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10-12-2019, 12:36 PM
Only difference here - is that the shit about her is true. Only I would say, America hating, socialist, terrorist supporting POS. And she's worked hard to earn it.


Ilhan Omar: ‘Trump Called Me an ‘America-Hating Socialist’

(CNSNews.com) - Rep. Ilhan Omar (D.-Minn.) sent out a tweet last night while President Donald Trump was holding a rally in Minneapolis noting that Trump had just called her an “America-hating socialist.”

“At his rally just now, Trump called me an ‘America-hating socialist’ and a ‘disgrace,’” Omar said in her tweet. “He shouted xenophobic conspiracy theories about me. He scolded my district for voting for me.”


She then said: “His hate is no match for our movement. Stand with me by donating now:…”

At his rally in Minneapolis, Trump did call Omar “an America-hating socialist” and “a disgrace to our country.” Here is a video and a transcript from the part of the president’s speech where he made those remarks:

“Congresswoman Omar is an America-hating socialist. She minimized the September 11th attack on our homeland, where far more than 3,000 people died, saying: Some people did something. Big deal. Some people did something. She pleaded for compassion for ISIS recruits right here in Minnesota.

“Omar laughed that Americans speak of Al Qaeda--remember that tape--speak of Al Qaeda. But when we say, but when we say something about the United States, you just don't say America with any intensity. Remember that? Representative Omar has a history of launching virulent anti-Semitic screeds, whether you like it or not.

“She said the U.S. support for Israel is all about the Benjamins. She said that pro-Israel lawmakers have an allegiance to a foreign country. Omar wrote that Israel has hypnotized the world. May Allah awaken the people and help them to see the evil doings of Israel and the United States.

“How do you have such a person representing you in Minnesota? I'm very angry at you people right now. She is a disgrace to our country.”


10-12-2019, 02:45 PM
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b28950e6ac4449ead47066078617aba7cfe2a477dc4d28ef95 3cc813149d1f98.jpg?w=480&h=427

"​...Or is that just muslim Jihad crap oozing out"?