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View Full Version : Wow! There's One Thing I Agree With Hillary C

08-08-2019, 08:55 AM
I think she's trying to buck up Pelosi, but my gut says that Pelosi and AOCs meeting had some deals made. Impeachment considerations seem to be one and getting rid of AOCs guru being another.

She was speaking to this in the context of Watergate, but the points I've included seem to me a serious problem today and for nearly every president since Nixon.


Hillary wades into impeachment in Watergate interview
Clinton drew upon her time as a young House committee staffer in the hour-long sit-down.

By DARREN SAMUELSOHN 08/08/2019 05:03 AM EDT

Hillary Clinton has a message for lawmakers contemplating impeachment: Steer clear of politics, don’t hold press conferences and avoid leaks.

The former secretary of state’s advice came in a little-noticed interview conducted last July as part of an oral history project tied to the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum, and quietly published earlier this summer. The interview amounts to some of her most extensive public comments on impeachment, and a fascinating window into her current thinking on the subject as House Democrats contemplate ousting yet another Republican president.


“I think that it's such a serious undertaking. Do not pursue it for trivial partisan political purposes. If it does fall to you while you're in the House to examine abuses of power by the president, be as circumspect and careful as John Doar was,” Clinton said of the Judiciary Committee’s lead impeachment staffer, a Republican who served as a civil rights chief during the Kennedy and Johnson administrations.

“Restrain yourself from grandstanding and holding news conferences and playing to your base,” Clinton added. “This goes way beyond whose side...you’re on or who's on your side. And try to be faithful purveyors of the history and the solemnity of the process.”


08-08-2019, 08:57 AM
Her saying this is amazing considering she was sanctioned due to her
misbehavior in the Watergate investigation.

08-08-2019, 09:00 AM
Her saying this is amazing considering she was sanctioned due to her
misbehavior in the Watergate investigation.

I agree. I don't trust her. At. All. She likely just stumbled into spitting out something I agree with and have found myself saying regarding both demands to impeach Obama and the nonsense going on today with President Trump.

08-08-2019, 02:44 PM
I agree. I don't trust her. At. All. She likely just stumbled into spitting out something I agree with and have found myself saying regarding both demands to impeach Obama and the nonsense going on today with President Trump.

Yep, if Hillary Clinton says something profound, interesting, or true it was likely an accident. She is beyond banal.

The only reason she's piping in at this point is because Chelsea is being positioned for a Senate run. Guaranteed.

08-08-2019, 06:35 PM
Yep, if Hillary Clinton says something profound, interesting, or true it was likely an accident. She is beyond banal.

The only reason she's piping in at this point is because Chelsea is being positioned for a Senate run. Guaranteed.I agree with the statement that is attributed to her. Wonder who she stole it form?

You're kinda looking ahead mentioning Chelsea, huh? Note (unless I have missed something) Hillary is NOT running this time. Is she not? Or is she waiting for the herd to be culled a little before stepping in? Because yeah, I don't trust her either. On the other hand, one could not ask for more because I think Hitlery pulling such a stunt would just about put a canceled stamp on the Dems hopes for 2020.

08-08-2019, 10:27 PM
Could it be that it might open the door to "discovery?" They just might be able to... ahem... find (more) dirt on her.

08-09-2019, 08:22 AM
I agree with the statement that is attributed to her. Wonder who she stole it form?

You're kinda looking ahead mentioning Chelsea, huh? Note (unless I have missed something) Hillary is NOT running this time. Is she not? Or is she waiting for the herd to be culled a little before stepping in? Because yeah, I don't trust her either. On the other hand, one could not ask for more because I think Hitlery pulling such a stunt would just about put a canceled stamp on the Dems hopes for 2020.

Oh I believe Hillary wanted to run in 2020 and was told "no" by her handlers, and of course she has handlers.