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08-26-2019, 10:27 AM
Let's see how the media handles this. Yes, he's a righty and therefore they hate him, but he's also someone who can take votes away from Trump. If it were Trump, this would be newspaper cover news nation wide, and the first and longest story on all liberal MSM stations. They still attack and accuse Trump and he did nothing of the sort. So lets see how they react when they have forms of proof.


New Darling of Liberal Media – Presidential Candidate Joe Walsh – Has Long History of Dropping the N-Word on Twitter

Former Congressman and Trump-basher Joe Walsh announced his candidacy for president today on ABC with former Clinton adviser George Stephanopoulos.

Walsh served one term in Congress.

What a joke.

Walsh has been trashing Trump for years now.

The left cheered the announcement on Sunday.

Too bad about all the times he dropped the n-word on Twitter.

Via The Donald Reddit:


Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/08/new-darling-of-liberal-media-presidential-candidate-joe-walsh-has-long-history-of-dropping-the-n-word-on-twitter/

08-26-2019, 10:29 AM
Let's see how the media handles this. Yes, he's a righty and therefore they hate him, but he's also someone who can take votes away from Trump. If it were Trump, this would be newspaper cover news nation wide, and the first and longest story on all liberal MSM stations. They still attack and accuse Trump and he did nothing of the sort. So lets see how they react when they have forms of proof.


New Darling of Liberal Media – Presidential Candidate Joe Walsh – Has Long History of Dropping the N-Word on Twitter

Former Congressman and Trump-basher Joe Walsh announced his candidacy for president today on ABC with former Clinton adviser George Stephanopoulos.

Walsh served one term in Congress.

What a joke.

Walsh has been trashing Trump for years now.

The left cheered the announcement on Sunday.

Too bad about all the times he dropped the n-word on Twitter.

Via The Donald Reddit:


Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/08/new-darling-of-liberal-media-presidential-candidate-joe-walsh-has-long-history-of-dropping-the-n-word-on-twitter/

Sounds like he could be working for the NYT. ;)

He is just a light-weight version of the President. He's got all the wrong things, with much less success.

08-26-2019, 11:37 AM
Great. Another "make the Redskins change their name" idiots. He would have fared better avoiding the topic. Everyone with a brain knows what he means, but that word immediately erases any surrounding words and/or context. He's done.