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View Full Version : Trump is your socialist president

10-09-2019, 07:53 AM
"President Donald Trump's boast that U.S. farms are getting billions of dollars in subsidies has been rebuked by the head of the farmers union in the country's second-bigges (https://beef2live.com/story-milk-production-ranking-state-0-111564)t dairy-producing state."

"It is absolutely ludicrous," Von Ruden said. "The majority of farmers want to get our income coming in from the marketplace, from the consumers. We don't want government handouts."


10-09-2019, 08:28 AM
Not a single thought of your own.

*yawn* petey trolling again

10-09-2019, 08:30 AM
Not a single thought of your own.

*yawn* petey trolling again

lol rich coming coming from someone who has posted hundreds of threads with nothing but source quotes

10-09-2019, 08:38 AM
lol rich coming coming from someone who has posted hundreds of threads with nothing but source quotes

Nice try, but you're wrong AGAIN. I almost always add my opinion in there about an article I am posting. Sometimes much more and a few paragraphs.

You're just showing you're my bitch, as I always point out your BS and make you look like the fool you are. Strop trolling and start contributing, and I'll let you off my bitch list.

10-09-2019, 08:44 AM
Nice try, but you're wrong AGAIN. I almost always add my opinion in there about an article I am posting. Sometimes much more and a few paragraphs.

You're just showing you're my bitch, as I always point out your BS and make you look like the fool you are. Strop trolling and start contributing, and I'll let you off my bitch list.

Just like Trump it takes 5 seconds to catch you lie.


fantastic additions there Jim, really great analysis.

10-09-2019, 09:37 AM
"President Donald Trump's boast that U.S. farms are getting billions of dollars in subsidies has been rebuked by the head of the farmers union in the country's second-bigges (https://beef2live.com/story-milk-production-ranking-state-0-111564)t dairy-producing state."

"It is absolutely ludicrous," Von Ruden said. "The majority of farmers want to get our income coming in from the marketplace, from the consumers. We don't want government handouts."


What are your thoughts on this Pete? Do you have any?

Here's my thoughts. That guy is full of shit. American farmers have been receiving subsidies for years. Decades even. The USG has at times even paid farmers to purposely not grow certain crops. But it is somehow different when Trump does it eh?


10-09-2019, 09:41 AM
What are your thoughts on this Pete? Do you have any?

Here's my thoughts. That guy is full of shit. American farmers have been receiving subsidies for years. Decades even. The USG has at times even paid farmers to purposely not grow certain crops. But it is somehow different when Trump does it eh?


You are correct, but Trump has tripled them due to the trade war and you're okay with this continued socialism?

10-09-2019, 10:20 AM
You are correct, but Trump has tripled them due to the trade war and you're okay with this continued socialism?

I'm okay with us fighting this war that we've been in with China that we haven't even done shit about until Trump however we have to.

10-09-2019, 11:37 AM
I'm okay with us fighting this war that we've been in with China that we haven't even done shit about until Trump however we have to.
Got it, you are in favor of temporary socialism

10-09-2019, 11:46 AM
Got it, you are in favor of temporary socialism

That's what countries do when faced with all-out effort.

You'd know that if you were educated beyond your socialist indoctrination.

10-09-2019, 11:46 AM
Got it, you are in favor of temporary socialism

Awesome! I presume this means that you are now a Trump supporter?

10-09-2019, 11:48 AM
Got it, you are in favor of temporary socialism

I'm not sure that giving subsidies to US farmers is socialism anyway, but as you already agreed, this isn't temporary we have been giving subsidies to farmers for decades.

10-09-2019, 11:54 AM
I'm not sure that giving subsidies to US farmers is socialism anyway, but as you already agreed, this isn't temporary we have been giving subsidies to farmers for decades.

So we're been socialist for awhile now, is that what you're saying?

10-09-2019, 12:15 PM
So we're been socialist for awhile now, is that what you're saying?

I was pretty clear that I'm not sure I would classify giving farmers subsidies as socialism. Just like when you morons try to claim that public schools are a form of socialism, not they aren't. And they don't become socialism just because you say so.

Subsidies are supposedly meant to keep a market fair and free. Not an attempt to have the government take over the production of goods.

You really should educate yourself if you're going to continue trying to debate with me.

10-09-2019, 02:33 PM
Weak..corrupt Hillary lost again....and the leftist "yes we can" wimps are still butt-hurt...
When Failed obama won and beat out the republican "loser" Roomy....Real Americans just moved on....and dealt with it!!


Bat-shit crazy!

10-09-2019, 02:39 PM
Unfortunately....petey ocasio cortex can't help it. He was born with such a Liberal, Tiny, Replacement for a brain in that VOID between his ears...Even STAR TREK used him as an example of a CLING ON with nothing but static electricity on dirty DNC, Democrat Swamp Suits....ORANGE ONES.

10-09-2019, 02:42 PM
Unfortunately....petey ocasio cortex can't help it. He was born with such a Liberal, Tiny, Replacement for a brain in that VOID between his ears...Even STAR TREK used him as an example of a CLING ON with nothing but static electricity on dirty DNC, Democrat Swamp Suits....ORANGE ONES.

Thanks for your very on topic response.