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08-22-2019, 08:07 AM
is shifting. Magnetic North is shifting toward Siberia.

These articles can explain it better than I:


08-22-2019, 08:15 AM
is shifting. Magnetic North is shifting toward Siberia.

These articles can explain it better than I:

I've heard this... yeah the North Pole and Magnetic North are not in the same place.

I heard another wild thing on some program on TV awhile back, that from the amount of concrete being poured on earth, especially in China, that the sheer weight of it could actually shift the earth's rotating axis, and that they're thinking of adding weight to the planet on the opposite side to offset it... unreal.

08-22-2019, 08:23 AM
I thought NOAA was full of obama scientists. Now you trust them?

08-22-2019, 09:18 AM
I thought NOAA was full of obama scientists. Now you trust them?

You starting off with that off topic negative shit again?

I worked closely with the NWS in Eureka CA and did not give a damn about their politics.

Crawl back into your hole.

08-22-2019, 04:07 PM
I've heard this... yeah the North Pole and Magnetic North are not in the same place.

I heard another wild thing on some program on TV awhile back, that from the amount of concrete being poured on earth, especially in China, that the sheer weight of it could actually shift the earth's rotating axis, and that they're thinking of adding weight to the planet on the opposite side to offset it... unreal.

I would have to say that notion is poppycock. That weight comes from natural elements on the planet
to begin with.

Some people and their theories! Airheads!:laugh:

08-22-2019, 04:18 PM
I would have to say that notion is poppycock. That weight comes from natural elements on the planet
to begin with.

Some people and their theories! Airheads!:laugh:


08-22-2019, 06:10 PM
Ask any Navigator on any ship, or who flies. And they will always tell you.

The North Pole, and the Magnetic North.....HAVE NEVER BEEN TOGETHER. Ever!

08-22-2019, 06:17 PM
I would have to say that notion is poppycock. That weight comes from natural elements on the planet
to begin with.

Some people and their theories! Airheads!:laugh:

What a joke that is about weight. Think about it. ONE TON of elements, sand, stone, and concrete mixed together. DO NOT WEIGH ANY MORE THAN ONE TON.

Same can be said for Humans. Yes...people are obese. But whatever foods, or liquids they have consumed are NOT extra weight from the Earth. So...if every person on Earth weighed 200 pounds....there would be NO INCREASE in the weight of the Earth.


Compare it to somebody flying on an airliner that is traveling at 600 MPH. Does that mean....if a FLY goes up the aisle while the plane is traveling at 600 MPH....that the FLY is going faster than the Plane? IF SO...would the FLY arrive at the destination FIRST????


08-22-2019, 07:02 PM
Well... we'll all be dead and gone long before any of it means anything anyway.

I honestly don't think man has that much longer on earth to go. But I'm not talking 10 years, I'm talking maybe another 1,000. If you ask the Christians, we're in the end times and Christ is bound to return soon. Personally, I don't think Christ will return until earth is on it's last leg, and it'll be too late for the greater part of mankind that's left. I think in many ways mankind is devolving, not evolving. Earth will be one huge Sodom and Gomorrah, thanks to the progressives. Our sun is going to explode one day anyway and wipe out our entire solar system, so what does it matter? Mankind would have to master interstellar travel and be able to colonize a planet millions, billions of light years away. Is that ever going to happen? I hate to say no, because ya just never know... they might.

08-22-2019, 08:58 PM
Well... we'll all be dead and gone long before any of it means anything anyway.

I honestly don't think man has that much longer on earth to go. But I'm not talking 10 years, I'm talking maybe another 1,000. If you ask the Christians, we're in the end times and Christ is bound to return soon. Personally, I don't think Christ will return until earth is on it's last leg, and it'll be too late for the greater part of mankind that's left. I think in many ways mankind is devolving, not evolving. Earth will be one huge Sodom and Gomorrah, thanks to the progressives. Our sun is going to explode one day anyway and wipe out our entire solar system, so what does it matter? Mankind would have to master interstellar travel and be able to colonize a planet millions, billions of light years away. Is that ever going to happen? I hate to say no, because ya just never know... they might.

The Sun will turn into a red giant long before it's finished. If we're diligent enough, I reckon we could eke out an existence on Mars, for some time after Earth becomes uninhabitable. Maybe in the additional time, we could devise a method of reliable travel to an as-yet undetected New Earth, far beyond our solar system ?

In the meantime, it'd definitely help if we didn't blow ourselves up, first ....:rolleyes: