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08-11-2019, 06:25 AM
I've been saying:


America’s Identity Crisis
The road to sanity, and away from political violence, starts with an appreciation of a shared national character.
Joel Kotkin
August 8, 2019 Politics and law The Social Order

This week, the troubled state of American democracy was on display in the reactions to the mass shootings in Texas and Ohio. To the establishment Left, led by the New York Times, the El Paso shooter operated as if he were a white nationalist acting on orders from Donald Trump. Some on the right, meantime, linked the Dayton shooter’s actions to Antifa. In a healthy political environment, Americans, regardless of political views, would consider these tragedies the heinous actions of disturbed people, motivated mostly by a dangerous combination of madness and ideology. But in our warped political climate, everyone assumes that their enemies want to kill them.

Our political polarization reflects a decline in the notion of American identity. Tribalism on the left has supplanted foundational ideals of citizenship. Representative Ayanna Pressley recently insisted that blacks, Hispanics, gays, and members of other minority groups must promote identity-first politics over any notion of the common good; failure to do so, she suggested, is a betrayal of the group. In addition, progressive Democrats have effectively championed open borders, advocating the removal of criminal penalties for border-crossers, who also would get free health care not readily available to most American citizens. Such views represent the triumph of identity politics over the civic ideal of E Pluribus Unum.

The Left’s positions, according to Jeh Johnson, Homeland Security secretary under Barack Obama, are “unworkable, unwise,” and lack support of “a majority of American people or the Congress.” And yet our press, cultural institutions, and universities—all controlled by progressives—amplify those views each day, shaping an angry younger generation with little use for citizenship, free speech, open dialogue, democracy, or capitalism. Some 40 percent of millennials, for example, favor limiting speech deemed offensive to minorities—well above the 27 percent that prevails among Gen Xers, 24 percent among baby boomers, and just 12 percent among the oldest cohorts. Many millennials also dismiss basic constitutional civil rights and support socialism over free markets.

While progressives seek to impose their agenda, some populist conservatives are understandably resentful at being told by 1 percenters like Beto O’Rourke that they are beneficiaries of “white privilege” and are members of the “male patriarchy.” Most Republicans, according to Pew, worry that foreigners are remaking and undermining the country’s identity. Considering the country’s demographic trajectory, this politics has a limited shelf life. A return to 1950s America is no more likely than the mass expulsion of Trump’s white “deplorables.”

Fighting for a robust and inclusive American identity won’t be popular with our corporate elite. “Transnational class formation”—long linked by various parts of the industrial and financial aristocracy—is becoming more pronounced. The late Peter Drucker, considered the father of management thinking, suggested that national citizenship may no longer be “meaningful” in a world connected by digital technology and global markets. Many top firms including Amazon, Apple, Chevron, and General Electric refuse even to identify as American companies. Like feudal lords loyal to the European Christianitas, not their locale, this corporate elite increasingly identifies with global markets and a cosmopolitan, post-national worldview. Since Trump’s election, many companies, including Google, have grown reluctant to work with the U.S. military, immigration agencies, and police departments, while assisting the surveillance agenda of authoritarian China.

Given their post-nationalist inclinations, it’s not surprising that many corporate powers—notably in tech—prefer unlimited immigration. This partly reflects the non-native share of the tech workforce, which has reached 24 percent nationwide, compared with 16 percent for the rest of labor force. In Silicon Valley, the foreign share is roughly 40 percent. Though they defend open borders, tech leaders express little concern for the native-born, largely white middle class. Immigrants, suggests Steve Case, former CEO of AOL, should replace our troubled, indigenous working class.

Such positions invite backlash from those who live outside the charmed circle. After all, if uneducated migrants want to enter the country, they won’t settle in Malibu, posh parts of San Francisco, or the Upper East Side, but instead in working- and middle-class neighborhoods. They’ll compete for housing and jobs in hardscrabble neighborhoods, but they won’t bid up the price of houses in exclusive enclaves or threaten well-paid jobs in the executive suite or at universities.

Our present trajectory is ruinous; it will exacerbate political antagonism and likely produce even more politicized violence. The only solution to greater polarization lies in reestablishing the norms of a civic nationalism that transcends identity politics of all kinds.


08-11-2019, 06:42 AM
I've been saying:


Again, you nailed it. I don't know how many times recently I have heard that nationalism is a bad thing. Folks come unglued when the POTUS hints "America first"....

08-11-2019, 07:48 AM
Yes, the LEFT HAS gone absolutely, over of the top, off the rails, ape shit apoplectic, unhinged INSANE with their rhetoric. Why? It's not so much that they HATE president Trump, but make no mistake they DO, HATE, the president, but they see their hell fire and brimstone, flaming hyperbole as a WEAPON. Sal Alinsky told them, NEVER LET A GOOD TRAGEDY GO TO WASTE, and oh no, they sure the hell don't. When tragedy strikes, they turn up the volume on their crazed, deranged diatribe to MAXIMUM, to HURT president Trump, AND, anyone who SUPPORTS HIM.

And this is how far off the deep end it's gone. This is how RETARDED these WHACK JOBS have gotten. This JACKASS is living in some ALTERNATE UNIVERSE to say shit like this. This is why I don't watch much news. I wouldn't turn on a democrat propaganda wing channel to save my soul, but then Fox News REPORTS on what the LEFT SAID... screw it, just don't watch, because I really don't even need to hear how INSANE these ASS CLOWNS talk...


08-11-2019, 07:54 AM
Again, you nailed it. I don't know how many times recently I have heard that nationalism is a bad thing. Folks come unglued when the POTUS hints "America first"....

Thank you, though I think there's a world of difference between common national identity and nationalism. As Kotkin says, one of the reasons why is even with a national identity, we do not carry the baggage of a common history, at least not deep.

I am American, my Irish roots are there, but cannot outpace the American. I can learn more about the Irish history, but it's of the past, not the future.

We have more commonalities, than differences. If we focus on the big ideas, rather than the immediate, we will not burn out or resort to civil war.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-11-2019, 07:55 AM
Yes, the LEFT HAS gone absolutely, over of the top, off the rails, ape shit apoplectic, unhinged INSANE with their rhetoric. Why? It's not so much that they HATE president Trump, but make no mistake they DO, HATE, the president, but they see their hell fire and brimstone, flaming hyperbole as a WEAPON. Sal Alinsky told them, NEVER LET A GOOD TRAGEDY GO TO WASTE, and oh no, they sure the hell don't. When tragedy strikes, they turn up the volume on their crazed, deranged diatribe to MAXIMUM, to HURT president Trump, AND, anyone who SUPPORTS HIM.

And this is how far off the deep end it's gone. This is how RETARDED these WHACK JOBS have gotten. This JACKASS is living in some ALTERNATE UNIVERSE to say shit like this. This is why I don't watch much news. I wouldn't turn on a democrat propaganda wing channel to save my soul, but then Fox News REPORTS on what the LEFT SAID... screw it, just don't watch, because I really don't even need to hear how INSANE these ASS CLOWNS talk...


So says those that are far, far , far more akin to Nazi's themselves!!
The liberals/democrats and their ideology-and allies are finding bogeyman to project onto and vilify while they pretend to be innocent angels to the publicly educated to be gullible, ignorant and indoctrinated sheeple masses, IMHO!--Tyr

08-11-2019, 08:07 AM
And let's not forget comments from the usual pack of radical, anti American democrats had to say...

The final death tolls in El Paso and Dayton were not even established when the chorus of recriminations began. Several Democratic candidates like South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg accused President Trump of stoking the hatred leading to the shootings, while Senator Kamala Harris insisted the victims were the “incredible consequence” of the rhetoric used by Trump. Senator Cory Booker went even further, saying not only that Trump was “particularly responsible” and “complicit” in the mass shootings last weekend, but so is everyone who is “not actively working against hate.”


The final death tolls in El Paso and Dayton were not even established when the chorus of recriminations began. Several Democratic candidates like South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg accused President Trump of stoking the hatred leading to the shootings, while Senator Kamala Harris insisted the victims were the “incredible consequence” of the rhetoric used by Trump. Senator Cory Booker went even further, saying not only that Trump was “particularly responsible” and “complicit” in the mass shootings last weekend, but so is everyone who is “not actively working against hate.”

In news coverage, “triggering” has taken on a literal meaning that Trump virtually pulled the trigger on victims by adding to a raging environment. It does not matter that a fair amount of violence is committed by leftist groups like Antifa. Such acts are often portrayed by advocates as merely “self defense.” The CNN special “United Shades of America” with Kamau Bell featured what Bell called the “redneck revolt” of gun toting liberals who are battling the “alt right.” Bell followed them to gun ranges and asked why “more white people” are not joining their ranks. Among the “good guys” featured was Willem Van Spronsen, who later attempted to firebomb an immigration center and died in a shootout with police.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-11-2019, 08:23 AM
And let's not forget comments from the usual pack of radical, anti American democrats had to say...

The final death tolls in El Paso and Dayton were not even established when the chorus of recriminations began. Several Democratic candidates like South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg accused President Trump of stoking the hatred leading to the shootings, while Senator Kamala Harris insisted the victims were the “incredible consequence” of the rhetoric used by Trump. Senator Cory Booker went even further, saying not only that Trump was “particularly responsible” and “complicit” in the mass shootings last weekend, but so is everyone who is “not actively working against hate.”


The final death tolls in El Paso and Dayton were not even established when the chorus of recriminations began. Several Democratic candidates like South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg accused President Trump of stoking the hatred leading to the shootings, while Senator Kamala Harris insisted the victims were the “incredible consequence” of the rhetoric used by Trump. Senator Cory Booker went even further, saying not only that Trump was “particularly responsible” and “complicit” in the mass shootings last weekend, but so is everyone who is “not actively working against hate.”

In news coverage, “triggering” has taken on a literal meaning that Trump virtually pulled the trigger on victims by adding to a raging environment. It does not matter that a fair amount of violence is committed by leftist groups like Antifa. Such acts are often portrayed by advocates as merely “self defense.” The CNN special “United Shades of America” with Kamau Bell featured what Bell called the “redneck revolt” of gun toting liberals who are battling the “alt right.” Bell followed them to gun ranges and asked why “more white people” are not joining their ranks. Among the “good guys” featured was Willem Van Spronsen, who later attempted to firebomb an immigration center and died in a shootout with police.


Buttleg, Booker, Harris are nothing more than self-serving leftist types that are scum of the earth that live like leeches off the public.
Such people are as nasty as maggots and hide under the dem party's umbrella while helping themselves and spewing their hatred.
Which is fitting since the dem party itself is nothing more than a unification of America hating rabble that operates under a cover of political function, protection that relies on what it once was pre-sixties.
And even its pre-sixties self was not to be admired or hailed as a truly great entity.
Last decent, patriotic politician they had was JFK, and he was murdered because he did not conform to what was demanded of him, IMHO.--Tyr