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View Full Version : ‘Keep Fossil Fuels in the Ground,’ ‘Stop War on Nature’

08-29-2019, 03:08 PM
Imagine this - a kid, a Europan kid that is into political stuff aka climate change - and has come to America to make us aware of such a horrible issue. :laugh2:


Greta Thunberg Arrives in NYC: ‘Keep Fossil Fuels in the Ground,’ ‘Stop War on Nature’

Greta Thunberg, the 16-year-old Swede and face of the youth climate change movement, arrived in New York City on Wednesday after setting sail two weeks on a solar-powered racing yacht from England. A substantial crowd greeted her after she was escorted into New York harbor by 17 sailboats — one for each of the U.N.’s “sustainable development” goals.

“It is insane that a 16-year-old would have to cross the Atlantic Ocean to make a stand,” Thunberg said at a press conference after she arrived around 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time. “The climate and ecological crisis is a global crisis, the biggest crisis that humanity has ever faced, and if we don’t manage to work together and to cooperate and to work together despite our differences, then we will fail.”

She told reporters that fossil fuels should be kept in the ground and that the world needs to “stop its war on nature.”

Thunberg gained international attention just more than a year ago when she called on students around the world to take part in a school walkout to protest climate change, a movement she has dubbed #FridayforFuture.

She said at the press conference that the Guardian newspaper covered that she will join the ongoing school strike at the United Nations headquarters in New York City on Friday:

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/environment/2019/08/29/greta-thunberg-arrives-nyc-keep-fossil-fuels-ground-stop-war-nature/

08-29-2019, 05:18 PM
This is pure ignorance. Coal and oil are used in many applications besides energy, household items,
cosmetics, filtering systems just to name a few.



08-29-2019, 05:19 PM
Well... I just have one thing to say to little miss Sweden, shut the fuck up and go back home.

The swedes have a lot more pressing issues to worry about in their OWN country before they send some snot nosed little 16 year old girl across the sea to lecture the most powerful nation on the planet about GLOBAL WARMING...


08-29-2019, 06:15 PM
The sailboat was made out of swamp reeds and the "solar panels" were nothing more than magnifying glasses focused on a pot to boil water. No doubt she carried a few smoke grenades in case she got in trouble too.

Where the heck does she think all the stuff that goes into a racing yachts come from? Wanna bet she had the latest and greatest technology in that thing from hull, electronics and sails, all of which require a lot of fossil fuel energy to produce?

Anther teen age puppet....

08-29-2019, 07:11 PM


A partial list of products made from Petroleum (6000 items). One 42-gallon barrel of oil creates 19.4 gallons of gasoline. The rest (over half) is used to make things like: Although the major use of petroleum is as a fuel, (gasoline, jet fuel, heating oil), and petroleum and natural gas are often used to generate electricity, there are many other uses.


08-29-2019, 11:45 PM
My wife worked for years with a private contractor under the Superfund program. The federal government spent hundreds of billions of the taxpayers dollars cleaning up toxic waste sites which, in the final years of the program, was almost solely focused on leaking gasoline storage tanks. (Do you recall seeing almost every gas station digging up their tanks and replacing them with new dual lined tanks?) Now we have an ill informed teenager insisting that the best thing for the earth is to leave its' crust saturated with petroleum and coal. Where do we go to get our Superfund tax dollars back? Maybe Trump needs to tout his bona fides as the most environmental President ever since he is responsible for pulling more of the "worst pollutants of all time" out of the ground than any other President.

08-30-2019, 06:09 AM
I just have to wonder where the hell a 15 year old manages to get a racing yacht ... that alone convinces me she is being used by some rich bastard to push an agenda. Why hasn't anyone asked that question and why isn't anyone providing any background ... who is behind the scene here?

08-30-2019, 06:43 AM
I just have to wonder where the hell a 15 year old manages to get a racing yacht ... that alone convinces me she is being used by some rich bastard to push an agenda. Why hasn't anyone asked that question and why isn't anyone providing any background ... who is behind the scene here?

Quick look:



To me it appears this child had many issues related to mental health. In 3rd grade, (by age inference), she had become very concerned about what she was hearing about climate change and felt she had to do 'something,' as adults were not doing much, beyond warnings. Her parents allowed this to become a focus of her obsessive-compulsive illness. Rather than being considered a serious problem, the green movement is treating her as a savant with warnings.

08-30-2019, 07:34 AM
Quick look:



To me it appears this child had many issues related to mental health. In 3rd grade, (by age inference), she had become very concerned about what she was hearing about climate change and felt she had to do 'something,' as adults were not doing much, beyond warnings. Her parents allowed this to become a focus of her obsessive-compulsive illness. Rather than being considered a serious problem, the green movement is treating her as a savant with warnings.

I don't know but seems to me there is something very odd at work here. A child with mental health issues magically becomes a spokesperson for climate change/environmentalists? Crosses the Atlantic (presumably without help) in a sailboat? Really?

08-30-2019, 08:06 AM
Imagine this - a kid, a Europan kid that is into political stuff aka climate change - and has come to America to make us aware of such a horrible issue. :laugh2:


Greta Thunberg Arrives in NYC: ‘Keep Fossil Fuels in the Ground,’ ‘Stop War on Nature’

Greta Thunberg, the 16-year-old Swede and face of the youth climate change movement, arrived in New York City on Wednesday after setting sail two weeks on a solar-powered racing yacht from England. A substantial crowd greeted her after she was escorted into New York harbor by 17 sailboats — one for each of the U.N.’s “sustainable development” goals.

“It is insane that a 16-year-old would have to cross the Atlantic Ocean to make a stand,” Thunberg said at a press conference after she arrived around 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time. “The climate and ecological crisis is a global crisis, the biggest crisis that humanity has ever faced, and if we don’t manage to work together and to cooperate and to work together despite our differences, then we will fail.”

She told reporters that fossil fuels should be kept in the ground and that the world needs to “stop its war on nature.”

Thunberg gained international attention just more than a year ago when she called on students around the world to take part in a school walkout to protest climate change, a movement she has dubbed #FridayforFuture.

She said at the press conference that the Guardian newspaper covered that she will join the ongoing school strike at the United Nations headquarters in New York City on Friday:

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/environment/2019/08/29/greta-thunberg-arrives-nyc-keep-fossil-fuels-ground-stop-war-nature/

So brave sailing her solar yacht to the US to lecture us about fossil fuels. Why didn't she sail to China or India and lecture them?

Fact in the US our air is 6X timer cleaner than it was in 1975 despite our population being double what it was then.

08-30-2019, 08:12 AM
At 64 years old, looking back, I didn't know my ass from a hole in the ground when I was 16 years old. I was worried about making a few bucks to buy gas for my motorcycle and chasing the cute little blond neighbor girl, and I was a relatively intelligent, fairly well behaved, hard working kid. The last thing I would have ever dreamed of having the gall to do would be to think my opinion was so important that I needed to lecture the United States of America.

So why on earth does America need to be lectured by some mentally imbalanced little 16 year old girl from Sweden?

Well... we DON'T.

08-30-2019, 04:17 PM
At 64 years old, looking back, I didn't know my ass from a hole in the ground when I was 16 years old. I was worried about making a few bucks to buy gas for my motorcycle and chasing the cute little blond neighbor girl, and I was a relatively intelligent, fairly well behaved, hard working kid. The last thing I would have ever dreamed of having the gall to do would be to think my opinion was so important that I needed to lecture the United States of America.

So why on earth does America need to be lectured by some mentally imbalanced little 16 year old girl from Sweden?

Well... we DON'T.

When I was that age, both my Dad and Granddad told me to keep my mouth
shut so I did not come across as an idiot. Kids at that age do not know how to
apologize for saying stupid stuff.

Sage advice from my family.

08-30-2019, 06:12 PM
At 64 years old, looking back, I didn't know my ass from a hole in the ground when I was 16 years old. I was worried about making a few bucks to buy gas for my motorcycle and chasing the cute little blond neighbor girl, and I was a relatively intelligent, fairly well behaved, hard working kid. The last thing I would have ever dreamed of having the gall to do would be to think my opinion was so important that I needed to lecture the United States of America.

So why on earth does America need to be lectured by some mentally imbalanced little 16 year old girl from Sweden?

Well... we DON'T.

Gotta tell ya. I'm 72, and it doesn't get any better. That 16 year old doesn't know her Hiney from 1st base. So, why does anyone listen to her, or worse yet...Take her seriously? Answer: IDIOTS of a Feather....ALSO stick Together.:laugh::laugh::laugh: