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View Full Version : HuffPost Hammers ‘Vicious’ Trump Rally, Silent on Violent Protest

10-12-2019, 04:14 PM
So Trump tells the facts, however non-PC, and the press will do it's usual. They will pick it apart and make it sound like it was on the verge of a riot. Meanwhile, the lefties are outside basically doing just that! The media doesn't care about that and doesn't report much on it, if at all.


HuffPost Hammers ‘Vicious’ Trump Rally, Silent on Violent Protest

The day after the Trump rally in Minnesota, the tag line in The HuffPost’s “Morning Email” reads this way: “How Trump used the U.S. government to chase conspiracy theories; Plus, Trump’s vicious Thursday night rally.”

When one clicks on the link to the rally story one is taken to this article headlined: “Trump Rips Rep. Ilhan Omar As ‘Fraud’ And ‘Disgrace’ During Rally In Her District. President Donald Trump ranted against the Minnesota Democrat and vowed to prevent more Somalian refugees from entering the U.S.”

What follows in the HuffPost is an account of the “vicious” rally that curiously leaves out a key fact. This one.

Outside the event, as Fox correctly reported here, there was indeed some vicious behavior going on. But it wasn’t coming from either Trump or any of his supporters.

Here’s the headline from the quite factual Fox reporting: “Trump protest in Minneapolis erupts in pepper spray, MAGA hat fires.”

The report says what the HuffPost report blithely ignored, and I have supplied some bold print for emphasis:

“Hundreds of protesters outside President Trump’s rally in Minneapolis Thursday night set fire to Make America Great Again hats and other memorabilia in an effort to show their defiance to the current administration before police broke up the crowd, reports said.

There were reports that multiple protesters were arrested. One report indicated that protesters threw urine.

…A reporter for The Washington Post posted a video on Twitter that appeared to show a protester punch a Trump supporter in the back of the head as he left the rally. The crowd can be heard shouting “Nazi scum! Off our streets!” The video shows a Trump supporter being followed by protesters before someone calls out “There’s a Nazi over here,” prompting the attack.

The apparent Trump supporter was also slapped and pushed before eventually running to safety.

The Minneapolis Star Tribune reported that police deployed pepper spray.

Police officers on horseback and bicycles formed a protective line in front of the arena, according to The Tribune. Officers with riot batons and shields also maneuvered through the crowd of protesters. The Post captured video of one Hispanic family who wore pro-Trump clothing departing from the rally as one protester shouted ‘He hates you!’ The mother repeated ‘Mexicanos for Trump!’ as she left the scene.”

The Washington Post’s Jenna Johnson tweeted out this with the video, which Fox included in their report:

“A man in a blue jacket seemed to be leaving the Trump rally by himself when he was spotted by a protester who yelled: “There’s a Nazi over here!” A group of protesters then attacked the man, slapping and pushing him. He finally ran away.”

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/jeffrey-lord/2019/10/12/huffpost-hammers-vicious-trump-rally-silent-violent-protest

10-13-2019, 08:23 AM
Huffington Post is no better than a supermarket Checkout magazine Rag!

When I had a Yahoo account, that was their major "News" source - one sided as hell.