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09-02-2019, 05:12 PM
Out of all of the candidates, I leaned towards Biden from the beginning. The most "center" of them all, at the time, before he jumped all over the others playbook. He also seemed the most likable from the bunch.

But a lot has me thinking since then. Old news coming back, more and more screw-ups & yep, seems like he's not been very clear up top in the noggin area.

And I think, in the second sentence here - he's slowly showing his age and losing whatever honor he had left. :(


We Need to Talk about Joe Biden

He's unfit for the presidency.

There are two possible explanations of Joe Biden’s inability to tell the truth about things: One is that his mind is failing him, the other is that his honor is. In neither case is Biden fit to hold the office of president of the United States of America, and Democrats would discredit themselves and endanger the nation to nominate him.

Yes, yes, go ahead — “But, Trump!” etc. — and continue when you’ve completed the ritual of equivocation, and don’t think too hard about how far and in what direction that line of moral self-justification has carried the Republican party.

Joe Biden is a plagiarist and a liar, among other things. In the most recent example, detailed by the Washington Post, Biden made up a story in which he as vice president displayed personal courage and heroism in traveling to a dangerous war zone in order to recognize the service of an American soldier who had distinguished himself in a particularly dramatic way. It was a moving story. “This is the God’s truth,” he concluded. “My word as a Biden.”

But his word as a Biden isn’t worth squat, as the Post showed, reporting that “Biden got the time period, the location, the heroic act, the type of medal, the military branch and the rank of the recipient wrong, as well as his own role in the ceremony.” Which is a nice way of saying: Biden lied about an act of military heroism in order to aggrandize his own role in the story.

Like Hillary Rodham Clinton under fictitious sniper fire, Biden highlighted his own supposed courage in the face of physical danger: “We can lose a vice president. We can’t lose many more of these kids.”

If Biden here is lying with malice aforethought, then he ought to be considered morally disqualified for the office. If he is senescent, then he obviously is unable to perform the duties associated with the presidency, and asking him to do so would be indecent, dangerous, and unpatriotic.

The evidence points more toward moral disability than mental disability, inasmuch as Biden has a long career of lying about precisely this sort of thing.

The most dramatic instance of that is Biden’s continued insistence on lying about the circumstances surrounding the horrifying deaths of his wife and daughter in a terrible car accident. It is not the case, as Biden has said on many occasions, that they were killed by a drunk driver, an irresponsible trucker who “drank his lunch,” as Biden put it. That is a pure fabrication, and a slander on the man who was behind the wheel of that truck and who was haunted by the episode until the end of his days. Imagine yourself in the position of that man’s family, whose natural sympathy for Biden’s loss must be complicated by outrage at his persistent lying about the relevant events.

Rest - https://www.nationalreview.com/2019/09/joe-biden-unfit-for-presidency/

09-02-2019, 05:35 PM

09-02-2019, 06:48 PM
Simply put, he has lost it. Not that he had a lot to lose to begin with.

09-02-2019, 07:56 PM
He's gonna continue to be nailed so long as his numbers are in front, and maybe even then some. And he's given them more than enough ammunition.


Does Joe Biden Want to Be Doing This?

“How badly do you want to be president?” Joseph R. Biden Jr. was asked after a recent speech in Prole, Iowa. The answer to such an inquiry would appear self-evident in the case of Mr. Biden, who began his running-for-president routine more than three decades ago; in other words, very badly, one would assume.

But the question, posed by a reporter, seemed to come at Mr. Biden as a bit of a curveball — a variant of the “Why do you want to be president?” riddle that CBS’s Roger Mudd famously stumped Ted Kennedy with 40 years ago. The former vice president paused.

“I think it’s really, really, really important that Donald Trump not be re-elected,” Mr. Biden said, more of a rationale than answer. He then launched into a classic Biden roller derby of verbiage in which he listed all the reasons he found Mr. Trump so distasteful. He landed on a question to himself.

“Could I die happily not having heard ‘Hail to the Chief’ play for me?” the Democratic front-runner asked. “Yeah, I could,” he said. “That’s not why I’m running.”

So why is he running? And is the singular nature of the opponent all it will take to convince voters that Joe Biden really wants to be doing this right now — at this vicious moment in our politics and at this stage of his life?

Remarkably, after all this time, Mr. Biden stumbles to come up with a clear answer.

His use of Mr. Trump as a campaign mission statement might be a good enough reason, at least to win Mr. Biden the Democratic nomination in a large field where two other leading candidates — Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders — appear to be splitting the progressive vote which would be less inclined to support him to begin with.

Rest - https://www.enmnews.com/2019/09/02/does-joe-biden-want-to-be-doing-this/

Biden seen as weak front-runner as 2020 U.S. Democratic race heats up

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - As summer ends and the race for the 2020 Democratic U.S. presidential nomination shifts into a higher gear, former Vice President Joe Biden’s perilous position atop the vast field stands to be tested under even more pressure.

Biden, 76, has consistently maintained a comfortable lead over his rivals. But his campaign has been plagued by doubts over his age, fitness for office and whether, as a moderate, he can be a standard-bearer for a party that has grown increasingly liberal.

Those questions are likely to be magnified in the coming weeks.

Labor Day serves as the traditional marker for the White House race to intensify, with five months to go until the first nominating contest - February in Iowa - in the state-by-state process of picking the party’s nominee to challenge Republican President Donald Trump in the November 2020 election.

Democrats enter the next phase of the contest lacking a true consensus candidate, one who can unite a party fractured along ideological and generational lines.

While Biden enjoys widespread name recognition because of his eight years as Barack Obama’s vice president and a long Senate career before that, he stands to suffer as voters begin to focus on other candidates, according to strategists.

That may open the door wider for his closest competitors, U.S. Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren – or another rival - to seize momentum.

“Biden is the weakest front-runner in a contested primary in a long time,” said Democratic operative Joel Payne, who worked on 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign and attributed Biden’s standing largely to voters’ familiarity with him rather than his performance on the campaign trail.

Rest - https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-democrats-analysis/biden-seen-as-weak-front-runner-as-2020-u-s-democratic-race-heats-up-idUSKCN1VN0WH

09-03-2019, 06:28 AM
The'll take him down... he won't be the dem nominee. I think the young, more rabid faction of the dem party, the ones that have spewed this, "the republican party is all OLD WHITE MEN bit, they don't want him for sure, and their attacks on him are going to increase.

I think the dem nominee will either be, "I'll screw your brains out for power" Harris, or "1,024th American Indian" Pocahontas, and neither one of them can beat Trump so, the repubs are in pretty good shape, but the dem nominee will be a woman.

09-03-2019, 08:15 AM
He's gonna continue to be nailed so long as his numbers are in front, and maybe even then some. And he's given them more than enough ammunition.


Does Joe Biden Want to Be Doing This?

“How badly do you want to be president?” Joseph R. Biden Jr. was asked after a recent speech in Prole, Iowa. The answer to such an inquiry would appear self-evident in the case of Mr. Biden, who began his running-for-president routine more than three decades ago; in other words, very badly, one would assume.

But the question, posed by a reporter, seemed to come at Mr. Biden as a bit of a curveball — a variant of the “Why do you want to be president?” riddle that CBS’s Roger Mudd famously stumped Ted Kennedy with 40 years ago. The former vice president paused.

“I think it’s really, really, really important that Donald Trump not be re-elected,” Mr. Biden said, more of a rationale than answer. He then launched into a classic Biden roller derby of verbiage in which he listed all the reasons he found Mr. Trump so distasteful. He landed on a question to himself.

“Could I die happily not having heard ‘Hail to the Chief’ play for me?” the Democratic front-runner asked. “Yeah, I could,” he said. “That’s not why I’m running.”

So why is he running? And is the singular nature of the opponent all it will take to convince voters that Joe Biden really wants to be doing this right now — at this vicious moment in our politics and at this stage of his life?

Remarkably, after all this time, Mr. Biden stumbles to come up with a clear answer.

His use of Mr. Trump as a campaign mission statement might be a good enough reason, at least to win Mr. Biden the Democratic nomination in a large field where two other leading candidates — Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders — appear to be splitting the progressive vote which would be less inclined to support him to begin with.

Rest - https://www.enmnews.com/2019/09/02/does-joe-biden-want-to-be-doing-this/

Biden seen as weak front-runner as 2020 U.S. Democratic race heats up

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - As summer ends and the race for the 2020 Democratic U.S. presidential nomination shifts into a higher gear, former Vice President Joe Biden’s perilous position atop the vast field stands to be tested under even more pressure.

Biden, 76, has consistently maintained a comfortable lead over his rivals. But his campaign has been plagued by doubts over his age, fitness for office and whether, as a moderate, he can be a standard-bearer for a party that has grown increasingly liberal.

Those questions are likely to be magnified in the coming weeks.

Labor Day serves as the traditional marker for the White House race to intensify, with five months to go until the first nominating contest - February in Iowa - in the state-by-state process of picking the party’s nominee to challenge Republican President Donald Trump in the November 2020 election.

Democrats enter the next phase of the contest lacking a true consensus candidate, one who can unite a party fractured along ideological and generational lines.

While Biden enjoys widespread name recognition because of his eight years as Barack Obama’s vice president and a long Senate career before that, he stands to suffer as voters begin to focus on other candidates, according to strategists.

That may open the door wider for his closest competitors, U.S. Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren – or another rival - to seize momentum.

“Biden is the weakest front-runner in a contested primary in a long time,” said Democratic operative Joel Payne, who worked on 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign and attributed Biden’s standing largely to voters’ familiarity with him rather than his performance on the campaign trail.

Rest - https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-democrats-analysis/biden-seen-as-weak-front-runner-as-2020-u-s-democratic-race-heats-up-idUSKCN1VN0WH
On this point, to be fair to Biden, rarely do Democrat candidates have an answer to "why do you want to be President" because the truth is that they have no overall reason that they think they should be President. They just want the power and prestige of being President. And that is also true of many Republicans. They don't go into public service to help anyone other than themselves. The ONLY Democrat I see right now who I would say actually gives a shit about people is Tulsi Gabbard and she has not shot at becoming the nominee.

Anyone who thinks that Warren or Bernie, or Harris actually give a damn about helping the American people is a fool, aka a Democratic voter.

As for Joe Biden, I feel sorry for him. He never was that smart in the first place and now he's lost a step .