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View Full Version : Ilhan Omar: 'We Have to Bring in the UN' to Deal with Border Crisis

09-01-2019, 02:52 PM
Sure, bring in an outside entity to handle American affairs, you dipshit. :rolleyes:

Then I read an older article about immigration, and a lot of truth to it probably. Not Omar - but the terrorist groups. starting with ISIS, would love nothing more than to infiltrate our borders, or the borders of any of their enemies, and seek "revenge". They're like the democrats in the manner that they will take years if that's what it takes to meet a goal. They will even sit and wait for a decade, and then execute a plan.


Ilhan Omar: 'We Have to Bring in the UN' to Deal with Border Crisis

The wise and statesmanlike Democrat congresswoman from Minnesota, Ilhan Omar, demonstrating yet again her determination to protect and defend the citizens of the United States, has come up with a new idea to safeguard the security of American citizens: place the border and migration crisis in the hands of the resolutely fair and impartial United Nations. Yeah, that’ll work.

“We should do what any other country does by dealing with this situation in a serious way,” said Omar. “So we have to bring in the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, an agency that has the expertise and the training to handle massive flows of refugees humanely.”

Expertise and training, she said. And indeed, it is undeniable that Filippo Grandi, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, as well as his predecessor, António Guterres (who is now the UN’s Secretary General) has quite an impressive track record. Look at how Grandi and Guterres have looked out for the interests of Europeans: on their watch, the Islamic State (ISIS) boasted it would soon flood Europe with as many as 500,000 refugees (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2958517/The-Mediterranean-sea-chaos-Gaddafi-s-chilling-prophecy-interview-ISIS-threatens-send-500-000-migrants-Europe-psychological-weapon-bombed.html). These were not empty words. Just a few months after the Islamic State issued this threat, thousands of refugees did begin to storm into Europe. Nor were all of these migrants peaceful people simply seeking a better life. All of the jihadis who murdered 130 people in Paris in November 2015 had just entered Europe as refugees. The Lebanese Education Minister said in September 2015 that there were 20,000 jihadis among the refugees in camps in his country, waiting for their chance to get to Europe. On May 10, 2016, Patrick Calvar, the head of France’s DGSI internal intelligence agency, said that the Islamic State was using migrant routes through the Balkans to get jihadis into Europe.

And now the jihadis are in Europe. Sultan Marmed Niazi, who went on a stabbing rampage in Lyon, France, on Saturday, killing one person and wounding nine others, explained that he did so because his victims “do not read the Qur’an.” He is a refugee from Afghanistan.

Even without the intervention of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, the United States has already experienced this. Last week, a refugee from Albania named Fabjan Alameti pleaded guilty in Bozeman, Montana, to plotting a jihad massacre for the Islamic State. Last Wednesday, a Muslim migrant named Rondell Henry, who was from Trinidad and Tobago and lived in Germantown, Maryland, was indicted for plotting a jihad massacre at a Washington, D.C.-area tourist site, the National Harbor Complex on the Potomac River.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/homeland-security/ilhan-omar-we-have-to-bring-in-the-un-to-deal-with-border-crisis/

The other article I spoke about. And they are no doubt trying to accomplish their goals, and others I believe have joined in.

ISIS threatens to send 500,000 migrants to Europe as a 'psychological weapon' in chilling echo of Gaddafi's prophecy that the Mediterranean 'will become a sea of chaos'

Italian press today published claims that ISIS has threatened to release the huge wave of migrants to cause chaos in Europe if they are attacked
And letters from jihadists show plans to hide terrorists among refugees
In 2011, Muammar Gaddafi ominously predicted war would come to Libya
He was deposed in a violent coup and killed in October of the same year
Islamic State executed 21 Egyptian Christians on Libyan beach this week
Crisis in Libya has led to surge in number of migrants heading for Europe

ISIS has threatened to flood Europe with half a million migrants from Libya in a 'psychological' attack against the West, it was claimed today.

Transcripts of telephone intercepts published in Italy claim to provide evidence that ISIS is threatening to send 500,000 migrants simultaneously out to sea in hundreds of boats in a 'psychological weapon' against Europe if there is military intervention against them in Libya.

Many would be at risk of drowning with rescue services unable to cope. But authorities fear that if numbers on this scale arrived, European cities could witness riots.

Separately, the militants hope to cement their control of Libya then cross the Mediterranean disguised as refugees, according to letters seen by Quilliam the anti-terror group, reported by the Telegraph.

Rest - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2958517/The-Mediterranean-sea-chaos-Gaddafi-s-chilling-prophecy-interview-ISIS-threatens-send-500-000-migrants-Europe-psychological-weapon-bombed.html

09-01-2019, 05:28 PM
Shut up...and take that stank 3rd world rag off your head.

09-01-2019, 07:54 PM
Sure, bring in an outside entity to handle American affairs, you dipshit. :rolleyes:

Then I read an older article about immigration, and a lot of truth to it probably. Not Omar - but the terrorist groups. starting with ISIS, would love nothing more than to infiltrate our borders, or the borders of any of their enemies, and seek "revenge". They're like the democrats in the manner that they will take years if that's what it takes to meet a goal. They will even sit and wait for a decade, and then execute a plan.


Ilhan Omar: 'We Have to Bring in the UN' to Deal with Border Crisis

The wise and statesmanlike Democrat congresswoman from Minnesota, Ilhan Omar, demonstrating yet again her determination to protect and defend the citizens of the United States, has come up with a new idea to safeguard the security of American citizens: place the border and migration crisis in the hands of the resolutely fair and impartial United Nations. Yeah, that’ll work.

“We should do what any other country does by dealing with this situation in a serious way,” said Omar. “So we have to bring in the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, an agency that has the expertise and the training to handle massive flows of refugees humanely.”

Expertise and training, she said. And indeed, it is undeniable that Filippo Grandi, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, as well as his predecessor, António Guterres (who is now the UN’s Secretary General) has quite an impressive track record. Look at how Grandi and Guterres have looked out for the interests of Europeans: on their watch, the Islamic State (ISIS) boasted it would soon flood Europe with as many as 500,000 refugees (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2958517/The-Mediterranean-sea-chaos-Gaddafi-s-chilling-prophecy-interview-ISIS-threatens-send-500-000-migrants-Europe-psychological-weapon-bombed.html). These were not empty words. Just a few months after the Islamic State issued this threat, thousands of refugees did begin to storm into Europe. Nor were all of these migrants peaceful people simply seeking a better life. All of the jihadis who murdered 130 people in Paris in November 2015 had just entered Europe as refugees. The Lebanese Education Minister said in September 2015 that there were 20,000 jihadis among the refugees in camps in his country, waiting for their chance to get to Europe. On May 10, 2016, Patrick Calvar, the head of France’s DGSI internal intelligence agency, said that the Islamic State was using migrant routes through the Balkans to get jihadis into Europe.

And now the jihadis are in Europe. Sultan Marmed Niazi, who went on a stabbing rampage in Lyon, France, on Saturday, killing one person and wounding nine others, explained that he did so because his victims “do not read the Qur’an.” He is a refugee from Afghanistan.

Even without the intervention of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, the United States has already experienced this. Last week, a refugee from Albania named Fabjan Alameti pleaded guilty in Bozeman, Montana, to plotting a jihad massacre for the Islamic State. Last Wednesday, a Muslim migrant named Rondell Henry, who was from Trinidad and Tobago and lived in Germantown, Maryland, was indicted for plotting a jihad massacre at a Washington, D.C.-area tourist site, the National Harbor Complex on the Potomac River.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/homeland-security/ilhan-omar-we-have-to-bring-in-the-un-to-deal-with-border-crisis/

The other article I spoke about. And they are no doubt trying to accomplish their goals, and others I believe have joined in.

ISIS threatens to send 500,000 migrants to Europe as a 'psychological weapon' in chilling echo of Gaddafi's prophecy that the Mediterranean 'will become a sea of chaos'

Italian press today published claims that ISIS has threatened to release the huge wave of migrants to cause chaos in Europe if they are attacked
And letters from jihadists show plans to hide terrorists among refugees
In 2011, Muammar Gaddafi ominously predicted war would come to Libya
He was deposed in a violent coup and killed in October of the same year
Islamic State executed 21 Egyptian Christians on Libyan beach this week
Crisis in Libya has led to surge in number of migrants heading for Europe

ISIS has threatened to flood Europe with half a million migrants from Libya in a 'psychological' attack against the West, it was claimed today.

Transcripts of telephone intercepts published in Italy claim to provide evidence that ISIS is threatening to send 500,000 migrants simultaneously out to sea in hundreds of boats in a 'psychological weapon' against Europe if there is military intervention against them in Libya.

Many would be at risk of drowning with rescue services unable to cope. But authorities fear that if numbers on this scale arrived, European cities could witness riots.

Separately, the militants hope to cement their control of Libya then cross the Mediterranean disguised as refugees, according to letters seen by Quilliam the anti-terror group, reported by the Telegraph.

Rest - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2958517/The-Mediterranean-sea-chaos-Gaddafi-s-chilling-prophecy-interview-ISIS-threatens-send-500-000-migrants-Europe-psychological-weapon-bombed.htmlIn the case of radical Islam, make that "centuries". How long it takes means nothing to them. They're like fire ants. Even if you exterminate them you won't get them all and they just pop up again. When the West kept their crap contained by force to the ME, they stayed there. When the left started taking over the West, Radical Islam moved right in with them.

09-01-2019, 10:25 PM
Ya know... I don't blame that little muslim pig turd for who she is. I blame the people in AMERICA for FACILITATING her ability to be ELECTED, and that goes STRAIGHT TO THE MUSLIM SHIT STAIN that stunk up the white house for 8 years importing muslims from third world shit holes and scattering them all over the United States in small towns KNOWING they'd be VOTING someday. And yes, I know some say, you're crazy if you think obama is a muslim... well... what kind of a NAME do you think BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA is? GERMAN?

Muslims have no place in America... that's just my opinion... it may not be ALL of them ACTIVELY seeking to TAKE OVER EVERYWHERE THEY ARE, but the ones that sit silent are FULLY ON BOARD with the ones that ARE. Their silence speaks VOLUMES.







09-03-2019, 08:22 AM
In the case of radical Islam, make that "centuries". How long it takes means nothing to them. They're like fire ants. Even if you exterminate them you won't get them all and they just pop up again. When the West kept their crap contained by force to the ME, they stayed there. When the left started taking over the West, Radical Islam moved right in with them.

Many in the West just don't seem to get that about both Middle Eastern and Asian cultures. We're embroiled in wars with TWO enemies which have broader views and implement plans that could take DECADES to take any effect and we have people in this country who get pissed when the US doesn't "win" these wars in a matter of weeks.

Somewhere in a cave in Pakistan right now there are little Bin Laden's being taught to spend their entire lives planning on the revenge that THEIR grand children will some day get on the Great Satan. Guaranteed.

Just like China , they started an economic war with us 50 years ago, it was their plan the entire time for it to take that long.

09-03-2019, 04:41 PM
Many in the West just don't seem to get that about both Middle Eastern and Asian cultures. We're embroiled in wars with TWO enemies which have broader views and implement plans that could take DECADES to take any effect and we have people in this country who get pissed when the US doesn't "win" these wars in a matter of weeks.

Somewhere in a cave in Pakistan right now there are little Bin Laden's being taught to spend their entire lives planning on the revenge that THEIR grand children will some day get on the Great Satan. Guaranteed.

Just like China , they started an economic war with us 50 years ago, it was their plan the entire time for it to take that long.It is beyond my level of comprehension that something so obvious is just flat out dismissed. And it's nothing new. Vietnam anyone? The Vietnamese had been at war for a thousand years and out-lasted everyone. But it was "different" because it was us :rolleyes: See how THAT worked out.

Same deal with Islam. They've been out to conquer/convert the World since the 7th century. Nothing we have said or done is going to change THAT. They get their asses kicked so bad by Charles Martel they ran out of mainland Europe. Yet here we are and here THEY are taking over Europe one ghetto at a time. Not to mention Detroit, Michigan.

The way ISIS was handled is the way to handle ALL Islam. Kick their asses back into their own damned yard and build a fence around it. Nothing else short of death works, and I wouldn't lose a lot of sleep over THAT.

OH. Screw the UN. Besides, who's going to do the dirty work for the UN against the US? They can't call US ...

09-03-2019, 05:01 PM
The way ISIS was handled is the way to handle ALL Islam. Kick their asses back into their own damned yard and build a fence around it. Nothing else short of death works, and I wouldn't lose a lot of sleep over THAT.
........... :clap:

When do we start?

09-03-2019, 07:21 PM
Many in the West just don't seem to get that about both Middle Eastern and Asian cultures. We're embroiled in wars with TWO enemies which have broader views and implement plans that could take DECADES to take any effect and we have people in this country who get pissed when the US doesn't "win" these wars in a matter of weeks.

Somewhere in a cave in Pakistan right now there are little Bin Laden's being taught to spend their entire lives planning on the revenge that THEIR grand children will some day get on the Great Satan. Guaranteed.

Just like China , they started an economic war with us 50 years ago, it was their plan the entire time for it to take that long.

My Dad, while in the Air Force, was posted all over the Med and Middle East. Their strike teams set up air bases for what were then
allies. The Muslim factions settled in and destroyed those alliances.

Dad said we had no business trying to reason with them as they were and still are fanatics.