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View Full Version : Judicial Watch Has Ohr's 302s

08-08-2019, 08:14 PM
Investigating the investigators:



(Washington, DC) Judicial Watch today released 34 pages of “302” report material from FBI interviews with Bruce Ohr, who was removed from his position as U.S. Associate Deputy Attorney General in December 2017. The newly declassified documents were produced to Judicial Watch this evening.

These documents were obtained in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed after the Justice Department for failing to respond to an August 6, 2018 FOIA request seeking Form 302s for a number of interviews with Ohr concerning his interactions with Steele (Judicial Watch v U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:18-cv-02107)). A Form 302 is used by FBI agents to summarize the interviews that they conduct and contains information from the notes taken during the interview.

On November 22, 2016, Bruce Ohr said that “reporting on Trump’s ties to Russia were going to the Clinton Campaign, Jon Winer at the U.S. State Department and the FBI.”
In late September 2016, Ohr describes a person (likely Christopher Steele) as “desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being the U.S. President.”

“Ohr knew that [Fusion GPS’s] Glen Simpson and others talking to Victoria Nuland at the U.S. State Department.”

Glenn Simpson directed a person whose is redacted to speak to the press. It appears as if the press that person went to was the far left leaning Mother Jones.
On December 5, 2016, Ohr promised to “voluntarily” give his wife Nellie Ohr’s Fusion GPS research to the FBI. He also provided the FBI with a report on Paul Manafort titled, “Manafort Chronology.”

On December 12, 2016 Simpson gave Ohr a thumb drive with Fusion GPS research on it. Ohr claims to not know what is on that drive. During the meeting Simpson, based evidently on a meeting with Glenn Simpson, identified Michael Cohen, President Trump’s former personal lawyer as having “many Russian clients.” Simpson also told Ohr that Cohen, “may have” attended a meeting in Prague.
Ohr describes Simpson directing someone to talk to the Mother Jones reporter “as it was Simpson’s Hail Mary attempt.”


08-08-2019, 10:21 PM
@jimnyc (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=1)... you've posted extensively about this, Jim.

Now the shit is hitting the fan and everything you have posted is being vindicated.

Funny how it's taking so long to show the nation everything that was suspected of happening, DID happen though.

But even still, don't expect the democrat propaganda wing to say PEEP about it. Their hypocrisy and hyper ultra partisan hack TDS is too pervasive.

08-08-2019, 10:36 PM
@jimnyc (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=1)... you've posted extensively about this, Jim.

Now the shit is hitting the fan and everything you have posted it being vindicated.

Funny how it's taking so long to show the nation everything that was suspected of happening, DID happen though.

But even still, don't expect the democrat propaganda wing to say PEEP about it. Their hypocrisy and hyper ultra partisan hack TDS is too pervasive.

Google "Ohr" in news, you'll find MSM and alternative media.

08-08-2019, 10:49 PM
Google "Ohr" in news, you'll find MSM and alternative media.
Try using this instead, and search Bruce Ohr... https://searchconservative.com/web?q=bruce%20ohr


08-08-2019, 10:51 PM
Try using this instead, and search Bruce Ohr... https://searchconservative.com/web?q=bruce%20ohr


No thanks. Just wanted you to be aware that things are reported. They may be spun the opposite of your sources, but still reported.

08-08-2019, 10:53 PM
No thanks. Just wanted you to be aware that things are reported. They may be spun the opposite of your sources, but still reported.
Once does make up for all the nots.

I think the democrat propaganda wing knows this is going to turn into the biggest scandal story in American political history, and they're aware that if they DON'T report it, they're going to be exposed to EVERYONE as the partisan hacks they are. All question will be removed.

08-08-2019, 10:57 PM
I know it's hard for them though, because they've been pumping the LIES since before President Trump took office. There's a lot of back peddling to do, EPIC back peddling.

08-08-2019, 10:58 PM
Nope, I've never had a problem finding what 'will not be reported' reported. As I said, it's difficult to find what one won't look for or read.

08-08-2019, 11:35 PM
Nope, I've never had a problem finding what 'will not be reported' reported. As I said, it's difficult to find what one won't look for or read.
And it's difficult to find what one DOES want to look for or read... if it's conservative.

It's common knowledge. We all know what google does. That's why I use conservative search.

08-08-2019, 11:45 PM
And it's difficult to find what one DOES want to look for or read... if it's conservative.

It's common knowledge. We all know what google does. That's why I use conservative search.

and that is fine. I will probably look, but the truth is that the MSM does report. I understand they don't emphasize what is often important. This weekend the emphasis on El Paso shooter and Trump v The much clearer case of Dayton and extreme left was breathtaking. I do agree with that.

The problem from both the left and the right though, (I know, you hate 'equivalency'), is that neither takes even a breath to step into the other's shoes and see/feel what they are talking about. That doesn't mean you agree or even think they've a clue.

What is important is to see people, with their own issues. We all have them.

If all the left hears are the same voices, they'll never see any other possibilities.

Same with the right.

I agree with very little from the left, but I've made a point of knowing of what they speak. There's little I disagree with of substance with most on the right, but not every single point. I could never say, "I won't listen or watch or read..." I'm not wired that way. Sometimes I wish I were, but not often.

08-08-2019, 11:46 PM
And it's difficult to find what one DOES want to look for or read... if it's conservative.

It's common knowledge. We all know what google does. That's why I use conservative search.
It's not difficult to find conservative outlets either. As you have shown, they even have their own search engines to keep out the corrupting sites. :laugh:

08-09-2019, 12:00 AM
and that is fine. I will probably look, but the truth is that the MSM does report. I understand they don't emphasize what is often important. This weekend the emphasis on El Paso shooter and Trump v The much clearer case of Dayton and extreme left was breathtaking. I do agree with that.

The problem from both the left and the right though, (I know, you hate 'equivalency'), is that neither takes even a breath to step into the other's shoes and see/feel what they are talking about. That doesn't mean you agree or even think they've a clue.

What is important is to see people, with their own issues. We all have them.

If all the left hears are the same voices, they'll never see any other possibilities.

Same with the right.

I agree with very little from the left, but I've made a point of knowing of what they speak. There's little I disagree with of substance with most on the right, but not every single point. I could never say, "I won't listen or watch or read..." I'm not wired that way. Sometimes I wish I were, but not often.
MSM = democrat propaganda wing. Seriously... there is NOTHING, "main stream" about it. It's as radical left as radical left can get. It's the MOUTH PIECE for the democrat party. The so called MSM and the democrat party are joined at the hip.

Ya know, I used to get up and first thing turn on the news, albeit Fox news, but anymore, I haven't been. It just ruins my day because they sound more and more like the left. They REPORT what the LEFT SAYS... WHY? If I wanted to hear what PMSNBC said, I'd WATCH IT. Why Fox news INSISTS on airing what the LEFT channels say is BEYOND ME. So anymore, the TV stays on MUTE for long periods of time, and more times than not now, I don't even bother watching. I don't want to ruin my day FIRST THING in the morning. I'll go into my DVR and watch something I recorded like EXPEDITION UNKNOWN, or AMERICA UNEARTHED, or McCales Navy... :laugh: