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10-11-2019, 07:33 AM
Why one can be opposed to a particular president for a myriad of reasons, yet argue that impeachment is wrong. The left is undermining itself and leaving the path clear for something they aren't anticipating-SNAFU.


10-11-2019, 07:36 AM
Good advice:

https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2019/10/11/democrats_making_a_big_mistake_by_rushing_impeachm ent__141466.html

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-11-2019, 08:40 AM
Why one can be opposed to a particular president for a myriad of reasons, yet argue that impeachment is wrong. The left is undermining itself and leaving the path clear for something they aren't anticipating-SNAFU.


Great post, great find my friend!!
A truly informative, eye opening and instructive article, IMHO.
A composition that spells out in concise points that support my main objection to the basis used to cry for impeachment--that being Trump asking a foreign leader to investigate within his nation's borders, dealings of a suspected crime engaged in by a top American politician.
As the highest law enforcement official in this nation-- how can it be a illegal offense-- to ask for evidence. He did not ask that false evidence be made up.
The dems are stirring the pot to confuse voters they think may be swayed into their camp.
Hence the reality-t his impeachment attempt is purely political- therefore it is illegal for them to carry it forth--not that they would ever suffer any meaningful consequences for doing so!
And that is the sad and dangerous rub, the one they so often depend on, as history reveals about their corrupt, power-mad, socialistic party.
A Fact..--Tyr

10-11-2019, 11:27 AM
Why one can be opposed to a particular president for a myriad of reasons, yet argue that impeachment is wrong. The left is undermining itself and leaving the path clear for something they aren't anticipating-SNAFU.


They don't care. They want complete power and worry about things that might happen later on down the line later.