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View Full Version : Presenting, your moderator - Anderson Cooper

10-15-2019, 11:12 AM
This "guy" will be your biased moderator for tonight's debate. A pathetic and disgusting partisan hack. This guy shouldn't even be employed by the MSM let alone being on the national stage. A reporter, a lead, who calls the president a pathetic loser on twitter. Hey, they don't need to like him, or really even respect him - but at least hide the fact that you're a disgusting hack pig of a person, a little bit?


Debate Moderator Anderson Cooper’s Most Biased Moments at CNN

Sophisticated Analysis

“If he [Donald Trump] took a dump on his desk, you would defend it.”
— Host Anderson Cooper to political analyst Jeffrey Lord during a discussion about President’s discussions with Russians, as aired on CNN’s AC360, May 19, 2017. Cooper later apologized.

It’s Hard for Republicans to Talk When They’re Too Busy “Teabagging”

CNN analyst David Gergen: “Republicans are pretty much in disarray....They have not yet come up with a compelling alternative, one that has gained popular recognition. So-”
Anchor Anderson Cooper: “Teabagging. They’ve got teabagging.”
Gergen: “Well, they’ve got the teabagging.... Republicans have got a way - they still haven’t found their voice, Anderson. They’re still – this happens to a minority party after it’s lost a couple of bad elections, but they’re searching for their voice.”
[B]Cooper: “It’s hard to talk when you’re teabagging.”
— CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360, April 14, 2009.
