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View Full Version : Pompeo: Obama/Biden must answer about Ukraine

10-31-2019, 08:57 AM
I agree 10,000%. What they did and whatever happened in TOTAL, needs to be investigated, and will bring Trump's goals further into context. Dems started the Ukraine and Trump was gonna finish that...


Pompeo Raises Possibility Obama Didn’t Give Weapons to Ukraine Because of Hunter Biden

On Wednesday’s broadcast of Fox News Channel’s “The Story,” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo suggested there was a reason why the Obama administration “didn’t give defensive weapons systems to Ukraine.”

One possibility he raised was tied to Hunter Biden, son of 2020 Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden.

Pompeo said, “We’re now reporting on leaks from Democrats who have a mission set here to take down President Trump. What I know is I was on the call, I listened to the call. I thought the way the president handled it was appropriate. We were incredibly focused on a couple of simple things with respect to Ukraine strategy. We’ve executed on that.”

He continued, “This is the administration that provided defensive weapon systems to Ukraine. I couldn’t tell you why. I couldn’t answer if it’s because of Hunter Biden that Barack Obama and Vice President Biden didn’t give defensive weapons systems to Ukraine. They’ll have to answer for that. Maybe I just don’t have the full story.”

He added, “My understanding is that every one of these individuals had the same Ukrainian policy that President Trump had. This is a Ukraine policy that wanted to provide javelin weapon systems. We did that. This is Ukraine policy that wanted to ensure Mr. Zelensky had resources he needed to push back against corruption we all know has existed in Ukraine. I actually think the policy every one of my officials was trying to achieve is the same one President Trump and I were trying to get the outcome on.”


10-31-2019, 09:06 AM
I hope this fully unravels and brings the involved parties to the bench.

All of them. Even that liar Obama.

10-31-2019, 10:15 AM
Obama has already answered. He's severed all ties with Biden. And if questioned he will be all " I had no idea what Joe was doing, as soon as I found out I cut ties"