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Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-27-2019, 04:42 PM
Norse Mythology, Return Of The Slayer Of Dragons

( Part One, Darkness Arrives)


Slayer of weak beasts, ravager of torn breasts
Darkness from East, dragons its armored crests
What hero dares to slay this foul evil
What man may dispatch this tool of the devil?
Hell's fires doth burn hot from its massive jaws
Innocent red blood drips from its sharp claws
Hero, bring thy brave heart - courage made of steel
Hope's faith, all it begets in thy iron will.

Shall Valhalla send relief - heroic hands
Salvation from great beast in weakened lands
Doth not their sad cries reach their merciful gods
Can avenging warriors smite with lightning rods?
Hero! Bring thy sword and armor with dire haste
For this foul creature, such dear lives now wastes
Blessings on thy travels to their burnt cities
For they languish so sad in their deep pities!

(Part Two, Odin Sends A Hero)


From dark skies, ball of fire downward fell
From Asgard's vault, landed he in their hell
From Thor's loins this invincible form was sown
In armored flesh, power never before known
Sword fired from Asgard's own best armor makers
With Thor's own hammer, still an earth shaker
Standing eighteen foot from head to his bare feet
Thor's new warrior anything but sickly sweet.

With blue eyes and a mind keen as dawn's new lights
Courage born from his father's greatest fights
Seeing desolation, far as eye could see
He had been summoned down to set this world free
With sword and hammer obeying Odin's decree
Wings formed by Loki, flew he to the sea
Found, huge tracks of massive, marauding black beast
Blood all about, stripped bones from its bloody feast!

( Part Three, Slayer Finds The Beast)

III - (The Battle)

Far off, clouds of smoke reveal the beast at play
Slayer knew battle coming, he knelt to pray
With words sincere, he asked for Odin's favor
Strength to beast destroy, victory to savor.
As Valhalla's sign sky-fire, showed brightly clear
Slayer arrived, to conquer dragon with no fear
Beast saw Slayer in armor and keen to fight
Charged forth with fire and all its massive might
Slayer stepped quick and sent spear into its side
A mere nick to sting and burn its fierce pride.

Angry beast turned and blew fire upon empty stone
Slayer plunged sword hilt deep, hitting dragon bone
One mighty leap on its huge scaly back
Its vulnerable neck he began to hack.
Beast fast rolled left throwing slayer right off
Spoke of Slayer's death with arrogant scoff.
Slayer laughed out loud and gave a big smile
Said, beast you shall die in just a little while
With that said, Thor's invincible hammer he threw
Dragon received true justice so long overdue!

( Part Four, Slayer Returns Victorious)

IV- (Fame, Feasts And Rewards)

Death had by Slayer's right hand found its place
Slayer relaxed and sighed, with smile on his face
With one stroke he cut off mighty dragon's head
A hero's final act to prove it truly dead.
Victory won, back to Valhalla's great hall
Glory found, for answering Odin's call
Feast of honor as never had they before
Slayer's name sung on Valhalla's every shore
Odin gave Slayer castles of solid gold
Commanding his tale to forever be told!

Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-27-2019, 05:30 PM
What I Once Saw Dancing, Wearing No Shoes

I saw a terrifying ghost today,
apparition of the ages gone by
There was far too much sadness in its play
dancing long dark clouds in a weeping sky!

I saw a dead man dancing a fine jig,
got a headache seeing such ghastly moves
It was all white-bones with scary red wig
its eerie clopping feet were horse's hooves!

I saw ancient fallen warrior cry,
with misery in his quivering voice
Kept asking this, "Please God, do tell me why"
you know this dying was never my choice!

I saw more, heard songs ripping out the blues
gaily danced I did, but with no shoes!

Robert J. Lindley, 05-13-2015
Sonnet, (Revised version)-9-27-2019
( From- Dreams That Gave Me Darken Verses To Ink )

Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2019

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-29-2019, 07:39 AM
The Hopeful Vision, In The Magic Hour

Again the hour strikes magnificently,
when she arrives in her soft, golden gown;
with grace in her charms that are presently,
all the talk in this sleepy little town.
We of the hard farming and country life,
find her a princess giving precious hope,
with relief from this weariness and strife,
gifting brightest dreams in Cinema-Scope.
Should she start dancing again in our hearts,
time would then grant us happiness anew.
For this angel brings magic to these parts,
inspiring in each, soft love overdue.
Alas! The hour strikes its departing blow!
She the vision, sings sweetly as she goes.

Robert J. Lindley, 2 -12-2016
Sonnet, (Perfect 100 word count)

Syllables Per Line:
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Words: 100

Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2016

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-29-2019, 07:50 AM
Now With Increasing Darkness O'erhead

Bleating at the rain, the despondent sheep
Their days and nights aching in blinded sleep;
Til masters, their dominated lives take
With true evil, which they never forsake,
For greed and lust demands taking it all-
Easily destroying the weak and small,
Bringing Death, leaving carcass bleached bones
Forever lost, sad echoes of their moans,
Knowing Time will erase signs of such deeds
Hiding evil under soil and tall weeds;
Nothing seen, nobody shall ever mourn
Lives taken, far more than their fleece was shorn.
Now with increasing darkness o'erhead,
Storming skies rain upon its evil spread
Cast into that fury, lies that expand
Into hearts and souls, across blackened lands
Once clear waters, now running with bright red
As dark masters sleep safe in wicked beds-
Dawns brings forth blacken shards of broken light
Sheep yet living are thus denied true sight
And into those fires, innocence is thrown,
Truth is where truth dies, large monsters are grown
In expanding darkness, higher flames shoot
Hope is lost, its sweet dreams are made moot.

Robert J. Lindley,
Dark Rhyme, ( The Tragic Results When Mortals Become Blinded Sheep)


Sheep shearing is the process by which the woollen fleece of a sheep is cut off. The person who removes the sheep's wool is called a shearer. Typically each adult sheep is shorn once each year (a sheep may be said to have been "shorn" or "sheared", depending upon dialect).

(2.) * o'erhead


adjective, Contraction of , overhead.

Note: As requested, I have paused my usual course taken, in order to compose this morn and present
here a dark poem( written in a bit more classical style), one that represents truth and the current state of this dark world that is getting ever more dark. And in my estimation the poet that requested this from me is absolutely right, poetry needs more truth, even if it has to come by way of dark verses! I honor that request with this piece and pray that it may suffice..

Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2019

When a poet I greatly respects asks me to write something, I tend to make a way to honor that request.
Such was the case this morn , when I found and read a very long email addressed to me , its commentary that led to the requested poem.
While Time is a precious commodity, so is truth and sincere respect and friendship... -Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-29-2019, 08:00 AM
Realization Fate Aids That Eternal Struggle

Hopeless now, to fight against Fate and Time
put pen to paper, write verses in rhyme
Battle raging storms and eternal wind
all to hold fast racing dreams with no end
Yet no other choice does man's spirit give
except to struggle forever to live
Deep within scenes of longing and praying
poet's soul, reveals what heart is saying
Blind obedience to mystical muse
gifts seeking soul for poetry to use
While in that act of writing as a team
oft comes more than wailing cries, so it seems

From shining trails into that dark unknown
One may through dance and red-fires have grown

Robert J. Lindley, 7-04-2016

Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Words: 106

Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2016