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View Full Version : Democrats kept in dark about Baghdadi

10-28-2019, 11:04 AM
And now folks are whining. WAAAaaaaaaAAAAAAAaaaa. He owes them NOTHING and that's exactly what they should have got and did get. After all they have done since prior to the election and since, and they expect Trump to extend courtesy to them F that. He responded just as I would!! I love it!!


Donald Trump: Adam Schiff ‘Biggest Leaker in Washington’

President Donald Trump responded Monday to criticism he did not share details of the weekend military raid against Islamic State terrorist leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi with Democrats.

“The answer is because I think that Adam Schiff is the biggest leaker in Washington,” Trump told reporters. “You know that I know that, we all know that.”

Trump said that Schiff, the House Intelligence Chairman, could not be trusted with classified information.

“I’ve watched Adam Schiff leak, he’s a corrupt politician he’s a leaker like nobody’s ever seen before,” Trump said.

The president spoke to reporters at Andrews Air Force Base before departing for Chicago, where he is scheduled to address the International Association of Chiefs of Police conference.

Trump emphasized Sunday he did not inform Democrats about the raid because he was concerned about the safety of the troops.

“Washington is a leaking machine and I told my people we will not notify them until our great people are out,” he said. “Not just in, but out.”

Trump again criticized the Democrat impeachment inquiry, arguing the details of the case mattered more than the secretive process conducted by Schiff.

“I’d rather go the details of the case rather than process,” he said. “Process is good but I think you ought to look at the case.”

He emphasized the first and second “whistleblowers” created a “false narrative” about his call with Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

“When I released the conversation, I blew up Schiff’s act,” he said.


10-28-2019, 11:30 AM
And now folks are whining. WAAAaaaaaaAAAAAAAaaaa. He owes them NOTHING and that's exactly what they should have got and did get. After all they have done since prior to the election and since, and they expect Trump to extend courtesy to them F that. He responded just as I would!! I love it!!


Donald Trump: Adam Schiff ‘Biggest Leaker in Washington’

President Donald Trump responded Monday to criticism he did not share details of the weekend military raid against Islamic State terrorist leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi with Democrats.

“The answer is because I think that Adam Schiff is the biggest leaker in Washington,” Trump told reporters. “You know that I know that, we all know that.”

Trump said that Schiff, the House Intelligence Chairman, could not be trusted with classified information.

“I’ve watched Adam Schiff leak, he’s a corrupt politician he’s a leaker like nobody’s ever seen before,” Trump said.

The president spoke to reporters at Andrews Air Force Base before departing for Chicago, where he is scheduled to address the International Association of Chiefs of Police conference.

Trump emphasized Sunday he did not inform Democrats about the raid because he was concerned about the safety of the troops.

“Washington is a leaking machine and I told my people we will not notify them until our great people are out,” he said. “Not just in, but out.”

Trump again criticized the Democrat impeachment inquiry, arguing the details of the case mattered more than the secretive process conducted by Schiff.

“I’d rather go the details of the case rather than process,” he said. “Process is good but I think you ought to look at the case.”

He emphasized the first and second “whistleblowers” created a “false narrative” about his call with Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

“When I released the conversation, I blew up Schiff’s act,” he said.


Sadly, I wouldnt have put it past the piece of shit Democrats to leak something like this just to keep Trump from getting the credit that goes with getting a terrorist like that .

10-28-2019, 11:59 AM
Sadly, I wouldnt have put it past the piece of shit Democrats to leak something like this just to keep Trump from getting the credit that goes with getting a terrorist like that .

Fact is, this DOES also help him politically, as I seriously doubt this man would be dead if Dems were in charge.

So what would they be capable of? I wouldn't want to know. They are outright corrupt, IMO. In such a confidential and life endangering mission, only those 100% needing to know should be involved. Ya tell them Democrats and CNN would be on air discussing an impending raid. :(

10-28-2019, 12:19 PM
Wise to keep them in the dark until the operation was complete.

They run their mouths for the sensation. Even the worm Obama was tight-lipped about the Bin Laden raid.
So what is the difference if Trump kept this raid silent until finished?

The only worse scenario was the Benghazi debacle, which Obama ignored and H Clinton publicly called it a reaction to a video,
but told her daughter it was a terrorist attack. Farkin' fat-assed liar HRC is.

Difference is politics and hate.

10-28-2019, 03:01 PM
Obama didn't want to upset his Muslim Brotherhood Staff by taking out somebody who Loved, and Appreciated Obama so much.

We now have a President who GETS THINGS DONE....then talks about it.

Telling Pelosi, or anyone in the Democrat Congress would almost certainly become a BREECH of Security,and SCHIFF would find a camera, and microphone to Cut the President down...while ANNOUNCING TO "Baghdadi"...."hey....look out we're coming for you!"


10-29-2019, 07:56 AM
Obama didn't want to upset his Muslim Brotherhood Staff by taking out somebody who Loved, and Appreciated Obama so much.

We now have a President who GETS THINGS DONE....then talks about it.

Telling Pelosi, or anyone in the Democrat Congress would almost certainly become a BREECH of Security,and SCHIFF would find a camera, and microphone to Cut the President down...while ANNOUNCING TO "Baghdadi"...."hey....look out we're coming for you!"


Um, you do realize Obama killed tons of Muslims don't you? Including, by the way a guy named Bin Laden. Obama was a terrible President, but not because he wasn't killing Muslims.

10-29-2019, 07:35 PM
And now folks are whining. WAAAaaaaaaAAAAAAAaaaa. He owes them NOTHING and that's exactly what they should have got and did get. After all they have done since prior to the election and since, and they expect Trump to extend courtesy to them F that. He responded just as I would!! I love it!!


Donald Trump: Adam Schiff ‘Biggest Leaker in Washington’

President Donald Trump responded Monday to criticism he did not share details of the weekend military raid against Islamic State terrorist leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi with Democrats.

“The answer is because I think that Adam Schiff is the biggest leaker in Washington,” Trump told reporters. “You know that I know that, we all know that.”

Trump said that Schiff, the House Intelligence Chairman, could not be trusted with classified information.

“I’ve watched Adam Schiff leak, he’s a corrupt politician he’s a leaker like nobody’s ever seen before,” Trump said.

The president spoke to reporters at Andrews Air Force Base before departing for Chicago, where he is scheduled to address the International Association of Chiefs of Police conference.

Trump emphasized Sunday he did not inform Democrats about the raid because he was concerned about the safety of the troops.

“Washington is a leaking machine and I told my people we will not notify them until our great people are out,” he said. “Not just in, but out.”

Trump again criticized the Democrat impeachment inquiry, arguing the details of the case mattered more than the secretive process conducted by Schiff.

“I’d rather go the details of the case rather than process,” he said. “Process is good but I think you ought to look at the case.”

He emphasized the first and second “whistleblowers” created a “false narrative” about his call with Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

“When I released the conversation, I blew up Schiff’s act,” he said.

https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/10/28/donald-trump-adam-schiff-biggest-leaker-in-washington/Good for Trump. Finally, something I can understand. Not to mention I think it's funny as Hell :laugh:

10-29-2019, 08:43 PM
Um, you do realize Obama killed tons of Muslims don't you? Including, by the way a guy named Bin Laden. Obama was a terrible President, but not because he wasn't killing Muslims.

Obama did everything half - ass.... had the (USA`S) >Military's hands mostly tied....and its military weakened...Ya...obama allowed the Americans to kill a few muslims with one hand and the other hand was helping the muslims...by putting restrictions on `Americas Military`.. feeding Iran Money...and was not a friend to Israel...a big help to muslim terrorists...

10-29-2019, 08:44 PM
Good for Trump. Finally, something I can understand. Not to mention I think it's funny as Hell :laugh:


Surf Fishing Guru
10-30-2019, 12:42 AM



Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-30-2019, 02:41 PM
Obama did everything half - ass.... had the (USA`S) >Military's hands mostly tied....and its military weakened...Ya...obama allowed the Americans to kill a few muslims with one hand and the other hand was helping the muslims...by putting restrictions on `Americas Military`.. feeding Iran Money...and was not a friend to Israel...a big help to muslim terrorists...
The obama did as much as he thought he could get by with , to weaken this nation, to weaken our military.
Anybody this is not aware of that very glaring and treasonous fact is, I think is a truly uninformed person.. -Tyr

10-30-2019, 03:15 PM
Obama did everything half - ass.... had the (USA`S) >Military's hands mostly tied....and its military weakened...Ya...obama allowed the Americans to kill a few muslims with one hand and the other hand was helping the muslims...by putting restrictions on `Americas Military`.. feeding Iran Money...and was not a friend to Israel...a big help to muslim terrorists...

One thing Obama did not do half assed was use drones to attack Muslims. He loved droning Muslim villages.