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View Full Version : We need a way to vote nationally to recall a member of Congress

10-14-2019, 11:47 AM
There has to start being a way for the people of this country to say "enough is enough" and get rid of member's of Congress who is not honorably discharging their duties.

I'm not talking about a "s/he isn't voting the way I think s/he should" I'm talking about serious malfeasance and the bar should be pretty high. Maybe require so many signatures from every state to even have an initiative and then require 51% of the vote in 2/3 of states before a member is recalled. That's a pretty high standard, but right now we have a system where an Adam Schiff who no one believes is credible or trustworthy has zero consequences for his actions. There is literally nothing he can do that will ever cause voters in his CA district to say "no we can't have him as our representative any more" and given that his actions and words affect my life in Arkansas, why shouldn't I have a say in whether he's allowed to remain in office simply by virtue of the voters in his District being 100% in the can for Democrats no matter what?

I'll go further and say I would have voted to recall Mitch McConnel when he refused to put Merrick Garland up for a vote on the Senate floor. I'm sick of these motherfuckers being literally above any consequences for their actions.

Would Adam Schiff be recalled by national vote? Hard to say, but at a minimum he'd have to consider the possibility before he got up and lied to the American people each time.

Time for another Amendment