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View Full Version : Biden Campaign Asks Media to Blacklist Rudy Giuliani

09-30-2019, 01:09 PM
I wonder, now why in the world would he want that? Because the majority of the media is on the hook for the left - by far?

The last time I saw Rudy in the news - he was rebutting accusations by displaying legitimate sworn documentation from various folks in power in the Ukraine. He doesn't want THAT to happen on every channel, every day!

It's far too late to stop things now, Joe. The word is out there and much of it. And you have been dropped in the toilet and being used to try and nail Trump. Your campaign is toast. Many polls already switching over to Warren since this news came out - as I predicted.

So now he wants to try and minimize the FACTS and the TRUTH from getting out.

And imagine if Trump went out of his way to have someone related to the 2020 campaign in some manner "blackballed" from the news? :laugh:


Biden Campaign Asks Media to Blacklist Rudy Giuliani, Echoing Obama's Fight to Control the Press

On Sunday, former Vice President Joe Biden's presidential campaign sent a letter to TV news executives and hosts, urging them not to book President Donald Trump's lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, on their programs. At the very least, the Biden team asked that a Biden surrogate also be given equal air time if the former New York mayor is not blacklisted. This demand to control how the media reports the story seems eerily similar to the measures Barack Obama took to control the media.

"We are writing today with grave concern that you continue to book Rudy Giuliani on your air to spread false, debunked conspiracy theories on behalf of Donald Trump," Anita Dunn and Kate Bedingfield wrote in the letter, first reported by the Daily Beast. "While you often fact check his statements in real time during your discussions, that is no longer enough. By giving him your air time, you are allowing him to introduce increasingly unhinged, unfounded and desperate lies into the national conversation."

"We write to demand that in service to the facts, you no longer book Rudy Giuliani, a surrogate for Donald Trump who has demonstrated that he will knowingly and willingly lie in order to advance his own narrative," the Biden aides continued. "Giuliani is not a public official, and holds no public office that would entitle him to opine on the nation’s airwaves."

The letter further demands that if Giuliani is put on the airwaves, "an equivalent amount of time" must be given "to a surrogate for the Biden campaign."

Politico's Michael Calderone noted that the letter was sent to "executives and hosts at ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, and Fox News."

Letter went out to executives and hosts at ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, and Fox News.

— Michael Calderone (@mlcalderone) September 29, 2019

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/trending/biden-campaign-asks-media-to-blacklist-rudy-giuliani-echoing-obamas-fight-to-control-the-press/

09-30-2019, 01:23 PM
What a joke. Gonna get a lot worse.

09-30-2019, 01:45 PM
What a joke. Gonna get a lot worse.

Yep , Dems know they aren't going to beat Trump in a straight up election in 2020.

09-30-2019, 01:58 PM
What a joke. Gonna get a lot worse.

I said from the very instant that he was toast, and that's playing it much more quickly than I had thought!

Time will only tell on who else this whole thing harms. Trump is still in harms way of course. And there are a multitude of other ongoing investigations, against some other seedy characters on the left, or in the intel depts.

09-30-2019, 02:00 PM
I said from the very instant that he was toast, and that's playing it much more quickly than I had thought!

Time will only tell on who else this whole thing harms. Trump is still in harms way of course. And there are a multitude of other ongoing investigations, against some other seedy characters on the left, or in the intel depts.

Unless there's more to come, he's not going to be removed. At this rate, he's nearly a shoe in for re-election. I dread thinking of what he'll be like when no longer appealing to voters, but what will be, will be.

09-30-2019, 02:04 PM
Unless there's more to come, he's not going to be removed. At this rate, he's nearly a shoe in for re-election. I dread thinking of what he'll be like when no longer appealing to voters, but what will be, will be.

I just don't understand why you say things like this. What on Earth do you think he's going to do in a second term? Say more nasty things to people who are trying to destroy him?

He hasn't done ANYTHING questionable with his Presidential powers. In fact, I say the opposite, he hasn't done enough to go after the criminals who oppose him.

09-30-2019, 02:06 PM
Unless there's more to come, he's not going to be removed. At this rate, he's nearly a shoe in for re-election. I dread thinking of what he'll be like when no longer appealing to voters, but what will be, will be.

I'm thinking about the same, but just want to ensure that there isn't anything more than what we are aware of already. If that's it - the left should ALL be up for impeachment, IMO. And then I still believe as well that it only helps Trump in 2020 - and even the others running for office outside of Biden are supporting this. So I don't think it does them any favors either. I think it would be a tough election whether Biden, Warren or hairy guy Bernie. But I think this puts Trump over the top of them all. And it will also only help if any news comes from these investigations and if any charges against anyone. If folks start getting charged, and there is a map that routes to 2016 as a result - voters won't take too kindly to all of the games.

09-30-2019, 02:11 PM
I just don't understand why you say things like this. What on Earth do you think he's going to do in a second term? Say more nasty things to people who are trying to destroy him?

He hasn't done ANYTHING questionable with his Presidential powers. In fact, I say the opposite, he hasn't done enough to go after the criminals who oppose him.

We disagree, have from the start. I am not talking impeachable, I'm talking something else and we've argued that and neither of us have changed the other's mind. I'm fine with that.

I think he's been very harmful to the country, you disagree. I've not listed 300 things I think are wrong, unbecoming a president, etc., nor do I intend to.

Only with the most serious things have I mentioned them, usually AFTER someone else brings them up. I walk on eggs and will continue to do so.

I will give credit where due and as I said, not ignore serious mistakes, as I see them.

His comments on 'treason' were about what I expect from those who do not care about the constitution. He's the f'ing president, I should be able to expect more.

09-30-2019, 02:13 PM
I'm thinking about the same, but just want to ensure that there isn't anything more than what we are aware of already. If that's it - the left should ALL be up for impeachment, IMO. And then I still believe as well that it only helps Trump in 2020 - and even the others running for office outside of Biden are supporting this. So I don't think it does them any favors either. I think it would be a tough election whether Biden, Warren or hairy guy Bernie. But I think this puts Trump over the top of them all. And it will also only help if any news comes from these investigations and if any charges against anyone. If folks start getting charged, and there is a map that routes to 2016 as a result - voters won't take too kindly to all of the games.

You underestimate the stupidity and dishonesty of voters Jimmy.

Let's just take two things.

1. Adam Schiff absolutely positively tried to get dirt from Ukranians on Trump , a political rival. Now if that is illegal for Trump to do , how come it was legal for Schiff to do?

2. Joe Biden absolutely positively bribed the President of Ukraine to fire the prosecutor who was investigating his son's company. That isn't up for debate, and it doesn't even matter whether there were legitimate reasons to fire the guy, in fact the bribery statutes don't even require that the bribe worked, they merely require that a bribe was offered. Joe Biden bragged about it on tape, He did it. But that's okay , meanwhile merely asking a guy to look into corruption charges is illegal if Trump does it.

Democrat voters hold those those opinions, proving that they are stupid and or dishonest.

09-30-2019, 02:19 PM
You underestimate the stupidity and dishonesty of voters Jimmy.

Let's just take two things.

1. Adam Schiff absolutely positively tried to get dirt from Ukranians on Trump , a political rival. Now if that is illegal for Trump to do , how come it was legal for Schiff to do?

2. Joe Biden absolutely positively bribed the President of Ukraine to fire the prosecutor who was investigating his son's company. That isn't up for debate, and it doesn't even matter whether there were legitimate reasons to fire the guy, in fact the bribery statutes don't even require that the bribe worked, they merely require that a bribe was offered. Joe Biden bragged about it on tape, He did it. But that's okay , meanwhile merely asking a guy to look into corruption charges is illegal if Trump does it.

Democrat voters hold those those opinions, proving that they are stupid and or dishonest.

Last I checked, DOJ was still under the executive, which I believe reports to the President? Why not indictments, since these are 'facts' as you presented?

09-30-2019, 02:20 PM
^^ Yup to above...

And looks like more coming out too.


Author Peter Schweizer Drops Biden Corruption Documents – Shows Hunter Involved in Sale of US Company to China with Potential Military Applications

Author Peter Schweizer from the Government Accountability Institute joined FOX and Friends on Monday morning to discuss the Biden Family’s massive pay-for-play scandal.

Schweizer is author of the book Secret Empires detailing the vast corruption of the Washington DC elites. Schweizer is an expert on the Biden family billion dollar pay for play scandals with Ukraine and China.

Peter Schweizer told the FOX and Friends hosts he is releasing new documents today on Joe Biden’s pay-for-play scandal with China.

Peter Schweizer dropped these documents today at 10:50 AM.


Here is a copy of the document–

A year and a half after Peter Schweizer’s book Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends (Harper Collins, 2018) hit #1 on the New York Times bestseller list, some of the book’s findings have been misrepresented by political partisans and by some in the media. The Biden campaign, for example, has tried to create the impression that Hunter Biden was only “passively involved” in a controversial billion-dollar business venture with China when his father was Vice President of the U.S.
Our research shows otherwise.

1. The narrative suggesting that Hunter Biden and his partner played only a passive role at the Chinese firm is simply false. This document shows Hunter Biden was on the board of directors of the investment firm directly managing a $1.5 billion fund. His business partner, Devon Archer, was Vice Chairman and sat on the company’s Investment Committee. These are not merely “advisory” roles.

2. Biden defenders say Hunter did not receive a stake in the BHR until after his father left office. In fact, Rosemont Seneca, Hunter’s firm, held a 30% stake in BHR alongside its other
American partner, the Thornton Group. This is demonstrated by BHR’s Chinese registration records [English] as well as their own description.

Biden’s attorney claims Hunter’s interest in BHR amounted to “only” a $420,000 initial investment. This argument relies on a flimsy distinction between Bohai Harvest RST, the investment management company, and the investment fund it oversees. While records currently available do not disclose the precise level of compensation Hunter Biden received as part of this deal, his $420,000 investment in the management company bought him influence over $1.5 billion in capital backed by the authority of the Chinese government.

3. BHR is very explicit about the value of its American partners:

“BHR, with its unique mixed ownership, combines the resources and platforms of China’s largest financial institutions…and the networks and know-how of our U.S.-based investment fund and advisory firm shareholders.”

The Chinese investment entity with which Hunter Biden had teamed explicitly states the value – “the networks and know-how” – that came with partnering with the Vice President’s son and his partner, Devon Archer.

Hunter Biden’s involvement with BHR is troubling since the firm posesa significant security threat to America.

The Washington Times reported:

One of the companies in the 2015 deal was Bohai Harvest RST (BHR), a billion-dollar investment fund backed by China that was formed by Hunter Biden and Chris Heinz, the stepson of then-Secretary of State John Kerry.

The state government’s Aviation Industry Corporation of China teamed with BHR to buy Henniges Automotive, a producer of high-tech, anti-vibration components for automobiles.

“The direct involvement of Mr. Hunter Biden and Mr. Heinz in the acquisition of Henniges by the Chinese government creates a potential conflict of interest,” Mr. Grassley wrote in an Aug. 15 letter to Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin…

…The $600 million acquisition of Henniges gave the Chinese aviation firm a 51% stake in the business and direct control of the anti-vibration technology. BHR got a 49% share of the business.

“The appearance of potential conflicts in this case is particularly troubling given Mr. Biden’s and Mr. Heinz’s history of investing in and collaborating with Chinese companies, including at least one posing significant national security concerns,” Mr. Grassley wrote.

Note: This transaction between China and Hunter Biden and John Kerry’s stepson Chris Heinz occurred when Joe Biden was vice president and John Kerry was Secretary of State.


09-30-2019, 02:23 PM
^^ Yup to above...

And looks like more coming out too.


Author Peter Schweizer Drops Biden Corruption Documents – Shows Hunter Involved in Sale of US Company to China with Potential Military Applications

Author Peter Schweizer from the Government Accountability Institute joined FOX and Friends on Monday morning to discuss the Biden Family’s massive pay-for-play scandal.

Schweizer is author of the book Secret Empires detailing the vast corruption of the Washington DC elites. Schweizer is an expert on the Biden family billion dollar pay for play scandals with Ukraine and China.

Peter Schweizer told the FOX and Friends hosts he is releasing new documents today on Joe Biden’s pay-for-play scandal with China.

Peter Schweizer dropped these documents today at 10:50 AM.


Here is a copy of the document–

Hunter Biden’s involvement with BHR is troubling since the firm posesa significant security threat to America.

The Washington Times reported:

Note: This transaction between China and Hunter Biden and John Kerry’s stepson Chris Heinz occurred when Joe Biden was vice president and John Kerry was Secretary of State.


Yep, how to build a case, something Schiff needs some help with. Problem is, he's like the lawyer that asks questions he doesn't have the answer to, and inevitably comes up wrong.

There's nothing there to impeach the President, at least that I've seen. Bad behavior isn't impeachable.

09-30-2019, 02:26 PM
Last I checked, DOJ was still under the executive, which I believe reports to the President? Why not indictments, since these are 'facts' as you presented?

I post these things that are backed up usually, like the documents about Biden, otherwise myself, I point things as my opinion. Now I am waiting for official stuff, and reports back from Durham and Barr, with official investigative results. And then, I hope anyone found guilty gets prosecuted, but I won't hold my breath. I know you weren't commenting on me, just tossing my own you know what in there. :)

My main thing is the hopes of full investigations, and hopefully not just one sided as it's been. I think if Trump and his contacts with the Ukraine need to be investigated - then Biden's contact with them is needed, as is this letter/document that the leading Dems sent during the election. I think it all needs to be fully known and fully investigated properly, and especially so if this is what they're running impeachment off of.

09-30-2019, 02:29 PM
Last I checked, DOJ was still under the executive, which I believe reports to the President? Why not indictments, since these are 'facts' as you presented?

I'll take that in two parts.

1. It IS a fact that Schiff did contact who he thought were Ukranian government officials trying to get dirt on Trump (specifically he was offered naked pictures of Trump with a hooker) it turns out that who he was talking to was actually a Russian shock jock pulling a prank, but Schiff didn't know that, he truly thought he was speaking with Ukranian oligarchs.

However, I don't believe that what he did was illegal. Stupid and childish . Yes. Illegal ? No. And nowhere have I said otherwise, so no need for an indictment here since I correctly believe that the DOJ should only be used to investigate CRIMES

2. Same thing actually, Biden DID bribe the President of Ukraine to fire that prosecutor, it happened, That's not in dispute, we have Biden on tape bragging about it. However, he was at least nominally acting in his job as VP and our government bribes people all the time. ALL the time. So I don't believe the Justice Department should be involved here either.

See that is one of many differences between me and scum like Pete. I don't believe we should use the DOJ for anything but investigating CRIMES. A US official telling a foreign government "you do this or you don't get that" qualifies as a fucking bribe, but not as a crime. Unless, apparently, your name is Donald Trump and then you're such an evil orange bastard that you are not to even be given the same latitude of office as past President.

If you're disputing whether Adam Schiff contacted who he thought were Ukranian oligarchs for dirt on Trump or disputing that we know Biden bribed the President of Ukraine to fire a prosecutor, you are not nearly as knowledgeable as I thought you are.

You are as knowledgeable as I think you are though.

09-30-2019, 02:30 PM
Yep, how to build a case, something Schiff needs some help with. Problem is, he's like the lawyer that asks questions he doesn't have the answer to, and inevitably comes up wrong.

There's nothing there to impeach the President, at least that I've seen. Bad behavior isn't impeachable.

I think if this is everything out there - that Schiff needs to be removed more so than Trump does! Between telling America for so long about evidence he had on Trump and Russia, and now the shenanigans he pulled with the call.

I agree, if nothing else comes out, I see absolutely nothing to impeach him for.

And yeah, I agree there too, if you could impeach someone for being an ass, he could have been impeached dozens of times already! In a way a part of me hopes it's not repeated in our presidential fields of the future, a part of me likes some of the stuff he says as it's things I would like to say myself, even in the past, and never could. But having me solely decide what a president should be is not a good thing, admittedly!!

09-30-2019, 02:34 PM
I post these things that are backed up usually, like the documents about Biden, otherwise myself, I point things as my opinion. Now I am waiting for official stuff, and reports back from Durham and Barr, with official investigative results. And then, I hope anyone found guilty gets prosecuted, but I won't hold my breath. I know you weren't commenting on me, just tossing my own you know what in there. :)

My main thing is the hopes of full investigations, and hopefully not just one sided as it's been. I think if Trump and his contacts with the Ukraine need to be investigated - then Biden's contact with them is needed, as is this letter/document that the leading Dems sent during the election. I think it all needs to be fully known and fully investigated properly, and especially so if this is what they're running impeachment off of.

Jim, that wasn't you I quoted. It was specific.

09-30-2019, 02:34 PM
Bad behavior isn't impeachable.
This is actually false. High crimes and misdemeanors isn't defined in the COTUS at all, Congress can impeach for ANYTHING. In fact , Andrew Johnson didn't do anything illegal. He simply fired a Secretary of War that the House didn't want fired.

The House can define nearly anything as impeachable.

09-30-2019, 02:38 PM
I think if this is everything out there - that Schiff needs to be removed more so than Trump does! Between telling America for so long about evidence he had on Trump and Russia, and now the shenanigans he pulled with the call.

I agree, if nothing else comes out, I see absolutely nothing to impeach him for.

And yeah, I agree there too, if you could impeach someone for being an ass, he could have been impeached dozens of times already! In a way a part of me hopes it's not repeated in our presidential fields of the future, a part of me likes some of the stuff he says as it's things I would like to say myself, even in the past, and never could. But having me solely decide what a president should be is not a good thing, admittedly!!

Never fear, it's only going to get worse. Obama's 'sit down and shut up' will be nothing. Might be 6 years, but then the other 1/3+ will be as unhappy as the 1/3+ insane left.

I'm pretty sure that sanity has left the floor permanently.

09-30-2019, 02:41 PM
Never fear, it's only going to get worse. Obama's 'sit down and shut up' will be nothing. Might be 6 years, but then the other 1/3+ will be as unhappy as the 1/3+ insane left.

I'm pretty sure that sanity has left the floor permanently.

How sad, yet many would say predictable, that electing a black President would begin the downfall of our institutions.

Of course it must be noted that this is almost certainly more a result of the quality of the man rather than his skin color, but history will only remember that Obama was black.

09-30-2019, 02:42 PM
Jim, that wasn't you I quoted. It was specific.

Oh, I know, I even said that, but just in case I wanted to be clear, so you know. Sometimes folks don't always clarify what they are posting and why. I try my best, and I almost always point out IMO or point out things like IF this turns out to be true...

Last thing I want to do is jump on the "facts" bandwagon, without the actual FACTS being there yet. I will point out things prior to getting all of the facts of course - but don't jump on any gotcha games like someone else does. :)

09-30-2019, 02:43 PM
Never fear, it's only going to get worse. Obama's 'sit down and shut up' will be nothing. Might be 6 years, but then the other 1/3+ will be as unhappy as the 1/3+ insane left.

I'm pretty sure that sanity has left the floor permanently.

I'm starting to wonder when it WAS there, and how much I was duped about in the past, both from congress critters AND the intel agencies - who I admittedly used to take as gospel. :(

09-30-2019, 02:47 PM
I'm starting to wonder when it WAS there, and how much I was duped about in the past, both from congress critters AND the intel agencies - who I admittedly used to take as gospel. :(

What I see are a lot of people, from both parties acting very badly-in and out of office. Hate is the main item on the menu, for all that want to partake.

As for 'draining the swamp' or 'deep state illumination'? Lots of examples, no draining or lighting or sweeping out. More and more of the same.

09-30-2019, 02:52 PM
Rudy rocks! And shows in his reply, like I said, that Biden doesn't like him displaying the papers aka facts.


Giuliani: Biden Campaign 'Rattled' Over Surfacing Facts

Rudy Giuliani Monday blasted Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden's campaign for demanding that major networks quit booking him as a guest, saying they want him to be silenced because he has facts against the former vice president.

"The reason they were rattled yesterday is because they were confronted on your show with something they don't know about. Facts. I didn't do anything unhinged," Giuliani, who is President Donald Trump's personal lawyer, told Fox Business' Maria Bartiromo.

On Sunday, Biden's campaign demanded networks quit bringing in Giuliani, also the former mayor of New York City, saying that the claims he's making against Biden are increasingly "unhinged."

On Sunday, Giuliani brought affidavits to Bartiromo's program claiming corruption on the part of the Obama administration, and Monday, he continued his argument.

"It basically says Joe Biden is guilty of bribery," said Giuliani. "I'm not trying to be insulting but corruption is rather prevalent in Ukraine."

Rest - https://www.newsmax.com/politics/rudy-giuliani/2019/09/30/id/934876/

09-30-2019, 02:59 PM
What I see are a lot of people, from both parties acting very badly-in and out of office. Hate is the main item on the menu, for all that want to partake.

As for 'draining the swamp' or 'deep state illumination'? Lots of examples, no draining or lighting or sweeping out. More and more of the same.

Absolute fact that no swamp has been drained, and it never will be. The jerks in Washington have a nice little racket going, they only let other swamp dwellers in, so there is no one who ever has enough juice to get rid of them.

10-04-2019, 10:47 AM
Shoulda posted the other Biden story in this thread, but they are all kind of related.


BREAKING: Ukraine Top Prosecutor will Review Burisma Case Involving Joe and Hunter Biden

After leaving office in 2017, Vice President Joe Biden Bragged about strong-arming the government of Ukraine to fire its top prosecutor.

Joe Biden made the remarks during a meeting (https://conservativedailypost.com/whoops-joe-bidens-bragging-revives-ukrainian-nightmare-probe/) of foreign policy specialists. Biden said he, “Threatened Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in March 2016 that the Obama administration would pull $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees, sending the former Soviet republic toward insolvency, if it didn’t immediately fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin.” Biden suggested during his talk that Barack Obama was also in on the threat.

In April John Solomon revealed what Biden did not tell his audience. Joe Biden had Shokin fired because he was investigating bribes to Joe Biden’s son Hunter.

Shokin was investigating $3 million in funds that were being transferred out of Ukraine and into accounts in the United States at that time.

Joe Biden had him fired.

On Thursday morning President Trump told reporters that Ukraine and China should investigate he Biden family for corruption.

This made liberal heads explode. How dare Trump investigate Democrat crooks!

Apparently the Ukrainian government was listening.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/10/breaking-ukraine-top-prosecutor-will-review-burisma-case-involving-joe-and-hunter-biden/

10-06-2019, 03:15 PM
No wonder Biden wants to blacklist Rudy, he knows he's onto him and has the goods.



Trump Attorney and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani joined Howard Kurt on (Old) Media Buzz on Sunday morning in an EXPLOSIVE INTERVIEW!

Rudy brought his A-game.

Rudy brought along with him dozens of media reports on the Biden Crime Family dealings in Ukraine, China… AND ROMANIA!

Rudy went after Howard Kurtz hard during the interview for the fake news media’s refusal to look into the many Biden Family crimes and pay-for-play scandals over the past decades.

Rudy Giuliani: The witness I relied upon if you paid any attention to what I did last week is someone named Victor Shokin. That’s the affidavit I put out plus two others… Those three all say that Joe Biden pressured the president to fire Shokin because Shokin had just come upon a laundered $3 million transaction to Hunter Biden. And he was told by the Serbian government that the United States government would not allow to give that information out. That’s the reason they say they were fired… That’s a lot stronger proof than any silly whistleblower nonsense about something that is not even a crime that we’re going into an international conniption over with a phony House investigation. Why are we treated differently? Why? Why are Republicans treated differently? Because the system is unjust and because the press is in their pocket! And you should want to root them out!… The reason they don’t want me on is because they know something you don’t want me to report on. I’ve got it all. I’ve got it all! There’s a lot more to come out. We haven’t moved to Romania yet! Wait til we get to Romania!


10-06-2019, 07:24 PM
Toasty Lyin Joe had much more going on then we know.


“You F*cked Up!” – EXCLUSIVE REPORT: Joe Biden Blasted Ukrainian President After Politico Report – Reveals Biden’s Role in 2016 DNC Election Interference

A Ukrainian source has revealed that former Vice President Joe Biden was furious about an article in Politico that revealed election interference and collusion between the government of Ukraine and the Democratic National Committee.

Biden let out his anger with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko on his January 15th, 2017 trip to Kiev, Ukraine, reportedly telling the foreign leader, “You fucked up! What we were working on all leaked to the press!”

This new disclosure indicates that Biden had a much more significant role in the 2016 election interference by Democrats close to Hillary Clinton than has been previously revealed.

After Biden’s outburst, Poroshenko then called in a former Ukrainian official who he believed to be a whistleblower and threatened him. The Ukrainian whistleblower was later forced to flee Ukraine, fearing for his safety.

A Kyiv Post article from January 2017 confirmed that Biden was in Ukraine shortly after the Politico article’s release and met with Poroshenko.

The Politico article Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire detailed how a longtime DNC operative named Alexandra Chalupa worked directly with the Ukrainian embassy to attempt to get dirt on then-candidate Trump in an attempt to tie him to Russia.

One of the most chilling parts of that article revealed that Chalupa had told Ukrainian officials that the Democrats planned hearings prior to the election attempting to tie Trump to Russia, months before the alleged “DNC hack” was revealed, and months before Glenn Simpson claimed he hired Christoper Steele to write the now-disgraced “Steele Dossier.”

Chalupa admitted that she was working with Ohio liberal Democrat Marcy Kaptur:

Chalupa confirmed that, a week after Manafort’s hiring was announced, she discussed the possibility of a congressional investigation with a foreign policy legislative assistant in the office of Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio), who co-chairs the Congressional Ukrainian Caucus. But, Chalupa said, “It didn’t go anywhere.”

Asked about the effort, the Kaptur legislative assistant called it a “touchy subject” in an internal email to colleagues that was accidentally forwarded to Politico.

Kaptur’s office later emailed an official statement explaining that the lawmaker is backing a bill to create an independent commission to investigate “possible outside interference in our elections.” The office added “at this time, the evidence related to this matter points to Russia, but Congresswoman Kaptur is concerned with any evidence of foreign entities interfering in our elections.”


10-06-2019, 09:47 PM
How sad, yet many would say predictable, that electing a black President would begin the downfall of our institutions.

Of course it must be noted that this is almost certainly more a result of the quality of the man rather than his skin color, but history will only remember that Obama was black.

Remind one and all that Obama was AT BEST 1/3rd African Race. He rode that horse for years,
concealing his Caucasian Mother and his Muslim roots of his father.