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View Full Version : Rashida Tlaib’s Father Said She Lied About Her Address

07-30-2019, 06:24 PM
Seems her and Omar are both cheats and liars - of course.


Rashida Tlaib’s Father Said She Lied About Her Address — Listed her Father’s Home in Detroit as Home Address — AND DID NOT EVEN TELL HIM!

Vocal “Squad’ member Rep. Rashida Tlaib, the unhinged Israel-hating Detroit Democrat (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/07/must-see-three-videos-that-prove-radical-squad-leader-rashida-tlaib-is-an-violent-lunatic-with-unchecked-anger-issues/), is in big trouble back home in her Michigan district.

Tlaib made headlines in Washington DC with her cursing the US president and screaming at the US border.


She is definitely unhinged.

Rashida Tlaib won her primary in Michian with a very, very slim majority, in the 30 percentile only, 31.2 to 30.2. She was able to defeat five black Democrat opponents.

With only two candidates in next year’s primary next year the black candidate will likely win.

According to the National Journal Tlaib won without the black support in her district and they are not happy with her rants against the president and Israel, while she does nothing other in her job.

And now this…
Also, her own father accused her of electoral fraud. (https://kagdaily.com/2019/05/rashida-tlaibs-father-accuses-her-of-electoral-fraud/)

Rashida’s father Harbi Elabed told Detroit reporter Charlie Leduff in 2010 that his daughter lied about living in Detroit when she actually lived in Dearborn.
But there’s more… Rashida listed her address as a home that her father was a co-owner and DID NOT EVEN TELL HIM!

Via 100% Fed Up. (https://100percentfedup.com/rashida-tlaib-flaunts-anti-semitic-viewstells-jewish-jake-tapper-bds-is-about-dealing-with-racist-policies-of-israel-video/)


Don’t look for Nancy Pelosi to dump any money into this one’s campaign coffers.
It looks like Rashida will be leaving office before President Trump.

Of course she did.


07-30-2019, 06:29 PM
Maxine Waters did the same thing. She did not have a home or house in Compton, the
district she represented.

She bought a house after that lid was popped off.

07-30-2019, 06:40 PM
Maxine Waters did the same thing. She did not have a home or house in Compton, the
district she represented.

She bought a house after that lid was popped off.AND ... she is STILL in office.

07-31-2019, 11:57 AM
AND ... she is STILL in office.

Democrats are untouchable

Even the so called law and order President won't go near them.