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View Full Version : Another hate hoax lie

09-27-2019, 10:56 AM
I hope he sees prison time. I'm getting tired of these kind of scumbags. This one is gay, trying to take advantage and.... screw his employer. Only they hired a digital forensic person....


Another Hate Hoax: Radio Host Accused Of Homophobic Tweet To Himself, Tried To Cash In On Discrimination Suit

Another week, another hoax hate crime from a protected class. Today’s installment features New Orleans based WWL radio host Seth Dunlap, who cried wolf, err, discrimination, after the radio station’s twitter account retweeted him and added “You’re a fag.”


Dunlap, who is gay, lawyered up and announced he would be pursuing a $1.8 Million discrimination lawsuit against his employer.

Intent on finding out who sent the tweet from the company account, WWL enlisted a digital forensics firm to investigate the matter. After a thorough analysis, the forensics teams traced the IP address back to…. You guessed it, Seth Dunlap’s phone. Dunlap is also allegedly seen on camera with his phone in hand just after the Tweet was sent.

It appears as though Dunlap staged the incident so he could turn around and extort his own employer by playing the victim card. WWL is owned by media giant Entercom.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/09/another-hate-hoax-radio-host-accused-of-homophobic-tweet-to-himself-tried-to-cash-in-on-discrimination-suit/

09-27-2019, 06:36 PM
These fakers and schemers have no morals, no life. All they do is point
to themselves and declare "I am being discriminated against".

Then try to extort money from the object(s) of their scorn.

It is really very childish behavior.

09-27-2019, 07:27 PM
Hopefully the employer will fire him, blackball his name to all employers in the area, sue him for $1.8 million which can be partially paid by liquidizing all his assets including car and home, and garnish his wages for the rest of his life. And then press criminal charges so that he goes to jail for 10 years.

Lowlifes like this guy need to pay a big price for their sliminess, just as an example to the next guy that might want to attempt the same thing

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-28-2019, 08:11 AM
Hopefully the employer will fire him, blackball his name to all employers in the area, sue him for $1.8 million which can be partially paid by liquidizing all his assets including car and home, and garnish his wages for the rest of his life. And then press criminal charges so that he goes to jail for 10 years.

Lowlifes like this guy need to pay a big price for their sliminess, just as an example to the next guy that might want to attempt the same thing

Such severity will not be dealt to this slimy worm --but---

if he was a Conservative, Republican, Christian, Heterosexual , all that and much, much more would be done to him and the Dems/Leftists/Libs/Mainstream media would cry how it was not severe enough., IMHO.
This is the sad and tragic state of the fascism that we see existing in our nation today, IMHO, all thanks to the aforementioned POS. Tyr