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09-09-2019, 02:20 PM
Color me surprised. Not.


‘Someone’s Gotta Tell the Freakin’ Truth’: Jerry Falwell’s Aides Break Their Silence
More than two dozen current and former Liberty University officials describe a culture of fear and self-dealing at the largest Christian college in the world.

By BRANDON AMBROSINO September 09, 2019

At Liberty University, all anyone can talk about is Jerry Falwell Jr. Just not in public.

“When he does stupid stuff, people will mention it to others they consider confidants and not keep it totally secret,” a trusted adviser to Falwell, the school’s president and chancellor, told me. “But they won’t rat him out.”

That’s beginning to change.

Over the past year, Falwell, a prominent evangelical leader and supporter of President Donald Trump, has come under increasing scrutiny. News outlets have reported on business deals by Liberty University benefiting Falwell’s friends. Trump’s former personal attorney Michael Cohen claimed that he had helped Falwell clean up racy “personal” photographs.

Based on scores of new interviews and documents obtained for this article, concerns about Falwell’s behavior go well beyond that—and it’s causing longtime, loyal Liberty University officials to rapidly lose faith in him.

More than two dozen current and former high-ranking Liberty University officials and close associates of Falwell spoke to me or provided documents for this article, opening up—for the first time at an institution so intimately associated with the Falwell family—about what they’ve experienced and why they don’t think he’s the right man to lead Liberty University or serve as a figurehead in the Christian conservative movement.

In interviews over the past eight months, they depicted how Falwell and his wife, Becki, consolidated power at Liberty University and how Falwell presides over a culture of self-dealing, directing university resources into projects and real estate deals in which his friends and family have stood to make personal financial gains. Among the previously unreported revelations are Falwell’s decision to hire his son Trey’s company to manage a shopping center owned by the university, Falwell’s advocacy for loans given by the university to his friends, and Falwell’s awarding university contracts to businesses owned by his friends.

“We’re not a school; we’re a real estate hedge fund,” said a senior university official with inside knowledge of Liberty’s finances. “We’re not educating; we’re buying real estate every year and taking students’ money to do it.”

Liberty employees detailed other instances of Falwell’s behavior that they see as falling short of the standard of conduct they expect from conservative Christian leaders, from partying at nightclubs, to graphically discussing his sex life with employees, to electioneering that makes uneasy even those who fondly remember the heyday of the late Rev. Jerry Falwell Sr., the school’s founder and Falwell Jr.’s father, and his Moral Majority.

In January, the Wall Street Journal reported that in the run-up to Trump’s presidential campaign, Cohen hired John Gauger, a Liberty University employee who runs a private consulting firm, to manipulate online polls in Trump’s favor. Not previously reported is the fact that, according to a half-dozen high-level Liberty University sources, when Gauger traveled to New York to collect payment from Cohen, he was joined by Trey Falwell, a vice president at Liberty. During that trip, Trey posted a now-deleted photo to Instagram of around $12,000 in cash spread on a hotel bed, raising questions about his knowledge of Gauger’s poll-rigging work. Trey did not respond to requests for comment.

Jerry Falwell Jr. responded to more than two dozen written questions, defending his actions and criticizing the reporting of this article. “I fear that the true information I am sharing in good faith will simply not make any difference. And will only result in more questions,” Falwell said. He declined to answer subsequent questions.


I am a graduate of Liberty University, and my time there overlapped the tenures of both Falwell Sr. and his son. Over the course of my years of reporting on the university, the Falwells have granted me considerable access, including sit-down interviews in the offices of both Falwell Jr. and his brother, the Rev. Jonathan Falwell, who leads Thomas Road Baptist Church. I’ve written candidly about my time there as a student, reported about political divisions on campus and revealed that Trey co-owns a gay-friendly hostel in Miami.

Members of the Liberty University community are generally reluctant to go on the record. The school uses nondisclosure agreements to prohibit many university employees or board members from openly discussing what they’ve seen Falwell do. (“All trustees sign a confidentiality agreement that does not expire at the close of Board service,” Liberty’s attorney told board members in an email that was sent earlier this month after the school received inquiries from reporters on some of the issues outlined in this article.) Tenure and its protections are not available to Liberty faculty members outside the law school. If you teach or work at Liberty, you must get approval from Falwell’s office before you speak to the media. Talk to reporters without his approval—or publicly criticize him, even obliquely—and you could lose your job. If you’re a board member and do the same, you could get forced out, even if you have unimpeachable credentials in the Christian conservative movement.


09-09-2019, 02:24 PM
As I said in the thread where you asked for a reason to support Trump. THIS is enough reason . To say "no we do not accept you using the government as a bludgeon to silence those who you disagree with "

This is an example of why I emailed my support to Whoopie Goldberg with whom I disagree on every political issue, but I respect the hell out of her for calling out this type of behavior.

09-09-2019, 02:32 PM
As I said in the thread where you asked for a reason to support Trump. THIS is enough reason . To say "no we do not accept you using the government as a bludgeon to silence those who you disagree with "

This is an example of why I emailed my support to Whoopie Goldberg with whom I disagree on every political issue, but I respect the hell out of her for calling out this type of behavior.

I really don't know what you are speaking of. If it's the mention of Trump in the article, in this case it is relevant.

09-09-2019, 02:48 PM
I really don't know what you are speaking of. If it's the mention of Trump in the article, in this case it is relevant.

I'm talking about the only reason anyone gives one fuck what this school is doing is because they support Trump. If it were a private school that supporters Obama these same reporters wouldn't have cared if they had video evidence of them sacrificing 12 year old girls to appease the Gods!!

09-09-2019, 02:50 PM
I'm talking about the only reason anyone gives one fuck what this school is doing is because they support Trump. If it were a private school that supporters Obama these same reporters wouldn't have cared if they had video evidence of them sacrificing 12 year old girls to appease the Gods!!

The uncovering of corruption is all that is important. If you can't get behind that, then you are part of it.

09-09-2019, 02:57 PM
The uncovering of corruption is all that is important. If you can't get behind that, then you are part of it.

Says the guy who wants nothing to do with investigating the outright criminal behavior of the FBI, the NSA, the CIA and a few other three letter organizations in regards to their attempted coup of Trump that is downright laughable.

See Pete, I tried to warn you , you have zero credibility here because you consistently pick and choose what you are concerned about.

Let me tell you something Muppet. When I was active duty National Guard I worked with the Arkansas Joint Drug Task Force , my specific job was assisting in serving high risk no knock warrants . One time serving a warrant several folks jack rabbited, they got away but left behind some belongings. One of which I recognized as belonging to friend of mine, a lifelong friend up until that point.

His buddies weren't going to flip on him, I could have played dumb and let him get away. I mean I genuinely liked this guy and considered him a friend, but integrity demanded that I turn him in.

You think I give a flying fuck if Jerry Fallwell who I don't know at all gets busted if he broke the law? I don't. What I DO care about is the rule of fucking law in this country and in the USA we don'pt investigate people until we find a crime they may have committed because we don't like them or their political beliefs.

09-09-2019, 03:00 PM
You think I give a flying fuck if Jerry Fallwell who I don't know at all gets busted if he broke the law? I don't. What I DO care about is the rule of fucking law in this country and in the USA we don'pt investigate people until we find a crime they may have committed because we don't like them or their political beliefs.

Me too and if you can prove otherwise, then you have a point.

09-09-2019, 03:02 PM
Me too and if you can prove otherwise, then you have a point.

That is EXACTLY what happened with Trump and his campaign and you didn't give a flying fuck. Proving you don't have an ounce of integrity Pete.

09-09-2019, 03:03 PM
I'm talking about the only reason anyone gives one fuck what this school is doing is because they support Trump. If it were a private school that supporters Obama these same reporters wouldn't have cared if they had video evidence of them sacrificing 12 year old girls to appease the Gods!!
True, except the writer who graduated from there.

09-09-2019, 03:06 PM
I'm talking about the only reason anyone gives one fuck what this school is doing is because they support Trump. If it were a private school that supporters Obama these same reporters wouldn't have cared if they had video evidence of them sacrificing 12 year old girls to appease the Gods!!

That he gave 'approval' to Trump helped the Evangelicals reconcile their votes. Bottom line now though, his being taken down will not change anything other than the board at the school.

09-09-2019, 03:09 PM
That is EXACTLY what happened with Trump and his campaign and you didn't give a flying fuck. Proving you don't have an ounce of integrity Pete.

If so, why hasn't Trump and Barr done anything? I wonder....

Abbey Marie
09-09-2019, 04:20 PM
I'm talking about the only reason anyone gives one fuck what this school is doing is because they support Trump. If it were a private school that supporters Obama these same reporters wouldn't have cared if they had video evidence of them sacrificing 12 year old girls to appease the Gods!!

I agree, but there is a second reason these people are making these statements: A gut-hatred of Evangelicals, and a delight in bringing them down.

Abbey Marie
09-09-2019, 04:21 PM
True, except the writer who graduated from there.

Who knows what axe the writer has to grind with Liberty.

09-09-2019, 04:27 PM
Who knows what axe the writer has to grind with Liberty.

Have to go with his writings over the years and the access he was given.

You have some information that would be pro-Liberty? All good!

09-09-2019, 05:37 PM
Me too and if you can prove otherwise, then you have a point.I'm choking. Where's jimbob? jimnyc? Prove otherwise? How about your every single wannabe "gotcha" moment during the Russian collusion crap wher you kept praying for just a process crime? WHILE not once holding Hitlery to task for her violating the United States Code art's 13 & 15 where classified material is concerned?

Just tuck it back in. You'd have served yourself better not commenting :rolleyes:

09-09-2019, 05:38 PM
If they or anyone doesn't want to be "taken down", don't do stupid, questionable, or illegal shit.

It's really just that simple.

09-09-2019, 05:41 PM
If they or anyone doesn't want to be "taken down", don't do stupid, questionable, or illegal shit.

It's really just that simple.
My take on the article is the Falwell, not the university. Abbey I ‘m pretty sure those talking are pro-Liberty U.

09-09-2019, 05:55 PM
If they or anyone doesn't want to be "taken down", don't do stupid, questionable, or illegal shit.

It's really just that simple.I've had to point that out to myself a time or two over the years :laugh:

09-10-2019, 08:38 AM
I agree, but there is a second reason these people are making these statements: A gut-hatred of Evangelicals, and a delight in bringing them down.I agree. At the same time, I take personal offense at these evangelicals AS INDIVIDUALS for using the world of God to enrich themselves. In that position, I expect them to be as squeaky clean as Trump came out of the Russian witch hunt. They make us ALL look bad and bring unwanted and unneeded heat down on ALL of us. The haters' opinions are based on the actions of the pharisees, not the believers.

Pisses me off.

Abbey Marie
09-10-2019, 08:40 AM
Who knows what axe the writer has to grind with Liberty.

I doubt that is relevant. The point being people have hidden and/or complex motives for saying things, and it’s good to not take things at face value. Much like a marriage, we don’t really know what goes on behind closed doors, and we often get just one side of the story.

Falwell Jr could be a total creep. I’m just keeping in mind what I’ve just said.

09-10-2019, 08:47 AM
I doubt that is relevant. The point being people have hidden and/or complex motives for saying things, and it’s good to not take things at face value. Much like a marriage, we don’t really know what goes on behind closed doors, and we often get just one side of the story.

Falwell Jr could be a total creep. I’m just keeping in mind what I’ve just said.I didn't point a finger specifically at Falwell because I was thinking Jim Bakker and Jim & Tammy Faye. Not much of the "other side of the story" is going fix those incidents.

It would not surprise me if Falwell was guilty. Power corrupts ...

It gives the God-haters ammo for their hate machine. As if it needs more.

09-10-2019, 08:50 AM
I agree. At the same time, I take personal offense at these evangelicals AS INDIVIDUALS for using the world of God to enrich themselves. In that position, I expect them to be as squeaky clean as Trump came out of the Russian witch hunt. They make us ALL look bad and bring unwanted and unneeded heat down on ALL of us. The haters' opinions are based on the actions of the pharisees, not the believers.

Pisses me off.

In general, nearly total when I was younger, I tend to take people at face value. Perhaps unfortunately my experiences with Evangelicals has not been good. Hypocritical is mild in description. I know better than to generalize onto the group though when it happens often enough it becomes a personal rendition of 'commonsense.'

09-10-2019, 08:52 AM
I didn't point a finger specifically at Falwell because I was thinking Jim Bakker and Jim & Tammy Faye. Not much of the "other side of the story" is going fix those incidents.

It would not surprise me if Falwell was guilty. Power corrupts ...

It gives the God-haters ammo for their hate machine. As if it needs more.

Yeah. There is something about folks that talk as if 'for God' but they really mean for themselves. Almost like those that used to try and prove they were one of the predestined.

Abbey Marie
09-10-2019, 08:52 AM
I agree. At the same time, I take personal offense at these evangelicals AS INDIVIDUALS for using the world of God to enrich themselves. In that position, I expect them to be as squeaky clean as Trump came out of the Russian witch hunt. They make us ALL look bad and bring unwanted and unneeded heat down on ALL of us. The haters' opinions are based on the actions of the pharisees, not the believers.

Pisses me off.

I agree that the shysters make the rest look bad. But don’t underestimate the deep hatred that many have for those who believe the Bible. They see it as a personal affront because it makes them very uncomfortable. And no one unapologetically broadcasts their Biblical beliefs like an Evangelical, lol.

09-10-2019, 01:55 PM
The uncovering of corruption is all that is important. If you can't get behind that, then you are part of it.

There was endless corruption I have pointed out to you personally for years now. Admittedly on some things you agreed it was wrong. But then some you disagreed on and the rest ignored. I think you should get behind investigating the wrongdoing, especially the tons that come with proof. All those things in the threads you read every page of but never replied to. :)

09-10-2019, 01:57 PM
I'm choking. Where's jimbob? jimnyc? Prove otherwise? How about your every single wannabe "gotcha" moment during the Russian collusion crap wher you kept praying for just a process crime? WHILE not once holding Hitlery to task for her violating the United States Code art's 13 & 15 where classified material is concerned?

Just tuck it back in. You'd have served yourself better not commenting :rolleyes:

I loved his disappear and reappear at gotcha moments - and has literally been wrong on 100% of them, every last one.

And while he's proving his consistency in being wrong, he also proves his overwhelming consistency in ignoring any wrongdoing whatsoever coming from the left.

09-10-2019, 01:58 PM
I agree, but there is a second reason these people are making these statements: A gut-hatred of Evangelicals, and a delight in bringing them down.

Well the hatred for evangelicals intensified immensely when they backed Trump even after his "grab their pussies" tape was made public.

09-10-2019, 01:59 PM
I loved his disappear and reappear at gotcha moments - and has literally been wrong on 100% of them, every last one.

And while he's proving his consistency in being wrong, he also proves his overwhelming consistency in ignoring any wrongdoing whatsoever coming from the left.

I give Pete respect for not simply placing everyone who thinks he's an idiot on ignore though.


09-10-2019, 02:09 PM
If they or anyone doesn't want to be "taken down", don't do stupid, questionable, or illegal shit.

It's really just that simple.
I mean I was Law enforcement. I agree with you whole heartedly, BUT even criminals shouldn't be caught because people were investigating them and either came across a crime they committed or actually created the crime AKA perjury . Not in the USA, that is NOT how our justice system works. We investigate known crimes to see who may have committed them. We do NOT investigate people until we find a crime they may have committed. At least we didn't use to.

09-10-2019, 02:24 PM
I agree. At the same time, I take personal offense at these evangelicals AS INDIVIDUALS for using the world of God to enrich themselves. In that position, I expect them to be as squeaky clean as Trump came out of the Russian witch hunt. They make us ALL look bad and bring unwanted and unneeded heat down on ALL of us. The haters' opinions are based on the actions of the pharisees, not the believers.

Pisses me off.

I totally agree! Many use the donations they receive to pad their bank accounts and to build
a personal Empire. Little, if anything, is given back to support the people donating. They are scams.

Look no further than Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson Jr, and Louis Farrakhan.

09-10-2019, 02:28 PM
I mean I was Law enforcement. I agree with you whole heartedly, BUT even criminals shouldn't be caught because people were investigating them and either came across a crime they committed or actually created the crime AKA perjury . Not in the USA, that is NOT how our justice system works. We investigate known crimes to see who may have committed them. We do NOT investigate people until we find a crime they may have committed. At least we didn't use to.

If members of the university are leaking to the press, there is the reason to look into investigating. Enough for warrants? Not yet, at least from what I've seen.

09-10-2019, 02:31 PM
If members of the university are leaking to the press, there is the reason to look into investigating. Enough for warrants? Not yet, at least from what I've seen.

That's not a criminal investigation and thus I don't care what standards they do or don't follow.

09-10-2019, 02:40 PM
That's not a criminal investigation and thus I don't care what standards they do or don't follow.

Where did it say there was a criminal investigation? IRS?

09-10-2019, 02:45 PM
Where did it say there was a criminal investigation? IRS?

I would consider the IRS opening an investigation based on public reporting to be abusive. Yes, because IRS investigations can quickly become criminal investigations.

09-10-2019, 02:47 PM
I would consider the IRS opening an investigation based on public reporting to be abusive. Yes, because IRS investigations can quickly become criminal investigations.

You're law enforcement, saying there should be no investigation without proof. But there should be no looking for proof? No response to look into such information given? Glad you're not an IRS investigator.

09-10-2019, 02:58 PM
You're law enforcement, saying there should be no investigation without proof. But there should be no looking for proof? No response to look into such information given? Glad you're not an IRS investigator.
You misunderstand

In this country, we do not investigate people or entities to uncover crimes. Instead , we investigate crimes to uncover people.

Let's say you stole a pair of pants from wherever, it doesn't matter where, just say a store.

Now let's assume the store never noticed the pants were missing, never reported the pants were missing, didn't know a crime had been committed.

But I as an asshole abusive cop who didn't like you thought "I'm gonna investigate Kath until I find something she did illegal" now let's assume that I was doing exactly that and I interview one of your friends and she was like "yeah Kath confided in me that she stole a pair of pants from ________" aha I thought, I got her now, and then I set about proving that you stole the pants..........

what kind of messed up jack off policing would that be.

Instead in this country, if the store doesn't miss the pants, too bad for them. But if they do, then they report it, and THEN as law enforcement I investigate the theft of the pants until I discover who stole them, namely you, in our scenario.

09-10-2019, 03:12 PM
You misunderstand

In this country, we do not investigate people or entities to uncover crimes. Instead , we investigate crimes to uncover people.

Let's say you stole a pair of pants from wherever, it doesn't matter where, just say a store.

Now let's assume the store never noticed the pants were missing, never reported the pants were missing, didn't know a crime had been committed.

But I as an asshole abusive cop who didn't like you thought "I'm gonna investigate Kath until I find something she did illegal" now let's assume that I was doing exactly that and I interview one of your friends and she was like "yeah Kath confided in me that she stole a pair of pants from ________" aha I thought, I got her now, and then I set about proving that you stole the pants..........

what kind of messed up jack off policing would that be.

Instead in this country, if the store doesn't miss the pants, too bad for them. But if they do, then they report it, and THEN as law enforcement I investigate the theft of the pants until I discover who stole them, namely you, in our scenario.

I'm pretty certain that law enforcement does set up investigations, even stings, when they have multiple credible sources, capable of some knowledge of possible crimes-including possible white collar crime.

09-10-2019, 03:50 PM
I agree that the shysters make the rest look bad. But don’t underestimate the deep hatred that many have for those who believe the Bible. They see it as a personal affront because it makes them very uncomfortable. And no one unapologetically broadcasts their Biblical beliefs like an Evangelical, lol.Naturally, I have given lots of staring at the desert field time to considering this. God-haters hate God because he is a higher authority than Man. Many put Man in the higher authority position and God is an impediment to doing whatever they want without consequence. Believers are daily reminders that they have tossed away that higher authority for Worldly pleasure and that one brain cell that is kicking and screaming and yelling no creates a resentment of that reminder. They don't want to be reminded of what they stand to lose if they're wrong.

Then there are those that were raised in abusive religions of which there are plenty. They learn to hate the religion itself instead of the abusers.

There's the argument that we're all hypocrites and that is true to the extent that we are not perfect no matter how hard we try and they capitalize on the mistakes, not the overall success.

Then there's the "Who knows?" theory. Haters are gonna hate :)

09-10-2019, 08:07 PM
By the way, I just looked up the author of this hit-piece article. The guy's name is Brandon Ambrosino and he apparently is a staff writer for Vox.com, specializing in writing about religion. It has always been my opinion that people who study and write about 'the subject of religion' are the least religious people on the planet.

He has also written for Huffington Post, Gawker, and The Atlantic. In other words - clearly an avid liberal.

Also, within about 30 seconds of searching his name, it became clear that he is gay and has written about how difficult it was to be gay at Liberty University.

In summary, it is obvious the author of the article is not a fan of Liberty University and that in fact he resents Liberty for his difficult time as a student there. The author is probably not Christian, is certainly not conservative, and almost certainly resents Jerry Falwell, Jr. I'm not saying Falwell is innocent, but I am saying that I would not trust any negative story about Falwell that came from this author. Oh yeah, and I don't trust 'anonymous sources' either.

Just sayin'

Abbey Marie
09-10-2019, 08:20 PM
One more thing:
If these anonymous folks feel that Falwell Jr is so awful, they should reveal their names. Man up and stand up for your convictions.

09-10-2019, 08:35 PM
By the way, I just looked up the author of this hit-piece article. The guy's name is Brandon Ambrosino and he apparently is a staff writer for Vox.com, specializing in writing about religion. It has always been my opinion that people who study and write about 'the subject of religion' are the least religious people on the planet.

He has also written for Huffington Post, Gawker, and The Atlantic. In other words - clearly an avid liberal.

Also, within about 30 seconds of searching his name, it became clear that he is gay and has written about how difficult it was to be gay at Liberty University.

In summary, it is obvious the author of the article is not a fan of Liberty University and that in fact he resents Liberty for his difficult time as a student there. The author is probably not Christian, is certainly not conservative, and almost certainly resents Jerry Falwell, Jr. I'm not saying Falwell is innocent, but I am saying that I would not trust any negative story about Falwell that came from this author. Oh yeah, and I don't trust 'anonymous sources' either.

Just sayin'

One more thing:
If these anonymous folks feel that Falwell Jr is so awful, they should reveal their names. Man up and stand up for your convictions.

You both could be very correct in your thinking and still Falwell could be guilty as sin, his son too.

Abbey Marie
09-10-2019, 08:43 PM
By the way, I just looked up the author of this hit-piece article. The guy's name is Brandon Ambrosino and he apparently is a staff writer for Vox.com, specializing in writing about religion. It has always been my opinion that people who study and write about 'the subject of religion' are the least religious people on the planet.

He has also written for Huffington Post, Gawker, and The Atlantic. In other words - clearly an avid liberal.

Also, within about 30 seconds of searching his name, it became clear that he is gay and has written about how difficult it was to be gay at Liberty University.

In summary, it is obvious the author of the article is not a fan of Liberty University and that in fact he resents Liberty for his difficult time as a student there. The author is probably not Christian, is certainly not conservative, and almost certainly resents Jerry Falwell, Jr. I'm not saying Falwell is innocent, but I am saying that I would not trust any negative story about Falwell that came from this author. Oh yeah, and I don't trust 'anonymous sources' either.

Just sayin'

Didn’t I say there’s always more to the story? I knew it! Nice work, Russ.

09-10-2019, 08:47 PM
You both could be very correct in your thinking and still Falwell could be guilty as sin, his son too.

Granted, and I did acknowledge as much in my post.

But in the current climate, you can't take any single media outlet at their word. And anonymous sources have zero value. Possibly negative value.

09-10-2019, 08:47 PM
Didn’t I say there’s always more to the story? I knew it! Nice work, Russ.

Again, you and Russ could be very correct and still have Falwell be found to have done just what has been accused.

I actually agree with you all that these types of issues would be best dealt with by an investigation, but how often can such be done, look at STTAB's opinion, the police, IRS, no one SHOULD look at anything, until proven they are guilty or something.

Powerful religious figures have built in cover-whether Evangelicals or pedophile priests or jackpot Jesse Jackson.

09-10-2019, 09:34 PM
Nice job, Russ. You did what I was just about to do and research this journalist to get the backstory.

There's clearly a motivation that's anti-Trump and Falwell. The fact that he was a closet homo at a Christian University probably was pretty hellish for him, I get it. But now, that whole article sounds like his attempt to exact revenge on those running the show, and why not throw in a little Trump angle to gain further back-slapping from fellow moonbats? Win/Win for the Vox audience, I'm sure.

I don't know who this Falwell guy is, and if he's dirty, then let him hang. There's criminals in Christian businesses, too, unfortunately. Wasn't long ago I read a story about some southern Evangelical honcho that bought his wife a brand new Lamborghini for her birthday... you can't tell me that the poor slobs passing the plate had a Lambo in mind when putting in a few bucks.

In the last 10 years, I can't remember a single time when "anonymous" or "unnamed sources" have turned out to be legit. I expect at least half of them were fictional entities dreamed up in a rabid moonbat's fevered mind.

As for you, Pete, you climb back into your miserable little hole. You have zero moral authority on any level.

09-10-2019, 10:03 PM
Granted, and I did acknowledge as much in my post.

But is the current climate, you can't take any single media outlet at their word. And anonymous sources have zero value. Possibly negative value.

True. By saying that you both could be very correct, I wasn't taking anyone's word. Besides, an article is NOT an investigation. It can be though, reason enough to start digging.

09-10-2019, 10:06 PM
One more thing:
If these anonymous folks feel that Falwell Jr is so awful, they should reveal their names. Man up and stand up for your convictions.

Might be the right thing to do, though if your check comes from the source and you believe in the mission of the organization, might be a problem.

You can love the organization, but see the leader as a problem. As I said, the article-not proven-is not against the university or its mission, the problem in focus is on a man/men.

The pedophile priests have done untold harm, it never should have been covered up. I don't think the follies of men though, are an indictment of the teachings of the church or God.

09-10-2019, 10:39 PM
If so, why hasn't Trump and Barr done anything? I wonder....

Late catch. Have you ever heard of a thorough investigation?

Not an Obama era investigation that ignores fact and chases willow-the-wisps.

Over your head again, Pete.

09-11-2019, 07:07 AM
Late catch. Have you ever heard of a thorough investigation?

Not an Obama era investigation that ignores fact and chases willow-the-wisps.

Over your head again, Pete.

And your source is...?

09-11-2019, 08:05 AM
And your source is...?

Typical of you. Ignore the past and demand a source. Why don't you read for yourself?

09-14-2019, 03:05 AM
The school response:


'The truth the media refused to print'; LU offers official response to recent controversy
by Kirkland GeeThursday, September 12th 2019

LYNCHBURG, Va. (WSET) -- Liberty University released an official response to the recent allegations against president Jerry Falwell and alleged emails from him.

The school posted the following on its Facebook page Thursday around 5:00 p.m., "The truth about Liberty that the press refused to print in recent articles, is now published here: #FakeNews," linking to a document that contains all statements Falwell made to the writer of the POLITICO article Brandon Ambrosino, Reuters reporter Aram Roston, and Washington Post reporter Sarah Pulliam Bailey.



Jerry Falwell Jr says he won’t ‘turn the other cheek’ to leakers; Liberty U students plan protest
By Leonardo Blair, Christian Post Reporter

On the heels of allegations that Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr. disparaged students and staff in emails leaked to the press, the embattled Christian leader says, in defense of the university, he won’t “turn the other cheek” to leakers and is taking legal action against them.

Reuters released on Thursday two of the several dozen emails it received from as far back as 2008, when Falwell became president of the university. In one of the emails, he disparages a student, referring to him as “emotionally imbalanced and physically retarded.”

“If it was me, I’d turn the other cheek but this is not me,” Falwell told the Lynchburg News and Advance. “This is Liberty University and I have no choice but to do what is in the best interest of the university and that means unfortunately taking action against these people.”

Reuters reports that the emails show that Falwell has been disparaging Liberty students, staff, and parents in emails to administrators since 2008.


09-14-2019, 08:40 AM
You're law enforcement, saying there should be no investigation without proof. But there should be no looking for proof? No response to look into such information given? Glad you're not an IRS investigator.If I was an IRS investigator I would drive over a cliff. I've been part of invading foreign countries that destroyed less lives than the IRS. No thanks.

09-14-2019, 09:06 AM
Reuters reports that the emails show that Falwell has been disparaging Liberty students, staff, and parents in emails to administrators since 2008.

I think it's none of anybody's business what Falwell or anyone else says via E-Mail. At the same time, people should be smart enough by now to know that using ANYTHING electronic to communicate with leaves a trail and it can fall into the wrong hands.

Civilians should have communications security drummed into their heads like the military. At least they couldn't say they didn't know when their own crap is thrown in their faces. And of course Hitlery and her ilk would be exempt ( couldn't resist :)). Dirt is only dirty if its on someone on the right.

08-07-2020, 07:16 PM
If they or anyone doesn't want to be "taken down", don't do stupid, questionable, or illegal shit.

It's really just that simple.

Too bad it seems he still needs to learn that lesson, but for the time being, on leave from school:


UPDATED: Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr. taking leave of absence
BY SARAH RANKIN The Associated Press 2 hrs ago

Jerry Falwell Jr. has agreed to take an indefinite leave of absence from his role as president and chancellor of Liberty University, the school announced Friday.

The private evangelical Christian university gave no reason for the departure in its one-sentence statement. But the announcement came after Falwell apologized earlier in the week for a photo he posted on social media that showed him with his pants unzipped, stomach exposed and his arm around a young woman in a similar pose. The photo drew widespread attention and criticism, including from conservatives who said it was distasteful.

The statement said the Executive Committee of Liberty's board of trustees, acting on behalf of the full board, met Friday and requested that Falwell take leave, “to which he has agreed, effective immediately.”

An early and high-profile supporter of President Donald Trump, Falwell has served since 2007 as president of the university in Lynchburg founded by his evangelist father, the late Rev. Jerry Falwell.

He did not immediately return a call seeking comment, and a university spokesman said he had no further comment.

In an interview this week with radio station WLNI, Falwell said the woman in the photo was his wife's assistant and that the since-deleted picture had been taken during a “costume party” while on vacation.

“Lots of good friends visited us on the yacht,” the caption of the since-deleted photo said, in part. “I promise that's just black water in my glass. It was a prop only.”

He said the woman — who also had her shorts unzipped in the photo and midriff exposed — was pregnant, couldn't get her pants zipped and he imitated her, saying it was all in “good fun.”

“I’ve apologized to everybody, and I've promised my kids ... I'm going to try to be a good boy from here on out," he said in the interview.

On Thursday, Republican U.S. Rep. Mark Walker of North Carolina, a pastor who has previously taught at Liberty, called Falwell’s behavior “appalling” and said he should resign.

“How is this Jerry Falwell Jr. photo even real?” tweeted Meghan McCain. “Also if you’re running the largest Christian university in America maybe don’t put photos of yourself on social media with your pants undone on a yacht — with random women in bad wigs. So gross, so hypocritical.”

The late Falwell founded Liberty in 1971 with 154 students. Under the leadership of Falwell Jr., who is an attorney and not a minister, Liberty has grown into a leading evangelical university, with an immaculate campus and a significant endowment.

In recent years, the school has served as a regular speaking spot for ambitious Republicans looking to court the young evangelical vote. U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz kicked off a presidential campaign there in 2015. And Falwell was among the earliest Christian conservatives to endorse Trump’s previous election campaign.

08-24-2020, 06:03 PM
He's resigned now, after unsuccessfully trying to get 'ahead' of another scandal, for which he blamed his wife's sinning. Problem seems to be he was involved and it didn't end when he said it did, but was ongoing into 2019. Oh, really truly, there was a pool boy involved.


https://hotair.com/archives/allahpundit/2020/08/24/__trashed-32/ (https://hotair.com/archives/allahpundit/2020/08/24/__trashed-32/)

08-24-2020, 06:39 PM
Well now he's saying he won't resign. Should be interesting for the university:


Falwell denies reports of his resignation
The embattled Evangelical leader says that reports of his departure from Liberty University are incorrect.


08/24/2020 05:52 PM EDT

Updated: 08/24/2020 07:22 PM EDT

Jerry Falwell Jr. says he is not resigning as president and chancellor of Liberty University, contradicting news reports announcing his departure from the Evangelical school.

“I have not resigned. How did those reports get out? I don’t know,” Falwell told POLITICO on a phone call on Monday evening. “I have not resigned. I will be on indefinite leave.”

A Liberty University spokesperson earlier on Monday responded affirmatively to a reporter’s text message seeking confirmation of whether Falwell was resigning. The spokesperson added that a formal statement would be “forthcoming.”

But later on Monday evening, the spokesperson declined to comment, saying in a text message: “I cannot say anything and I can only give a statement from the Board if they give me a statement.”

Earlier on Monday, reports spread that Falwell had resigned following after reports that he and his wife had engaged in an ongoing relationship with Giancarlo Granda, a former pool attendant at the Fontainebleau Hotel in Miami Beach. Granda publicly spoke out about his alleged affair with the Falwells, which began in 2012 and lasted through 2019, Granda told POLITICO.

“I met Jerry and Becki Falwell as a 20-year-old working my way through college at the Fontainebleau Hotel in Miami Beach. Becki and I developed an intimate relationship that went on from 2012 and through 2019 in which Jerry enjoyed watching from the corner of the room,” Granda, now 29, said in an email.

On Sunday, prior to a report in Reuters about the affair between Granda and the Falwells, Falwell released his own statement that claimed Granda had had an affair with Becki Falwell without his involvement. Granda denied that statement.

“He enjoyed watching us in person and also remotely through video cameras. He also listened to our phone calls,” Granda said.

Falwell’s departure would represent a tectonic shift for Liberty, which has been under the Falwell family’s leadership since it was founded in 1971. Falwell Jr. has led the university since his father, Rev. Jerry Falwell Sr., died in 2007. During that time, the university expanded to enroll more than 100,000 students a year, many of them online, making Liberty one of the country’s biggest online universities. Liberty also embarked on a $500 million campus renovation, and its endowment grew to $1.6 billion.

In August, Falwell came under scrutiny after he posted, then removed, a photo of himself vacationing on a yacht with his pants unzipped and his arm around his wife’s assistant, sparking anger among members of the conservative Liberty community about Falwell’s behavior.

After he posted the yacht photo, taken during a vacation in Key West, a chorus of critics emerged calling for Falwell to step down. Among those who were critical of the photo were House Republican Conference Chair Mark Walker (R-N.C.), a former Liberty University instructor who said in a tweet that “Jerry Falwell Jr’s ongoing behavior is appalling,” and that the university’s faculty and students “deserve better.”

Falwell apologized for the photo, saying it was “just in good fun” and that he had told his family that “I’m gonna try to be a good boy from here on out.” But within a week, the board of trustees took action and placed Falwell on “indefinite leave” from the university.

Last week, a group of 50 pastors who are also Liberty alumni wrote a letter to the university’s board, shared with the outlet CBN News, that called for Falwell’s permanent removal and said his behavior has “embarrassed the many alumni that work hard in our community to not only uphold the reputation of the university but to uphold a positive witness for the name of Christ."

The yacht incident was not the first time Falwell’s public behavior was deemed to be out of step with the conservative Christian values espoused by Liberty.

In 2019, POLITICO reported on Falwell and family members visiting a nightclub in Miami Beach in 2014, in some cases apparently holding drinks in their hands. Liberty students are discouraged from both co-ed dancing and drinking, which can lead to expulsion.

Earlier this summer, Falwell apologized after tweeting a photo of a face mask decorated with a photo of a person in a Ku Klux Klan mask and a person in blackface. (The photo was meant to jab at Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam’s history of wearing blackface.)

Some members of Liberty’s board were also disturbed by Falwell’s oversight of university funds, sources told POLITICO. That includes Falwell’s repeated trips on a yacht belonging to NASCAR owner Rick Hendrick, who owns a racing team that Liberty University spends roughly $6 million a year to sponsor, POLITICO reported. (Use of the yacht was not part of the contract between Liberty and Hendrick’s company, Hendrick Motorsports, a Hendrick Motorsports representative said.)

On Sunday, Falwell said that Granda, the former pool attendant, had become increasingly “angry and aggressive” toward him and Becki over the years.

“He began threatening to publicly reveal this secret relationship with Becki and to deliberately embarrass my wife, family and Liberty University unless we agreed to pay him substantial monies,” Falwell said.

Granda said in an email to POLITICO that he was coming forward for a variety of reasons, including “some resentment over the amounts paid” to acquaintances of his by the Falwells to settle a lawsuit relating to their hostel in Miami, and “yes, boiling frustration over the Falwell’s refusal to purchase my 24.9 percent equity stake” in the hostel.

08-24-2020, 06:43 PM
Well now he's saying he won't resign. Should be interesting for the university:


He can say anything he wants, but I'm pretty sure he's toast...

Black Diamond
08-25-2020, 12:09 PM

08-25-2020, 03:18 PM
He's out:


He'd pulled his resignation, this morning resubmitted it.