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View Full Version : The dishonest left

08-06-2019, 08:21 AM
I've seen that term RIGHTFULLY used a lot lately, whether towards the left, or individuals.

But it reminded me this morning - the NY Times writes a headline that 'Trump wants unity over racism' or something like that - and the LEFT FREAKED OUT!! They went off on the Times, about how dishonest and what not THEY are! How many times prior, with the anonymous stuff did they complain? And with articles found to be lies? And hounding Trump and others non-stop over lies?

The mainstream media is in the tank for the left, and if even a paper makes a "mistake" like this, they get drilled by the liberals out there, and yes that includes the 2020 democrats running for office. All dishonest. :rolleyes:

08-06-2019, 08:34 AM
I've been asking the question for several years now, which came first. Are Democrats liars who became Democrats because they are liars, or are Democrats just people who realize that lying is the only way they can defend their positions and so they became liars?