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View Full Version : Military Leader of Syrian Kurds Thanks Trump for Cease-Fire

10-23-2019, 03:11 PM
My main concern was/is American troops lives, and that's safe first and foremost. Then good new further as well with the cease fire. All up to them if it holds or not, but no way we should be in Syria further, IMO.


Military Leader of Syrian Kurds Thanks Trump for Cease-Fire

General Mazloum Abdi, the pre-eminent military leader of the Syrian Kurds, thanked President Donald Trump on Wednesday for his efforts in stopping a Turkish offensive and negotiating a cease-fire.

General Mazloum, who leads the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), issued his statement shortly after the president announced the U.S. was lifting economic sanctions on Turkey in return for its commitment to a “permanent” cease-fire.

That commitment had been announced the day before, when Russia and Turkey agreed to joint patrols within 10 km of the Syria-Turkey border, and the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) agreed to withdraw 30 km south of the border.


General Mazloum’s statement was announced via Twitter by Mustafa Bali, a spokesperson for the SDF.


President Trump reciprocated soon afterwards:


Trump hailed the new arrangement on Wednesday, declaring that the U.S. was “willing to take blame and we’re also willing to take credit” for the new cease-fire.

“We are achieving a much more peaceful and stable area between turkey and syria, including a 20-mile wide safe zone,” he said.

The president added: “Turkey, Syria, and all forms of the Kurds have been fighting for centuries. we have done them a great service and we have done a great job for all of them. And now we’re getting out. … Let someone else fight over this long blood-stained sand.”

He added that he had spoken with General Mazloum, who thanked him and assured him that members of the so-called Islamic State (ISIS) would remain in prison.

The new arrangement had been accomplished, Trump noted, “without spilling American blood.

“After all of the precious blood and treasure America has poured into the deserts of the Middle East, I am committed to pursuing a different course, one that leads to victory for America,” he said.


10-23-2019, 03:27 PM
I actually agree with Jim’s opening statement for the most part. My feelings on the Kurdish leader’s statement are probably different, as I think it’s the case of hoping that down the road help may come, likely without basis.

I think this this was a huge mistake, but it’s done.

I still wonder about the president’s repeated reassurance regarding oil.

10-23-2019, 04:36 PM
Agree with your opening statement also Jimmy...But..These people are born to fight one another...In never ending wars....

We and Russia (since we both fought these people on that side of the world) could of ended any of the wars instantly by Nuking them but it wouldn't have been Politically correct...even Russia knew that....so the best thing to do is leave...and keep a few Troops there for the oil fields and have an eye on Iran of course....

Let them keep fighting each other and realize we cant be the worlds policemen . Just cause were not "there" physically...dont mean were not there ...we have eyes and ears....

**TRUMP did Good! Thank God for Donald Trump!


10-24-2019, 04:29 PM
Anyone remember when Bush went after Saddam in the 2nd Gulf war, and everybody who opposed him said...(Liberals) "It's for the Oil"?

Would anyone like to tell us now? How much of IRAQ's OIL did BUSH get?

And, today. Since the U.S.A. is finally ENERGY INDEPENDENT...meaning we don't depend on Foreign Oil anymore. Why Would SYRIA be for OIL...as suggested?

HATRED is everywhere, and it accompanies STUPIDITY, IGNORANCE, and downright DUMB.

10-24-2019, 06:21 PM
Anyone remember when Bush went after Saddam in the 2nd Gulf war, and everybody who opposed him said...(Liberals) "It's for the Oil"?

Would anyone like to tell us now? How much of IRAQ's OIL did BUSH get?

And, today. Since the U.S.A. is finally ENERGY INDEPENDENT...meaning we don't depend on Foreign Oil anymore. Why Would SYRIA be for OIL...as suggested?

HATRED is everywhere, and it accompanies STUPIDITY, IGNORANCE, and downright DUMB.

It is one-track thinking. liberals were wrong about GHWB, and wrong about GWB.
As my Grandma said, they (liberals) don't have the sense God gave a goose.