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View Full Version : IG Horowitz has Concluded ALL FOUR FISA Warrants to Spy on Trump Campaign and Adminis

08-27-2019, 11:58 AM
Can't wait to see where this all goes, the truth is more and more coming out. And when the left is quiet about the accusations - you know it's true.

I know Kath was on this in the beginning and I'm sure still aware of everything. I too was there and have stayed on it since. I think the 2 of us knew from the get go that something was up there and needed investigating. That and many other things that followed as a result of them as well. But as I said all along - and now the truth is coming out slowly but surely! It's a shame that we don't know whether things will be prosecuted or if they end up protected somehow. I think the public proof that has come out thus far is already enough.


Joe DiGenova: “IG Horowitz has Concluded ALL FOUR FISA Warrants to Spy on Trump Campaign and Administration Were Illegal”

Former US Attorney for the District of Columbia Joe DiGenova joined WMAL radio on Monday to discuss the latest developments in the Spygate Scandal.

DiGenova blasted CNN for hiring fired FBI acting Director Andrew McCabe. McCabe was fired in March 2018 after the Justice Department inspector general report found he had repeatedly lied about his involvement in a leak to The Wall Street Journal regarding an FBI investigation into the Clinton Foundation.

Joe Digenova told the WMAL hosts that the NSA had all of Hillary’s deleted emails, many of them classified. (at the 4:28 mark)

And later in the interview Joe diDenova dropped this bomb, “For the record, I can report categorically that the Inspector General has found that all four FISA warrants were illegal. They were based on false information supplied to the FISA court. And Michael Horowitz has concluded that all four FISA warrants were illegal.”

This is big news. Now let’s see if justice will be served on these Deep State criminals.

Time will tell.



08-27-2019, 12:05 PM
Justice will not be served here. It's just unbelievable to me that people who threw people in jail for lying to the FBI themselves lied to the FBI , not to mention Congress and the American people. and yet still the Trump Justice Department has decided not to prosecute. Who the hell is in charge over there?

While you're at it, fire Christopher Wray.

08-27-2019, 01:01 PM
Did high ups in the FBI and DOJ break the law? Yep... there's absolutely no doubt about it at this point. They have the goods on them.

Will America ever see justice done and see the law breakers thrown in prison? Well, if it was you or I, we'd ALREADY be in jail, but Washington has a funny way of letting law breakers walk. Why? Probably because the people that deserve to be put away have too much on the people that it takes to put them away, and they threaten to sing if they get thrown in jail. The ole, "if I go down, you're going down too" deal. So, they quietly make a deal to walk off Scott free with a little defacing and a slap on the wrist. They make sure their income is intact so what the hell do they care?

I won't believe ANY of them, guilty as they are and we all know it, will EVER see the inside of a prison.