2020 is not hypocrisy.

Read what transpired. :rolleyes;

It doesn't matter, it's the new normal to be what many see as the inverse of democrats. It's been achieved.

08-02-2019, 10:08 AM
Read what transpired. :rolleyes;

It doesn't matter, it's the new normal to be what many see as the inverse of democrats. It's been achieved.

It does matter. I try very hard not to be a hypocrite in real life, and dont' see how many views here are hypocritical in the least.

08-02-2019, 10:26 AM
Gowdy knows most people want TERM LIMITS for Congress. So, after serving FOUR terms. He kept his promise, and decided enough, was enough.
Either we want term limits for ALL, or we don't want them. Right?

You just pulled this out of thin fucking air. You have no idea.

08-02-2019, 10:28 AM
But I have a solution to all of this, two words... TERM LIMITS. Two terms, just like the president, then thank you for serving your country in public office, but go home, you're done.

Institutional knowledge is important, gov is complicated. You want the country to be run by freshman and sophomores?

08-02-2019, 10:32 AM
It has to be Kath, otherwise we risk losing EVERYTHING. If Trump doesnt get reelected that for sure means one of the 20 Democrats will be in the White House , and if that happens it's the end of our country as we know it. Did you watch that debate the other night? Those morons totally shit on Obama for being too moderate, when the reality is he was anything but........

People made the same claims when Obama won a second term. People made the same claim when Trump won. Both hyperventilating snowflakes on each side look weak.

08-02-2019, 10:46 AM
It does matter. I try very hard not to be a hypocrite in real life, and dont' see how many views here are hypocritical in the least.

It's all there. Your post, my response, your response. I even bolded.

08-02-2019, 12:38 PM
It's all there. Your post, my response, your response. I even bolded.

Ah I see, you just misread what I wrote, maybe my fault maybe yours, but no bother.

When I said "it has to be" I was referring to all out war against Democrats. These people have went so insane that they are now attacking their Lord Obama as being too conservative , yes if it takes ignoring obnoxious tweets from Trump to make sure one of them doesn't get elected President, then that is exactly what we need to do.

08-02-2019, 12:41 PM
Ah I see, you just misread what I wrote, maybe my fault maybe yours, but no bother.

When I said "it has to be" I was referring to all out war against Democrats. These people have went so insane that they are now attacking their Lord Obama as being too conservative , yes if it takes ignoring obnoxious tweets from Trump to make sure one of them doesn't get elected President, then that is exactly what we need to do.

You misread, maybe my fault. :rolleyes:

'It has to be' after you denigrate.

STTAB: 'Me? Hypocritical? Now way, I avoid it at all costs! You know that!'

Me: OKaaaayyy.

08-02-2019, 12:43 PM
You misread, maybe my fault. :rolleyes:

'It has to be' after you denigrate.

STTAB: 'Me? Hypocritical? Now way, I avoid it at all costs! You know that!'

Me: OKaaaayyy.

oh yes, I denigrate stupid people. I'm quite open about that lol I also never lecture anyone about denigrating, therefor no hypocrisy.

08-02-2019, 12:47 PM
oh yes, I denigrate stupid people. I'm quite open about that lol I also never lecture anyone about denigrating, therefor no hypocrisy.

It's all there. You even admitted backtracking. Here I am now, letting it go, if you do. You do realize though, you are saying Trump is stupid, which is why you denigrated him? though one must not denigrate him?

08-02-2019, 12:56 PM
It's all there. You even admitted backtracking. Here I am now, letting it go, if you do. You do realize though, you are saying Trump is stupid, which is why you denigrated him? though one must not denigrate him?

Oh, I've said that SEVERAL times, Trump can be totally stupid

Now , on to your other "point"

I'm not a member of Congress so when I say Republican members of Congress shouldn't be commenting negatively about Trump to the press, that really has nothing to do with whether I do or not.

Your gotcha failed Kath, I'm not a hypocrite. If I ever become a member of Congress I won't badmouth a same party President in public.

08-02-2019, 01:43 PM
You just pulled this out of thin fucking air. You have no idea.

It's your source of air that is thin petey. If you had the courage, and intelligence to search for yourself, instead of depending on hearsay, and constant lies from your favorite, misleading sources...you might understand what I said.

Trey Gowdy said he wanted to go back into his old life again. He was a distinguished prosecutor, and still is. Which is now why FOX has him on their programs so often. EXPERIENCE, and HONESTY actually do count.

08-02-2019, 01:51 PM
It's your source of air that is thin petey. If you had the courage, and intelligence to search for yourself, instead of depending on hearsay, and constant lies from your favorite, misleading sources...you might understand what I said.

Trey Gowdy said he wanted to go back into his old life again. He was a distinguished prosecutor, and still is. Which is now why FOX has him on their programs so often. EXPERIENCE, and HONESTY actually do count.

Screw Trey Gowdey. His dragging "Benghazi" on as if it really fucking mattered that the idiot Hillary lied about some video and dragging that shit on for eternity is what led directly to the idiotic Dems now playing games with Trump AND then he doubled down by leaving Congress.

08-02-2019, 01:55 PM
Oh, I've said that SEVERAL times, Trump can be totally stupid

Now , on to your other "point"

I'm not a member of Congress so when I say Republican members of Congress shouldn't be commenting negatively about Trump to the press, that really has nothing to do with whether I do or not.

Your gotcha failed Kath, I'm not a hypocrite. If I ever become a member of Congress I won't badmouth a same party President in public.

08-05-2019, 08:49 AM
And another TX representative announces his retirement, to get on with the next chapter. . .


08-05-2019, 09:54 AM
If I wasn't here, it would appear that the President and the administration really are just short of heavenly hosts. Well, other than a few of those really bad tweets he used to make.I missed this. As much shit as I have taken for criticizing Trump? Try to not feel so lonely in the lifeboat. It seats more than one. I've made it quite clear I don't like his personality. I don't like rich snobs. I don't like attention whores. I don't care for people that think they're smarter than everyone else for whatever reason. I don't like people that shoot off their mouths, especially at his level, before thinking. None of that has changed.

I don't like the Republican't party one bit. They have squandered EVERY opportunity I have seen since the 90s to take charge and straighten shit out and all they do instead is squabble among themselves. Your every anti-Trump post is part and parcel to that. And don't get pissy with me about it. The fact is, you want it your way or you aren't voting Republican. You need to ratchet down a couple of notches.

I have no problem discussing the issue. Don't make it personal with your little zingers. I catch them.

Any and/or all of the above is preferable to what the Dems/left want to do to this country and I am going to use my one lonely little vote to do my best to keep them out. I don't care if it's Mickey Mouse and Goofy, Pluto, Daisy et al running against the Dems. They got my vote.

08-05-2019, 10:11 AM
I missed this. As much shit as I have taken for criticizing Trump? Try to not feel so lonely in the lifeboat. It seats more than one. I've made it quite clear I don't like his personality. I don't like rich snobs. I don't like attention whores. I don't care for people that think they're smarter than everyone else for whatever reason. I don't like people that shoot off their mouths, especially at his level, before thinking. None of that has changed.

I don't like the Republican't party one bit. They have squandered EVERY opportunity I have seen since the 90s to take charge and straighten shit out and all they do instead is squabble among themselves. Your every anti-Trump post is part and parcel to that. And don't get pissy with me about it. The fact is, you want it your way or you aren't voting Republican. You need to ratchet down a couple of notches.

I have no problem discussing the issue. Don't make it personal with your little zingers. I catch them.

Any and/or all of the above is preferable to what the Dems/left want to do to this country and I am going to use my one lonely little vote to do my best to keep them out. I don't care if it's Mickey Mouse and Goofy, Pluto, Daisy et al running against the Dems. They got my vote.

I've seen your criticisms. Got it, 'he's my son-of-a-bitch and better than anyone without an R. Truly, I was almost convinced.

08-05-2019, 10:17 AM
And another TX representative announces his retirement, to get on with the next chapter. . .


You ever notice that once in office the only way Dems ever leave is in cuffs or in a box. They truly view the job as a lifetime appointment.

08-05-2019, 10:50 AM
You ever notice that once in office the only way Dems ever leave is in cuffs or in a box. They truly view the job as a lifetime appointment.

Your mental defense mechanisms are so elementary. You just can't bring yourself to admit something is not in your favor. It's really apparent, pathetic and makes you look like an idiot.

08-05-2019, 12:25 PM
Institutional knowledge is important, gov is complicated. You want the country to be run by freshman and sophomores?
Well if that's an issue, then why does the president have term limits?

08-05-2019, 12:27 PM
Well if that's an issue, then why does the president have term limits?

He doesn't make laws

08-05-2019, 12:28 PM
well if that's an issue, then why does the president have term limits?

08-05-2019, 12:30 PM
He doesn't make laws
He decides whether something becomes a law or not.

So you're argument is a fail.

08-05-2019, 12:32 PM
He doesn't make laws

This isn't true at all and shows your very simplistic mind at work.

Congress has actually delegated lots of their own law making authority right on over to the Executive branch , because for nigh on 100 years Congress has been the single laziest most worthless group of people to ever worm their way into power anywhere.

08-05-2019, 08:34 PM
Do you think any of them are prepping to run against Trump?

08-05-2019, 08:37 PM
Do you think any of them are prepping to run against Trump?

I don't think so, nothing to indicate that.

08-06-2019, 08:29 AM
Actually saw on FOX this morning, the House is getting less likely to turn red, even if the President wins by quite a lot. The number of retirements to be is now up to 11, 4 of those from TX. Some credit given to being in a minority. Some to the administration. A lot to districts, especially in turning purple, TX, that are likely to be blue no matter what. By retiring the democrats are likely to win by larger margins in any less than solid red districts.