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View Full Version : Whats the deal with "ripped" jeans at the knee`s?

10-06-2019, 11:14 PM
Today at the supermarket I seen a thirty something lady wearing a pair of ripped jeans at the knee`s..she looked intelligent ...sane and had a full basket of groceries ..seems like she could afford a nice new pair of jeans...and she didn't seem embarrassed wearing them...or worried about looking destitute... and the grocery store was located in a very nice area...

Is it just being a fake...(like wearing a sweater tied around ones neck) back in the late eighties early 90`s?? Whats the point...what does it mean...why is it Cool or thought to be so?? Why arnt these people embarrassed?




Is it cool to be FAKE??
...Ripped jeans look stupid on absolutely anyone who wears them....Only idiots wear them...okay - some idiots with money.:cool:


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-07-2019, 06:18 AM
Today at the supermarket I seen a thirty something lady wearing a pair of ripped jeans at the knee`s..she looked intelligent ...sane and had a full basket of groceries ..seems like she could afford a nice new pair of jeans...and she didn't seem embarrassed wearing them...or worried about looking destitute... and the grocery store was located in a very nice area...

Is it just being a fake...(like wearing a sweater tied around ones neck) back in the late eighties early 90`s?? Whats the point...what does it mean...why is it Cool or thought to be so?? Why arnt these people embarrassed?




Is it cool to be FAKE??
...Ripped jeans look stupid on absolutely anyone who wears them....Only idiots wear them...okay - some idiots with money.:cool:


They think it is cool. hip and proves they are so fashionably wealthy that they can pretend to be a poor citizen that has to struggle through life..
Yes, its a liberal type insanity at play. I view it as stupidity and arrogance on display..
Yet, I myself that had to wear as a child my older brother's hand-me-down clothes, ripped jeans and shirts have the advantage of not being blinded to life and bullshit fantasy.
Also it is the look at me , just how very beautiful I am, in these ratty , torn clothes.---Tyr

10-07-2019, 08:32 AM
They think it is cool. hip and proves they are so fashionably wealthy that they can pretend to be a poor citizen that has to struggle through life..
Yes, its a liberal type insanity at play. I view it as stupidity and arrogance on display..
Yet, I myself that had to wear as a child my older brother's hand-me-down clothes, ripped jeans and shirts have the advantage of not being blinded to life and bullshit fantasy.
Also it is the look at me , just how very beautiful I am, in these ratty , torn clothes.---Tyr

Good morning brother Tyr...makes sense..liberal insanity ...Thanks for reply.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-07-2019, 08:38 AM
Good morning brother Tyr...makes sense..liberal insanity ...Thanks for reply.


That hideous picture is a perfect example of a liberal type of insanity.
People that fantasize instead of dealing with truth, reality, life and the world as it really is. ..-Tyr

10-07-2019, 08:43 AM
That hideous picture is a perfect example of a liberal type of insanity.
People that fantasize instead of dealing with truth, reality, life and the world as it really is. ..-Tyr


**Where I got the "Pic"

"An Instagram (https://uk.style.yahoo.com/tagged/instagram/?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAMGgko6GNOfHBEmZHfnY6ybso0mE u9ipKiEKA7ta6n9WF19IYBdOFO9aikr9v0vlRQFYsYeY7qFjBn sgnZxH5CvpxL-7_ngRzkEKSeS85ugjMP3k5b_HBgrRXxW1NNNPKrca7YsUzCAVH 5cZT60X-bBjKPHWR1EIyQhtSEpDR-23) star who had radical plastic surgery to look like Angelina Jolie has been arrested in Iran on blasphemy charges.
Sahar Tabar was detained on the orders of Tehran’s guidance court, which deals with “cultural crimes and social and moral corruption”, the country’s state news agency said on Saturday."

Tabar rose to prominence on Instagram last year after posting a series of images of her face altered through plastic surgery
