View Full Version : Hitting Bottom

09-02-2019, 09:38 PM
If the Captain survived he may as well not have. He's going to be crucified. Rightly so based on the above.
You leave your ship before the passengers and you can just hang it up.

Too early to judge Gunny. If it was an immediate explosion, what options do a crew have?
Conception was one of the first boats to respond to the Alaska Flight 261
that augured nose first off Anacapa Island. That was my case and the response was tremendous.
Charter vessels like Conception as well as Squid fishing boats I posted around the wreck site.
I posted the Squid boats to illuminate the search area for helicopters and surface assets.

87 people dead was not a casual thing for me.

I do not need to be doubted for my experience.
As I will never question yours.

09-02-2019, 10:20 PM
Too early to judge Gunny. If it was an immediate explosion, what options do a crew have?
Conception was one of the first boats to respond to the Alaska Flight 261
that augured nose first off Anacapa Island. That was my case and the response was tremendous.
Charter vessels like Conception as well as Squid fishing boats I posted around the wreck site.
I posted the Squid boats to illuminate the search area for helicopters and surface assets.

87 people dead was not a casual thing for me.

I do not need to be doubted for my experience.
As I will never question yours.

This makes sense. I heard on the news that there will be many questions, they are looking at the call made for Mayday, presumably by the captain. There was some question about a door to where the people were, whether it was 'locked' or 'blocked.' If something exploded, it may have caused the door to be blocked, not locked. The fire was out of control.

09-03-2019, 08:27 PM
Too early to judge Gunny. If it was an immediate explosion, what options do a crew have?
Conception was one of the first boats to respond to the Alaska Flight 261
that augured nose first off Anacapa Island. That was my case and the response was tremendous.
Charter vessels like Conception as well as Squid fishing boats I posted around the wreck site.
I posted the Squid boats to illuminate the search area for helicopters and surface assets.

87 people dead was not a casual thing for me.

I do not need to be doubted for my experience.
As I will never question yours.

If the Captain survived he may as well not have. He's going to be crucified. Rightly so based on the above. You leave your ship before the passengers and you can just hang it up.

Above is a copy of my comment verbatim. My CONJECTURE is prefaced with "IF"; which, indicates that what follows is CONJECTURE. Said conjecture is in response to the article at the link provided in the OP.

Nowhere in my comment does it say "elessar". The reply itself is to the THREAD, not "elessar".

So where the fuck do you get off stating I am "doubting your service?" You pull that out of your ass, or what?

The thin skin around here is getting O-L-D.

09-03-2019, 08:38 PM
Above is a copy of my comment verbatim. My CONJECTURE is prefaced with "IF"; which, indicates that what follows is CONJECTURE. Said conjecture is in response to the article at the link provided in the OP.

Nowhere in my comment does it say "elessar". The reply itself is to the THREAD, not "elessar".

So where the fuck do you get off stating I am "doubting your service?" You pull that out of your ass, or what?

The thin skin around here is getting O-L-D.

Back off. I do not have thin skin and you know it. I said experience, never mentioned SERVICE.

I was keeping the story in context, refusing to blame or speculate!

09-03-2019, 09:14 PM
Back off. I do not have thin skin and you know it.

I was keeping the story in context, refusing to blame or speculate!I don't back down for jack shit. What you did was point a finger at ME and I'm shoving it back down your throat. They're YOUR words, not mine. Enjoy them.

You want to stir up some shit you'd be advised to find someone else.

09-03-2019, 09:37 PM
I don't back down for jack shit. What you did was point a finger at ME and I'm shoving it back down your throat. They're YOUR words, not mine. Enjoy them.

You want to stir up some shit you'd be advised to find someone else.

Right. No attempt by me was meant to cause alarm. I simply stated that I am experienced
You do not rule the roost, nor do I.

Done with it as far as I am concerned, but do expect a needless blistering come back.

Drop it.

09-03-2019, 10:03 PM
Right. No attempt by me was meant to cause alarm. I simply stated that I am experienced
You do not rule the roost, nor do I.

Done with it as far as I am concerned, but do expect a needless blistering come back.

Drop it.Here's your problem, jack, Telling me what to do. Fuck off. I'll drop it if I see fit. Fact is, I'd want to drop it if I was you because I called you out on bullshit comments. Your response TO ME was to nothing I said. Guess you should have chosen more wisely.

09-03-2019, 11:51 PM
Here's your problem, jack, Telling me what to do. Fuck off. I'll drop it if I see fit. Fact is, I'd want to drop it if I was you because I called you out on bullshit comments. Your response TO ME was to nothing I said. Guess you should have chosen more wisely.

You should have taken it professionally and not personally. I did not question your service, idiot.
Only with your experience as opposed with the topic at hand.

I would not think of questioning your service...not my realm. Do you think you are bullet-proof?

Back down, shake hands, move forward, Gunny

09-04-2019, 12:00 AM
I respect you too much to banter words with you.

I am not impressed by written shit, especially when all I said was to relax and
not come to conclusions and rumor in absence of fact.

Enjoy the cage. I am done with this topic until I see the results of the investigation

09-04-2019, 09:49 AM
Back down, shake hands, move forward, Gunny

Please - you are BOTH way way better than this. Shit happens and words get said, happens between brothers too, no biggie. Laugh and move forward today, no need for 2 good folks to get into it as such, as it never leads to anything good.

Both very fine folks, let's leave it at that. If you truly need to - come back into this thread and make fun of me. Much more fun, likely more valid & I'll just feel better not seeing you 2 fight.

09-04-2019, 10:09 AM
You should have taken it professionally and not personally. I did not question your service, idiot.
Only with your experience as opposed with the topic at hand.

I would not think of questioning your service...not my realm. Do you think you are bullet-proof?

Back down, shake hands, move forward, GunnySTILL haven't figured it out? I didn't say you questioned my service. YOU stated I questioned yours. In your response. Right up there. Broke it down for you. Not sure what's not clicking.

Now, I got a toddler potty training and don't have time for this bullshit. You want to dance in circles find a country bar.

09-04-2019, 11:01 AM
This makes sense. I heard on the news that there will be many questions, they are looking at the call made for Mayday, presumably by the captain. There was some question about a door to where the people were, whether it was 'locked' or 'blocked.' If something exploded, it may have caused the door to be blocked, not locked. The fire was out of control.

It's not been confirmed that there was no door leading to the downstairs, just a curtain . That doesn't mean something , presumably the fire, hadn't blocked the exit, but we do now know that there was no door so there is no question of whether it was locked or unlocked.

09-06-2019, 07:23 PM
It's not been confirmed that there was no door leading to the downstairs, just a curtain . That doesn't mean something , presumably the fire, hadn't blocked the exit, but we do now know that there was no door so there is no question of whether it was locked or unlocked.

I have a couple of theories, based on experience. But I will hold them and let the
investigators do their job. I do not deal with speculation, except in the Command Center for
planning and strategy, when no media are in there.

Speculation in public leads to rumor, which in turns leads to false information. I will have nothing to
do with that.

09-09-2019, 07:57 AM
I have a couple of theories, based on experience. But I will hold them and let the
investigators do their job. I do not deal with speculation, except in the Command Center for
planning and strategy, when no media are in there.

Speculation in public leads to rumor, which in turns leads to false information. I will have nothing to
do with that.

I had a typo in the quote you quoted. I meant to say it has NOW been confirmed. There was no door leading to the cabins below, just a curtain. I typed not but I meant now.

And I see no reason not to share your theories here, after all as you say you have experience that we do not.