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02-09-2018, 01:32 PM
Hi Beefeater. Welcome ! I'm a Brit who's met some real Beefeaters (of the Tower of London variety). Not at all sure I agree on your 'royalty should be hung by the highest yardarm' suggestion ... but I certainly DO agree about eating succulent beef ! Nothing quite like a 16 ounce slab of steak to get your teeth into ... though you'd get an argument from another Brit about that ('Noir') ... he's a vegetarian, I believe ...

You look to be an interesting addition here. Welcome !
Hi, Drummond. I ate a sirloin steak for breakie and am having beef stew at dinner, or what you'd call "tea" I suppose.

This isn't a Beefeater but I love the British sense of humor all the same.


02-09-2018, 01:41 PM
Welcome. I figured you meant Beefeater like the gin. Makes a great martini. As for real beef, I love it! Eat pretty much every day in one way or another and I've been closely involved with the slaughter and industrialization of it (and other proteins). Interesting take that it is the Lucifer's doing. You sure you're not sucking the juniper juice? :laugh:

Hi, Taco Junkie. I ate 12 tacos the other night at the VFW and washed them down with gin and tonic, which the Brits invented to treat malaria, probably their best invention next to the flush toilet and Spitfire. My preferred juniper juice is Bombay but had to settle on Tanqueray, it's a small VFW. I also played a game called Lighting and won $23.

Black Diamond
02-09-2018, 01:52 PM
Gravy flavored gin....

02-09-2018, 02:06 PM
Gravy flavored gin....
Hi, Black Diamond. It was the regular gin with a twist of lime. I never heard of gravy flavored gin before. Maybe in Kentucky?

02-09-2018, 02:49 PM
Hi, Black Diamond. It was the regular gin with a twist of lime. I never heard of gravy flavored gin before. Maybe in Kentucky?

I figured it was you, Gravy.

Given your spastic last few posts under your original moniker, why do you continue to return? Need a good troll fix that only can be satisfied around here?

02-09-2018, 04:16 PM
The Gravy Boat. Impersonating a Beefeater is like Pelosi saying she loves TRUMP.

02-12-2018, 10:34 AM
Interesting you bring up Cuba City NT. I want to go there to look at some Jeeps. Do you know the place there that specializes in them?

Sorry, Taco... missed this. I've been kinda busy.

I've never been to Cuba City. I asked the question because it was my way of telling Gravy / Funky / Beefeater that we were on to his little game of trying to sneak back in here after getting the boot.

02-19-2018, 12:05 AM
This is the first time I have ever participated in this type of public forum. Although I have been told I'm highly opinionated, I usually keep my opinions to family and friends via email. I'm a real off the grid kind of guy, no Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, yada yada yada. I am, however, thrilled to witness the rise and impact of alternative media during my lifetime. It is a long way from Walter Crankcase telling me, "And that's the way it is" each night after spoon feeding me his reality. It has also restored my faith in the ultimate survival of this society as I see the people reject the established media, be it broadcast or published, and are willing to search less traditional sources for the truth. Thank you all for allowing me to join your group in search for greater truths. After spending a few days browsing previous posts in various forums, it appears I have found a solid group of fellow travelers. I look forward to the ride. A special hat tip to Taco Junkie for hooking me up!

02-19-2018, 12:30 AM
This is the first time I have ever participated in this type of public forum. Although I have been told I'm highly opinionated, I usually keep my opinions to family and friends via email. I'm a real off the grid kind of guy, no Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, yada yada yada. I am, however, thrilled to witness the rise and impact of alternative media during my lifetime. It is a long way from Walter Crankcase telling me, "And that's the way it is" each night after spoon feeding me his reality. It has also restored my faith in the ultimate survival of this society as I see the people reject the established media, be it broadcast or published, and are willing to search less traditional sources for the truth. Thank you all for allowing me to join your group in search for greater truths. After spending a few days browsing previous posts in various forums, it appears I have found a solid group of fellow travelers. I look forward to the ride. A special hat tip to Taco Junkie for hooking me up!

.......... to the site Taco mentioned your coming by. You will like this place and many of its good people here....Have fun it can be entertaining and has much good info to offer...

02-19-2018, 10:27 AM
This is the first time I have ever participated in this type of public forum. Although I have been told I'm highly opinionated, I usually keep my opinions to family and friends via email. I'm a real off the grid kind of guy, no Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, yada yada yada. I am, however, thrilled to witness the rise and impact of alternative media during my lifetime. It is a long way from Walter Crankcase telling me, "And that's the way it is" each night after spoon feeding me his reality. It has also restored my faith in the ultimate survival of this society as I see the people reject the established media, be it broadcast or published, and are willing to search less traditional sources for the truth. Thank you all for allowing me to join your group in search for greater truths. After spending a few days browsing previous posts in various forums, it appears I have found a solid group of fellow travelers. I look forward to the ride. A special hat tip to Taco Junkie for hooking me up!

Welcome to the board!

02-19-2018, 11:13 AM
This is the first time I have ever participated in this type of public forum. Although I have been told I'm highly opinionated, I usually keep my opinions to family and friends via email. I'm a real off the grid kind of guy, no Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, yada yada yada. I am, however, thrilled to witness the rise and impact of alternative media during my lifetime. It is a long way from Walter Crankcase telling me, "And that's the way it is" each night after spoon feeding me his reality. It has also restored my faith in the ultimate survival of this society as I see the people reject the established media, be it broadcast or published, and are willing to search less traditional sources for the truth. Thank you all for allowing me to join your group in search for greater truths. After spending a few days browsing previous posts in various forums, it appears I have found a solid group of fellow travelers. I look forward to the ride. A special hat tip to Taco Junkie for hooking me up!

Welcome, FNS. Yeah, I am the same re no Facebook, Twitter, etc. I got stalked once on Facebook, a forum guy, and I found myself participating in a Twitter mob attack when one of those awful NFL players attacked his girlfriend at her birthday party, and thought, what am I DOING, leave it to the law! And never went back to Twitter. I'm so disheartened by the vicious news that I think discussion forums -- rightwing ones -- are the best way to get news now.

Finding "fellow travelers" as you say and being loyal to them and avoiding the enemy seems the way to go for me lately.

Taco Junkie
02-19-2018, 12:56 PM
Sorry, Taco... missed this. I've been kinda busy.

I've never been to Cuba City. I asked the question because it was my way of telling Gravy / Funky / Beefeater that we were on to his little game of trying to sneak back in here after getting the boot.

Ahh sorry I didn't pick up on it was the gravytrain trying to sneak back in. Considering all the threats he made when he pulled out (like we wish has father had :wink2:) I'm surprised he'd even want to hang out with us.

Abbey Marie
02-19-2018, 12:57 PM
Welcome FNS!

Taco Junkie
02-19-2018, 01:02 PM
This is the first time I have ever participated in this type of public forum. Although I have been told I'm highly opinionated, I usually keep my opinions to family and friends via email. I'm a real off the grid kind of guy, no Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, yada yada yada. I am, however, thrilled to witness the rise and impact of alternative media during my lifetime. It is a long way from Walter Crankcase telling me, "And that's the way it is" each night after spoon feeding me his reality. It has also restored my faith in the ultimate survival of this society as I see the people reject the established media, be it broadcast or published, and are willing to search less traditional sources for the truth. Thank you all for allowing me to join your group in search for greater truths. After spending a few days browsing previous posts in various forums, it appears I have found a solid group of fellow travelers. I look forward to the ride. A special hat tip to Taco Junkie for hooking me up!

Welcome. Good points on the brainwashing grid stuff. You may have noticed I'm not on any of those either. More and more I get my news here and few other forums. I'm really happy to have you here as your opinions and devil's advocate arguments have entertained me for years. Great group here I think you'll fit right in and maybe we bring in Bobby T. Don't be afraid to put out a thread with a topic - everything from politics, sports, media and life in the 21st century are game. :thumb:

02-19-2018, 01:05 PM
Thanks NightTrain for having my back on my virgin post in the Politics Forum. It was a good reminder that I'm not having my usual back and forth with my closed circle of friends. Hopefully it will make me a better poster in the future. :beer:

02-19-2018, 03:08 PM
Thanks NightTrain for having my back on my virgin post in the Politics Forum. It was a good reminder that I'm not having my usual back and forth with my closed circle of friends. Hopefully it will make me a better poster in the future. :beer:

Welcome to DP!! :salute:

02-19-2018, 03:45 PM
I normally do not welcome anyone here. But...I had to AGREE with your Name. Welcome.

02-19-2018, 03:51 PM
Welcome to the board, FNS! :beer:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-20-2018, 05:49 PM
Welcome to the board, FNS!

Abbey Marie
02-20-2018, 07:33 PM
Welcome to the board, FNS!

True dat.
Some of us are scrambled
some of us are hard-boiled
And some of us are fried.


02-20-2018, 08:12 PM
True dat.
Some of us are scrambled
some of us are hard-boiled
And some of us are fried.


Abbey. You forgot POACHED! Just sitting there waiting for something to happen!:laugh:


02-20-2018, 09:10 PM
True dat.
Some of us are scrambled
some of us are hard-boiled
And some of us are fried.

;)I'm just mean. Ask Pete.

02-20-2018, 09:14 PM
I'm just mean. Ask Pete.

that's true.

Welcome to the Board.

I'm the nice one around here.

02-20-2018, 09:17 PM
that's true.

Welcome to the Board.

I'm the nice one around here.I want to arm elementary school children with fully automatic weapons and bayonets fixed. You?

02-20-2018, 09:41 PM
I want to arm elementary school children with fully automatic weapons and bayonets fixed. You?

heck yes...and claymores, .50 cals and a few tactical nukes too. with close air support

02-20-2018, 09:45 PM
We need to keep our CHILDREN, and their SCHOOLS as safe as possible.
First thing a president asks when the USA is threatened is...


02-20-2018, 10:08 PM
We need to keep our CHILDREN, and their SCHOOLS as safe as possible.
First thing a president asks when the USA is threatened is...


Gonna be hard to fit that thing in the school yard but we'll find a spot...

02-20-2018, 10:14 PM
Gonna be hard to fit that thing in the school yard but we'll find a spot...The beauty to that thing is it doesn't need to fit in the schoolyard. All you need is comm.

Can't complain. They deliver :)

02-20-2018, 10:28 PM
Abbey. You forgot POACHED! Just sitting there waiting for something to happen!:laugh:


I love poached eggs.

03-08-2018, 01:07 PM
New here guys!
Cheers to all! :beer:

03-08-2018, 01:16 PM
New here guys!
Cheers to all! :beer:

Welcome :) (I don't really smile)

03-08-2018, 05:21 PM
New here guys!
Cheers to all! :beer:

Much slower over here, TN, but you will recognize some of the personality types...


Abbey Marie
03-08-2018, 05:28 PM
New here guys!
Cheers to all! :beer:

Welcome TNH :cool:

04-09-2018, 10:53 AM
I just registered, a bit ago.
I'm here to see what this is all about. :coffee:

I am a fifty-something year old off-white dude, that has been retired from Uncle Sam's Navy for a decade. I was a frigate and submarine sailor. :saluting2:
I am conservative. I no longer align myself with any party, because I believe that none are concerned with the American people.
I believe every citizen has a God given right to their personal protection. I believe every citizen should have the freedom to Constitutional Carry, throughout the nation. I believe there should be no such thing as "prohibited person". If one cannot be trusted, in public, with a firearm, one should not be allowed in public. Of coarse, this means that we would have to revisit the criteria for this.
I believe that the career politician has helped ruin this country. The Founding Fathers did not intend for political service to become a life long career. I believe the idea was to come out of your shop or off of your farm and do your very best for the nation, for a few years and then return to your regular life.
I believe that politicians disregard for whom they work and are SUPPOSED to be serving.
I believe there should be term limits. Two terms at most and probably not even consecutive. I believe there should be no pensions for politicians, no insider trading, no lobbyists and no laws, acts or regulations that do not pertain to any politician that is laid upon the citizenry.

The wife and I have 2 adult children and 3 small pups, with which we run agility and very much enjoy their company, around the house.
I am into dogs, cars and rooting my smartphones.

Hoefully, I can add an avatar and signature, soon. :bye1:

04-09-2018, 11:15 AM
I just registered, a bit ago.
I'm here to see what this is all about. :coffee:

I am a fifty-something year old off-white dude, that has been retired from Uncle Sam's Navy for a decade. I was a frigate and submarine sailor. :saluting2:
I am conservative. I no longer align myself with any party, because I believe that none are concerned with the American people.
I believe every citizen has a God given right to their personal protection. I believe every citizen should have the freedom to Constitutional Carry, throughout the nation. I believe there should be no such thing as "prohibited person". If one cannot be trusted, in public, with a firearm, one should not be allowed in public. Of coarse, this means that we would have to revisit the criteria for this.
I believe that the career politician has helped ruin this country. The Founding Fathers did not intend for political service to become a life long career. I believe the idea was to come out of your shop or off of your farm and do your very best for the nation, for a few years and then return to your regular life.
I believe that politicians disregard for whom they work and are SUPPOSED to be serving.
I believe there should be term limits. Two terms at most and probably not even consecutive. I believe there should be no pensions for politicians, no insider trading, no lobbyists and no laws, acts or regulations that do not pertain to any politician that is laid upon the citizenry.

The wife and I have 2 adult children and 3 small pups, with which we run agility and very much enjoy their company, around the house.
I am into dogs, cars and rooting my smartphones.

Hoefully, I can add an avatar and signature, soon. :bye1:

So you root your smartphone, huh?

Ok, I kid, I kid, I read it all. :laugh:

Welcome aboard! I was told to expect you and you come with recommendation from some good members! Sounds like you should fit in just fine here.

What kind of pups do you have? I just got myself a new pup, she's just shy of 3 months old, half Alaskan and half Siberian husky. Animal lovers tend to be good people, IMO. :)

Glad you're here. :salute:

04-09-2018, 11:23 AM
I just registered, a bit ago.
I'm here to see what this is all about. :coffee:

I am a fifty-something year old off-white dude, that has been retired from Uncle Sam's Navy for a decade. I was a frigate and submarine sailor. :saluting2:
I am conservative. I no longer align myself with any party, because I believe that none are concerned with the American people.
I believe every citizen has a God given right to their personal protection. I believe every citizen should have the freedom to Constitutional Carry, throughout the nation. I believe there should be no such thing as "prohibited person". If one cannot be trusted, in public, with a firearm, one should not be allowed in public. Of coarse, this means that we would have to revisit the criteria for this.
I believe that the career politician has helped ruin this country. The Founding Fathers did not intend for political service to become a life long career. I believe the idea was to come out of your shop or off of your farm and do your very best for the nation, for a few years and then return to your regular life.
I believe that politicians disregard for whom they work and are SUPPOSED to be serving.
I believe there should be term limits. Two terms at most and probably not even consecutive. I believe there should be no pensions for politicians, no insider trading, no lobbyists and no laws, acts or regulations that do not pertain to any politician that is laid upon the citizenry.

The wife and I have 2 adult children and 3 small pups, with which we run agility and very much enjoy their company, around the house.
I am into dogs, cars and rooting my smartphones.

Hoefully, I can add an avatar and signature, soon. :bye1:

Welcome Aboard....:cool:

Abbey Marie
04-09-2018, 11:27 AM
Welcome Pablo

04-09-2018, 11:31 AM
I just registered, a bit ago.
I'm here to see what this is all about. :coffee:

I am a fifty-something year old off-white dude, that has been retired from Uncle Sam's Navy for a decade. I was a frigate and submarine sailor. :saluting2:
I am conservative. I no longer align myself with any party, because I believe that none are concerned with the American people.
I believe every citizen has a God given right to their personal protection. I believe every citizen should have the freedom to Constitutional Carry, throughout the nation. I believe there should be no such thing as "prohibited person". If one cannot be trusted, in public, with a firearm, one should not be allowed in public. Of coarse, this means that we would have to revisit the criteria for this.
I believe that the career politician has helped ruin this country. The Founding Fathers did not intend for political service to become a life long career. I believe the idea was to come out of your shop or off of your farm and do your very best for the nation, for a few years and then return to your regular life.
I believe that politicians disregard for whom they work and are SUPPOSED to be serving.
I believe there should be term limits. Two terms at most and probably not even consecutive. I believe there should be no pensions for politicians, no insider trading, no lobbyists and no laws, acts or regulations that do not pertain to any politician that is laid upon the citizenry.

The wife and I have 2 adult children and 3 small pups, with which we run agility and very much enjoy their company, around the house.
I am into dogs, cars and rooting my smartphones.

Hoefully, I can add an avatar and signature, soon. :bye1:

Welcome Aboard.

I have atypically non-washed (inside) set of ceramic coffee mug, knowing that
Squids, just as Coasties, believe them to be "aged"!

04-09-2018, 11:52 AM
So you root your smartphone, huh?

Ok, I kid, I kid, I read it all. :laugh:

Welcome aboard! I was told to expect you and you come with recommendation from some good members! Sounds like you should fit in just fine here.

What kind of pups do you have? I just got myself a new pup, she's just shy of 3 months old, half Alaskan and half Siberian husky. Animal lovers tend to be good people, IMO. :)

Glad you're here. :salute:

I do! 😀

I hope I can live up to my "reputation". 😉

"The boys" are, from left to right,
Koby, a 6 year old Havanese,
Tango, a 3 year old Mini Aussie / Bichon mix,
Cooper, a 5 year old Havanese.

These guys are non stop entertainment! https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20180409/174460d335d6dffdecfead5be758d96f.jpg

04-09-2018, 02:51 PM
^^ Cool little buggers, I love small doggies!! I have a Chihuahua now, and my Pug passed recently, or a few years ago but still feels recently. :(

04-09-2018, 02:57 PM
I just registered, a bit ago.
I'm here to see what this is all about. :coffee:

I am a fifty-something year old off-white dude, that has been retired from Uncle Sam's Navy for a decade. I was a frigate and submarine sailor. :saluting2:
I am conservative. I no longer align myself with any party, because I believe that none are concerned with the American people.
I believe every citizen has a God given right to their personal protection. I believe every citizen should have the freedom to Constitutional Carry, throughout the nation. I believe there should be no such thing as "prohibited person". If one cannot be trusted, in public, with a firearm, one should not be allowed in public. Of coarse, this means that we would have to revisit the criteria for this.
I believe that the career politician has helped ruin this country. The Founding Fathers did not intend for political service to become a life long career. I believe the idea was to come out of your shop or off of your farm and do your very best for the nation, for a few years and then return to your regular life.
I believe that politicians disregard for whom they work and are SUPPOSED to be serving.
I believe there should be term limits. Two terms at most and probably not even consecutive. I believe there should be no pensions for politicians, no insider trading, no lobbyists and no laws, acts or regulations that do not pertain to any politician that is laid upon the citizenry.

The wife and I have 2 adult children and 3 small pups, with which we run agility and very much enjoy their company, around the house.
I am into dogs, cars and rooting my smartphones.

Hoefully, I can add an avatar and signature, soon. :bye1:
Welcome aboard, brother.

04-09-2018, 07:56 PM
From an old, retired, Tin Can Sailor to a Bubble head. Looks like you found the right place.:salute:

04-15-2018, 09:30 AM
^^ Cool little buggers, I love small doggies!! I have a Chihuahua now, and my Pug passed recently, or a few years ago but still feels recently. :(
I think I like / trust dogs more than humans.
Losing the good pups is really tough!

From an old, retired, Tin Can Sailor to a Bubble head. Looks like you found the right place.:salute:
It's hard to believe I left that life a decade ago. Feels more like a few years.
I reckon time flies, when you're no longer being tortured. :salute:

04-15-2018, 09:32 AM
I think I like / trust dogs more than humans.
Losing the good pups is really tough!

For me, I KNOW I like and trust dogs and cats more than humans!! And yeah, losing them is heartbreaking in so many ways. :(

Polite Russian
04-15-2018, 09:33 AM
I just registered, a bit ago.
I'm here to see what this is all about. :coffee:

I am a fifty-something year old off-white dude, that has been retired from Uncle Sam's Navy for a decade. I was a frigate and submarine sailor. :saluting2:
I am conservative. I no longer align myself with any party, because I believe that none are concerned with the American people.
I believe every citizen has a God given right to their personal protection. I believe every citizen should have the freedom to Constitutional Carry, throughout the nation. I believe there should be no such thing as "prohibited person". If one cannot be trusted, in public, with a firearm, one should not be allowed in public. Of coarse, this means that we would have to revisit the criteria for this.
I believe that the career politician has helped ruin this country. The Founding Fathers did not intend for political service to become a life long career. I believe the idea was to come out of your shop or off of your farm and do your very best for the nation, for a few years and then return to your regular life.
I believe that politicians disregard for whom they work and are SUPPOSED to be serving.
I believe there should be term limits. Two terms at most and probably not even consecutive. I believe there should be no pensions for politicians, no insider trading, no lobbyists and no laws, acts or regulations that do not pertain to any politician that is laid upon the citizenry.

The wife and I have 2 adult children and 3 small pups, with which we run agility and very much enjoy their company, around the house.
I am into dogs, cars and rooting my smartphones.

Hoefully, I can add an avatar and signature, soon. :bye1:

Hellow from russian airborne recon dude :)

04-15-2018, 09:49 AM
Hellow from russian airborne recon dude :)

I also wanted to add, it's been a pleasure having you as a member here as well, Polite Russian. And you are Polite!!!

I just explained to someone else, that folks will reply and treat others, just how they are treated. Some liberal members come here and start instantly generalizing and name calling and other stupid things, and then whine and bitch when they are treated rudely by some members.

I admittedly don't agree with everything in Russia, and admittedly don't agree with you on some things - but it's nice to discuss things with you, as it's obvious you put in some time to your replies, and you are respectful to others. That's much appreciated!! :thumb:

Polite Russian
04-15-2018, 09:56 AM
I also wanted to add, it's been a pleasure having you as a member here as well, Polite Russian. And you are Polite!!!

I just explained to someone else, that folks will reply and treat others, just how they are treated. Some liberal members come here and start instantly generalizing and name calling and other stupid things, and then whine and bitch when they are treated rudely by some members.

I admittedly don't agree with everything in Russia, and admittedly don't agree with you on some things - but it's nice to discuss things with you, as it's obvious you put in some time to your replies, and you are respectful to others. That's much appreciated!! :thumb:

Thank you, I appreciate that.
It is okay, that we can't agree at everything, because we see things from different perspectives. But we must be able to discuss it. Calm and intelligent :)
That ability to discuss our conflicts must be our difference to histerical liberals and other leftists.

04-16-2018, 11:22 AM
I've asked this on the chat feed, but that seems to be inactive.
While I've got y'all talking to me, is there an app for this forum? I thought I saw something about this, during the registration process, but cannot find any info.
In fact, it's difficult for Google to produce any results about this forum, due to its name. Well done! Was that by design?
I am continually logged off, in a browser be on the Tapatalk app. Is that by design?

04-16-2018, 11:47 AM
I've asked this on the chat feed, but that seems to be inactive.
While I've got y'all talking to me, is there an app for this forum? I thought I saw something about this, during the registration process, but cannot find any info.
In fact, it's difficult for Google to produce any results about this forum, due to its name. Well done! Was that by design?
I am continually logged off, in a browser be on the Tapatalk app. Is that by design?

I believe things should work fine with either Tapatalk or some prefer Forum Runner. I know Tapatalk works, but I don't use it to post really, just read when away from home. I have no control over any of the settings of their app. :(

I certainly didn't design that, that's a fatal flaw - using "debate" and "policy", which are way too competitive to bring to the top of the results. Yes, I suck. :(


04-16-2018, 05:55 PM
I believe things should work fine with either Tapatalk or some prefer Forum Runner. I know Tapatalk works, but I don't use it to post really, just read when away from home. I have no control over any of the settings of their app. :(

I certainly didn't design that, that's a fatal flaw - using "debate" and "policy", which are way too competitive to bring to the top of the results. Yes, I suck. :(

I'll checkout Forum Runner. (ETA, looks like Forum Runner is for iPhone, only)
I really did think it was clever, choosing the name of the forum, in order to keep it off of the search engine radar. That's why I thought it was by design. Definitely meant as a compliment, not criticism.
What about my being logged out, every time I come back, using the Chrome browser?

04-16-2018, 05:58 PM
I'll checkout Forum Runner.
I really did think it was clever, choosing the name of the forum, in order to keep it off of the search engine radar. That's why I thought it was by design. Definitely meant as a compliment, not criticism.
What about my being logged out, every time I come back, using the Chrome browser?

I don't have that issue using chrome. The board should automatically log someone out after 30 minutes of inactivity. But if you check-off the "remember me" option when logging in, then you should be fine. I'm honestly unsure if you do just that and still get logged out.

Running any other type of software that may kill your cookies or prevent your machine from remembering your session?

04-16-2018, 06:11 PM
I've asked this on the chat feed, but that seems to be inactive.
While I've got y'all talking to me, is there an app for this forum? I thought I saw something about this, during the registration process, but cannot find any info.
In fact, it's difficult for Google to produce any results about this forum, due to its name. Well done! Was that by design?
I am continually logged off, in a browser be on the Tapatalk app. Is that by design?

You don't need an app to get back here. When you are on the INTRO page, where you log in. Just RIGHT CLICK your mouse, a menu should come up that says something like "CREATE A LINK to this page" or "SAVE AS". Save it to your Desktop Screen. Then, every time you want to come back. JUST CLICK ON THE LINK on your screen. It should work. If not. Ask GOOGLE how to create a LINK to a page.
They have instructions for everything. Good luck.

05-12-2018, 11:27 AM
This is to what I was referring.
This popped up, while accessing this forum, from Chrome browser on my phone. Selecting OK leads to the Play Store, with nothing found. 11405

05-12-2018, 11:41 AM
This is to what I was referring.
This popped up, while accessing this forum, from Chrome browser on my phone. Selecting OK leads to the Play Store, with nothing found. 11405

Dang, forgot about that, that's for "Forum Runner" free software - which I just checked and apparently doesn't exist anymore.

Uninstalled - no one should be prompted for that one again. :(

05-21-2018, 07:01 PM
. . . I hope to learn from you.

I am a former vet, successful businessman, baseball lover, and family man with a wonderful wife, a citizen who loves our Constitution and our civil liberties.

05-21-2018, 07:21 PM
. . . I hope to learn from you.
I am a former vet, successful businessman, baseball lover, and family man with a wonderful wife, a citizen who loves our Constitution and our civil liberties.


"...who loves our Constitution and our civil liberties."
there's plenty of room for some like that here.
all the best sir

05-21-2018, 07:42 PM
. . . I hope to learn from you.

I am a former vet, successful businessman, baseball lover, and family man with a wonderful wife, a citizen who loves our Constitution and our civil liberties.Small world.


05-21-2018, 08:50 PM
. . . I hope to learn from you.

I am a former vet, successful businessman, baseball lover, and family man with a wonderful wife, a citizen who loves our Constitution and our civil liberties.

You might recognize one or two folks here...

05-22-2018, 03:52 AM
. . . I hope to learn from you.

I am a former vet, successful businessman, baseball lover, and family man with a wonderful wife, a citizen who loves our Constitution and our civil liberties.

so you are not a vet anymore?

05-22-2018, 06:51 AM
Welcome, Jake!

Abbey Marie
05-22-2018, 10:05 AM
Welcome Jake

05-22-2018, 09:36 PM
From one Veteran to another. Once a VET, you're always a Vet. Stay Proud. We need You here.

aboutime....Navy Retired 1964-1995. If you wore the uniform...You Are!:salute::salute::salute:

06-03-2018, 07:07 PM
Hello, all.....hope you have been well!

06-03-2018, 08:01 PM
Hello, all.....hope you have been well!

Do you know some here? Welcome.

06-19-2018, 06:28 AM
Old farm boy from the midwest. Checked out some of the threads
and thought they looked interesting. I look forward to reading them
and maybe even commenting...Everyone have a great day...Red1

06-19-2018, 06:43 AM
Old farm boy from the midwest. Checked out some of the threads
and thought they looked interesting. I look forward to reading them
and maybe even commenting...Everyone have a great day...Red1

Welcome, Red. Jump right in!

06-19-2018, 07:46 AM
|01101000|01100101|01101100|01101100|01101111|0010 0000|01100001|01101110|01100100|00100000|01110111| 01100101|01101100|01100011|01101111|01101101|01100 101|00100000|01110100|01101111|00100000|01110100|0 1101000|01100101|00100000|01100110|01101111|011100 10|01110101|01101101|01110011|00001101

06-26-2018, 04:53 AM
Hey, Everyone, I'm a newbie here please guide for more knowledge. :thumb:

06-26-2018, 05:35 AM
Hey, Everyone, I'm a newbie here please guide for more knowledge. :thumb:

If you are here to discuss, debate and chat - welcome. I removed the links to your advertisements in your signature, however.

06-26-2018, 07:33 AM
If you are here to discuss, debate and chat - welcome. I removed the links to your advertisements in your signature, however.

Good call of course, he ain't here to discuss. Sure, owner of a political firm & also happens to sell free webhosting too! :laugh:

06-29-2018, 05:13 PM
Hey, Everyone, I'm a newbie here please guide for more knowledge. :thumb:

Looking forward to the prospect of discussions with you ... which is, after all, why this forum exists. You offer opinions / perspectives / beliefs ... in the knowledge that, when you do, the outcome should be to discuss them.

Welcome !

06-29-2018, 05:44 PM
If you are here to discuss, debate and chat - welcome. I removed the links to your advertisements in your signature, however.

amanwaa or whatever the name thought it cute to come back and edit his links back into his signature again. Since he demands those links in his signature, I'm allowing him to keep the links. But now he can't edit them a 3rd time, and I may have had some input on helping him with his links a 3rd time myself. :) :thumb:

06-29-2018, 06:54 PM
Good call of course, he ain't here to discuss. Sure, owner of a political firm & also happens to sell free webhosting too! :laugh:

Sells "free" webhosting, huh? :)

amanwaa or whatever the name thought it cute to come back and edit his links back into his signature again. Since he demands those links in his signature, I'm allowing him to keep the links. But now he can't edit them a 3rd time, and I may have had some input on helping him with his links a 3rd time myself. :) :thumb:

Always running off the noobs :slap:

06-29-2018, 09:19 PM
amanwaa or whatever the name thought it cute to come back and edit his links back into his signature again. Since he demands those links in his signature, I'm allowing him to keep the links. But now he can't edit them a 3rd time, and I may have had some input on helping him with his links a 3rd time myself. :) :thumb:
------------------------------------ http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/horror/best-devil-smiley-emoticon.gif (http://www.sherv.net/)

06-30-2018, 03:47 PM
They tell you you'll have an instant WEB PAGE for whatever you want. They make the page (Like I do as well), and they give the address to you on THEIR SERVERS. The TRICK is...in order to get the FREE WEB PAGE published...(they don't tell you at first)...FOR a monthly charge. They will put your FREE Page on their Servers, and then...you end up paying for SEARCH ENGINE SUBMISSIONS or NOBODY EVER SEE'S YOUR FREE PAGE.

Isn't that Special?

By the way. I have my own source for my webpage, and I pay for it annually. NOTHING IS FREE.

10-25-2019, 05:28 PM
Hello everyone. I just joined this forum today and I'm looking forward to some interesting debates and meeting some nice people.

10-25-2019, 05:35 PM
Welcome, Jenna :) :)

We talk political stuff in the upper half of the board, and then from the forum "Lounge" on down is all the fund and friendly stuff. Join right in. I'd say no one bites, but a few do I think. They just can't get you through the internet. :thumb:

10-25-2019, 06:02 PM
Welcome, Jenna, from a Conservative Brit.

Hope you enjoy your time here. I look forward to your contributions here with interest.

10-27-2019, 05:09 AM

10-27-2019, 08:47 AM
Welcome, Jenna.
Few here bite, but some do gnaw a little. ☺

10-27-2019, 03:30 PM
This is odd for me since I rarely welcome new members here. Hope you find all of us on the interesting side. Some,like me are the old fashioned, set in my ways, kind of old Sailor. We love to observe the 1st amendment here. So...have a ball. And welcome again.

10-28-2019, 02:51 PM
Welcome to the Jungle. Hope to see you posting.

By the way, be ware of a poster named Gunny. He's a pervert. :laugh2:

10-29-2019, 04:29 PM

Hot Dogger
12-15-2019, 02:14 AM
I named myself Hot Dogger because I was watching skiing when I registered and they're hot dogs, I also eat hot dogs sometimes. I was in the army six years and am service disabled. I registered here because MilCom forums are gone and I was looking for a place to report a case of what may or not be stolen valor, maybe a guy who's begging on the interweb is pretending to be a homeless vet or maybe he's actually a homeless vet, I may post about that later. I don't really care about politics, because no matter who's in charge I'll make a lot of money, just as long as we have Wall Street and investment opportunities as a free people. Hi it's nice to be here.

Abbey Marie
12-15-2019, 10:27 AM
I named myself Hot Dogger because I was watching skiing when I registered and they're hot dogs, I also eat hot dogs sometimes. I was in the army six years and am service disabled. I registered here because MilCom forums are gone and I was looking for a place to report a case of what may or not be stolen valor, maybe a guy who's begging on the interweb is pretending to be a homeless vet or maybe he's actually a homeless vet, I may post about that later. I don't really care about politics, because no matter who's in charge I'll make a lot of money, just as long as we have Wall Street and investment opportunities as a free people. Hi it's nice to be here.

Welcome! I hope you find a home with us. Is that you in the photo?

12-15-2019, 11:00 AM
I named myself Hot Dogger because I was watching skiing when I registered and they're hot dogs, I also eat hot dogs sometimes. I was in the army six years and am service disabled. I registered here because MilCom forums are gone and I was looking for a place to report a case of what may or not be stolen valor, maybe a guy who's begging on the interweb is pretending to be a homeless vet or maybe he's actually a homeless vet, I may post about that later. I don't really care about politics, because no matter who's in charge I'll make a lot of money, just as long as we have Wall Street and investment opportunities as a free people. Hi it's nice to be here.

So you were on the ski lift back to the top of the mountain, staying warm with some brandy, and decided to register here while doing so? Awesome!

Welcome to DP :)

Hot Dogger
12-15-2019, 12:00 PM
Welcome! I hope you find a home with us. Is that you in the photo?

Yes, I'm the one with the fingers. :cool:

Hot Dogger
12-15-2019, 12:12 PM
So you were on the ski lift back to the top of the mountain, staying warm with some brandy, and decided to register here while doing so? Awesome!

Welcome to DP :)

He he, I was watching YouTube drinking hot tea. Nice to be here, thanks.


12-15-2019, 06:12 PM
From an old Sailor, retired 1964-95. Welcome aboard. As for Gunny. A simple SEMPER FI is all he needs.

12-15-2019, 06:38 PM
I named myself Hot Dogger because I was watching skiing when I registered and they're hot dogs, I also eat hot dogs sometimes. I was in the army six years and am service disabled. I registered here because MilCom forums are gone and I was looking for a place to report a case of what may or not be stolen valor, maybe a guy who's begging on the interweb is pretending to be a homeless vet or maybe he's actually a homeless vet, I may post about that later. I don't really care about politics, because no matter who's in charge I'll make a lot of money, just as long as we have Wall Street and investment opportunities as a free people. Hi it's nice to be here.
Well welcome ya Army sons a bitch (cordially)... my son was in the Army... so have Jimmy give you an Army moniker addon for your avatar.

I'm a service connected disabled vet too.

That guitar in your avatar looks like a Gibson Les Paul with Humbucker pick ups. That's an awesome guitar... do you play?

I had a Fender, American made, Custom, Stratocaster and give it to my son. I kept my American made Fender Telecaster. I can't get rid of that one. I love it. I don't play a lot but, I can pick a tune or two. Got a little Marshall double stack.

03-15-2020, 01:43 AM
High Plains told me a bunch of good people are on this forum suggested i join ,
Hope it's not a porn site ,, you know how he is .

careful with this Virus boys n girls
graphic test

03-15-2020, 01:46 AM
You'll have to excuse my bro here... he has a very unique sense of humor... :laugh:

Good guy though, another old bachelor like me.

03-15-2020, 02:57 AM
We're not old , just a grain of sand in time

03-15-2020, 03:22 AM
We're not old , just a grain of sand in time

What's in the box?

03-15-2020, 03:44 AM
Some call it Art some disagree . i just call it chop jobs that i do

03-15-2020, 03:54 AM
Some call it Art some disagree . i just call it chop jobs that i do

Welcome to the board!

...but seriously, what's in the box??

03-15-2020, 04:32 AM
Welcome to the board!

...but seriously, what's in the box??
Looks like a sand dune, an hour glass and some solar panels.

He does art like that. It's pretty interesting. I think it's meant to be aethereal.

03-15-2020, 04:41 AM
sand dune hour glass foot prints "sands of time"
guess it should be larger ,
not the first time i confused someone lol
how about a Bigfoot instead ,
he must not of ever seen a Alien


03-15-2020, 07:34 AM
High Plains told me a bunch of good people are on this forum suggested i join ,
Hope it's not a porn site ,, you know how he is .

careful with this Virus boys n girls
graphic test

As long-in-the-tooth a senile old git that I am, even I can confidently advise that this is not a porn site.

Regardless ...welcome !! Hope you enjoy your time here.

03-15-2020, 09:42 AM
Welcome aboard se7en, sounds like you'll fit right in.

03-15-2020, 11:48 AM
High Plains told me a bunch of good people are on this forum suggested i join ,
Hope it's not a porn site ,, you know how he is .

careful with this Virus boys n girls

Welcome Se7en!!

We have a bunch of fine folks here, minus your friend Tom of course, he's a little out there in left field at times but we have learned to accept him anyway. :) I kid, I kid. :) :)

A lot of virus talk in here now, but we're normally a bunch of middle aged friends and good people discussing politics and latest crap going on around the nation. Smaller board, but still fun! I hope you stick around with us!

03-15-2020, 08:01 PM
sand dune hour glass foot prints "sands of time"
guess it should be larger ,
not the first time i confused someone lol

No, I was quoting Brad Pitt in the movie 'Se7en'... Morgan Freeman definitely did not want to tell Brad Pitt what Kevin Spacey put in the box.

You guys never saw Se7en? Was actually a pretty good movie, it was Brad Pitt's breakout movie.

03-15-2020, 09:55 PM
No, I was quoting Brad Pitt in the movie 'Se7en'... Morgan Freeman definitely did not want to tell Brad Pitt what Kevin Spacey put in the box.

You guys never saw Se7en? Was actually a pretty good movie, it was Brad Pitt's breakout movie.

Se7en was a big role for Pitt, but I would say Legends of the Fall or Interview with the Vampire are closer to Pitt's breakout roles. I remember the buzz about him from Thelma and Louise and then Kalifornia as well...

03-15-2020, 10:18 PM
Guess i don't watch TV , i don't even have one , for over 10 years ,
I used to do Graphics on Free Republic before O got in when i shut down My political graphics ,
Started out just doing Photo enhancements as trail camera photo were turning out bad ,
and i used a filter that i didn't know what it did and it launched a graphic interest ,
but Photography is another one i dabble in ,


03-15-2020, 10:29 PM
Se7en was a big role for Pitt, but I would say Legends of the Fall or Interview with the Vampire are closer to Pitt's breakout roles. I remember the buzz about him from Thelma and Louise and then Kalifornia as well...

Legends of the Fall was a great movie, too.

It's been many years, but Se7en showcased Pitt's range... the 'What's in the box?' scene was some pretty tremendous acting. Freeman and Spacey are great, too, but Pitt really stole the show IMO.

03-16-2020, 02:01 AM
Legends of the Fall was a great movie, too.

It's been many years, but Se7en showcased Pitt's range... the 'What's in the box?' scene was some pretty tremendous acting. Freeman and Spacey are great, too, but Pitt really stole the show IMO.

Twelve Monkeys showed he could play psycho as well as hero.

There are actors who are known for wild, unhinged performances: Jared Leto, Jim Carrey, and Jack Nicholson, just to name a few (whose names all happen to start with “J”). But Brad Pitt (https://ew.com/tag/brad-pitt/) isn’t one who immediately comes to mind, something director Terry Gilliam (https://ew.com/movies/2019/04/09/terry-gilliam-the-man-who-killed-don-quixote/) knew when he cast Pitt in 1995’s 12 Monkeys… in a role requiring just such a performance.
“I cast Bruce [Willis] and Brad completely opposite of what they normally did,” Gilliam recalls in the latest episode of PeopleTV’s Couch Surfing. “Bruce was always a motormouth…and Brad was always very laconic.”
But Pitt, according to Gilliam, “worked his ass off,” and arrived on set ready to be wild and unhinged. “This was his first day of filming,” Gilliam says, indicating the clip of Pitt going absolutely bonkers, running, jumping, and being very motormouthed indeed. “He just exploded on the set.” (Something must have stuck: though Pitt still isn’t known for craziness, he’s taken on other “motormouth” roles since, including in Inglourious Basterds and Guy Ritchie’s Snatch (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7QBS0O7gT0).)

03-16-2020, 10:01 AM
I thought it was the Interview with a vampire, but even then I wasn't a fan and saw him as a star until 12 monkeys. And I loved that flick!

03-16-2020, 10:28 AM
Hmmm... I see I'm lacking in Pitt movie viewing. I've seen Legends Of The Fall, Inglourious Basterds and Fury, that's about it. They were entertaining but that about it. Nothing stood out to me as excellent. I thought Legends Of The Fall was about one of the most depressing movies I'd ever seen in my life. Absolutely whatever could go wrong, does go wrong, for that family, to the point where, at the time, I thought was ridiculous.

03-16-2020, 10:36 AM
Yeah, 12 Monkeys was some great acting as well.

Snatch is one of my all time favorite movies. Pitt does a damn fine job playing the Gypsy bare-knuckle champion - even though you almost can't understand a thing he says with the accent. That was done deliberately after complaints about Guy Richey's previous movie "Lock, Stock and 2 Smoking Barrels". That was a good movie, but as an American I was only catching 1 out of 3 words with the heavy Brit accent and slang, combined with the rapid fire dialogue.

11-17-2020, 01:10 AM
Hey my name is Alex John am married to my partner who is my full time carer i live in Edinburgh Scotland , am disabled due to mental health reasons
Unusre if i was a member here before my mental health and medication can make me forgetful i hope its ok to rejoin i also have a cat called Ninja and i love music , games and politics

11-17-2020, 12:17 PM
Hey my name is Alex John am married to my partner who is my full time carer i live in Edinburgh Scotland , am disabled due to mental health reasons
Unusre if i was a member here before my mental health and medication can make me forgetful i hope its ok to rejoin i also have a cat called Ninja and i love music , games and politics

Welcome, Alex!

How's things in Scotland? Ever been here to the states?

Cats rule! Got one too named Nero. Glad to have ya here! :)

11-17-2020, 12:39 PM
Welcome, Alex!

How's things in Scotland? Ever been here to the states?

Cats rule! Got one too named Nero. Glad to have ya here! :)
its very windy and cold in Scotland , av never been out of the uk but id love to go to the states just have to get me on a plane never been on a plane either

i love cats well i love all animals am vegan and i hate cruelty to animals
where in the states are you from ?

11-17-2020, 12:46 PM
its very windy and cold in Scotland , av never been out of the uk but id love to go to the states just have to get me on a plane never been on a plane either

i love cats well i love all animals am vegan and i hate cruelty to animals
where in the states are you from ?

All I know of Scotland is some gold courses I watch on the tours! :laugh: I do know it is one beautiful looking place though!!

Planes aren't bad. After the first time the rest are easy. And trust me, I have anxiety issues, but flying doesn't bother me. But the length of the flight may!!

I'm in New York myself. Also a huge animal lover! Am not a vegan though, admittedly still love meat!! Just not a hunter or anything like that.

Anyway, go enjoy the rest of the board! :thumb:

Abbey Marie
11-17-2020, 05:57 PM
Hey my name is Alex John am married to my partner who is my full time carer i live in Edinburgh Scotland , am disabled due to mental health reasons
Unusre if i was a member here before my mental health and medication can make me forgetful i hope its ok to rejoin i also have a cat called Ninja and i love music , games and politics

Welcome Alex! Glad you joined.

I too am an animal lover. Please hang around and get to know us, and we, you.

11-17-2020, 07:44 PM
Welcome to the board, Alex!

08-25-2021, 06:29 PM
NOW who can I bother? More to the point, is anyone still here?

08-25-2021, 07:00 PM
NOW who can I bother? More to the point, is anyone still here?They saw you coming :halo9:

08-25-2021, 07:04 PM
They saw you coming :halo9:

Hah. Why doesn't my profile pic show?

08-25-2021, 07:11 PM
Hah. Why doesn't my profile pic show?I don't know. Why doesn't it?

08-25-2021, 07:12 PM
I don't know. Why doesn't it?


08-25-2021, 07:15 PM
:(Yes, dear. I will find out whatever it is I can't do to help :)

08-25-2021, 07:16 PM
Yes, dear. I will find out whatever it is I can't do to help :)


08-25-2021, 07:19 PM
Says you don't have an avatar. I don't see a reason why not.

08-25-2021, 07:40 PM
Says you don't have an avatar. I don't see a reason why not.

Shows my mug on my end. Pfft.

08-25-2021, 07:46 PM
Shows my mug on my end. Pfft.I'll get Jim or Abbey to look at it.

08-25-2021, 08:05 PM
NOW who can I bother? More to the point, is anyone still here?

​Many are here...and here to help.

08-26-2021, 09:16 AM
Hoping that other non Americans might emerge in order to raise the tone and depth of general discussion .

With the collapse of north America imminent , I fear we might see an even greater influx of ex US military, none of whom have ever had the pleasure of being on the winning side .

But as ever , we British will help out those who need greater help . Certainly for emotional care and kindness as there is little you can do to change basic IQ . :cool:

08-26-2021, 09:28 AM
Hoping that other non Americans might emerge in order to raise the tone and depth of general discussion .

With the collapse of north America imminent , I fear we might see an even greater influx of ex US military, none of whom have ever had the pleasure of being on the winning side .

But as ever , we British will help out those who need greater help . Certainly for emotional care and kindness as there is little you can do to change basic IQ . :cool:

You'd better hope and pray that we continue to stick around, or you can kiss your arrogant ass goodbye the next time you get yourselves embroiled in another war that you can't win. Not that long ago we saved you from yourselves twice against countries much less powerful than either Russia or China.

And lets not forget the hordes of jihadist muslims that you've invited into your country - and one is the mayor of London. You'll be lucky to survive that foe from within.

As far as basic IQs go, I'd be happy to compare lists of accomplishments from both countries. It's a good measure of respective IQ of the general public, wouldn't you agree?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-26-2021, 10:01 AM
You'd better hope and pray that we continue to stick around, or you can kiss your arrogant ass goodbye the next time you get yourselves embroiled in another war that you can't win. Not that long ago we saved you from yourselves twice against countries much less powerful than either Russia or China.

And lets not forget the hordes of jihadist muslims that you've invited into your country - and one is the mayor of London. You'll be lucky to survive that foe from within.

As far as basic IQs go, I'd be happy to compare lists of accomplishments from both countries. It's a good measure of respective IQ of the general public, wouldn't you agree?

If this nation goes-- the entire world descends into war and chaos..
That is not mere supposition, that is future reality ....
And sadly if we are--diminished enough-- in power and stature--same thing will occur...
Tis exactly why the dems/leftists are operating as they do.
They both want that outcome as both plan on being the-- new overlords.. Fact not fiction...--Tyr

Abbey Marie
08-26-2021, 11:00 AM
Hoping that other non Americans might emerge in order to raise the tone and depth of general discussion .

With the collapse of north America imminent , I fear we might see an even greater influx of ex US military, none of whom have ever had the pleasure of being on the winning side .

But as ever , we British will help out those who need greater help . Certainly for emotional care and kindness as there is little you can do to change basic IQ . :cool:


I get it now. You’re an aspiring comedian.

08-26-2021, 01:48 PM

I get it now. You’re an aspiring comedian.

Ahem, that's comedienne. ;)

08-26-2021, 01:52 PM
Ahem, that's comedienne. ;)Sexist. They don't call them that anymore.

Abbey Marie
08-26-2021, 01:56 PM
Ahem, that's comedienne. ;)

You’re right, we need a gender-neutral term. How’s “JokerX”?

08-26-2021, 01:57 PM
Sexist. They don't call them that anymore.

:eek: I've been funny person cancelled. :(

08-26-2021, 02:01 PM
:eek: I've been funny person cancelled. :(Just "term corrected". :)

08-26-2021, 05:34 PM
Yes, dear. I will find out whatever it is I can't do to help :)

Huh. Seems sometimes you're still good for something in your rather ...advanced years. :D

08-26-2021, 05:37 PM
Huh. Seems sometimes you're still good for something in your rather ...advanced years. :DSpeaking of "advanced years" since you chose to bring it up, when you put your photo in your profile, it doesn't show up as an avatar. Just sayin':whistling2:

08-26-2021, 05:48 PM
Speaking of "advanced years" since you chose to bring it up, when you put your photo in your profile, it doesn't show up as an avatar. Just sayin':whistling2:

Oh. That must just be on those new-fangled updated boards from the most recent decade. :cool:

08-26-2021, 05:55 PM
Oh. That must just be on those new-fangled updated boards from the most recent decade. :cool:Only the best for you :)

08-26-2021, 06:48 PM
Ahem, that's comedienne. ;)

Might that be Himedian, Shemedian or Itmedian. :laugh::laugh::laugh:

10-24-2022, 04:23 PM
Hello! Just joined today and am excited to engage on this site.

10-24-2022, 07:08 PM
Hello! Just joined today and am excited to engage on this site.Just don't break anything :)

10-24-2022, 08:38 PM
Jump right in! The water is fine and the conversation is always fantastic!! Oh, and don't break anything, Gunny gets a little grumpy if you break stuff! LOL

Hello! Just joined today and am excited to engage on this site.

09-30-2023, 06:26 PM
Thanks for letting me join. I am shocked that you did so.

09-30-2023, 08:08 PM
Thanks for letting me join. I am shocked that you did so.

The spamming portion discussion of your response is in my reply and carried over to here, wasn't deleted and nothing wrong. We try to keep this to intros and less forum discussions. So there's now a discussion about what you said:
