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08-13-2019, 09:27 AM
Not that he's a ton better on CNN, but what an ASS he is in real life. I would have walked, shook my head - but Chris, a MSM newscaster, decides to play tough guy! Just a tad different than the ass we see on CNN. And of course while CNN nails Trump for saying the Sun is hot - they now support Chris saying all of this crap.

Starts with "Punk ass bitches from the right call me that"

"If you wanna play, we'll fucking play"

"Yeah, you're gonna have a fucking problem"

"I'll fucking ruin you, I'll throw you down the stairs like a fucking punk"

The guy tells him go ahead, and then tough guy says "Why, so you can fucking sue?" Then why say it to begin with, tough guy?

"Don't call me Fredo, take a fucking swing"

"C'mon boy, c'mon boy"

"I'll fucking wreck your shit"

And goes on...


08-13-2019, 09:31 AM
"Fredo" is the equivalent of 'N*****?' I don't think so. LOL!

08-13-2019, 09:33 AM
And then I just saw this now:

Chris Cuomo Threatens Violence After Man Calls Him 'Fredo': 'I'll F*cking Throw You Down These Stairs!'

CNN anchor Chris Cuomo went ballistic over the weekend, spewing profanities and threatening throw a man down the stairs after he called him "Fredo."

"I'll f*cking ruin your sh*t! I'll f*cking throw you down these stairs like a f*cking punk!" Cuomo bellowed.

As anyone who has watched The Godfather knows, "Fredo" is a slur that is often used to insult someone as the weakest member of a family or the black sheep who constantly screws up. In the classic 1972 film, Fredo Corleone was Michael's dim older brother, who was considered to be the failure of the family.

But apparently, not everyone knows this.

An unidentified man attending an event on Shelter Island, New York, asked if he could take a picture with Cuomo on Sunday, and mistakenly called him Fredo, prompting the enraged response from the CNN anchor.

"I thought that's who you were," the man said apologetically.

"No! Punk-ass b*tches on the right call me Fredo! My name is Chris Cuomo. I'm an anchor on CNN," Cuomo explained angrily.

"Fredo was on The Godfather. He was the weak brother. And they use it as an Italian aspersion," he added.

Cuomo said if you are Italian, being called "Fredo" is "a f*cking insult to your people."

"It's like the n-word for us," he explained heatedly. "So is that a cool f*cking thing?" he asked.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/video/chris-cuomo-threatens-violence-after-man-calls-him-fredo-ill-fcking-throw-you-down-these-stairs/

08-13-2019, 09:37 AM
He provides some very needed comic relief! All that anger over such nonsense is amusing:


The Morning Briefing: Fredo Lives!

Peak 2019 Up In Here

Finally, someone at CNN did something worth watching.

Just when Monday was looking like it would be a cliche irredeemable bore, the internet gods bequeathed a gift unto us in the form of one Christopher C. Cuomo, formerly known as "Cuomo the Lesser" and now forever to be remembered as "Fredo."

My favorite part of the meltdown vid is when Cuomo says, "I'm an anchor on CNN," as if that gives him some sort of tough-guy street cred. I know that if I am ever in a dangerous situation in a dark alley at night I hope a cable news guy will materialize at my side.

The big takeaway, of course, will be Cuomo equating Fredo with the n-word. That's another one of those, "if a conservative had said that" things.

Sure Chris, a weak insult based on a 47-year-old movie is totally the same as what black people in America go through. You are so down with the struggle.


08-13-2019, 09:41 AM
"Fredo" is the equivalent of 'N*****?' I don't think so. LOL!


Don Jr. to Chris Cuomo: ‘Fredo’ Isn’t an Ethnic Slur, ‘It Just Means You’re the Dumb Brother’

Donald Trump Jr. is mocking CNN host Christopher Cuomo for claiming his nickname “Fredo” is an ethnic slur against Italians, telling the primetime anchor that the now-viral moniker “just means you’re the dumb brother.”

“Hey ChrisCuomo, take it from me, ‘Fredo’ isn’t the N word for Italians, it just means you’re the dumb brother,” President Donald Trump’s eldest son tweeted to Cuomo on Monday evening.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/the-media/2019/08/13/don-jr-to-chris-cuomo-fredo-isnt-an-ethnic-slur-it-just-means-youre-the-dumb-brother/

08-13-2019, 09:42 AM
Donald Trump Piles On ‘Fredo’ Chris Cuomo: ‘The Truth Hurts’

President Donald Trump joined the social media mockery of CNN’s Chris Cuomo on Tuesday, reacting to a video of the primetime anchor freaking out at a man who called him “Fredo.”
“I thought Chris was Fredo also. The truth hurts. Totally lost it!” Trump wrote on Twitter. “Low ratings CNN.”

The video, first published by “THAT’S THE POINT with Brandon” featured Cuomo in a profanity-laced tirade, telling the man that the nickname “Fredo” was like “The N word” for Italians. “Fredo” refers to the character of the same name in the film The Godfather, which has come to mean the “dumb brother” of a family.

Trump questioned Cuomo’s mental state.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/08/13/donald-trump-piles-on-fredo-chris-cuomo-the-truth-hurts/

CNN’s Chris Cuomo Threatens Violence After Man Calls Him ‘Fredo’: ‘I’ll F*cking Throw You Down These Stairs’

A video has surfaced of CNN’s Chris Cuomo using profanity and threatening violence after an individual referred to him as “Fredo.”
The video, which surfaced Monday evening, shows the CNN anchor flipping out on an individual who referred to him as “Fredo” – a nickname popularized by Breitbart News’s John Nolte.

“No. Punk ass bitches on the right call me Fredo. My name is Chris Cuomo. I’m an anchor on CNN,” Cuomo said. “Fredo is from The Godfather. He was the weak brother.”

He continued, telling the man that “Fredo” is equivalent to the “N-word” to Italians.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/08/12/cnns-chris-cuomo-threatens-violence-after-man-calls-him-fredo-ill-fcking-throw-you-down-these-stairs/

08-13-2019, 09:49 AM
and. . .


Donald Trump Goes Full Fredo
But unlike the Godfather character, the president of the United States is backed by powerful people enabling him.

JAN 6, 2018


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-13-2019, 09:57 AM
Not that he's a ton better on CNN, but what an ASS he is in real life. I would have walked, shook my head - but Chris, a MSM newscaster, decides to play tough guy! Just a tad different than the ass we see on CNN. And of course while CNN nails Trump for saying the Sun is hot - they now support Chris saying all of this crap.

Starts with "Punk ass bitches from the right call me that"

And goes on...


I watched the video- got to say-- the way he talks clearly reveals he is a coward, a loudmouth punk.
I would almost certainly have hit him, broke his nose after the first insulting sentence the actor/fool said to me.
And if he got up from that shot, I'd made him wish he had stayed down and cried.
I assume that the other guy standing beside him was one of his bodyguards (?), if so I'd nailed him as well before he nailed me.
One must always know ahead of time who to target and in what order to do so- since it usually determines if you get hurt or if you win the fight.
I've fought three before and won but I got stomped fighting four in a parking lot one time.
I was lucky that a guy was there, (he just pulled up in his camaro) as I was was on the receiving end of it, very lucky that he was friends with
my older brother and stepped in forcing the other guys to jump in their car and drive away.
Did you notice how he got louder when the other guy removed his glasses?
That is a sure sign of fright, and blustering.
Old school is (as I lived and knew it)- if opponent removes his glasses --cue the time to start fighting-- no more talking.
At least that is how we played it here in the South. As it was common knowledge and a call to either put up or shut up..lol--Tyr

08-13-2019, 11:03 AM
Easy way to drop someone like that right in their tracks. Both hands open and empty, smack
both of his ears HARD! Down like a sack of potatoes. Dad taught me that one. He was belted.

08-13-2019, 04:04 PM
"I'M A NEWS ANCHOR ON CNN"... well whooptie freakin' do... I was going to blow this off but since you told me that, I think I'll kick your ass after all.

08-13-2019, 04:08 PM
I assume that the other guy standing beside him was one of his bodyguards (?), if so I'd nailed him as well before he nailed me.
One must always know ahead of time who to target and in what order to do so- since it usually determines if you get hurt or if you win the fight.



. Tyr-Ziu Saxnot

08-13-2019, 04:16 PM
“It’s an insult to your fucking people. It’s like the N-word for us.”

Chris Cuomo once referred to himself as ‘Fredo’ in radio interview (https://nypost.com/2019/08/13/chris-cuomo-once-referred-to-himself-as-fredo-in-radio-interview/)

While I think the guy calling him "Fredo" was out of line, Cuomo's kid was there for crying out loud, the idea that Cuomo was "defending himself" is laughable. He's thin skinned. Period. He lost his shit and the way he lost was far worse for his daughter to see than his being called "Fredo". It would have been far better had he just walked away. A far better example for his daughter to be sure...

08-13-2019, 04:17 PM
"Fredo" is the equivalent of 'N*****?' I don't think so. LOL!

I take it you're italian or black and would know? You all have no moral standing on this when you elect and cheer on a president who bullies and name calls. You say it's just self defense, so what was this?

08-13-2019, 04:17 PM
“It’s an insult to your fucking people. It’s like the N-word for us.”

Chris Cuomo once referred to himself as ‘Fredo’ in radio interview (https://nypost.com/2019/08/13/chris-cuomo-once-referred-to-himself-as-fredo-in-radio-interview/)

While I think the guy calling him "Fredo" was out of line, Cuomo's kid was there for crying out loud, the idea that Cuomo was "defending himself" is laughable. He's thin skinned. Period. He lost his shit and the way he lost was far worse for his daughter to see than his being called "Fredo". It would have been far better had he just walked away. A far better example for his daughter to be sure...
He probably acts the same way at home with his family... his daughter is probably used to it.

08-13-2019, 04:22 PM
I take it you're italian or black and would know? You all have no moral standing on this when you elect and cheer on a president who bullies and name calls. You say it's just self defense, so what was this?

08-13-2019, 04:42 PM
I take it you're italian or black and would know? You all have no moral standing on this when you elect and cheer on a president who bullies and name calls. You say it's just self defense, so what was this?
Who has the president "bullied?"

And "call names"... pfft... there's no bigger bunch of name calling shit stains than you leftists. You prove once again that you all can DISH IT OUT but you CAN'T TAKE IT.

Deal with it, SNOWFLAKE.

08-13-2019, 04:55 PM
I take it you're italian or black and would know? You all have no moral standing on this when you elect and cheer on a president who bullies and name calls. You say it's just self defense, so what was this?

Remember when Obama declared Republicans as gun toting bible thumping something or others? I looked for your post complaining about that but couldn't find it. Couldn't find the one where you complained about Hillary declaring Repubs as "deplorable" either....

Spare us the faux outrage....

08-13-2019, 07:13 PM
Who has the president "bullied?"

And "call names"... pfft... there's no bigger bunch of name calling shit stains than you leftists. You prove once again that you all can DISH IT OUT but you CAN'T TAKE IT.

Deal with it, SNOWFLAKE.

ugh, I didn't start this thread... and you ought to start following him on Twitter and listen to his rallies.

08-13-2019, 07:13 PM
Remember when Obama declared Republicans as gun toting bible thumping something or others? I looked for your post complaining about that but couldn't find it. Couldn't find the one where you complained about Hillary declaring Repubs as "deplorable" either....

Spare us the faux outrage....

What outrage, what are you talking about? I have no issues with what Chris did.

08-13-2019, 07:48 PM
What outrage, what are you talking about? I have no issues with what Chris did.

Of course you have no issues with a fellow Racist, Punk. It's all fine and dandy, acording to you. That the name calling only comes from the President. Yet...if you ever paid attention to anything other than CNN, or PMSNBC....see how you would enjoy constantly being labeled a Horses Ass, or typical Liberal hate words like "RACIST. Once again. Your Hypocrisy precedes you.

08-13-2019, 07:55 PM
ugh, I didn't start this thread... and you ought to start following him on Twitter and listen to his rallies.
I've been banned from twitter for telling Anne Coulter to eat a sammich and STFU.

But I do listen to Trump rallies... I still haven't heard him bully anyone. He gives what he gets, that's what I like about him. Not his problem or mine that the people he speaks about can dish it out but can't take it.

08-13-2019, 10:48 PM
What outrage, what are you talking about? I have no issues with what Chris did.

You are weak and keep your blinders close to your eyes, jackass.

You said you would abide by what came out of the Mueller report, but immediately
turned a liberal protester when it came out - here, on this forum.

Pathetic liberal mouthpiece. Do you think anyone here takes you seriously?
Even on your very rare reasonable, mature days - caution is noted because
nobody knows when you will revert into a rampant, screaming liberal child.