View Full Version : HPD you are a real pussy

09-05-2019, 08:26 AM
playing this little pussy game of "Jim I have him on ignore please make him leave me alone" and then randomly taking me off ignore , attacking , and then placing me back on ignore so you can whine to Jim when I respond.

I mean I think putting someone on ignore is a pussy move anyway, but if you're gonna do it, at least honor your word, I'll give Tyr respect for that, he placed me on ignore and I haven't seen him say one negative thing to or about me since then. I can respect that , he just doesn't want to interact with me. And I only bring HIM up here to illustrate a point, he is actually using the ignore feature as it is intended and so I hope Jim will forgive me for bringing his name up even though he has me on ignore since I'm actually paying the guy a compliment lol

But you HPD, you are a giant gaping steaming pile of sandy pussy. You don't even have the personal integrity to keep your word to Jim about something as simple as placing a user on ignore. And yes , this is at least the THIRD time I have caught whiff of you taking me off ignore, slamming me, and then placing me back on ignore before I can respond you giant pussy.

In the off chance that HPD actually DOES have me on ignore, someone please send him a link to this thread. But odds are he doesn't and will see it anyway.

And yeah Jim I know you're gonna hate seeing this here, and you probably will close it, but I think stuff like this belongs in the open. Every single person on this board should know exactly what kind of piece of shit HPD is, he likes to cause Jim grief by demanding protection from other posters who he wishes to be able to attack whenever he wants without repercussions.

09-05-2019, 08:53 AM
closing pending review

09-05-2019, 03:59 PM
He apparently placed you back on ignore - where I'm telling you now, so let's leave this alone and not push. But if he chooses to reply again, or tells me he's un-ignoring you, I will let you know. Or if course if he replies to you, then you're free to reply back.

I don't want to be left wondering either, so I'm not going to hunt it down anymore to find out where things stand. It's CLEAR now and done, unless another action.

And HPD, if you do change your mind, and UN-ignore and reply - let me know - and of course expect replies from Sttab as well.
