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08-26-2019, 10:20 AM
I think they know that IF Trump were to be reelected, he could go even harsher the day after. And the time IS now if all is as bad as they make it out to be. Don't let up, put the foot to the throat and end it.


China Caves — Announces Willingness to Seek Calm End to Trade War After Markets Crash

President Trump yesterday announced that the US will increase tariffs on China and then ordered all US firms to begin seeking alternatives to doing business with China!

The Chinese regime is in a perilous position and has only two choices.

The regime can either give the US what it wants or perish.

President Trump recognizes that China is in an all out war with the US in regards to information and economics. For years Western leaders have done nothing but negotiate into weak positions, never standing up to the Communist regime. Former US Presidents treated China like they did Russia 50 years ago, as their superior always giving them what they wanted and never standing up to their abuse and criminal acts.

It is different with President Trump. The President knows he has the authority and ability to inflict a fatal blow to the Chinese economy. The US is arguably in its best economic period in history while China’s economy is its weakest in 30 years.

The President knows that now is the time. China cannot handle the US tariffs while their economy implodes. They are on the brink of a massive economic collapse, so colossal that the regime is in danger of being dethroned!

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/08/huge-china-caves-announces-willingness-to-seek-calm-end-to-trade-war-after-markets-crash/

08-26-2019, 10:22 AM
Move along if you have a problem with Breitbart as a source.


Trump Says Serious China Trade Negotiations Coming Soon

An upbeat President Donald Trump said Monday a U.S.-China trade deal is in the offing and the two sides will begin serious negotiations soon.

Trump said his trade negotiators had received two “very good calls” from China on Sunday night, a sign that progress is being made and China is serious about making a deal.

“I think we’re going to have a deal, because now we’re dealing on proper terms. They understand and we understand,” Trump said as he met with Egypt’s president on the sidelines of the Group of Seven summit in France.

“This is the first time I’ve seen them where they really want to make a deal. And I think that’s a very positive step,” Trump added.

Trump declined to identify those involved in the most recent conversation and whether he is in direct contact with President Xi Jinping. Trump added Monday the two sides will begin ’talking very seriously,” saying that after the calls he believes the Chinese “mean business.”

The positive outlook by Trump came 24-hours after he weighed into the fight with China, reassuring the country that talks continued.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/08/26/trump-says-serious-china-trade-negotiations-coming-soon/

08-26-2019, 10:27 AM
Good news, which I noted a few hours ago: http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?67516-China-Signals-Back-to-the-Table-Markets-Up

I want the country's success, even when Obama was president, I wanted the country to win. The fact that MSM and agencies of the government seem to be working against the country, is nearly enough to push my vote.

08-26-2019, 11:07 AM
Nice! If that's what it takes...


Trump Tariffs Tank Asian Equities, Chinese Yuan. China Ready To Negotiate.

President Donald Trump's latest trade war escalation against China appears to have had an immediate effect on Asian markets and the Chinese Yuan, sending both tumbling early on Monday morning.

"China's yuan currency fell to 7.1487 to the dollar, its weakest level since early 2008 at the height of the global financial crisis," AFP reported. "On equity markets, Hong Kong led losses, slumping more than three percent, with investors also spooked by fresh violent protests in the city that saw police use water cannon for the first time. Shanghai lost 1.3 percent and Tokyo ended the morning more than two percent off."

Chinese Vice Premier Liu He indicated early on Monday that the communist nation was willing to negotiate with the U.S. to prevent the trade war from escalating.

Reuters reported that "Liu, China’s top trade negotiator, was speaking at a tech conference in Chongqing in southwest China" when he made the remarks.

On Friday, the U.S. imposed a new round of sanctions against China after China imposed additional tariffs on the U.S.

In a statement on Friday, the Office of the United States Trade Representative announced:

Today, China announced it will impose unjustified tariffs targeting U.S. products. In response to China’s decision, and in order to achieve the objectives of the China Section 301 investigation, President Trump has instructed the United States Trade Representative (USTR) to increase by 5% the tariffs on approximately $550 billion worth of Chinese imports. For the 25% tariffs on approximately $250 billion worth of Chinese imports, USTR will begin the process of increasing the tariff rate to 30%, effective October 1 following a notice and comment period. For the 10% tariffs on approximately $300 billion worth of Chinese imports that the President announced earlier this month, the tariffs will now be 15%, effective on the already scheduled dates for tariff increases on these imports.

Rest - https://www.dailywire.com/news/51032/breaking-trump-tariffs-tank-asian-equities-chinese-ryan-saavedra

08-26-2019, 11:40 AM
Move along if you have a problem with Breitbart as a source.


Trump Says Serious China Trade Negotiations Coming Soon

An upbeat President Donald Trump said Monday a U.S.-China trade deal is in the offing and the two sides will begin serious negotiations soon.

Trump said his trade negotiators had received two “very good calls” from China on Sunday night, a sign that progress is being made and China is serious about making a deal.

“I think we’re going to have a deal, because now we’re dealing on proper terms. They understand and we understand,” Trump said as he met with Egypt’s president on the sidelines of the Group of Seven summit in France.

“This is the first time I’ve seen them where they really want to make a deal. And I think that’s a very positive step,” Trump added.

Trump declined to identify those involved in the most recent conversation and whether he is in direct contact with President Xi Jinping. Trump added Monday the two sides will begin ’talking very seriously,” saying that after the calls he believes the Chinese “mean business.”

The positive outlook by Trump came 24-hours after he weighed into the fight with China, reassuring the country that talks continued.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/08/26/trump-says-serious-china-trade-negotiations-coming-soon/What's the deal with breitbart as a source? I thought you always used it ?