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09-17-2019, 09:31 PM
Seems people here are a bit off from the rest of the country or at least IL. McCain is dead, yet he still seems to drive many crazy. Why? He had the temerity to vote and explain why he often chose a middle ground. Something that used to be the norm, has morphed into the intolerable.

We have a new Senator. Sinema. She's a Democrat. Actually her record is pretty close to a mirror of McCain's and appears to be about as popular by her chosen party:


Arizona Democratic Party will hold vote to censure Sinema
BY OWEN DAUGHERTY - 09/17/19 07:43 PM EDT

The Arizona Democratic Party is planning to hold a vote this week to determine whether Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) should be censured.

The Arizona Republic reports the censure vote is due to the fact that progressives in the state Democratic Party see her as too accommodating to President Trump and his policies.

Those seeking to censure Sinema point to her vote to confirm David Bernhardt, Trump’s nominee to serve as secretary of the Interior, as well as her vote to confirm William Barr as Attorney General, the news outlet notes.

Additionally, progressives in the Arizona Democratic Party cite Sinema’s resistance to joining fellow Democrats in trying to reinstate net neutrality rules to prevent internet service providers from throttling websites.

Dan O’Neal, the state coordinator for Progressive Democrats of America, told the news outlet that the censure is an effort to push Sinema back toward the left.

“Here’s the thing: We really support Kyrsten Sinema, we want her to succeed, we want her to be the best senator in the country,” O’Neal said. “But the way she is voting is really disappointing. We want Democrats to vote like Democrats and not Republicans.”

The progressive caucus of the state party outlined its reasoning in a resolution.

FiveThirtyEight’s Trump Tracker found that Sinema has opposed Trump during her time in the Senate 81 percent of the time. During her time in the House, where she served three terms, she supported Trump’s agenda 54% of the time.

Felecia Rotellini, the Arizona Democratic Party's chairwoman, said the censure will be heard but is unsure it will pass.


I wonder if folks will be cursing her when she's dead? :rolleyes:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-17-2019, 09:51 PM
People hated Mclame because he was a damn RINO. He stabbed his own party in the back numerous times.
As a politician he was a piece of shit. AND HIS military record was nothing to brag about either.. IMHO
You said it, the dem replacement mirrors his voting ... nuff aid.... --Tyr

09-17-2019, 09:54 PM
People hated Mclame because he was a damn RINO. He stabbed his own party in the back numerous times.
As a politician he was a piece of shit. AND HIS military record was nothing to brag about either.. IMHO
You said it, the dem replacement mirrors his voting ... nuff aid.... --Tyr

I did not hate McCain. He wasn't my favorite politician, but he was far from the worst.

09-17-2019, 10:36 PM
I do not 'hate' anyone that reaches across that barbed wire that both parties erected.

That is the purpose of the Congress - to work together for the common good.

Since GWB was in office it has been push and shove, no cooperation, and stonewalling
by liberal 'progressives'. They act like spoon-pounding brats.

Obama and his hoard made it into what is is today.

09-17-2019, 10:44 PM
I do not 'hate' anyone that reaches across that barbed wire that both parties erected.

That is the purpose of the Congress - to work together for the common good.

Since GWB was in office it has been push and shove, no cooperation, and stonewalling
by liberal 'progressives'. They act like spoon-pounding brats.

Obama and his hoard made it into what is is today.

Well put. Obama created the divisiveness and it continues to worsen.

I was watching the House Committee questioning Lewandowski today, what a clusterf! The dems do not have a clue what they may be looking for, if there's anything there they wouldn't recognize it if it bit them on their as*. Lewandowski just trolled and trolled, which I really can't blame him for.

In any case, there is no business getting done and everyone just hates and hates each other more and more.

It certainly seems that the loyalists on both sides relish it all.

Then there's the divisions within. Whether we look at 'conservatives' that encompass those that have concerns or those that think they've finally found the Holy Grail.

The Dems? AOC is now endorsing the Democrat challenger to a long time Democrat representative-for being to 'moderate.' Put that with Sinema in AZ and we see both parties are splitting into their own factions.

09-18-2019, 07:55 AM
I did not hate McCain. He wasn't my favorite politician, but he was far from the worst.

I beg to differ

McCain was a pile of shit and he proved it completely with his last healthcare vote. That bill was word for word exactly what he voted yes for the previous year when Obama was President. Word for word, not one single syllable had been changed. And not only did he vote not , realizing that unlike Obama Trump would sign the damn thing, but he also went to the great lengths to be overly dramatic with the whole thumbs down thing.

I respect John surviving Hanoi. I don't give a flying fuck if he told the Vietcong anything or not, torture works, everyone talks. But as a Senator, he was a pile of shit. He consistently ran on things and then when elected on those things went the other way, and then in the end let his personal hatred of Donald Trump completely destroy his own legacy.

09-18-2019, 07:58 AM
Well put. Obama created the divisiveness and it continues to worsen.

I was watching the House Committee questioning Lewandowski today, what a clusterf! The dems do not have a clue what they may be looking for, if there's anything there they wouldn't recognize it if it bit them on their as*. Lewandowski just trolled and trolled, which I really can't blame him for.

In any case, there is no business getting done and everyone just hates and hates each other more and more.

It certainly seems that the loyalists on both sides relish it all.

Then there's the divisions within. Whether we look at 'conservatives' that encompass those that have concerns or those that think they've finally found the Holy Grail.

The Dems? AOC is now endorsing the Democrat challenger to a long time Democrat representative-for being to 'moderate.' Put that with Sinema in AZ and we see both parties are splitting into their own factions.

Again I beg to differ, the Dems aren't looking for anything. They are simply using the power of Congress to ruin anyone who's even remotely associated with Trump. Jerry Nadler damn well knows that there is no there there, he's know that for years. This is entirely about harassing anyone who has even remotely assisted or supported Trump, how much do you suppose Lewindowsky's lawyer cost him yesterday?

09-18-2019, 09:23 AM
Again I beg to differ, the Dems aren't looking for anything. They are simply using the power of Congress to ruin anyone who's even remotely associated with Trump. Jerry Nadler damn well knows that there is no there there, he's know that for years. This is entirely about harassing anyone who has even remotely assisted or supported Trump, how much do you suppose Lewindowsky's lawyer cost him yesterday?

What is it you disagree with? Seems you just reiterated all I said. When did I say anything different about Nadler or Lewindowski? BTW, whatever the lawyer cost, doesn't seem to have taken L out of pondering a Senate run. Somehow he sees a possible road there.

09-18-2019, 09:34 AM
What is it you disagree with? Seems you just reiterated all I said. When did I say anything different about Nadler or Lewindowski? BTW, whatever the lawyer cost, doesn't seem to have taken L out of pondering a Senate run. Somehow he sees a possible road there.

It seems as though you believe the Dems actually believe Trump did something wrong and are trying to figure out what that is (as if that wouldn't be bad enough) if I'm wrong, my bad.

09-18-2019, 09:48 AM
It seems as though you believe the Dems actually believe Trump did something wrong and are trying to figure out what that is (as if that wouldn't be bad enough) if I'm wrong, my bad.

Your bad. :laugh:

09-18-2019, 10:55 AM
Your bad. :laugh:

I thought that would be weird for you to believe :clap: