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View Full Version : Time for Warren to hit the meat grinder

08-31-2019, 03:58 PM
Was there ever a time where candidates 100% concentrated in the issues, and debated those issues, and then got elected solely on their stances and particular agendas and how they planned on executing them?

Now, it seems like trashing the opponent is goal #1. The more your opponent can be brought down the better your chances. Spend as much $$ as possible digging into personal lives and then attempting to destroy them. Seems to have been this way my entire life, at least adult life where I paid attention. And only growing worse with each election.


Report: Campaigns Ramping Up Opposition Research on Elizabeth Warren

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) has had a relatively lax campaign as far as opposition goes, with ideological ally Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) refusing to criticize her. However, other campaigns are ramping up their opposition research and planning to take Warren on in the next debate, according to campaign aides who spoke to Politico.

Sanders – who has been Warren’s closest ally in the race – has repeatedly refused to take the Massachusetts senator on, arguing that it “is not the way you necessarily win a campaign.” However, with Warren solidifying herself as a top tier candidate with growing momentum, other campaigns are ramping up their efforts and preparing to challenge her in the next debate.

Politico reports:

Aides to three rival candidates confirmed in interviews they’re revving up opposition research on Warren in preparation for the next debate on Sept. 12. Still others privately complained she’s gotten fawning treatment in the media as she unveiled a litany of ambitious plans without being pressed on where the money would come from to pay for them.

Warren’s supporters said the gripes amount to sour grapes from campaigns who didn’t take her seriously until she shot up in the polls, and are now watching with envy the organization she’s amassed while they were busy attacking each other.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/08/31/report-campaigns-ramping-up-opposition-research-on-elizabeth-warren/#

08-31-2019, 07:05 PM
liberal Dems do not focus on key issues. They focus on character assassination, period.

Abbey Marie
08-31-2019, 11:55 PM
I still say she has no shot.